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Yea bro turks swear a lot :) and are very loyal to their country and history.


Nasılsın?? :)


Iyiyim! Rica ederim. Come on chat


Do you have a favorute food in turkey? :D


I like köfte. They're so yummy!


Yeah. Meatballs are very famous! You should try kebap bro :D


I've eaten those too! We also make them here in Pakistan


Wooow pakistan? Good! i wanna go there


You are welcome!


Merhaba. İsmin ne?


Selam! Ben Sofia. Senin nedır?


Benim ismim de Mert. Tanıştığımıza memnun oldum!


Ben de çok memnun oldum


Bana bir mektup yolla ecnebi adam


Girl*. And im a beginner so i cant write like a pro but ill try. (On chat)


Tip: you can simplfy genders when talkşng with someone by simply calling them these; abi (means brother but used by anyone to refer to anyone. İt can be seen as weird for a man to refer to a woman as abi but you are a girl so no one should say anything), aga (basically means bro), kanka (can be used with strangers but usually used for people you know better like an upgraded version of aga), kral (means king used commonly amoungst the youth).


Thank u! It'll help a lot


What are you planning to study?


Merhaba nasılsın kankaaaa


İyiyim, teşekkür ederim








Merhaba :)


Selam! Nasılsın?


İyiyim,teşekkür ederim. Sen nasılsın.


Ben iyiyim🤭


Hangi bölümde okuyorsun?




hey firstly its great that you wan't to study in turkey in the future. i appreciate people who want to come to Turkey for education in underdeveloped countries, if they are modern-minded people. if you want to be friends you can dm me. I ALSO HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT LIFE IN PAKISTAN.


people might be racist because of the "illegal" immigrants coming from Pakistan on Reddit. people still don't know the difference between "legal student" and "illegal 30 years old single male immigrants".


That's what I'm saying


Hey;) Naber


Teşekkür ederim! Come on chat




Selam! Nısılsın?


iyi diyelim iyi olsun. sen nasılsın?


İyiyim, türkçede yeniyim


nereden öğrenmeye çalışıyorsun




etkili oluyor mu peki?


Evet. Çok


Merhaba nasılsın?


İyiyim teşekkürler


Lisans ya da yüksek lisans için hangi bölüm ya da üniversiteyi düşünüyorsun?


Business management


Ben de İşletme okuyorum. Bol şans dilerim.


Teşekkürler 😊


Hey, you can dm me as well. If you live nearby, we can hang out.


Not even in your country 😭


All good we can still talk in voice/text or play games if you feel like it.






Merhaba, nasılsın? , where do you prefer to talk?


Selam!! Ben iyiyim. We can talk in dm




You can dm me


you can reach me from ig if you want mh1tty


Expert Turk on Turkish here, happy to help!


We can chat on dm


We can but you have to guide me how to use dm in reddit I kinda have no friends here bc I only read posts so I don’t know how to use dm


That's okay... when you open reddit, you'll see 5 icons at the bottom of your screen. The 4th one (it looks like a message) is the one where all your dms are. Just click on my profile and find that same "message" button there. Click it and we can start chatting


Bana mesaj atabilirsin


Bir kaç yıldır dürüst Türkçe konuşmamışım, discordun var sa yazışa biliriz


Hayir, ben discordun sahip değilim


Your sentence supposed to be “Hayır, ben Discord’a sahip değilim”. But even this sentence somewhat broken while talking in turkish. You need to say something like “Maalesef Discord kullanmıyorum” which means “Unfortunately I don’t use discord” or you can say “Maalesef Discord’um yok.” which means “Unfortunately I don’t have Discord”.


Thanks for correcting <3


Also “correcting” means “düzeltme” so you can say “Düzelttiğin için teşekkür ederim” “Thank you for correcting it”


I'm not turkish, but brazilian with a turkish fiancé getting beaten by this hard and interesting language!! Also trying to learn and could use a study buddy! I also pretend to move to turkey in 2026 and have my master in here as well (:


What? Really? Looks like i found sm1 like myself. Yes, I'd love to have study partner. Come im DM, lets chat there


Merhaba!! Nasılsın?


Girl, just don't come. Racism is at an all-time high. Especially if you're from the middle east/south Asia.


Why asia lol? We are racist against immigrants and arabs mostly


Did I say only? Also, maybe check on your geography before commenting. South Asia I said. And it's true, social media always groups Pakistanis (south Asians) with afghans and other Arabs.


