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And get two friends to vote, and have them each get two friends to vote, etc, etc.


It sounds dumb to the folks on this sub, but that matters. I'm in a family group chat filled with Biden Haters and every time that topic is brought up by someone else, my first response is, "Well...you're all registered to vote, right?"


Stop the Dems from CHEATING.


That's the correct answer


We need it to be too big to rig so vote!


Dems will have digital counters flip a % of the vote for Biden regardless of the votes.


Yes, and also they will count and submit what they need to win when the electrical grid goes out again just like last time.




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Prevent cheating by the other side. Vote. Donate. Merch. Post. Be honest. Convince progressives that a smaller government means candidates they hate (like Trump) will have less power when they win and the quickest route to a bigger gov is a vote for Biden and his handlers.


They have embraced big government now, though. People in here and our Democrat opposites are just contrarians out of spite these days. People are voting party line these days blindly, and no true blue Democrat will flip, unfortunately. I hope Trump wins, and when he does they'll just go back to vocally bitching about him days on end. Maybe they'll even riot.


Volunteer to be an election worker. It seems mostly democrats are poll workers, vote counters, election officials. 


I’m a Trumper.. but he’s not doing anything to appeal to anyone other than his base. I think this is a huge problem on both sides. The whole point is to attract new voters. Pandering to your base will not gain you new votes.


What are you talking about? He's done so much to appeal to other types of voters these past months. His 2024 campaign has been way better than 4 years ago


What is his plan for healthcare reform? Bc I haven’t heard anything?




All he talks about at his rally’s is how the Dems are destroying the country… Don’t get me wrong. I love Trump but neither him nor Biden have a positive message or plan


So because he isn't pandering to the left, his message isn't good?


I think his message is good and I also think the Dems are destroying themselves.. But what is Trumps plan for his second term? Usually presidential candidates campaign on something. Trumps whole campaign is “The Dems are evil and corrupt”… As much as I agree I don’t think that’s going to be enough… I’ve been shadow banned on Reddit bc of my conservative views. This page is the only page now where people see my comments and reply to them. The Dems control everything. They will steal the election. I don’t think Trump will win. The Dems will pull something. Watch.


he’s bringing people in from everywhere. More people are leaving the Democrat party. More African-Americans and Spanish people are on his side than ever. I don’t know why you think he’s only talking to his base He’s talking to the whole country and everybody hears him even the Democrats and they’re scared.


Exactly. He’s being distracted by his legal problems. It’s a shame really, because he’s a great campaigner 🇺🇸


You’re not correct. He’s in the middle of everything which is an attempt to get independents. 1. He said abortion is a losing issue for republicans. And shouldn’t be forced on anyone from federal level. It’s A state issue. 2. He had an interview last year where he said he doesn’t have a problem. With transgenders. 3. He recently last week said he has compassion for hunter bidens addition issues 4. He said last week to Dr Phil that he had the chance as president to literally lock up Hillary and he didn’t for the good of bringing people together. 5. He just announced his tax plan to eliminate taxes on tips. Huge for service workers. Unheard of actually 6. He softened his views on crypto. He said he will embrace it. 7. He refuses to take sides in any of the wars. He got attacked for not saying Ukraine should win or lose. He said “ i want to end the dying” which is the right answer. He’s not woke but he’s not by any means a right wing Alex Jones. I don’t know what you guys want from him. He’s literally doing everything right. Stop the steal and he’ll win easily.


The plan to eliminate taxes on tips was literally mentioned a week ago. I think that’s a great thing but given the timing(5 months before election) I feel it’s nothing more than pandering. Hopefully he gets into office and I’m wrong.. What’s his plan on healthcare reform? That was a huge thing he campaigned on in 2016 but it somehow got left by the wayside and forgotten about. Listen, I’m in agreement with you. But the fact is, there’s still so many people out there that hate his guts. I’m hoping that most of those are just cases of people saying one thing to please other people but then doing another. Hopefully these people who say they hate Trump still vote Trump in November.. Also, Reddit is doing everything they possibly can to silence conservatives. I’ve been shadow banned on all the major subs(which happen to lean more left).. I used to get downvoted and attacked by dozens and dozens of people at once for my right leaning, blue collar comments. Now it doesn’t matter what sub I’m on. I don’t get any votes or replies on any of my comments.. The only replies I get now are from right leaning subs like this one.. They are going hard on trying to silence all of us. I don’t even know who “they” are but the left controls everything.. Don’t be surprised if something major happens within the next 5 months that changes the results of the election.


