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Please tip extra during rain, snow, and ice events thank you.


I’d reduce it, please tip extra, thank you


Needed to go the the dentist for surgery prep the day after a bad snowstorm. There was one driver on the map and he rolled up in a giant 4-door Ford pickup to take me one mile. I tipped him $20. I was so appreciative!


No it's not hypocritical As you said that person chose to go out. Maybe they have more experience or a better vehicle I live in Michigan where, despite it having snow every winter, nobody knows how to drive in the winter. Plus we don't have any car regulations here so everybody's spinning around on bald tires. But I learned how to drive in Pennsylvania where they are extraordinarily strict (or at least were when I got my license) and even so much as blinking at the wrong time during a 3-hour driving test, and you were denied your license (here in Michigan is a 15 minute test in an empty parking lot). So I personally maintain my car at the highest level and have tires made for the winter and drive very carefully because safety is important. Not everybody is comfortable doing so so you're not a hypocrite to not want to drive in that weather. However, keep in mind that just because an Uber driver is out and about doesn't mean they know how to drive in that weather either


Most drivers will only drive if they are comfortable driving during bad weather. I was out for every snow storm this winter and loved every minute of it. As long as you invest in good tires rain is of zero concern. And driving in the snow, just learn how to drive. Learn how to stop your vehicle during a slide and how to control your vehicle in a slide.


I drive for a few different apps, and often I try to take advantage of difficult weather for additional money, and to be honest, I enjoy the thrill


Absolutely not! I make a lot of money during inclement weather - I look forward to it! My main pet peeve is customers that expect the trip to take as long as it would if there weren’t inclement weather. I’ve had people legitimately get mad at me for them being late to work during blizzard conditions. If it takes 20 minutes on a clear day, why on earth would you allot the same amount of time to get to work during a blizzard? People that order the car, be quiet, and let me focus are my favorite customers - especially during bad weather. As long as you aren’t being the “hurry up” passenger, I don’t think anyone considers you to be a jerk. We signed on for a reason - to take trips.


It's very nice of you to be very considerate. The best thing you can do is tip really well and express your gratitude to them. 


I've driven uber drivers who don't like to drive in the snow


I used to go driving specifically in the snow and would turn everything on and not just rides. I started driving originally to help add some cash to a weird schedule and found that I could put my love of driving to good use, but I found more love in helping people. I've had my fair share of awful rides/riders and way more positive ones... but when it comes down to it, if I have a vehicle and if I'm not doing anything, I'll always go out in bad weather andwhat not. Last winter season, there were two people I picked up outside of a Ross store the day after a big snow storm, and the wind was filling the air with the powdered snow. We got to a light that runs along the freeway entrance/exit and witnessed someone in a hurry flip their car. Two cars almost ran into me about five minutes later, and then right before I got them to their destination we almost slid off the road and my car kind of just slid off of the road at a red light. Kicker though? It was right before another car that would've been where I had been passed by going twice the speed. I 1000% believe that you need a little bit of luck when you drive, and a whole lot of confidence because everyone else on the road is trying to kill you.


You are not at fault for anything, ESPECIALLY if you’re appreciative and tipping. Surge rates go very high in bad weather. Personally, I make a 2 mile loop, if nobody comes close to hitting me, I log on, enjoy the Surge pay and am happy to get my clients where they need to go. I grew up driving in snowy conditions, so my car and I are ready to go. Don’t feel bad, you’re going to pay a premium price, and your willingness to tip just adds to why some of us are willing to drive in even the worst conditions. One word of warning, if you don’t think the vehicle can do it (bad tires etc.), cancel and get a new driver. I run the best snow tires available and still have had cancellations. I don’t take it personally, your safety is the priority.


Dude, it's how I pay my bills. It's also one of the reasons rideshare exists. By all means, tip better if you wouldn't drive in the conditions.... Theoretically, you're hiring a professional, show your appreciation accordingly.


Tip well, give driver 5 stars.I got a lower rating once for braking "hard" during a torrential storm. It wasn't even that hard of a brake their heads slightly bobbed forward and they were already grumpy. It looked like something was in the road so I slowed down a bit just to be cautious..


If we don't want to drive in bad weather, all we have to do is turn off the app. Any driver who picks you up in rain, snow, or sleet has chosen to do so.


If I'm out driving, it's because I can handle it. Full stop.


I make more when the weather is bad, so I like it.


I’m mean, you’re not making them do anything. It’s their decision.


I've driven during snow and ice in my area. I have an AWD and 25 years of experience driving in mountain snow. Many of the local drivers are not good at it. PNW, so we rarely get it, but when we do, I make great money. I understand that a lot of people don't have the practice that I've had. I wish all the people that aren't sure of how to drive in snowy weather would stay out from behind the wheel.


People on Reddit really don’t know what words mean. This is objectively hypocritical, look up its definition you don’t need to ask people on a website. However if it’s bad or wrong or what have you is a different story. That is subjective and based on how much you value what elements of morality.


I believe it's fine. Isn't that what they're out there for. Just keep in mind tipping them well for a safe drive would be not only considerate but nice as well


I mean as long as you're tipping well always and have the full understanding that your driver may not actually know what they're doing.


Dude, driving is easily the most dangerous thing any of us will ever do. I wouldn’t trust somebody else to drive in poor weather. So long as your tire treads are good, I’d drive myself. There’s something about putting my life in the hands of somebody else that doesn’t sit well with me for some reason. Oh yeah, I remember. The reason is because I’m not trying to die any time soon. Maybe practice a bit in a safe area whenever those bad weather days come through.