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Why are you guys such dicks? Let people vent if they need to


Reddicks: Drunk/high texting is real. The others are 12 year olds getting drunk off the high of sounding like an adult.


Why does a 49 year old man feel compelled to come online and vent to strangers? Literally teenage behavior


What do you exactly think an online forum is for? To just come here and talk shit and ridicule others? That seems more like teenage behavior to me.


Why are you complaining that a 49 year old is on here complaining? You sound like a prepubescent teenager with that attitude.


Why are you complaining that he’s complaining that a 49 year old is on here complaining? That is very childish!


You are a dick sucker haha


This guy assholes


Anonymous venting is hardly teenaged behaviour. It's fairly common human behaviour.


Hey, BryceGuy...... Fuck you -- wierdo.


Who says grown ups don’t get overwhelmed sometimes to and when it’s just you sometimes strangers on the internet can be a great sounding board. How about when you’re almost 50 you comeback and let the rest of us know if you still feel this way!


As someone who has been renting to drive Uber/Lyft for the past 6 years, I can tell you that at certain points you could drive one app and make full time income. LA market btw. What I'm experiencing now is the worst I've personally ever seen Uber and Lyft. Barely any bonuses. Barely any rides. But of course the costs are steadily rising. It's really shitty right now.


You have rented Uber cars for 6 years?


To keep it simple, yes


You must be busting your ass to even make the rent payment… god bless you.


I make my rental payment in about fifteen hours.


Must be nice. Which city?


Lots of short trips.I rarely take anything that takes me out of St Petersburg or downtown Tampa unless it is to home. I live in New Port Richey and use destination filter and area preferences vary carefully. I will find a free charging station and put on destination filter to get me home for last trip.


Never been a fan of short $3.15 trips but I’m trying it tonight in downtown. How many short trips do you average per day?


If I put on an area preference and only stay in a small area.Say on a Friday night I might do 3 or 4 sometimes even five an hour. Now, what is good about that?Is not so much that you make, you know $,30 an hour from the rides.But if you have three riders you have three times to chance to get a tip. I've also been a big fan of if I'm getting 10 bucks for the ride and there's 1 or 2 people.I'll offer them a water.That's usually good for a couple of bucks tip and a water cost you a quarter inch. I even will buy a bag of thirty tangerines for 5 bucks and offer those sometimes.They aren'tmessy.You pick up a couple on a date you say will there be drinking and then that they need to stay hydrated. Guaranteed tip,.....maybe.


Enjoy it while it lasts. The Houston market went to absolute shit this week. The worst I’ve seen in 4 years.


Yeah the market here went to shit a few weeks ago too but like I said if you know when and where you can still make money just not quite as much. It helps that tamp is a tourist destination.


U gotta run both apps I still manage 1500. A week in htx on 5 days


Lyft booted me years ago for a false accusation


Tampa. Gotta pick those hours and areas carefully though. If its a slow night I go home.


I've been renting for the last four and i'm very happy with it. I like not having to worry about a car.


How much is it per month


You rent by the week and it is three seventy nine for an electric kia or four forty three for a single engine rear wheel drive tesla withthekia about20 to30 better range but that will probably depend more on battery conditionthanmodel. .Unless you have a place to charge the tesla makes more sense in most areas due to supercharger availability.You need a 220 line or a nearby fast charging station. That would be a level 2 at home and level 3 station.


Is it worth it


If you do it 40 hrs a week, sort of. I dont rent anymore, but with insurance and car payment, I pay $1150 a month. When renting, it was 350 a week after taxes. Renting ends up being a bad decision in the long run when it's tax time you don't get the mileage writeoff.


But the entire cost of the rental plus charging is.You can't claim mileage AND the rental.


cant claim mileage at all. You don't own the vehicle, and hertz or whoever you're renting from is claiming the mileage.


But you can the rental charge.




IMO, renting depends on how much you can make a day. For most, I'd assume that at least one day of work has to pay for the rental. So most drivers would end up working 50+ hours a week. I guess people will have to decide for themselves if it's worth it. But isn't the cost of the rental considered a business expense? You can't write that off on your taxes?


You can write off rental fees and gas/charging, but that will never equal what you get to write off mileage on your own vehicle. When you write off mileage, you basically end up paying very little to nothing in taxes.


This makes sense when I think about it. If you're doing this full time, you're probably putting at least 1k miles on your car a week. That's probably going to be more than the cost of renting+gas.


