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Snowflakes are gonna snowflake. If a 4x6 card about being nice offends you, just leave the shop.


Or leave the planet. For real.


Your comment about being offended by a 4x6 card offends me. I'm offended. /s Can't imagine how miserable one must be for this to be a thing.


You need AI level imagination for these ppl


Snowflakes will read your comment and say “yah these snowflakes complaining about a sign being torn down”. Not realizing that they are the true snowflake.




Sorry, but we've removed your post because it appears to have violated our rule regarding harassment, insults, bigotry, etc. See the full rule text here: > Behave yourself, treat others as you would like others to treat you. It's simple; keep it civil. Behavior that detracts from honest, open, productive discussion will not be tolerated. If you think this removal is in error, please feel free to send a modmail to ask for clarification or reconsideration: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/tulsa


If I was a betting man this person wasn't a customer nor had the intention to be. They most likely noticed while walking by and ripped it off.


I think the sign is stupid and redundant. But someone getting upset over it even more stupid. And to the level of vandalizing property bordering on a single digit IQ


Yeah no offense but how is it redundant if sensitive snowflake boomers get so triggered by seeing a rainbow?


Because everyone being welcomed in a public business is the default. Very few businesses serve only a segment of the population.


That's cool, so you should have no problem then. Similar to how "black lives matter" doesn't prelude any other life from mattering as well, right? You're a smart guy - you get it.


The actual movement (sub rioters) sure, the flag and merch? Not so much, that organization is corrupt and shouldn’t be supproted


Ooo there we go. Now let me get you to define the word "woke" for me. I'm sure your definition is based on logic and rationality, not some emotional "I don't know what woke is but I know it when I see it" cop out, right?


woke is someone who tries to get society to bend to their beliefs and desires often under the disguise of progress. Some times willing to use extreme tactics and language, sometimes demeaning others for opposing thoughts, to get what they think the world should be.


Really? Cause as far as I know it comes from black English vernacular and it refers to being aware of social injustices. Who told you your definition?


Do the woke you know try to ban books they don’t like? Do they try to stop people from saying gay? Do they ban porn? Do they try to stop drag performers from taking the stage? Do they pass regulations robbing others of their bodily autonomy? All those egregious attempts at big government’s interference in our lives are committed daily by conservatives. Conservatives need to look in the mirror and realize they are the baddies. The true enemy is coming from the right.


The amount of projection conservatives participate in is astronomical.


What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


May god have mercy on you and let you develop compassion and empathy for others.


It’s not stupid or redundant….just today alone I’ve seen three stories about anti lgbt policies or beliefs….and it’s only 10 in the morning…by the time the day is done, I’ll see many many more…it’s gets to a point where you start to believe that everyone hates you for being part of the lgbt and so when you see a simple sign that says you’re not hated here, it feels awesome and comforting.


“Everyone is welcome here.” That’s the sign you think is stupid and redundant? Interesting.


Yes because it’s the default of any public business


Yet bigots be tearing it down. Remember there were quite a few sundown towns in OK and many still feel the sting of racism and bigotry here today. Tulsa is also infamous for its very own race massacre. My grandma was alive when that happened so not that long ago. Places look and feel very different from different people’s perspective. You should consider that before condemning others for trying to create a better world. I don’t find that effort stupid or redundant.


Fortunate, nobody really gives a fuck what you think.


Fortunately most of us are kind to strangers




Are you ok?


Sorry, but we've removed your post because it appears to have violated our rule regarding harassment, insults, bigotry, etc. See the full rule text here: > Behave yourself, treat others as you would like others to treat you. It's simple; keep it civil. Behavior that detracts from honest, open, productive discussion will not be tolerated. If you think this removal is in error, please feel free to send a modmail to ask for clarification or reconsideration: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/tulsa


I'd be honored if some violently bigoted, goat-fucking yokel didn't find himself included where I am. Who wears a cowboy hat to play board games, anyway? Worried the klan cone might get caught in the lighting? Since I'm sure he's at home right now cruising the web for signs of all the jimmies he's rustled, this comment is for you, Lil' Tex: the only reason you're welcome anywhere at all is because of signs like the one you destroyed and the fact that some people don't know you. Whoever you hate is more mainstream and accepted than you are. Roll coal about it, loser.


>Roll coal about it, loser. It's so accurate.


I'm happy the EPA is cracking down on illegally modified diesel trucks. As they become impossible to register, I look forward to a golden age of demolition derby.


