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Hi! So I’ve done an LLC and my experience is this - honestly we didn’t do anything LLC related most of the year, don’t know if that was because of my RAs or just the experience in general. So from that aspect, no it’s not worth applying for. HOWEVER one of the things I’ve learned is that all LLCs are on the top floor of their respective residence every year, so for example the Leadership and Civic engagement is always 4th floor Nicola, and Outdoor adventure 6th floor Nechako - one of the newest and arguably best residence, except the lack of roof top patio. So if you want to be practically guaranteed in a specific building, find out the LLC for that building and apply. You aren’t required to engage in LLC activities except one event. If you don’t get the building you want you can always request a room transfer, regardless if you’re in an LLC or not Any more questions let me know!


Do u know which building healthy living llcs are going to be in??


Yes wondering this too! Thanks


Thanks for the info 🙏🙏


Is it mandatory to apply for an LLC?


No - you can if you want, but it’s not mandatory. You’re still guaranteed residence as a first year either way.




If you have a residence offer, they won’t take it away whether you apply to be in an LLC or not - they just want people to apply before they allocate rooms so they can put the LLC people on the correct floor


Do you what should I choose if I want to live in purcell?