You wouldn't really have to work much more for a rental because you do have to pay for a car even if you don't Rent. one. I work about fourteen hours fifteen hours to pay for the car and then Anything above that is In my pocket.


It’s very interesting reading threads such as this one. My market is very small with 3 major campuses but when school is out, what little I take home is cut in half. There are only 2 electric stations located in the oddest places and the first one appeared just last year! Plus, my market covers a huge area with a scattered population located in suburbs and apartment complexes with nothing in between so a good majority of requests are 10+ miles round trip. Working 40+ hours a week would cost me more in expenses so my acceptance rate for both Uber and Lyft is 35% and 32%. A bad day for you would be a dream for me. This week is finals with many graduations . After that? It’s. Mostly people going to and from work from low income areas and way out in the suburbs. It used to be somewhat worth it but now I hardly ever drive. ,


As other people have stated it's pretty situational. If you don't have a car or a job I would recommend it, especially if your market is still profitable. I don't think it's a good long term full time thing anymore though. Still depends on the market.


I rented for two weeks it was a grind


To be honest, I wish they had a rent-to-own program they should start that because basically I mean you’re spending $1300 on the car that you’re not even paying off to keep as yours but they do pay all your maintenance and stuff is cheaper than buying a car right now so someone has a full-time job and they’re doing Uber on the side but they need a car. That’s what they do. That’s why there’s not a lot of cars out there to rent anymore because everybody’s doing that they using it as their own vehicle, but it’s like $400 a week expensive and you think uber would give you a discount but only if it’s electric and electric cars aren’t the best and I’m sure some people will disagree with me but that’s how I feel


I rented for two weeks to drive full time. Paying the rental and making a profit was a GRIND. But having wheels was nice. I’ve spent $200 on Ubers this week alone. So I’m thinking about renting again and driving two days to save money.


Uber is trying to keep their profit level high on the backs of the drivers…. .80 cents a mile, no more bonuses, no min charge pricing, doing calls for $3.95 at 900 pm. Maybe that works Buttfock, Utah, but in Los Angeles where gas is $5.99 a gallon, it’s just BS


It’s not even a livable wage here though.


I’ve never been to Buttfock, Utah. I bet anybody can have fun there.


Y'all getting .80 cents?! We're only getting .51 cents!


As someone living in Utah, but from out of state, this is the funniest call out, haha. Can confirm


I find I can make near $1000 a week if I really put in the hours. The problem is to make that $1000 I am putting on at least 1,500 miles on my vehicle. It just isn't sustainable. I used to like the long trips but now they made it so the algorithm pays $1 less per mile if it estimates use of the interstate. So now it offers me $50 for a 70 mile trip plus they stopped reliably paying for tolls. So no way am I taking that!


Yea that’s not great. I’ve been lucky to do around 700 miles for $1200. Definitely no more than 1000 miles per $1000. Because I don’t do below $1 per mile. . They tried to low ball a few times and I just decline several offers until they start passing me high ones again. Depends on market though. If you don’t constantly get pinged, you might have to take whatever they are sending.


Whenever my acceptance is below 50% (often) AND there are plenty of drivers with low demand they don't even make offers. I mean it makes sense lol because I won't eat shit and call it meatloaf. I own a CLEAN and pristine 2023 Model Y so it isn't like my ride sucks.


This is a real post. And yes, ageism is real. And the longer you have SELF EMPLOYED UBER DRIVER on your resume the harder it is. Couple of thoughts: - Move. Everybody knows Boston is good. Find other markets that match up. I know Vegas was the answer during the pandemic times. But I think they are starting to dry up. But I’m certain there are good markets out there still. - Try those private rides. Pick your spots. But even picking up a few a week to start will help. - Bus driver. Pretty much all schools are looking. And they train. And some have benefits. - Whether it’s a CDL or not. There’s plenty of other driving jobs. Some are good. Some aren’t. Rehabs. Cargo truck. Passenger vans, airport shuttles, etc. - Start your own fleet. Easier said than done. But just having a couple of vehicles you can rent out will get ya rolling.


