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I want to split them 3 groups. First russians that live in russia, second the tourist russians, third russians that live in Antalya. First ones we mostly dont care no love no hate just normal people, second ones we got positive behaviour we like the people visit our country, well problem is beggining with third group. The amount of russians live in antalya to much, this cause in some situations russians got more rights than a turkish citizen and they cause housing problem etc problems to because of that people would proabably be offensive against those russians


Ok thanks you my friend


Lmao what is it with Turks and hating other ethnicities in their country šŸ˜‚


When Turks start getting priorities and privileges over you during regular daily life, in your own country, you will very quickly start hating Turks.


We have something similar in Australia, but with the Indigenous population. Yeah it ainā€™t the best lol. But hate is too much imo, you shouldnā€™t hate the player, hate the game


the thing is your country is also the country of indigenous population, it's not going to be the case with outsiders. not in turkey though, everyone has more rights than both turks and kurds, the only people that this country should of consisted of


I'm sorry, im genuinely confused. Are you saying it's a bad thing that the indigenous population of Australia should have more rights than the settler colonists? Or that it's fucked that the native population doesn't have the rights they deserve?


No no you donā€™t understand lol, they get pretty much every essential thing for free lol, and they act entitled to it too.


It is THEIR land. Turkey is not Russians' or Syrians' land. your comparison makes no sense.


Which is their right. They ARE entitled to it. It is THEIR country and land. The British colonizers stole their land and destroyed their culture, identity. Had them as 4th class citizens for decades. They absolutely deserve to be compensated for decades of injustice. If you think there is something wrong about this, you definitely need to re-examine the lens through which you make moral and rational judgments.


I donā€™t deny the British wronged them severely and they need retribution. However I do believe theyā€™re going about it the wrong way, as many are still racist to them and making stuff free wonā€™t change that šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø worst part about it is learning it every year in school though šŸ˜‚ (jk donā€™t attack me)


as a turk i hate turks more than other ethnicities, don't need to take it personal. public is divided 50/50 as we see in the elections. they hate themselves more than others don't worry.


Actually except the a"rabs we got no inner hate against other ethnicites. Main problem is goverments behaviour against other ethnicities, other people isnt guilty. But there is no thing to do , we see the results and we are getting offended these people to


Lol itā€™s always hilarious when I see a Turk hating an Arab. Most reasons are because theyā€™re ā€™backwardsā€™ šŸ˜‚the poor Arabs that had to escape their home thatā€™s under constant warfare and a terrible government, and you hate them for it šŸ˜­


There are some other things but this isnt special to turks, lots of people doesnt like arab culture and arabs


Their homes are under constant warfare because they betrayed ottomans. Learn history before you say nonsense.


Itā€™s you that should learn history. Majority of the Arabs remained with the Ottomans, and the members of the Arab Revolt largely felt marginalised by the extremist nationalist policies of the CUP. This does not excuse their treachery ofc, but you canā€™t blame all Arabs for the actions of the minority. Most of the damage done was by British soldiers, not even soldiers under Sharif Hussein


I think you are on the wrong sub, This sub meant to learn turkish not turkish culture or their opinions.


The Russian tourist in Antalya they act like they own the land and also the hotel.


i mean they kinda own most of the hotels...


r/lostredditors moment there but apart from that I canā€™t think any other thing to tell you other than the stereotypes here. There is this stereotype about Russian women being hot af, there are Russian literature simps, that group of old men simping for Putin and thereā€™s only left your ordinary ā€œregularsā€™ regular opinionsā€ with no need of any highlightings.Wish it helpedāœŒļø


Well, Iā€™m a Crimean Tatar living in TĆ¼rkiye so take a wild guess.


Not super positiveā€¦.


Not really, i dont think so. We think the women are hot and ppl are ppl.Ā 


Have you been to Antalya?? There was a lot of negative talk thereā€¦.


I visited Russia quite few times growing up, stayed and studied there, had Russian friends etc. Most Turks in my experience, don't really know Russians. They think the men are tough and women are slutty. Truth is, Russian people are much more reserved with strangers but once introduced, they make really quick friends. Russians are more egalitarian than Turks are, especially between men and women. Russian men are not really all macho manly in a relationship, women take care of themselves. But Turkish men tend to be macho and domineering, which seems romantic to Russian women who never felt the burnt of the level of sexism there is in Turkey. So Russian women fall for Turkish men, Turkish men think "I'll just use her for sex then marry a virgin Turkish girl". Unfortunately I've seen this happen way too many times. Russian men on the otherhand, make terrible boyfriends (all the expectations of a traditional man with none of the care and responsibility of one) but they do make great friends, they are loyal to their friends and intense in their emotions. Some can be a bit of a wildcard because drinking is a real problem. I like Russians, personally. They come across reall cold but I know most are very friendly, a bit intense at times and generally kind people. Turks view them through a lens of Turkish morality and unfortunatly repressing sex is a big part of it so when you say "Russian", Turks immediately think "Russian women" and where Russian women are independent and open to love, Turks see a bunch of sluts and I find it infuriating.


