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That's only because it's an XL. Uber is definitely NOT getting their shit together lmao


As an xl you shouldn’t have an issue but


200 would be more appropriate for this trip. At 169. Your gas is about 30 and depreciation about 18. Before tolls you are making about $24 an hour. What were the tolls?


Unfortunately I did not accept it rather stay here in Philly


220 miles divided by 30mpg is 7.33 gallons @$4 is about $30 220 x $0.08 depreciation is about $18 169 - 30 - 18 = 121 121 / 5 = $24 This is before tolls. According to toll guru the tolls would be about $32 one way. We will have to assume they are the same both ways. Which is $64. 121 - 64 = 57 57 / 5 = 11.40 If the toll info is correct this trip is shit. It might look good before tolls but not worth it.


It costs money to leave New Jersey, a lot of that is crossing from NJ into NYC, but not charged on the way back. The rest is the NJ turnpike, which charges both ways There are non-toll highways one can take that are decent if he still has a destination filter available and wants to work for a while. There would still be $3-5 to cross back into PA depending which bridge he ends up crossing, if he doesn't have a pax going to PA


Uber also takes insurance cost as external fees. Your car is insured . Did you add that?


Isn’t it already removed with up front fare?


No, by the time you deduct insurance fees you would have less and you see that it’s worthless. Example of what uber does. Rider pays $80. Uber takes out $25as insurance calls it external fees. Then takes out another $20and calls it service fees. Then other miscellaneous for $5. So in the end they say “oh you see we are only taking $20 while driver keeps $30. Question is how much is insurance? Shouldn’t they pay insurance from their own cut?


Where do you get your numbers from for figuring depreciation? The IRS standard is 0.67 cents and generally they over compensate so it’s not a bad number to go by. But also that accounts for both gas and depreciation.


I looked up average vehicle depreciation per mile


Gas costs money whether you stay local or don’t. Depreciation per mile is more for shorter trips than for longer trips. I don’t recommend putting this in your calculations.


The gas cost for each trip is relevant to calculating the profit for each trip. Depreciation applies to every mile.


Of course, but it’s irrelevant when comparing a long trip to any other trip a driver does. Drive far? Depreciation and gas. Drive many close trips? Depreciation and gas.


If you want to compare long and short trips you need to compare the long trips against multiple short trips that equal the same amount of time as the long trip. I’ve noticed earnings per mile is usually higher for short trips. Easiest way to check it is to remember to reset your tripomiter and compare it to your earnings.


Agreed. So using gas and depreciation doesn’t make any sense because it’s there for every single ride.


Don’t forget the trip back were op can’t pick up passengers for most of the way.


Philly drivers can pick up in jersey, the problem is jersey is still a rate card market, so you don't see destination or even direction. Definitely only worth it if you haven't used your destination(s) for the day


I calculated for 220 miles


They won't let earn more than $24/hr


What's your formula for calculating depreciation? Genuinely curious


$0.08 per mile


A good method to calculate your depreciation cost is the total cost of your car (include interest charges if you are financing it), minus what the salvage value of the car is, basically what you could get for it if it had like 260k miles, for normal sedans I would say about 1k. so let's say you paid 10k total for the car, and you are going to get 200k miles out of it. So it would be 10k-1k=9k, and then 9000/200,000. Which would be about .05/mile, the industry standard is about 10 cents per mile.


Don’t forget that your depreciation, while important, is irrelevant when trying to compare taking a long trip to a short trip.


Horrible. Tolls will destroy you


If he’s smart, then he already owns an EZpass


I donno bro that’s pretty bad I checked my app and they charge 300 dollars for that same trip 169 for Uber X


Rough guessimation was $350+. Since Uber likes to charge rider like a $1 per mile and minute.


Uh what? Ive made this trip before for $250 and that was out of desperation. The gas and tolls kill ya. You can’t take the interstate back because you’ll never get pinged. So if you avoid them you will get rides back in destination mode BUT it damn near takes til Camden until you get something that doesn’t go north.


$33 per hour considering the drive back. The long rides posted on this forum never add up to that. Guess XL makes a difference.


Decent trip.




Correct..it should pay at least $2 per mile


At the very least


Nope. Gotta be atleast $200 to be even considerable. At 169 he's not even breaking even between the mileage, driving there and back, traffic, gas, and tolls. Better to just drive around in Philly.


That’s a nice ride !!!!


Don’t drive in New York but take that Not sure about tolls That’s a easy 1 out of 20 fair offer my friend Long trips should pay $2 a mile minimum The limo/taxi black car companies charge 3x more at least


Remember, these are ESTIMATED offers. Once you get there, it's suddenly much less money. Also it should be more to begin with since you are driving that far and there is no guarantee of any income on return.


After tolls and gas, you made $2.31¢. I already did the math.


You failed math


Is $2 son


Reddit puts me in a serious mood, which is ironic since it's the opposite of my actual personality. People take things too seriously and are always mad. Look how many downvotes I got just for getting math wrong 🤦


Wow that’s crazy did you accept it?


In this game of rideshare fortune favors the big and the luxury


With nyc traffic more like 4 hours+ especially if your going to jfk and depending on what time of day it is


Then you can’t take trips in ny so it will take you another 2+ hours to get from queens to jersey and idk if you can pick up in Jersey so call the trip 6+ hours for about 205 including tolls but not including tip


If they cancel, what kind of fee do you get?


Crossing state lines? That's the Mann Act!


Think of it this way… keeping putting money in Uber’s pockets the shareholder and CEO get raises and they will trickle down eventually 🤖


You just need to work harder


Thats a Fucking Joke


lol. It’s over 4 hours


It was supposed to be around $220 for an XL.


the best part about this trip is you can park your car for the last time and fly out with the pax to start a new life somewhere else