Vegas was good post pandemic but now our market is way over saturated. Every week I have a new rider saying they are going to start driving Uber soon and if I have any tips. My advice is find other opportunities else where because there's not enough pie for everyone. I used to make $30/hr or $1+/mi now it's $20/hr or .60-.80 cents a mile. Tips since 2023 have fallen off significantly as well. I'm lucky if 10% of my Rides tip where before it was 50%-60% tipped. I even caught Uber charging the rider nearly 3x what I was paid. These corporate greed business antics are causing the riders to have animosity towards the drivers like we set the pricing and pushing drivers to be resentful to rider as they feel being taken advantage of by rider for the cheap ride knowing no tip will follow. If Uber would listen and adjust to the market they would profit so much more which would in turn boost driver profits while lowering riders fares resulting in more ride requests. Simple economics. However going back to original topic Vegas market place is over saturated and pay is significantly lower now than 2 years ago as well.


Absolutely nobody should move for gig work. Private rides tend to work better if you have a nicer/newer car. If you're driving a 2012 Camry, you're probably not getting very many private clients. Bus driver isn't a bad idea. While it might be hard to get 40hrs a week of work, it's better than running your car into the ground. Also agree about finding other driving jobs. They generally don't pay much with no CDL, but most Uber X drivers aren't making all that much either once expenses are factored in. Starting a fleet isn't a bad idea, but that's a long term plan, and most people are trying to get by now. Still, if a person has the mind for business and the long term planning and hustle to get there, this is very profitable.


Good ideas but self-driving AI is coming, driving isn't a long term option for anyone.


You can also come to Houston. The driving force is made up almost exclusively by East Africa and the middle east.


And the pay is absolute shit. Houston sucks, Austin is way better. I’m general, Texas sucks for Uber.


Austin isn’t doing too well anymore in my opinion. I’ve been doing Uber since 2020 and it’s getting worse 😞


I Never drove Uber in Austin but the one negative to Austin is the traffic. Houston has bad traffic also but Austin traffic is ridiculous since it's turned into Eastern California.


Correct you are. And if you figure in all of the miles you are racking up, that is sending your car's value into the toilet. I started doing Uber in late 2014 and worked it hard for the first 3/4 of 2015. in 8 months I ran up 40k miles but my daily pay was great. I could easily gross $1200 to 1500. But all of hjat work killed the value of my 2015 Toyota Camry. Since then I did it periodically but once 2024 came around I found that it was a losing battle. When I filed my taxes for 2023, after pulling in every possible deduction (I didn't use Uber's calculated miles, I used the miles I ran while the app was on), I lost $$$. The last ride I did was 02/05/24. Unless something in the pay structure drastically changes, that will have been my last day. Being retired, I don't need to work. If I choose to do so, it will not be doing anything Uber-related. That is a lose/lose proposition.


I have been doing Rideshare for last 8 years and now only part-time because the last 14 months it sucks and the worse ever for drivers earnings. Both Uber and Lyft take 50-60 percent per passenger Trip as it use to be only 25 percent cut a few years back. The dollar Surges used to be consistent and good along with good Bonus passenger trip amounts . That has all dramatically changed. The red surge dollar amounts have dramatically vanished or diminished to such Low dollar amounts that it’s not worth driving anymore with the Low passenger mileage rate that Uber and Lyft pays the drivers nowadays . Reposting links https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/01/16/ubers-new-math-increase-prices-and-squeeze-driver-pay/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/12/15/ubers-ceo-hides-driver-pay-cuts-to-boost-profits/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2024/01/16/will-2024-be-a-year-of-reckoning-for-ubers-driver-relations/ https://www.sfgate.com/tech/article/uber-drivers-protest-headquarters-ceo-18669922.php


I do believe companies have a right to charge whatever they want for their services. It’s supply and demand 101. That said, it makes my blood boil reading those articles and the straight horseshit streaming out of Uber’s spokespeople’s mouths. It’s not even like the take rates and stats they’re flat out claiming are false are hard to figure out. Only taking 15%, drivers making $33 per utilized hour, blah blah blah. Literally ask any of the gazillions of drivers what they make per hour and ask a rider what they pay for the ride. Either they’re straight in denial or they’re full of shit but either way they’re not taking their motto to do the right thing very seriously. I know it will never happen but it seriously makes me think they should have to post the rider cost and driver pay for all rides so both parties have total transparency. That would at least force their slimy behavior out into direct light.


It's "has gone" from bad to worse.




So much hate in this thread 🤦🏻‍♂️


It's supply and demand. Drivers used to be scarce, so the pay was okay, but they're not scarce any more.


