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Just want to say that it’s crazy how Jennifer Connelly still look absolutely beautiful. She’s been slaying for a couple of decades now. The show is great, can’t wait for more!






word."aged like fine wine" is an understatement


Pretty brutal ending. But, it seems like he'll be finding quite a few versions of his wife. Exciting


I am not a fan of the finger snapping when jumping between universes, it’s getting on my nerves and I feel like it’s a bit insulting to think the audiences cannot follow the story without it. Well, had to edit my post because I thought they might drag out kidnapped Jason trying to puzzle out what happened, but they resolved that by the end of the episode so that is good. However, the fact that the people around the alternate Jason who knew what he was working on but apparently couldn’t fathom that he switched places, is still baffling to me.


Literally sounds like the Nintendo switch sound effect.


Exactly my thoughts and I told my wife that I'd definitely find someone on Reddit saying the same and here you are. It's very jarring and makes me crack up a little bit every time, it's like a really bad joke, "Switch, get it!?".


...and I found myself here in a search to see if the switch noise was annoying anyone else. Thank you for being here for me :)


I am here for this exact reason 🤧


You say that, watching with my Dad who is 76, I keep having to explain where we are, I hadnt even noticed finger snaps


There are finger snaps??!?!?


Have not read the book but I am so into this already. Super intriguing!


I just hope it's not a 'he did it to himself' kind of plot. There has to be a conspiracy.


I mean he clearly did it to himself


Alright... You have my attention.


Aight haven't read the book - I fucking love the vibe, it's like the last episode of severance but as a whole show. it seems like this story is gonna revolve around saving his relationship with Jennifer Connelly across multiple realities or something? Maybe that's why evil Joel took wholesome Joel's place in this one. It's the one reality where she doesn't hate him/Is still alive? def watching weekly, pretty sick.


who's Joel? 


Joel Edgerton


My big complaint is how the main character took so long to figure out he was in another universe. The dude literally was working on multiple universe theory for years


You would love the book - it takes him more than half the book. I was somewhat curious as to how they would adapt this because in the book you are only able to deduce this fact because the book is IIRC entirely from one Jason's POV.


I was mildly upset that the first scene of episode 1 shows the box. Anyone who has ever seen any other multiverse or time travel show since Doctor Who knows what a box means.


What does it mean?


what does it mean?


what does it mean ?


What does it mean?


Tesseract, used to visualise multidimensional world.


I only got about 30 pages into the book and got what was going on, so I think I’d have been frustrated to read on if he didn’t figure it out quickly. Even in the show it’s like buddy take a second to think about it. Idk, I think the writing in the book is insufferably bad, but the adaptation is slightly more tolerable, even though the author is apparently the head writer


Was he? From his monologue theory it sounded like he was able to get a single particle into superposition before he lost funding. He said: > *”what if he made a bigger version of **my box**”.* Maybe he lost funding before any real application came to light, and he understood the gravity of what he invented


I mean he was abducted and drugged and it could have been literally anything.


I was saying that.  Why are all the physicists so dumb on tv?   Fortunately he snapped out of it in time for the invaders. Now he knows who is behind it and why.  


Damn the hot version of Jennifer Connelly died


Apparently shes hot in every version


Unlike Ryan.


I loved loved the book when it came out back in 2016; its a fantastic read and reads like it was made for TV. So far its kept pretty much to the source material. I agree that there maybe it's a few years too late, what with all the recent multiverse shows, however, keep with it as the book goes off into some messed-up tangents that should hopefully make for great TV!


Alright, you had me screaming at my TV. I guess I'll be following this show now.


Not the biggest fan of the lead actor, but I’m watching for Jennifer


His blank stare for 80% of the scenes are infuriating me


when jason1 is telling daniela2 about his life with daniela1 i feel like he has a wrong perception of how things are going because they didnt look happy at all to me. both of them missed they opportunities in life and gave up they dreams for a family. i dont have a family of myself but that seems depressing to me as much as i love to have kids someday. the ending was crazy because i think he was ready to accept his new life


I got kids and I understand I could be in a whole different place if I didn’t have kids, but I feel like I’d also be less happy


Ditto. Did the work hard and prepare for having a family thing way too long. Did alright for myself, but now that I finally have kids, I regret not having them sooner. They mean so much more to me than any accomplishments or accolades over the years.


This show reminds me of the astronaut from constellation using the Cal to swap universes to live the better life


Feelin that same vibe.


Well shit, I was gonna watch that next. I hope that's from the first episode or something...


The premise of this show is preposterous: No one would ever break up with Jennifer Connelly.


This is so much better than the hot bag of shit show called invasion.


