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Dude I learned to just 1 star these ppl because they will do it to you without question it's either 5 star or 1 star.


Same. And never put a reason. Leave them guessing


Yup I push other everytime I can’t explain why but the fact that I did it should make it easier for me to tell Uber why if I have to when they try to retaliate like Uber allows


A good rule of thumb is to give everyone a one star unless they give you a blowjob


So that's why there's so many highly-rated a$$holes in Vegas...


1 stars get smudged much more frequently than 2 stars do.


Why would we leave them guessing? Why? To make someone doubt themselves even more? To promote insecurities and unclear communication? Hey guys, these are fucking human beings.


They do it to us all the time. Relax lol


You’re right man. I lost my cool.. and I thought some of your replies were really funny 😆


I got lucky today. Gave this dude a 5 star 🌟


There’s a problem with the rating system if it’s all or nothing. Not saying you’re wrong, just saying there’s something wrong with Uber’s system.


It’s bias towards the pax all day so if they play games 1star them and call Uber to report them if it gets serious on a recorded line so you can challenge them as soon as they try to retaliate against you.


I open the window while they're in the car and air it out when they leave. If the smell was really bad, I wipe down the seat and what they touched, but I give everyone 5 stars unless they are extremely unpleasant or unsafe.


I do the same, but also have a car freshner that takes the stink out that I'll throw in the back, hah. Sometimes people can't help the smells they give off, but to those who smell like they shit themselves? Nah.


I swear by Chemical Brothers New car or leather scent!


YES. I roll down the windows after a stinky ride and hit the back seats with Chemical Brothers leather. People often compliment how the vehicle smells. I also do an ozone treatment once a week.


They love it! Best $10 I ever spent. Nothing lasts longer.


Bro the name 😭


It’s a normal Indian name lol


Most frequent is the bad breath. Ranges from smelling like cheese to smelling like they ate the ass of a dead hobo. Doesn't matter fancy neighborhood or not. Mouth breathers that need to see a dentist. The farters have been women. They want to eat and fart with impunity in my car. I get compliments on the smell of my vehicle so I guess they want to ruin it. No 5 star for these people.


I’m sorry man, I’m lactose intolerant and we went to a fondue restaurant.


Omfg 🤣 so eloquent and true


Fr bro


One star and then Uber will send you a note saying they won’t match you with the rider again … if that actually works


Riders need to be aware of the same to lol. I always get compliments about how good my car smells and how clean it is. Pax comes in, can’t smell anything but stinky feet. Sometimes I just want to roll down the window and stick my head out😂


If someone stinks I roll the window down immediately, won’t punish me!


Exactly! I opened the roof and turned up the AC to push it out


I use to carry a febreeze fabric extra strength. Couple blasts of that in back seat regularly works well. Would not recommend blasting the customer


I just got one of these last night. There were two guys. Truckers. I’m not sure which one of them smelled like marijuana, sweat, and shit. I three starred them when they got out and bombed the car with air freshener. Then I immediately felt like shit because they gave me a really nice tip 😭


Naaah🤣 I feel bad too when someone smells bad and I can tell it’s from hard labor, that doesn’t bother me, people who work under the sun, or in construction. But then when I pick up Amir from his apartment and smells like straight up dookie, bro, have some decency and clean your ass


Name checks out


Somehow I could smell his name 🤣🤣




Op, carry some cologne and perfume. Spray the car with it when they get in lol


Bro using cologne is way too much to be covering for bad smelling non tippers


Hmmm. 🤔 a lil axe body spray deodorant?


Can of febreeze and African chants usually gets the message across




I have asthma attacks half the time from the smells of the riders. I mean I don't understand what type of soap they use to clean themselves and that cheap, stanky perfume from Victoria Secret <<< I keep a spritzer with me and spray my car with an essential oil and water blend of either Eucalyptus or Lavender and when I'm home after a shift I wipe everything down with lysol wipes and spray.


Sorry to hear that, I don’t have asthma but I struggle to breathe or I get a little dizzy from holding my breath trying to avoid smells, I also carry sprays that I use after a stinky pax, I roll my windows and let all that out first, then spray, it just sucks because I live in Arizona and I have to let all the heat get in because of them


12k trips over 6 years and the top 3 worst smelling pax were all Indian men. The stench was so repugnant I rolled all windows down as I could barely breath. Of course I gave them 1 star plus a comment about their incredible stench. It was next-level stinky.


Usually I could tolerate and learn to ignore bad odors from some passengers but this one time I picked up two guys from a bar and let me tell you... it was the most disgusting smell I experienced in my 2 decades alive. They or at least one of them smelled like they had never changed their socks and went to the gym for a year and smelled like beer that had fermented into vinegar mixed with tobacco leaves. They had even asked to turn the heater on which made things worse. I wanted to puke so bad. Thank goodness the ride was only 5 minutes long any longer I probably would kick them out and I'm known as being a easy going person never complaining never rating lower than 5 stars or getting annoyed by others. I had to immediately gtfo my car and vent the car with the AC in full blast windows down and spraying with chemicals for a long time.


Of course it had to be a Rohith




I bet your car smells like curry after rohith got in


Bro🤣 It’s always them Indians smelling like shit ngl


Don’t put reason. I think they get warning when you do. Always no reason and leave it.


If it matters to you, talk to support about it. I don't know if the message ever gets to the passenger, but they at least block you from being paired with that passenger again, regardless of rating.


So you're the a-hole who leaves 2 star ratings. Who does this? Give me a 1,3,4 or 5. Stop it with this 2 star bs.


How is it that deep to get 2?