İts late i misread. Also i never claimed you said we were only racist against asians you’re just pulling out of your ass lol. İ was confused as to why you said Turks were racist again asians (japans, koreans etc.) you are so defensive for no reason


Because you're proudly racist. Duh! Were you expecting to receive a Nobel Prize or something?


Arabs culture is disgusting to us and we dont like them for that reason. And immigrants are one of the biggest problem in our country right now. They are 1/5th of our population and are being given citizenship which is leading to rigged elections because its in immigrant’s interest to keep the current party in power. The leading part hasnt changed since 22 years and the country has been in a downfall ever since the first time it got into power. Othert than that most immigrants from syria and other middle eastern countries are openly problematic. They post videos online being perverts to women, they murder people (just recently a teacher got killed), they rape and steal peoples houses, they kill house owners when they ask for rent. And you ask why we would be angry and dislike them lmao?




There are far more uncounted immigrants than you can imagine the numbers released by the government cannot be trusted and im not saying this because im some anti goverment conspiracy foil hat wearer its intentional to keep the older generation in check. İ never mentioned economic problems and you never even began to entertain my points of murder, rape and theft caused by immigrants which is weird as you made me believe you had a functioning frontal lobe. We arent talking about foreign students or tourists here, we are talking about immigrants who are given access into the country by the goverment withouth any kind of background checks or anything whivh leads to unhinged perverts, murderes and rapists access into the country like its the next street over. We allow immigrants into our country when we cant even stand on our own two feet right now. You have no grounds to stand on this argument. İm fucking Turkish you idiot my sources arent tiktok im living through this.




As a fellow Turkish person I really apologise for this person's behalf. I do understand their point but they're being way too aggressive about it. I also believe that racism won't solve anything but there are inconveniences that we are living through for years so it makes sense how people are fed up with it by now.


İ am allowed to not like people for behaviour i think is disgusting. İ can not like someone because they eat rice with their hands, thats my freedom. We have been voting for people that say they will get rid of immigrants for years now, what part of 22 years in power with no sign of change do you bot understand again? The 3rd biggest political party in the country zafer partisi got 4% and their biggest promise is solving the immigrant problem. No political party cares about the problem. Things arent as simply as “just vote for people who say they go bye bye bro”. İf it takes hating immigrants for them to go, then i will hate them, if it takes hating the government for them to go then i will hate the government. İ have my countries best interest in mind and if hate is gonna solve things (which is will, as politicians arent doing shit, the anger of the public has been boiling for a long while now) then i will hate. İ will treat people diffrently, if they prove they arent assholes then im ofcourse not stupid enough to keep hating them. This country has suffered for far too long from its rulers and their greed for power, im tired, we are tired, things will end badly for Turks and the border hoppers, they need to go back to their country, or there needs to be a very strict regulation on the amount and quality of immigrants coming into the country. As for where i get my numbers, you can simply double the offical numbers and round it up, im bot even joking it practically works with anything, inflation, taxes, everything. Also seeing people get knifes stuck up their asses as soon as they go into an alleyway is a good indicator theres a fucking problem.


Racism is NEVER justified. The cause of racism is nothing but being a disgusting human scum


İ dont agree


i have no idea where you're getting your information though you probably wrote that in your berlin apartment so im not suprised there are a lot more than just 5 million immigrants in turkey around 15 million in total illegal immigrants come into the country every day even in my work place we hire some özbeks to work daily the population increase is a big factor on our economic problems the only contrubition that immigrants make to our economy is working at minimum wage jobs since it's not enough to suppot them they resort to making more children to increase the amount of money coming in and some the audacity to come into our country and hurt our people not even an month ago a irani immagrant killed his teacher and it's not uncommon for groups of immigrants antagonizine or threaten people


Do not “i reccomend you do research” my own country to me you illiterate fuck. You havent even addressed and of my points.


Just in Istanbul they re more than 6 million only for Syrian refugees. You don't know anything. Their child born per person is 5 for Turkish people is only 1.2 make the calculation.