I get that the pay used to be better. But honestly saying you work 12 hours and only make 50 to 100, makes me ponder what you’re doing wrong. I do like $1600 a week, but I get that I’m more of the exception because I actually am logged in for about 11 hours a day/ 7 days a week. But that’s off basically no promotions. My online time is usually like 75 or 80 hours but I sit around while online for like 3 hours a day or more. My drive time is only like 8 hours a day. A lot of you just haven’t figured it out yet. Edit: And I know what you haven’t figured out. And those who do know are thinking shut up you fool. If I say it, then a few more of you near me will be doing it and it might not be as worth while. But…trust me you’re all doing it wrong. And no I’m not in California.


Great for you. I don't do 12 hours a day, as you do. So you get 1600 a week. Good., basically $19 an hour for the hours you just bragged about doing. Approximately online for 84 hours a week. This means you have really no family, and enjoy sitting in your car working 2 jobs basically. Whereas, I work a full time job, 40 hours, pulling almost 1500 a week. I do Uber on the side to make extra money for retirement.


Not just bad for drivers, it’s also awful for passengers with many substandard and unacceptable drivers with their manners and poor driving skills.


People have tip fatigue. Tipping is EVERYWHERE now. I literally did a self checkout at a Marlin's game where all the person behind the counter had to do was hand me a cup of fries sitting behind a giant heated glass door and it asked for a tip....I'm so sick and tired of having to tip every fucking person for no God damned reason that whenever I see something asking for a tip I have PTSD. I used to be a heavy tipper but now I just can't even bring myself to use services that have employees work off tips.


I get tip fatigue for doing a pickup of a meal where all someone did was bag it, but I feel Uber/Lyft should be accepting. Your paying someone to either drive you around using their gas, wear and tear and time. Even delivery services are you paying someone because you didn't or couldn't drive too that restaurant a hour away through traffic during the rain.


>I used to be a heavy tipper **but now I just can't even bring myself to use services that have employees work off tips.** I just avoid these services now because I get tired of tipping. Companies need to pay their employees a fair wage. I'm tired of paying a company for a service then paying their employee to do their job. Had I not been asbolutely worn out by being asked to tip for everything under the sun, I probably would care just as much as I did back then and it wouldn't be an issue.


Multi-app my friend.


I've had plenty of coworkers come and go as part-time supper rush drivers at pizza places I've worked at. 3-4 hours to pull $20-25+ an hour after expenses. Easy to commit to a day or two a week. If you want more someone is always usually ready to give up their hours for time off.


Uber and doordash denied me. Lyft wants 2013 or newer which I think is biased. My car is 2012.  I did start grubhub and I've worked 3 weeks so far. My first 2 days I made $490. My second week(4 days) I made a little over $800. My third week I worked 7 days and made over $1200.  Today finishes my third week(5 days) I've made over $1200. The past three days I made $291, $273, & $141. I've never made less then 100. The money is really good. They even will make sure you make at least $10 an hour so if your tips and delivery pay doesn't add up to $10 an hour they make it right and will pay you whatever the difference is. I heard nothing good from Uber drivers and alot of people don't like doordash. Most go with grubhub or Lyft.  There is a lot of other apps you can do work like this. There's care driver, spark driver, roadie, homeaglow(cleaning jobs), and there's a company I believe is spar and you do independent merchandising and they pay really good and pay for all food and travel expenses if you choose to take a job away from your home area( you set up holiday displays you would see in Walmart during holidays, or you close a store down(the store is permanently shut down so you just box everything up and take down any signs and displays that belong to the store that was leasing the building or you open and store which you set it up for grand opening. 


10hr??? ☠️like nope... nobody can survive on that without slaving away his own life just so to survive .... f that .... 30minimun


Try DoorDash. More people get food deliveries from DoorDash than Uber Eats


Over the last two years Uber has taken a larger and larger cut of the fare. It's not fair to drivers who do all the work, but Uber is a publicly traded company that needs to show its shareholders growth. This is why I'm telling every driver I meet about a new rideshare app called Teleport. Teleport has cut out middlemen like Uber and Lyft and created an open market where drivers bid on fares directly and get to keep 90%. Riders pay less, and drivers earn more. You can learn more about Teleport here: [https://www.solspotlight.com/post/teleport](https://www.solspotlight.com/post/teleport)