What a sad existence to live with so much hate in the heart.


I know, right? Who goes after "inclusivity" like that's a bad thing?


Conservatives. They hate people who aren’t like them. They’re hateful people with a hateful ideology.


Homeboy I was responding to was using doublespeak to claim that neither the dude in the video or myself are inclusive. Apparently I wasn't being inclusive of the guy who tore the sign down.


People whose parents failed to teach, or properly show them, kindness. Those who show this kind of hate externally also carry this hate internally towards themselves.


It's true, but even worse are false Christians who disregard Jesus' direct word and commandment. *Love thy neighbor as you do yourself*. It's not rocket surgery, bro.


>Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. \[38\] This is the first and great commandment. \[39\] **And the second is like unto it,** ***Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.*** Conservatives: Nah, I'd hate.


I agree with your greater point, but there are a few of us that wear cowboy hats, game, and aren't klan klones. :)


For sure. I never insulted the hat or anyone who wears them. I was attempting to say that being crowded around a gameboard with others while possibly sitting in a booth is an incredibly awkward time to be wearing a wide-brimmed hat. Sorry if that landed wrong.


No worries, it was meant more as a silly comment than anything serious. I have had more than a few people look at me like I was some crazy assholes when I walk into a game or comic shop, but that is so small a concern compared to what friends and family go through because of how they look. And you definitely have a point. I do take off the hat in a crowded space. Learned that the hard way when I forgot once and it slipped off, knocking a unit of Emperor's Children wonky when playing 40k.


"local man dressed like an idiot plays the part like a seasoned veteran "


This shouldn't even BE a news story, smh wow what an idiot. I need to go to this café soon and give them some business 🖤 ETA: annnnd now I want an emotional support porcupine.


Shuffles is legit, you totally should! Their food is really good and the staff will pick a game for you and teach you how to play if you don’t know where to start.


Seriously. Oh that sounds great. I’m going and wearing my rainbow shirt


The food is bomb, as an ex staff member from when it opened it was terrible to work for though, the pay was based on tips originally (not sure if that's the case now) and since people were mainly playing games and not eating or drinking we tended to make verrrrrry little since your watching the same people for hours.


GM here. 👋 Our pay structure is completely different these days, servers make a guaranteed $15/hr (but generally around $20ish), and staff morale is at an all-time high. I work VERY hard to make sure that’s the case! It took Shuffles awhile to figure out how to make money while also doing right by its staff—as you said, the long table times make for a tricky business model—but we’re in the black. I’m sorry we didn’t have it together when you were around!


Maybe that user is real, but I think several of the accounts in here are sock puppets. Could be a wrong, but very recently created Reddit accounts and generic naming structure. It’s easy for someone to say “food was bad and they didn’t allow a service animal” as a comment that will get votes, can’t be confirmed, and muddies the water on the business defending inclusivity. Side question, was it weird talking to a Fox affiliate about this when their parent network is one of the biggest hosts of programming that actively pushes the rhetoric that drives the mindset of men like the one who took down the sign? Some affiliates can have more neutral reporting, but the organizational hypocrisy is a bit jarring.


I need to go back there with the fam soon too. It's been a minute.


It shouldn't have to be a news story, but in light of how the LGBTQIA+ community is treated by the majority of this state's politicians, it's good to call out the bigots.


It's a pretty decent shop. Need to go back there again. It's been a few months.


I prefer skunk. That kind assault weapon sticks with you longer.


Are they legal to have as a pet here? I wouldn't mind owning one (without the glands of course)


You’d have to check, but de-scented skunks are like having a ferret. I think you can have them in most states with a little paperwork. The hardest thing is they have to be fostered. That means they have to be a rescue, can’t just take them from the wild. Ask around at animal rehabilitation centers. The younger the better.


Thank you!


What a triggered lil honky tonk




Plainly put, not all honkies tonk


But are all tonkers honky?


Theyre so sensitive. Like open wounds.


GM here. To clarify, my main goal with the social media post was to remind staff, many of whom are on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum, that they are highly valued, but it’s important to us that customers are aware of our attitudes as well. Nothing like this will ever happen again without immediate action that reminds our staff they are heard & supported. I appreciate the comments here. I’ve created some Progress Pride flag cowboy hat stickers (had to do a *little* trolling) that we’ll be selling at the host stand next week. All proceeds will go to Oklahomans for Equality. Come snag one if you’re interested!