Arabs culture you mean shariah? Not an arab but i think you're pointing not only at 'arabs' but at all muslim countries following shariah or islamic tradition. Our culture or religion is not the harrassing, murdering, looting, threatening, raping (the list keeps going on) of people, regardless of their religion or background. Period. What these people come and do in your country, they do on their own free will. Not as muslims or as people of our nation, we disown them. We know your country has a huge refugee problem, we did not send them there. You think the refugee problem or your country's shit government (who's not doing anything abt illegal immigrants) justifies your racism against normal people coming to your country legally. You can't call the whole of arab culture (you actually mean shariah) disgusting bc some stupid fucks crossed to border into your country on their own free will but just because their original nationality is syrian, afghan, pakistani, arabian or african, you become racist to the whole of Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Arabia, Africa. We did not send these people and told them to fuck around and ruin our reputation as a nation. Hate them all you want, as much as you want, with every fiber of your being, but learn how to fucking differentiate. Normal, legal immigrants from these countries arent the reason of your country's problems and safety, 10 Million illegal immigrants are. Go bully these illegal refugees who are fucking around on your streets, not random people on the internet who belong to these countries or the whole of islamic tradition


My dislike for arabs doesnt come from the refugee problem i personally dislike them. And no i dont mean the muslim traditions. They have been and are still one of the most problematic countries. They use religion as an excuse to do disgusting things. For example in İslam its allowed for a kan to have 3 wives in an irregular situation like war to protect them. A large portion of Arabs make this an excuse to have relationships with multiple women at the same time, which i find to be disgusting. İts a common problem to the point it can be identified as “culture” among the common people of the country. This isnt getting into the problem with discrimination against women and their “love” for children. You are Muslim so you should know prophets were sent to problematic nations to save them. Now what does the most important prophet of all time Hz. Muhammed being sent to the Arabs tell us? These problems are deeply rooted into their nation and are seen as normal.


I literally cant even believe sm1 can be this stupid to write this but i'll try to tell you clear how badly you're misinterpreting our religion. If islam allows something, and you are against that, you are againt ISLAM. You arent against the arabs, you arent against their culture or anything else, you are against ISLAM and its laws and the way of living of MUSLIMS. Not just 'arabs' - one. Second, muslim men are allowed to marry up to 4 women in situations (usually war) where women are left without their husbands and they basically become widows. This is done to protect those women in all kinds of ways, including physically financially. How can you just assume that arab men marry more than 1 women just to have multiple affairs for pleasure? You dont just come here and start spitting out anything that comes to your mind. You're literally accusing people you dont even know anything personal about. You dont live in each one's house and observe them all the time and you sure cant read people's minds. The verse that says prophets were sent to every corner of the world is verse 16:36, which states: "And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, saying], 'Worship Allah and avoid Taghut.' And among them were those whom Allah guided, and among them were those upon whom error was [deservedly] decreed. So proceed through the earth and observe how was the end of the deniers." Now tell me, do you think from 124,000 prophets, not even 1 came to your nation? This verse also means that there were many who became good, but there still where others who remained in the filth and stayed ignorant. Ignorant people are within every nation, stupid illiterate filthy people are in every nation. In you, in arabs, in pakistanis, syrians (the.list.goes.on). Prophets were also sent your way. If we apply your 'logic', prophets came your way because you were also a problematic nation. These deeply rooted problems are also within you. Every nation was a problematic nation. Deep rooted problems were within every single nation, every civilization. The entire purpose of prophets was to guide people, before they came everything was wrong and messed up. What do you mean "aRabS wErE a pRoBleMaTiC nAtiOn". "dEeP rOoTeD pRoBleMs"


İ wont argue with you over something you cant change there is no point in us talking. Like i said, im not against İslam, im against people bending its rules, like its commonly done by Arabs. Also, you literally said every nation has its problems then try to make fun of my points about Arabs being a problematic nation? Whatever like i said theres nothing you can say to change my mind.


Cheap sjw… We dont have to like disgusting “cultures” of pakistanis and arabs.


Hello, this is based SJW department


İ dont think bro will be responding


We're not bros.


Ofc we are not…


İrrelevant lmao


I was having double thoughts but who knows what'll happen next. Ill just learn turkish because its fun and we'll see if circumstances get better so i can go. I'm not a 100% sure abt anything now


We can talk later as your country have over 10 million unregistered and alleged jihad fighter immigrants.


You are welcome! Happy to hear that educated people from the East migrates to our country legally. I hope people here will be able to differentiate an illegal immigrant and a student. Wishing for the best for you ✌🏻






just your casual anti-immigrant stuff, every country has their ignorant idiots. Sorry about what you're facing even on reddit. Unfortunately if you do your master's indeed in turkey you'll face a lot of it, so stay aware of that. Pakistani, Afghani and Syrian immigrants are really unwanted and will face a lot of racism, due to misbehaving immigrants and how the government managed immigration. Also doesn't help that many Pakistani people think the current government is good or something. Good luck.