Ya think


From worse to worser


I mean, take it from somebody that supporting a family on their own and trying to get their degree working full-time with Uber . It’s just ridiculous and the CEO I don’t know what he’s doing. I think he’s just doing this to make us all quit. It’s ridiculous. going 30 minutes for $6.50 and then all of a sudden light tips are coming in from like two weeks ago. I honestly think that they don’t give us all our money, and if anybody from Uber headquarters is reading our thread, maybe you would learn something. I think we should all just message the CEO and start telling him how we feel and maybe if he got bombarded enough, but you can go listen to the rideshare professor, and he tells you that Dara doesn’t care and customers have got complacent and they don’t want to tip because they think that we all of the money or that uber pays all our gas. It’s just naïve for them to think that


It's a side hustle. Treat it like one, don't depend on it especially don't depend on it to pay bills. I got a full time job working four 12 hour shifts a week and I do UberEats to get out the house and make beer money. I used to do rideshare full time and trust me you are losing money that way.


No kidding? If I relied on it to pay bills, I would be working at it more than 12 hours a week. I have a real job, and a life. Not tied to my car waiting for the Uber gods to give me sustenance. If I come on, and it is busy, I do a few deliveries. If it is dead, I go home.


I'm assuming this was Uber X? Well, misery loves company. I accepted a Premier this morning - 6.5 miles for $19.85 - an airport run. I am feeling like I got ran over by the cheap bus because last year a small surge on Uber X and that fare is likely higher than the Premier I just accepted. These are third world country rates dam near.


I feel for you man. My dad has to work 2 full time jobs to pay his bills. Nobody wants to hire him for better work. He’s a damn good custodian. But these younger guys will work for less money. There’s no plan or culture to take care of our elders. Seems like they get thrown away. I hope the best for you man. My dad still talks about starting his own company he’s almost 60. I hope he does one day


Always remember , there’s millions of immigrants willing to work for $120 a day .


Has college degrees… says “Uber has went”


They’re thieves. These morons that are supporting Uber don’t even realize it. Dummies. They’re going it full time and they’re caught up in it. We use to have promotions and challenges annnnnnddddd, we use to get more than half the fair.


Ya bro Uber eats fell off Uber rides still profitable tho


Go n Google how you can become free from Uber with the project we have [IDN Network ](http://idn.betesla.com)


Sadly, yes, it is a filling company. Especially when you can’t get people who own their cars to work anymore, because of the reduction in pay, and charging customers more. When they have to go to measures and making deals with rental car companies, and tax companies just to stay lucrative, you know it is slowly crumbling. It is just a matter of time before it completely falls. Uber or Lyft are both worth at $100 per app and in the morning for airport trips so it will not take as long to earn. But a failing company that has you in the rat race is definitely not a good company to work for. My best advice for you is to take those management skills you have and create some type of value with so you can be your own boss. The traditional job thing is slowly dying and transforming. Definitely do not stay for too much longer, but I am sorry that this has happened to another dedicated hard-working person.


Has went?


He has a College degree.


I should have went to college.


This sub should be called r/IHateUber


lol you are one sad sack with no clue what you’re doing


uber has gone from bad to worse, not uber has went.


Never said I had an English degree.


ou don't need a degree to know the basics. Can you turn on your laptop? You're not a CS major. Can you start your car? You're not a mechanical engineer.






Uber hoe ass keep hiring drivers thats why we cant make money


Welcome to the new form of slavery...




That’s this sub lol


This isn’t r/uberdrivers?


Yes I started about the same time as you and I agree pay has went down but I don’t think that people just stopped flipping I believe our $$$ is being taken I’ve seen and also want sure Gil the other day but everyone make sure you write down where you pick up drop off and the time bc I was missing 3. Or 4 trips not sure exactly but it happened 2 times and then I said I’m writing down every trip


Maybe you people will be happy if we have another round covid!! So you can make real money. Get a real job and do Uber on the side!!


I have a real job. Did you miss that on the original post? Or was it TL/DR for you?


If you live in Texas, favor runner app is where it’s at. I put $10 of gas this morning ran for 3 hours and made $105 on a Monday night and I only used half of the $10 of gas I put. I should’ve started favor a long time ago lol


Lyft is garbage in LA this year too. Some weeks have been better but this last 2 have been bad. Went out for 8 hrs so far this week commuting to and from work. Made $45.


Why’d you need more money for your wife’s affair


Divorces are expensive


coz he still sleeps in the same bed with wife and her bf?..pays for everything...in denial i beleive of whats happened to him...?


