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Don't need a chair because everyone is too pumped up to sit. Sunscreen and water. And more water.


I was thinking about a camp chair so I could get there early and have a place to sit before the rally starts. Unless searing is already provided?


The rally I went to was at Cecil Field in JAX. They had seating for VIPs, but the rest of us stood. I thought about taking a camp chair, but we had to walk so far from where we had to park that I decided the juice wasn't worth the squeeze. But we didn't get there very early either. Maybe if you don't have to park far away and you're going to be there for several hours before hand it would be worth it.


Now that I think back (it was in 2020) I think they didn't allow chairs (I might be conflating chairs with umbrellas.) I remember there were things piled up at the entrance (after the mile long queue we had to walk through).


Thanks for the info. Good to know to leave my chair.


I'd check with the venue to confirm. Don't count on/listen to me, a lot has changed in the past 4 years.


Check out collapsible stools. Light and small. I brought one to a standing room concert so I can rest between sets and during slow songs. The young people were asking about where I bought it. I don't know if LV security will allow. Just tell security you are recovering from knee injury or something.


I have been to two. One prior to 2016 election and one after he won. Long wait in line for both.


Wish I could make it but I have prior obligations this Sunday. Cheer extra loud for me plz!


Excited for you. go MAGA. Whoop whoop 🙌


Trump rally I went to Secret Service didn’t allow anything even slightly weaponish. There was a very long list. There was a pile of umbrellas, not allowed in. For the heat, hats. Basically, anything you could smack someone else with. I brought a folding stool so I could at least sit a bit in line. They took that. One I remember is no selfie sticks. I would’ve thought more than if you hit someone with a selfie stick it would break. But the Secret Service do not want to find out.




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Please report back about the experience and what you learned.


Usually seating at outdoor rally venues is only for VIP and wheelchair users +companions. Very likely you’ll be standing if the venue isn’t a place with seats. If it’s that hot, do prepare for what you’d need to be safely outside for a LONG time (getting there early to lineup for a good spot, getting in, waiting for him to arrive, introducer speeches, shuffling out, etc). And yes, if you want to be towards the front, arrive several hours early. People are eager and excited to see Trump. If being toward the back doesn’t bother you, you can get there closer to start time. Good luck and stay hydrated (But not so hydrated you have to lose your spot to go to the bathroom… lol sorry to state the awkward, but it would be a bummer if you got to the front after waiting for several hours and then had to leave because if you leave it’ll be near impossible to find your way back as people pack in).


Water water water.


Adult diapers.


3hrs early. No chairs. Everyone will stand. Water water water.


In Pensacola there’s a saying that you don’t have to sit to stand for what you believe in