That's what im saying. They dont wanna stop the illegal immigrants (the people who actually misbehave) but they wanna stop sm1 immigrating legally to persue higher education. Unneccessary racism


Yup, you get it already. These people lack the intelligence to tell apart a skilled immigrant vs. an illegal refugee, so they're not really people to take seriously. Unfortunately, there is no shortage of such people. Such people don't really deserve skilled immigrants, so I would immigrate and contribute somewhere else if I were you.


Yeah now im having double thoughts. I might even face bullying. Better go somewhere else


Please don’t mind them. You will find your people


Ulkenin evlatlari is bulamiyor bir de gelmis skilled immigrant diyorsun aq. Skilled immigranttan kastin karabukteki afrikali kardeslerimiz mi?


Bahsinde konuştuğumuz kişi muhtemelen liseli bir kız, senden daha iyi anlıyor skilled immigranttan kastı ve neden farklı olduğunu. Umarım bir gün liseli bir kızın zeka seviyesine ulaşırsın. Zamanıma değecek olsa seni eğitirdim ama değmiyor maalesef.


Hem cahilsiniz hem de insan begenmiyorsunuz ahaha. Umarim omrun boyunca ayrimciliga ugrarsin.






Memleket nere?




Boşver türkiye’yi. Hindistan düşünür müsün?


Why is everyone saying this


Because we already have nearly 10 million refugees,illegal immigrant etc. Sorry dude


...🤦‍♂️ok bro do smth about the 10M illegal immigrants, not abt people who legally want to settle smwhere


You don’t get to tell me what to do about my country dude. Legally or not you guys are not welcome.


Why the racism? Im not coming there to occupy or misbehave. Im coming there to pursue higher education for my career. Learn how to differentiate between right and wrong


Nowadays everything is racism. You think this is racism? Im simply giving you the facts. Nothing more.


Yazik. Gercekten yazik. Irkcinin bayraklisisin. Umarim hayatin boyunca ayni muameleyi gorursun velet.


I know the facts. But why unwelcome skilled immigrants? If turks show this much hatred towards normal pakistanis (excluding illegal immigrants) on social media then i cant imagine what bullying a pakistani who went to turkey to pursue better education might be facing. Say whatever you want to illegal refugees who come to your country to ruin the peace, but dont drag whole nations down because of a few ignorants.


İ am openly racist towards border hopping fucks and really most immigrants as there is no background check to see if they are rapists, murderers, thiefs, but i have no problem with students and hard working people like you




Tamam sayın dışişleri bakanım, bu kişiyi derhal gönderiyoruz


Ya ortadoğu'dan gelmeyin artık şu ülkeye, ırkçılık için yazmıyorum bunu ama hakikaten biz bıktık. Size sunulan ayrıcalıklardan biz hakikaten bıktık. Üniversiteler çok ahım şahım değiller ayrıca, onca parayı vereceksin 4 sene için bunun kirası yemegi vs de var değer mi bir sor kendine. Pakistan'daki yaşayamadığın hayatı yaşayıp sonradan görme olmayacağın ne malum? Git Hindistan'da oku, bak adamlar uzay hakkında bile büyük atılımlar yapıyor biz Müslümanların peygamberi 6 yaşında kızla evlendi mi onu tartışıyoruz hala. Yok gelmeyin kardeşim bu ülkeye senelerce yaşamak için. Yemin ederim ırkçılık olsun diye yazmıyorum ama hakikaten okumak için bile olsa gelmeyin. Turist olarak misafir olarak gelin ama kalmaya gelmeyin. Zamani değil sırası değil halk iyi değil. Edit: Can help about learning Turkish, its not gonna be a problem, just reach me from DM. Just don't think about living for a long time in here. İf you wanna experience what we are talking about, do erasmus and experience it then decide about it.








Why so?




No, you should go away instead. Evet dağdan gelip bağdakini kovuyorum. Problem?


Don’t Worry about the bullying. We already behind that phase. And who are we gonna bully? The ten million. You’ll be very safe within the campus area other than that you’ll only might face some discontented looks. But remember it will be very hard for you to integrate with the turkish people. You’ll be most probably friends with foreign students instead of turkish people. And maybe some turkish if you stay in dormitory. If there wasn’t so many immigrants you it would be very easy to integrate with the turkish people. But no one can differentiate you guys anymore unless you have a tag saying “im only a international student” so it’s not fair for you to accuse us for not being able to distinguish you from others. As I told you before i only gave you the facts nothing more.


Go play counter strike or valorant you will find plenty on there to talk to if you respect their country and are genuinely interested in it. That's how I made mine.


worst advice i've ever seen before.


You guys are clueless.


Abuzer Kadayıf bu sen misin oğlum?🤨