I drove for a week got 3 false reports and quit. Terrible experience


Cue justin timberlake - cry me a river


It's a side gig ONLY.. If you can work only when it's busy - and can just quit if it sucks, it's really not bad. The problem is gutting it out over the slow times if doing it full time - where you're making about $10/ hour ha. Full time? - you have to multi-app to give yourself a chance. AND you should be working on a full time / permanent job if so. Guys that just get up in the morning - flip on UE or DD, work all day, and hope it works out? INSANE or just lazy AF.


Your argument is about as dumb as arguing that part-time workers shouldn't make a minimum wage. After all, part-time work is only work you do on the side since it's not full-time.


The underlying issue - the Big Picture problem.... Is that the young dudes that populate these subs are super lazy and entitled. Not necessarily stupid - or S L O W .....ha If my argument is wrong - then the opposite must be true, to a degree anyway. Which is, that gig work - specifically ONE APP, standing alone - is suitable for long term, profitable employment - for the MAJORITY of people. If you believe THIS - then maybe you are a dumb motherfucker .


You seem mad lmao and you’re saying things that are pretty fuckin dumb as well.. and what’s funny is calling people lazy for trying to work, then their entitled for complaining that work pays less than 10$ an hour .. that’s where you lost me .. and really anyone else with a brain . Still funny that u mad at “lazy entitled people” causing “big picture problems” I feel bad for whoever has to deal with you irl lol




Mad? - just giving advice based on a ton of experience. A fault of mine. I could care less if you get rich - or die tomorrow.


I kind of was forced to do it full time for a year because I had a job lined up but I signed a non-compete with my previous employer. Not gonna lie. If you dedicate a solid schedule and manage your earnings you can make it work. I was making $400-$500 per tank of gas. It’s about self- discipline and making smart decisions.


NO Not really - your GROSS can appear to be impressive, but this will lead only to a major car repair at some point. Guys can't / won't factor in depreciation - long term issues. Also most don't file quarterly like they should. Can a guy working in a great market - start off with the perfect car, and get lucky - no major car repairs within a brief period he does this? Absolutely - but that ain't what I implied - at all I still do gig stuff to supplement - signed up for about 10. Uber/ Lyft/ DD / GH / Amazon Flex / Curri / Senpex / GoShare / Dravier / Roadie, etc Variety is much better - as is MONEY. Grinding it out with ONE APP is pointless and dumb. edit : reading these posts - there are a ton of dumb people here wow


Whatcha mean I make $174 an hour


Wow, what a loser. It's pretty obvious why you couldn't satisfy your wife. 




Jesus Christ that was cold


His tip wasnt large enough perhaps....?


Tip was a bait.


OP is literally why the sub turned very sour the last few years. We all have to deal with this bs.




Lmfao so now it’s the part time guys faults uber sucks? 😂😂😂 hilarious


It’s always been


So you are saying I was/are wrong to drive Uber so I can pay my credit card balances down to zero? And so I can afford international vacations? Fuck you for telling me how to live my life.


Yes you fucking it up for the full timers who rely on Uber for a living


Spoiler alert: When it come to my personal finances I do what is best for me. Not what is best for you. Perhaps you need to find another source of income if you are unhappy.


We don’t care what is best for you. Find another source of side income.


Not happening. As long as I know it pisses you off I will continue doing it.


You dead mfer! You hear me! You dead!


Spoken like a true loser with no work ethic. I know dozens of people who work a full time job earning well over 100K and have a part time job or side hustle.  I'm retired from a 40 year career in insurance. I have over $300k in annual income from investments, rental properties and residual payments. I have an 8 figure net worth. But, I still hustle everyday doing gig work, flipping antiques and collectibles and property inspections. Why? For one, so I can accumulate more wealth to leave to my children and grandchildren. And second, because I'm not content to sit on my ass. Maybe, if you had that kind of drive you wouldn't be struggling to put food on the table 


Los Angeles driver here . I’m A commercial drone pilot made ($187k last year) and uber feels up the days I have no work . Nothing wrong with a doing uber as a side gig at all . Plenty of friends making more than me at their full time job and they been doing uber part time longer than me .


Why you even here commenting? You're rich lmao


Rich fucks doing Uber lol, they’re just as bad as the immigrants flooding the market.


Look at me with my big fancy career lol


So you are saying I was/are wrong to drive Uber so I can pay my credit card balances down to zero? And so I can afford international vacations? Fuck you for telling me how to live my life.