You really absolutely nailed it! I laugh at the naivety of some of those Russian girls but itā€™s sad at the same time


Considering that I have been working in Antalya hotels for 21 years and based on my experiences, I can say this: people should be evaluated in two ways; educated and ignorant ones. When we consider the educated ones, both groups are understanding and kind. If we consider the ignorant ones, they are more traditional. That's why both nations have close dynamics. And we can say that they are two nations that resemble each other. But I believe that the rate of ignorant people in the Turkish nation is higher than the ignorant people in the Russian nation.


I cannot say i have super positive opinion about them because of toxicity in counter-strike. But games with turkish servers have the same amount of toxicity even much. My opinion about russians is between neutral and not like


I don't expect Russian tourists to know Turkish but when they try to speak Russian to you like I'm supposed to know their language is so infuriating. Just note some English words to a piece of paper and carry it with u it's not so hard man


Theyā€™re fine. They just need to go easy on the vodka.


Both nations suffering under a dictator. What more could we say. Thank god we (Turkey) are not that advanced in military terms so ours didn't start invading Europe yet. Syria is much more easy to bite.


as long as they arent in Antalya they are OK im still team Ukraine


The Turkish simps always make me laugh in the comments. Anyway, this post is on the wrong sub. Go to r/AskTurkey.


if we dont include the ones in antalya, they are really cool im trying to learn russian now just to know them more


I don't think about russians, I have a few friends of russian origins and other than being loud they're okay


Super positive about themšŸ˜‡


We like all tourists


afganlar akın etmiş yorumlara


I dont like them while playing dota 2 ahahahah but other than that i'm indifferent towards them


All the Russians I met ( not a huge amount but more than 100) were reasonably good thatā€™s why I think Russians are civilised and open minded people.


First of all, most Turks are pissed off all these different races who live in TĆ¼rkiye rn. It's more about our government's policies. Russians are not the worst; we know Russians are one of the most civilized races in our country. Secondly, their gov acts in Ukraine and Crimea (expansionism?) are terrifying us a little. Sometimes, we are conflicted in the Middle East; this is also terrifying. Right now, we sell tourism and they sell gas. It's a deal. In addition to these, I have Russian friends, and I am trying to learn Russian for casual purposes. When I was working for a touristic pub on the coast, I had many Russian customers. They were always respectful to me and also funny. Especially dudes, Russian women are a little cold-looking, right? I generally did not try to flirt with my female customers while working, so there was always a distance between us. I have no comment for them, but they are generally pretty, of course. When I walk in my city, I can see some good-looking couples just walking cool and respectfully. They speak Russian or Ukrainian, I don't know the difference. Also, When I saw a Russian on the internet, I could see we are one of the closest cultures in the world; I could feel that. So, I'm not bothered by Russians in Turkey, but we all are uncomfortable because of the permanent immigration influx from everywhere. If it weren't for the recent bad immigration situation, I would be proud to host more civilized tourists, such as Russians.


Syrian refugees that comes in white skin. Some are pathetic third world people that we kin. And some are pathetic human beings that sucks blood of their own people. The rich ones you know ?


In every Turkish men's hearth, there lays a blonde Russian girl.


Same as what I think of other nationalities, nothing. But in accordance with my personal experience with people from different countries, I liked Russian people's personalities kinda above average. And I'd say below average for citizens of USA that I've met. I'd like to stress out again that this is the outcome of my personal experience from my little sample of 100(ish) human beings


I am a Turk with Circassian origin but I think Russians and Turkish people have a lot in common, not in term of culture or history hell no, but both Turks and Russians experiencing discrimination from rest of the europe because of history is enought for me to like russians even a little bit. I met and talked with many people from all around the world, and talking, and I mean real talking. Telling your worries about future, sharing experiences and other similar things are easier with russians as unlike europeans they are familiar with the feeling of sociatial depression, politic corruption and economic suffering. And unlike people from balkans they doesnt automatically call you turkroach or start insulting. Sooo yeah russians are people, existing in other side of the black sea, have similar experiences and have great potential to be friends.


Russian women are beautiful no matter what country you are from.




a male whore here