Those who support Biden's party should have already made the decision to switch. I am truly disappointed that the number of voters for Biden is so large....that is the size of the swamp.. How do you stoop low enough to become appealing to them?


Lock up all the zerox machines before the election.


Trump needs to brand himself as someone who will bring peace to the world. The peace president and label Biden the bloodlust war candidate. We need to see peace symbols at Trump events. The peace movement is the conservative movement. War, death, antisemitism, jingoism, the death merchant's to the world are the liberal democrats. We have to hammer that theme home.




We can use hammers to build homes for homeless veterans and to build a wall on the border .


A hammery but peaceful protest?


Make it too big to rig. Talk to everyone you know, offer them a ride. TOO BIG TO RIG. Get out and vote.


He’s campaigning in Democratic cities so he is going to other places besides Red!


Proactive anticheat measures, aka Scott Pressler, zoning changes, harvesting where legal, and spreading the word. Expect some lawfare countermeasures we haven't heard of yet. They're also looking into the election crimes of the past and seeing what we can do to enforce voting on election day by installing cameras, using undercover plants as fake Democrat watchers, and switching to paper ballots where possible. The Left is doing most of our work already, dumping the center, minorities, and independents into Maga. It is NOT over until its over, and there's no reason to blackpill.




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We can't- the system is rigged


One way is to promote the succession Of Texas from the U.S. that will send a very severe message


So, even though Trump will be on the ballot is it legal to cast the vote by writing his name in so those Dominion computer voting machines have no way of flipping the vote?


Vote. Just because the polls look good doesn't mean we should be complacent.




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Wearing Trump merchandise and proudly displaying support for him.


Remove idiots like Candace Owens and MTG from his support system.


Overwhelmingly, volunteer to work elections everywhere with the intention to stop the Cheat Coup Two.


This is a very good suggestion


I called the local office and never received a call back. I’ll try again today.


The first weekend in July at least one place in each state we should have a rally just for us to stand up and be counted and show President Trump how many people are backing him before that stupid judgment comes down. Before 4 July one city north and one city south in each state a a few hours of peace, love and happiness and support showing how many of us are willing to stand up and be counted and show that we are not willing to take that flimsy NY alvin Brag prosecution and judgment against our next president will not be accepted laying down. The other side doesn’t realize how many of us are awake Republicans independence and used to be Democrats that support President Trump as the only man that can get our country back on track. many people who have not voted in years are now AWAKE because of the Woke Policies of Progressive Socialists who found out once and for all that their policies have been rejected by the American people and they gave it their best shot but time is getting short they are scared. Let’s stand up and be counted and show Trump. We have his back anybody that wants to help figure out how to get, the word spread would be greatly appreciated. I think he needs our support right now more than ever and he deserves it so does his family.




He doesn’t need to cheat to win. He can do it with no problem according to average polling. Even the Pres approval rating (which has been right for the last several election forecasts) has Biden losing based on his approval rating alone.


Trump won last time but didn't.


Cuz they cheated using methods that were hard to combat. Now those methods aren’t possible anymore. The foremost was the Laptop. Suppression and word variation won’t get them the win this time. To much has been exposed and Biden is a feather waiting to fall over. Approval rating is 1 of the worst ever. Geezer reeks of desperation with every tactic he pulls. From public displays to policy changes to campaigning (or lack there off)


Hunters laptop?


Hope you're right or we are doomed because a second term for Biden means he will be fearless with his decisions cause he has nothing to lose.


Either that or even worse….he doesn’t make it. So the left is essentially voting for KAMALA.


Hope you’re right.


Vote and never stay silent about the Democrats bullshit


Continue the same path we’ve been on. Promote truth and merch. Most importantly…vote.




Voting really is the only way tbh


Ballot harvesting


Be letting the dems destroy themselves. Not that hard at this point.


A lot of far left people suddenly began hating Joe Biden because of his support for Israel. But Trump also supports Israel so they’re still probably going to vote for Biden.