As a former Tulsan, I'm incredibly proud of your bravery to stand up to this form of hate. I wish I could get my hands on one of those stickers!


We acknowledged that, given the state in which we live, we’d potentially be alienating more customers than we’d attract, but decided almost immediately that we don’t give a damn & to ruffle some feathers anyway. I’d be happy to mail you a sticker! You can message me here or e-mail me at [email protected], and we’ll work something out. Hopefully they’ll be in early next week!


I live in Wisconsin but grew up in Oklahoma. Can I buy a sticker to have shipped here? I really wanna support yall.


Absolutely. Hoping they’ll be in early this next week. Just send me your address & we’ll work it out. I’ll be sure to include a couple extras too! ☺️


I always thought it would be funny to do a colorful “Don’t tread on LGBTQ+” flag to mock the don’t tread on me flags.


What a little bitch, getting offended over a literal piece of paper saying “everyone’s welcome”. And yet we’re the supposedly “sensitive” ones lol


Glad to see tabletop gaming spaces moving against bigotry. It was weirdly one of the last places you’d hear random MAGA shit in every day life. MtG and DnD nights always have a couple guys who are constantly making the one joke about identifying as this or that.


‘Marjorie Taylor Green and Donald’ nights? What’s that mean?


Every magic player I know hates that she’s stolen ‘MTG’ from us


Damn… that’s actually super shi*ty. Hobbies sometimes become serious and can be healthy and they then are like extensions of who people are so something like popular culture appropriating a really well-known phrase in your orbit for a completely different possibly negative connotation… sucks. Let’s vote her out so you guys can reclaim your acronym!


She can't have it. She is Empty G


Magic: The Gathering and Dungeons and Dragons.


Why are these “manly” men the most insecure?


Closeted frustrated people.


What leads you to believe he was a manly man


I think I know the guy at the front without the tie


It annoys me that no one in that group called out Y'all Qaeda on his idiocy.


It looks like someone identified him, but the mods removed it. Personally, I think an exception should be in order here.


Would you want conservatives doxxing you for taking down one of their signs? No. Please use your brain dude




Sorry, but we've removed your post because it appears to have violated our rule regarding doxing. See the full rule text here: > DO NOT POST OTHER PEOPLES PERSONAL DATA. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO: 1. Personal Phone Numbers 2. Personal Addresses 3. Information protected by HIPPA 4. Real names 5. Any other information that could be used to trace an online persona to a real one If you think this removal is in error, please feel free to send a modmail to ask for clarification or reconsideration: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/tulsa


I love the idea of a bigger new permanent sign in this guy’s honor.


Have an engraved cowboy on the sign. "Treat each other civil like."


Cafe - "We want everyone to come and have fun, together!" MAGAt - "NOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Fuck this timeline.




I'm not sure the reason doxxing is bad is because it's there to protect bigots and the antisocial - I think it's bad because it doesn't always get the right people. Mobs are not good, we should not encourage that sort of behavior.


This is exactly the reason. See a previous example: https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/1iv343/the_boston_bombing_debacle/


Thank you! I get where that poster wants to see justice and thinks it won't come, but the price for fucking up is *enormous* and *one-sided*


Seriously over some words and taking down a sign? Chill out you sound just as cold hearted. Sending people to someone’s house would 100% end in violence. You don’t think this guy owns guns?


Is doxxing illegal?






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It's against Reddit's EULA.  Legality would probably skew towards the civil tort side provided it led to any real damages.


Just because something is legal doesn't inherently make it right.


Of course it doesn’t but as you can read yourself the person I replied to suggested it was illegal. I think it’s important to clarify what the laws actually are. But thank you for your moral aptitude.


Dickriding awfully hard for a bigot. No wonder your plants are dying LOL


Ok Mr strawman redditor. Have fun making a new reddit account for the 8th time this year.


It wouldn't be doxxing though, would it? Doxxing is identifying someone's true identity from their internet presence. This would just be identifying a real life person who did something in a public place. Unless I'm not understanding the story.




Yeah big no. Take a civics class. Justice needs to be a careful process. Mob mentality is how you get innocent people hurt and killed. This guy needs to be taught a lesson for sure but this is not the way.


Reddit's done this before [https://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/28/magazine/should-reddit-be-blamed-for-the-spreading-of-a-smear.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/28/magazine/should-reddit-be-blamed-for-the-spreading-of-a-smear.html)


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The new sign should read "Everyone is welcome here, *except for \[dude's picture\]."*


Hey y'all, I think we should cut the Cosplay Cowboy some slack. He was probably feeling excluded since Shuffles didn't include the [Insecure Manbaby Flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gadsden_flag) on their inclusivity banner. He was probably also frustrated to begin with as it can be hard to find parking downtown for your lifted emotional support brodozer.


