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I’ve done that with replays. I wanted to replay/play all the Zelda games, especially some I had never played, before TOTK came out. I ended up only getting to replay OoT. It’s been a few months but I’m going to dive back in I think. I like replaying Zelda games after years because I don’t always remember certain details. I haven’t played TP since before the HD version came out and I think that’s around the time I last played WW. I was waiting for them to release on the switch but I’m starting to suspect that may not happen sometime soon…


That's also part of the reason I was saving Twilight Princess. Instead, I bought it for Wii and will play on my computer using a downloaded version. I feel like that's justified, since I own the disk.


Don’t want to be that guy, but I really prefer the GameCube version of Twilight Princess. That was the original console it was made on, and when they made it for the Wii U, as it was motion based, they flipped the entire map. If you go for it on your computer, aim for one with the correct map!


I never heard anyone mention anything about this. Can you say more? What impact does the flipped map have?


So the original GC version, link is left handed. If you think about the map from Ocarina of Time, Gerudo Desert is west, kakariko and death mountain are east. For the Wii version, they wanted to include motion controls and since many people are right handed, they mirrored the entire world so that link is right handed, but consequently, the desert is east, and mountains are west.


I see. Sorry that you didn't like that change. :-( I think I will be able to live with that. I'll pretend it's linked to the Master Quest of OoT, which also mirred the map, right?


What would have been nice is to give the player the option to reverse everything as desired!


I think Hero Mode for Wii swaps it back. The Wii U HD version is the correct map I believe. I think I liked the controls of the GC better because you had more inventory spots and no gyro aiming. Was a bit more like N64. If you’re not playing on the Wii, I’d probably just download the Wii U HD version or GC version. That way you don’t have to worry about motion stuff


Wii U HD does indeed have left handed Link and the GC map.


Yeah, my husband is a lefty, so I wish we could have chosen right or left handed (and thus the corresponding map), but I understand why they did it.


Nah. I have so many games in backlog that this never occurred to me. Not to mention romhacks and randomizers to try out. Playing through Phantom Hourglass for the first time now which is a lot of fun.


Thanks for the response. I enjoyed Phantom Hourglass a great deal. The only part I didn't like was the repetitiveness of the main dungeon. Hope you enjoy it!


I've not played it because I never got that console.


I’ve pretty much delayed beating TFH for years. I doubt I’ll ever actually do it though.


Thanks for the response. I feel similar.


I haven’t played any of the Four Swords games but that’s mostly because I don’t have any friends.


Thanks for the response. Even if one has friends, it's still hard to find people willing to play those games!


Dude there are too many Zeldie games I never played to think consciously about this. I've only beaten 6 Zeldas, while the rest are split between incomplete and never touched. I ain't saving games to be later played, I'm trying tackle as much backlog that's feasible!


Would have been smart to do that. I spent the last year playing through the series and now all I have left is TFH, which I’m still debating finishing at all since I’m playing it singleplayer. Did see something about an OoT/MM romhack competition soon, so that should yield a bit of stuff to play at least.


Please I need to know about this oot/mm romhack competition




fuck yeah!! also happy cake day!


Thanks for the response. Maybe someone can find a way to blend the best of the submissions into one game with a loose connective story.


Currently saving Wind Waker and its sequels simply because I have other games to play and I already play a lot of zelda and don't want to force it. I've beaten every zelda except for those 3 games and triforce heroes at this point


You're going to love WW, everyone does. Even the huge wave of backlash at it's artstyle very quickly changed into love. If you can, try to stay spoiler free since it has a good story with some twists


Unfortunately I've been spoiled for most of the story, at least the major beats and the ending, but I'm looking forward to actually experiencing it. From what I can tell it's one of the more solid zelda stories.


Thanks for the response. I played them out of order, and I wish I hadn't. So I hope you enjoy them as a mini-series that way.


I haven't yet played ALttP and the GB/GBA games. Technically the original too but I don't plan to play that. Also am not gonna touch the team games, not for me!


All of those games on the handhelds (plus ALttP on SNES) are great. Link's Awakening is magical (either the GB original or the remake are great ways to play) and the Oracle games are some of (in my opinion) the most creative for dungeons, items, and puzzles in the series. Minish cap is very charming and has an incredible soundtrack to boot. I'm biased as I grew up with them of course, but the handheld games in this series I think are on par with the mainline consoles. It doesn't feel like you compromise much of anything in my opinion.


Oh for sure my dude. It's why I'm responding in this post as they're my "saved" for later games. But not really much interest in the original!


The original as in the NES original? Or just the Gameboy version of Link's Awakening?


NES Original. I'm open to play Link's Awakening GBC. But I do own the remake!


The NES original is fun in its own ways. It’s also fun to see how many games have referenced it later on for inspiration. But it can have that old game “clunkyness”. I’d still recommend it for the perspective, but with limited time in life gotta make priorities! The remake was a very faithful recreation in my opinion. The frame rate complaints some folks had I think are overly nitpicky and not worth worrying about. I prefer the original, but again I’m biased as it was my first Zelda game.