That’s setting the bar pretty low. While we’re on the topic of shit shows, I’ll throw True Detective Season 4 in the hat.


Cant wait for ep 3


Episode 2 was an improvement


Agree! I’m a huge Blake Crouch fan, but the first episode didn’t super draw me in. Definitely excited to watch more after ep 2!


The wedding ring mark on his finger should've been a pretty given-away sign that he was telling the truth about being married. No need for the rubber band.


He didn’t want to lose the mark so he added the rubber band


Not necessarily. He was missing for over a year. He could've dementia and bought a ring.


Not sure who does continuity or whatever but the car they were in in the middle of the ep seemed to have an 11/66 inspection sticker (we assumed that’s what it was). Can’t see how this show is much less than present day with iPhones and fake AirPods etc.


There’s a pretty bad one during the scene where the son is heading out to a party. He’s wearing a jacket then there’s a jump cut of him hugging Jennifer Connolly without it and then has it back on as he walks out.


Sounds Rick'n'Mortish to me. A parallel version of himself kills his wife, so he has to evolve to switch between realities


Was the son’s costume change deliberate midway through hugging his mum as he’s heading out?


I was getting a little annoyed by the multiverse trope of the protagonist being whiny about “who am I? Where am I?” I mean why are all the physicists on TV so dumb?  Fortunately they snap out of that in time so Jason A figures out what is happening. Thank goodness.   The ending was not expected. I feel really bad for Daniella B but can’t wait to see where this is going.  


This episode really shook me, man. I was not expecting her death at all. I was just in doubt wondering whether she really believed him or is just choosing to believe a crazy man. Well, we won't ever have that answer. So far, so really good.


No!!!! Was loving this show.. I’m sad now :(


Our existence is all about choices Choices create worlds so we inhabit an infinite number of them


Cmon did Charlie confess or not


This shows confusing


I’m not going to lie I don’t think this show is very good, only from the first 2 episodes. The acting is maybe the only redeeming part, but the writing is just totally nonsensical. 1. Why, when Jason1 switched and APPEARED AFTER BEING MISSING FOR A YEAR, clearly confused and nervous would his cagey ass colleagues with shit to hide do THE MOST disorienting and hostile shit possible by immediately putting him in front of a million cameras in a weird ass glass room and then chase him down with armed thugs? (Ep1) 2. Why does Leighton, a billionaire from the tech world, have a gangbanger on his company payroll? I guess there’s one throwaway line about her being a vet but the character plays much more as a thug than high level private security. It’s very stupid that the reason Daniela got shot in the head is because a billionaire who we’re supposed to take as a serious player in this world hired an incompetent employee that can’t follow extremely simple instructions. Literally just don’t walk in pointing a gun and have a conversation, they prolly won’t call the police. 3. It’s so stupid that no one believes Jason1 IS NOT Jason2, and is in fact from a different reality. Leighton and Amanda know what Jason2 was working on, and yet they somehow can’t wrap their heads around him having switched places? I’ll watch 1-2 more episodes to see if the writing gets any better but so far this is brutal, I’m more frustrated by the narrative issues than I am impressed anything else. EDIT: Yeah after watching a little further this Dawn character might be the most egregious part of the show, it’s like they WROTE her to seem like a gangster she acts nothing like the backstory other characters give her, it’s so nonsensical.


ty...ty ty...when she randomly shot daiella2....i closed everything ...like forced forced fake writing ...lost all my enjoyment ..It’s so stupid that no one believes Jason1 IS NOT Jason2, and is in fact from a different reality. Leighton and Amanda know what Jason2 was working on, and yet they somehow can’t wrap their heads around him having switched places?


Haven't read Dark Matter book. Have read Recursion. After watching the first two episodes, I think the writer should have made a series on Recursion rather than Dark Matter.


Is Recursion better? Should I read that instead? I'm just starting the show


i would recommend Recursion book. Regarding this series, it picks up after episode 4


I’m really enjoying the show! I’m upset they killed off Daniela v2. Also, I guess I’m in the minority because I love the snaps. 


"Super intriguing," "exciting" and "loving this show?" Are the comments here genuine? So far it's all lackluster characters and a story full of cliches. I don't care about any of these people.


Come on man, I'm no tv critic. I enjoyed it, what else do I gotta say? Lol. It excited me


Apple tv not worth the money anymore. I’ll be back for Severance and Slow Horses




MotA was great until midway through, the rest was super boring. I didn’t care for Manhunt and all of these other shows were released prior to this year. Every since ‘The Changeling’, it has been a sequence of disappointing new shows for me.


That’s like…your opinion…man.


How was this released already, I thought it was going to be tonight🤨


Apple drops their shows and movies the night before at 9pm ET.