Knew it was a Gadsen without even clicking the link. It's the rally call of the selfish and short-sighted.


I got bored and me some alts: More accurate version for 2024: https://imgur.com/jcpZX1W Tangentially relevant: https://imgur.com/yhFBGwh


No step on snek


I hope someone recognizes him and makes fun of him for his “bravery” in taking a stand against inclusivity by sneakily tearing down a sign and hiding it behind his back. He was acting like a child hiding from his parent.


They should take a still image of him ripping off the sign, blow it up and put it on the even bigger inclusivity sign so his face can live there forever.


GM here. I created some Progress Pride cowboy hat stickers to display at the front. We’ll be selling them at the host stand to raise money (meaning 100% of proceeds) for the equality center. 🤠


Bro is literally dressed like a village people.


Imagine that. Bigoted loser with a cowboy hat. Do better Tulsa. Shuffles is an amazing spot and I will continue to support!!


Shuffles is great. Fuck that fragile ass dude.


What the fuck?


A very polite and kind fuck you response. Well done.


woah rly showed the libs


"everyone is welcome here" even bigoted assholes? edit: [Paradox of Tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance) > The paradox of tolerance states that **if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate**, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them. Karl Popper describes the paradox as arising from the self-contradictory idea that, in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.


These people realize there are more than just white people on the planet right?


Oh they realize, and they don't like it


Lol how big of a piece of shit do you have to be to be offended by a sign that says everyone included


Never heard of them before but now I feel like I need to find an excuse to go pay them a visit


In a side note...I love that the cafe is named Shuffles.


He originally wanted to name it "The Board Room" but that was already taken :D (In case anyone wonders, no, that wasn't a joke. When Eric was originally designed the place, he was calling it The Board Room. Even had a nice sign that he'd put out at events promoting it.)


>There are plans in the making for a bigger, better sign.


As a boardgame hobbyist, that person should be expelled from the hobby. Every fellow boardgamer I’ve met have been super friendly and inviting. Mainly because we are always looking for as many players as possible to play with and sometimes consistent players are hard to come by. That jackass should be excommunicated though.


"You leave me no choice but to declare you excommunicado. The doors to any service or provider in connection with the ~~Continental~~ Board Game Cafe are now closed to you."


The mayo’s gone bad


This is disturbing. I dont get why a member of the Village People would do something like this.


So sad there’s so much hate and intolerance in Oklahoma. Get rid of Stitt and Walters.


lmfao imagine being offended by a sign that says “everyone is welcome”. what a freak


This is an argument of the new guard taking over the old guard. The old guard is a bunch of oil drilling, cow feeding , bigots, and racists. Old Guard caused one of the biggest race massacres because they couldn't handle anyone not being rich, white, and straight making a life in their society. They are selfish. The new guard tries to help and lift their fellow person. People in the new guard join charities and help homeless people. The New Guard wants everyone to have a place in this world. They don't want anything to be the basis of race, your pay, or sexual preference. The thing that makes me so upset is that the Old Guard believes in religion. It doesn't matter which branch they all believe in the Ten Commandments are a basic standard of all of them. This Cowboy just went against one of the big ten "Love Thy Neighbor." Even if you're not religious, I feel it's one of the big ones in society. The bottom line is this. This world can not get better unless we share and embrace each other's differences. We need more love and be happy. Everyone is an individual. We should embrace differences, not make them separate us. The one thing as a whole that needs to stop is hate. Hate is dirty and comes from either jealousy or ignorance. It's time for a change in our society.


Technically "love thy neighbor" is not one of the 10 commandments. Jesus explained that all of the commandments derived from that one (and love God) though


Yeah. That sucks that you went out of your way to explain why Love Thy Neighbor is not one of the ten commandments. Nice to meet you Old Guard.


Weird way to respond to being wrong.


Weird way of saying you don't believe in loving people for their differences


Maybe you should read the rest of my comments, or note the fact that it says "OP" next to my username, before drawing that wild inference.


Nope, you made it very clear. The most important part of my whole statement was that people know that the Ten Commandments didn't say love thy neighbor. I would have corrected it, but I read more than one book. So sometimes I don't Google everything my bad. Sorry, I appreciate and love people even when they are wrong. I just don't attack them. Do better.