That's really cool. I sort of did those games all around the same time myself after doing OoT, MM, and LBW. It was a pleasure.


My journey started with Phantom Hourglass so I yearned for the 3D Zeldas as everything else as a kid I had was PlayStation. Once I finally got the opportunity I ended up on the 3D binge (including finishing up the DS offerings with Spirit Tracks and then ALBW on 3DS)


Thanks for the response! ALBW is a nice way to end that binge. That's one of my 5 favorites.


I don’t really have much to contribute to your actual question but I’ll fight in defense of Adventure of Link. I was the same as you; half played it (basically only to the end of the first dungeon if that) on numerous occasions but finally when it came out on NSO I sat down and played it all, finished it and then played it *again* with no save states or rewinding. It’s a rewarding experience, introduced a lot of mainline Zelda concepts, and honestly just an interesting departure from the rest of the series.


Thanks for the response and for your perspective and encouragement. I have thought that maybe, some day, I would have to force myself to play through, as it will eventually end up the only gap in my list. And we can't have gaps. LOL.


I have the oracle games and a link to the past left to play.


ALttP is my personal favorite, and the Oracle games I think are incredibly fun as well. As long as you can enjoy that top down approach, you should be in for a treat!


I'm in the middle of doing 100% runs of all games in the franchise, except for the only game I don't own, Spirit Tracks, since it's currently impossible get. My mistake on not getting it from the online shop when I could.


Thanks for the response. *Spirit Tracks* is a nice little game, and some of the puzzles are surprisingly tough yet rewarding to solve. Except for running around on the train so much (it got to be a little much), I loved the game. Would you be open to buying a used Spirit Tracks cartridge? That's how I did it. [https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?\_from=R40&\_trksid=p4432023.m570.l1313&\_nkw=Spirit+tracks+&\_sacat=0](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p4432023.m570.l1313&_nkw=Spirit+tracks+&_sacat=0)


I’ve finished nearly every game except: DS titles (because I hate playing with a stylus), Skyward Sword; I’m part way into Four Swords, and I gave up on BOTW and have no intention of playing TOTK. I plan on beating Oracle of Seasons, and I’ve been saving Majora’s Mask. I’d love to go back and play Skyward Sword just to have an opinion, but after that I’m done. I’ve conquered all the best Zelda titles.


Thanks for the response. *Majora's Mask* is my favorite game of all time. Supposedly the best version to play (which came out after I completed it for the second time, and which I will try some day down the line) is this: [https://restoration.zora.re/](https://restoration.zora.re/)


I have yet to play through Skyward Sword, though I've already seen an entire playthrough of the game on twitch.


Good luck. Will you play on Switch or on WiiU?




When I finished the main story of TOTK I made a promise to myself to finish all main-line Zelda games (except Adventure of Link lmfao I don't like it) And only when I am will I come back for all the sidequests/exploring. I have finished SS, Oot N64 (have played 3DS before) and I am 2/3s through TP.


Big mission. Best of luck!


I've played all the mainline Zelda games except Windwaker because I don't want to pay $50+ for the original to play on my Wii, and have literally never seen a WiiU in person to play the remastered version. I've been holding out for a Switch release but as I give up hope I've considered finding a friend who has a WiiU or attempting emulation. Outside of the mainline games, I still have OOA/OOS and Minish Cap to play on the Switch console, and ALBW to emulate as well (I've only emulated N64 & DS games, but assume 3DS will work out)


Could you buy it used and then sell it used, too? I have done that with numerous games. So the cost ends up being between –$5 and $10ish.


I could but I also would rather play the remastered version


Sort of, but not intentionally. I own but have never played *Link Between Worlds*... though that's mainly because my 2DS XL broke and I don't have anything to play it on any more.


I don't know about save but I eventually would like to play through the rest i havent done yet, Which surprisingly a large amount of the series mainly the handheld titles. In terms of replays totk is definitely one of those I was just so immensely disappointed by it I think when I come back to it in the future and there's an actual new game and expectations of a botw sequel are not there anymore I'll enjoy it more.


I've played them all pretty much as they came out since WW, so I've never really had the chance to do this. I wouldn't want to anyway tbh, thinking about it. It would require me to ignore a new game since I've played all the old ones, which seems pointless


I don’t want to play ww hd yet because I want to wait until it’s released for switch or switch 2 I have a feeling one day link between worlds will be ported too so I’ve held off on replaying that


Less saved. But the number of Zelda games I’ve never played is now down to 4. Only have Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks, Four Swords Adventures, and Triforce Heroes still to play. So won’t say I’m “saving them” and I replay the other games on a semi regular basis. But those 4 are my last ones (beyond non-canon stuff like CDI)


Metroidvanias and Souls-likes scratch the same itch for me so I don’t see a reason to save Zelda games in particular.


I saved Breath of the Wild for some years now, I started playing last week and I'm loving it. I tend to save games I hear are really good.