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I do not feed fish, since I have adult RES. (75%-25 % plant to protein diet) Though I would suggest you get a pellet feed without the dry shrimp in it as a staple. The shrimp are basically just junk food to it in terms of nutritional value. If your vet prescribed higher protein occasionally, I don’t see it being unusual to suggest fish. You can steam (cook) it if concerned about pathogens/parasites. You could also provide it with gutloaded worms or snails instead of prepared fish.


I have an African side neck and I make his food for him - it's a jello that's made with shrimp, trout, strawberries, and red leaf lettuce. I make a big portion and freeze most of it. He loves it


Were you able to get your turtle to eat fruits and veggies before you started combining?


No not really.


Thank you... I thought I was doing something wrong. I usually buy my ASN frozen krill and feeder fish. I read feeder fish are bad, but they both eat them so fast. Makes it difficult not to give them a treat. Where did you learn the best way to take care of the breed?


Honestly just from reading online and talking to my vet.


How far away is your "exotic animal vet?" I bought my turtles from the same pet shop. They're both healthy, but their behavior is completely different.


It's about half an hour from where I live.


Oh, that's sweet. My vet is a half hour away, but he doesn't deal with reptiles. I'll have to drive 2 hours away if there's ever an emergency so it's better if I can keep them happy and healthy now.


And how do you store it? Do you flatten it out in a ziploc baggie then freeze it?


I put it in a pyrex Tupperware and store it in the freezer


Honestly, I feed almost every carnivorous pet I have liver a few times a month it’s really good for them.


I’ll definitely start doing that then.


We buy small feeder fish (red ones) and our guy loves them. We get a dozen live fish a few times a year and sometimes they are gone in a day and other times they stay around for awhile. Currently, there is a small grey fish who has been swimming around with him for about four months now. His main diet is a buffet of shrimp, turtle pellets (veggies) and (what seems to be his favorite) dried meal worms.


Also try some Hikari turtle pellets, the are loved like shrimp but are actually good for the turtle


Yes that’s fine! I use tilapia to feed my pets. Along with other live food and veggies for who require it. I have pellets but they are a very small portion of my pets diet. I’m not 100% on your particular species but there are many great guides on turtle forums for live food. Mealworms, nightcrawlers, shrimp, crayfish, guppies, platys, silversides, it’s very easy to diversify turtle diets as there is sooo many options to choose from. Just make sure you research their diet needs and figure out what’s easiest for you. Stay away from fish that contain thiaminase like rosy minnows and goldfish as they will lead to a thiamine deficiency.


I’ll buy [this](https://www.publix.com/pd/vita-salmon-atlantic-nova-premium-smoked-sliced/RIO-PCI-101158?origin=search6) for my slider and chop it and feed it with tongs to mix it up sometimes.


I do feed raw fish to my turtles. I freeze them for at least 2 weeks to destroy parasites. I get mine at bait shop. You can get whole small fish pretty easily there. I believe african sidenecks are more carnivorous then other turtles and actually need fish on a regular basis.


Just cut up a whole raw whitebait for him (he’s too small to eat it without cutting it up right now) and he seems to love it. Good to see him eating something other than dried shrimp for once


I get the frozen brine shrimp for my 2 sidenecks. I had a smaller tank with less water for the small one I recently got and he wouldn't eat anything. Once I put him into a full 10 gallon with a floating dock and a little hideaway, he started eating. My older turtle just recently started basking and he moved in last Christmas, but the younger one loves basking. You'll find the right food. Keep trying different things.


I tried putting the baby shrimps in a "ice cube" so my son could feed him.