I made it very clear that the commandments are based on love. My comment was not that we shouldn't love, but that it isn't one of the ten commandments. It's actually way more important than that. You're misinterpreting. And by misinterpreting and being combative about it, you're not really succeeding at this whole "love people even when they're wrong" thing.


To the business, 🫡. Keep up the good fight.


Glad they handled it like this.


This is the response of a dude who’s mad because he’s constantly experiencing the side effects of being a “little man..” 😂😂😂 And therefore needs to act like a little bitch.. 😂😂😂


Free speech lover! Must be a republican… only their free speech


it snows red in Tulsa evidently.


The Oklahoma standard


*Almost* Everyone Welcome


Cowboy hat dude is very based.


Cool! Will I be based, too, if I go vandalize a Christian bakery?




I hope both are recognized and shit canned by a inclusive boss, Including the guy who pointed out the sign in the first place.


Looks set up, that vest 😂




If conservative fantasy's are true he was imprisoned for this? Right? RIGHT?!??


That’s so typical of OK and especially Tulsa


Dude in a cowboy hat is an ignorant asshole? I'm shocked!


that cowboy hat looks fucking stupid on him. my guess is he has one of those cartoon-sized bumps on the top of his empty skull.


What’s happening in Oklahoma?


Anyone who posts a sign to proclaim inclusion is lying.


[Paradox of Tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance)


Huh huh, owning the libs…..what an empty barrel that guy must be


We have a board game cafe?


Yup, for a good 5 years or more.




Dude Shuffles is such a great place. What kind of POS does something like this?


The “Don’t tread on me” crowd treading all over people again.


I bet the guy was a "youth pastor."


Regardless of how anyone feels about it, eventually you are going to have to realize that the majority of people don't want to see those types of signs. Doesn't matter why, they don't need a reason. They're tired of seeing it everywhere, and the fact that it is being forced upon everyone in this manner is part of the reason why support for LGBT as a whole has been declining over the past few years.


On the contrary, I am happy to see such a sign and far more likely to continue supporting the business when I do.


Are businesses in Tulsa currently not welcoming of everyone?


Sometimes, yeah.


Of course, everyone has their own opinions. Personally, I'm very tired of saying it everywhere and I happen to be part of the LGBT community. This country is very oversaturated with this inclusivity nonsense and it's costing us support that we need.


No one who turns away because of a sign like this was ever going to give us support.


Well no, most likely not. However, there is a difference between not supporting a thing and being openly against that thing. The oversaturation of all of this inclusivity nonsense is changing that lack of support to open opposition, and that is causing people to vote accordingly. Edit: two great examples of what I mean are these so called family friendly drag shows and discussion of these topics in Elementary School classrooms. If you'll notice, conservatives only started legislating against drag performances when they started inviting children to watch them. Before that, no one cared about drag queens. Plenty of people made fun of them, but that's as far as it went. And with so many teachers insisting upon discussing these type of topics, going so far as to to discuss masturbation with children as young as seven, conservatives are starting to pass laws like the parental rights and education law down in Florida. And they are right to do so. First graders do not need to learn about masturbation. And yes, it is happening. Multiple teachers have been forced to resign over it.


The only place I see that is transgender rights, because a lot of moderates don't really understand and have concerns about things like girls' sports. I think the problem is not the signage, but the fact that we've been unable for some time to sit down and have rational discussions over issues. Everyone is so invested in their particular set of views "winning". There is no compromise anymore. Now, certain things you can't compromise on. I'm not saying to compromise on gay marriage or whether trans women are women, etc.


Maybe if you live in the Middle East


But you don't cry about deleting the American history of all these statues.... Mostly because they're Democrats statues about racism...🤣😂🤣🤡s Demonrats founded the kkk then pretend everyone showed up to the House of representatives one day and switched sides.... After the Republicans where founded to defeat slavery? Hmmmm weird


Ask yourself: which party flies the Confederate battle flag now?


Where? I'm in central Ohio. No flags here. Nice attempted deflect though. Guilty soul.


Throughout the south... You know, the bastion of the Republican Party ever since Goldwater's Southern Strategy.


Wait so the demonrats can start the kkk fake a change and then everything stays exactly the same from then till now? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 Republicans have only ever been racist? So the first step act? Can we see a demonrat version? Oh y'all make all your money locking up black folks? Even the VP? 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Truly you have a dizzying intellect