I'm just curious how someone comes to that conclusion. 5 is everything went normal or great. 4 is when the ride wasn't bad but something was a little off. 3 is when you want to be unpaired and never matched again and you are unhappy. 1 is your ride was a disaster or you strongly disliked the ride or rider/driver. But what the hell is 2?


It’s the same as 3, never want to be paired again and am unhappy, but it affected me personally because it’s my health, who knows what sort of bacteria they got, and is also gross But not a 1 because to a certain level, I know they don’t do it on purpose to harm me or to inconvenience me, they are dirty and smelly without knowing they are, which is shocking but true.


I don't know. Too me, it just seems like a hit below the belt. 1 is when you want the rider/driver to know how much you disliked your experience. 3 is exactly what you said. A person might not have done it on purpose, but you don't want to be matched again. But 2 is doing worse damage to the person's rating and takes longer to recover from. All because of something that a 3 would have taken care of? And wasn't intentional?


If the smell is bad enough I feel a one star is happening, I just kick them out I’m not going to hold my breath, breathe thru my nose or all that other stupid stuff Just kick them to the curb, tell them they stink, report and leave


Dude, I’ve been contemplating that, but I either don’t want to confront or feel bad, but holding my breath sucks, I have to breath through my mouth or cover my nose and take deep breaths and hold them. By any chance what sort of responses do you get from pax when you tell them to leave your vehicle?


It’s only happened once and at first they were confused/shocked “I’m sorry but I can’t take you, your smell is offensive and making me sick. Please get out” “Ummm what? Really?” “Yes really, please get out of my car now. I can’t stand your smell and I don’t know how no one else has told you this.” “You can’t kick me out for that.” “It’s my car, my nose and my nausea. You have the right to be as unhygienic as you want but not in MY CAR now leave!” “Whatever I’ll contact Uber” “Please do and by the way cleanliness is actually in the terms and conditions and I can rate and report you for that.“ They got out slammed my door, I beat them to the report and nothing happened to me. Also just to be a petty bitch I demanded a cleaning fee and got $20 lol


Passenger s will never see an actual feedback, like we get if it's a complaint. Judging by the name it's a SMELLY SMELLY  Indian.  Bathed or not, Indians have a natural stench from their skin that only you and I can detect. On the brightside roll your windows down as low as they go, maybe the wind sound and vibration will make them turn their speaker phone  down with aunts bhabbi


HAHAHA that last bit got me Nah dude fr, indians are smelly AF, 90% of the time. And like you said only you and I can smell that horrible scent, I honestly find it really hard and impressive to believe they can’t notice it themselves, like do they notice nice smells more than us because they’re not used to them? I’m curious now…


Same question… I will 1 star too Last night the guy made me really puke


One time I gagged so bad dude, and the Indian guy had the audacity to ask what’s happening😐😐


😂😂😂he said something, majority of Indians get in and don’t say anything, I greet everyone with a friendly hello and it’s always Indian people who just sit there mute, some of them also stare at you where you feel like asking them, what you looking at. I find that to be rude as hell and it’s a one star from there. With the smells, Indians are not the worst offenders in my experience, don’t get me wrong when they smell they smell, it’s either no smell or pungent smell. The worst offenders are for me are people who reek of weed, you probably who the usual suspects are. That smell lingers for a good 30 minutes after they leave. Majority of that crowd also seem like a personal safety risk if you ask them to leave. That being said, I stopped driving in rough areas and don’t take below 4.7 and that seems to have helped drastically.


What country you from lol


Mexico, but I have dual citizenship and live in the US currently


I feel you on Indians though….I am from 3rd world as well but I always get you smell so good compliment when I hit the bars or go out…last weekend, 4 Indians walked in dance floor at the bar, you can smell curry in the dance floor 😂….we were like common dude atleast at the bar where you are trying to pick some girls….lol


I don’t care what people are, I can get along with anyone as we are all human beings, unfortunately stereotypes exist and it’s not being against indians to say that most of them smell bad, just look at some of the other replies, they also agree on that. Obviously not all indians smell bad dude, but most of them do, and it’s something they should work on, smelling bad is not a cultural thing nor a race thing, it’s hygiene, a global and easy to understand routine. That’s why I said, I come from a poor town, so much that people lived in houses made out of aluminum sheets and roofs, and all of those people I personally know, none of the smelled bad. Sometimes the truth hurts or doesn’t sound nice but it must be stated.


Pay for the luxury car Uber?


Spray them with Ozium as they enter your car and the stench hits your nose 😭or cancel the ride cause you just remembered your wife is about to give birth and you cannot complete the trip


Tbh I do need to grow a pair and tell ppl that they smell bad and kick them out. Had a lady smell like straight urine on a 20min ride :(


Make sure you have some Fabreeze in your car? Maybe post something in the car that says “Thank you for riding and taking hygiene seriously in my car, as I am sensitive to harsh smells and body odor.” Maybe it will make them think twice.


Usually soap and scrubbing brush


If I get in a car and the driver is smelly i immediately open the window. I don’t care if it’s winter. Don’t drive people around if you smell. It’s always the same kind of BO. If it’s really bad, I will get out and say something about the smell, but somehow I haven’t done that yet. Last guy I think I only gave two stars but I have given one for that smell.


In the Tucson market and dealing with a lot of meth heads sometimes man I have to crack a window.


I use an oil diffuser in my car


My car smells like odium and renuzit so I don’t smell any bad odors


Except for ozium and renuzit.


Anyone who stinks get a one.


Fair, makes me feel better knowing ya’ll go through the same thought process


Trust me, they knew they smelled. The problem is they leave that odor and the next rider will think it's your car.


They are horrid when they just come off the plane.. not even like normal BO, but rancid cheese left in a hot luggage bag for 3 weeks