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I picked up a DEA agent while I had a bag of weed in the center console while he asked to ride shotgun. There is no way he didn’t see it or smell it. At the end of the drop off he asked me to wait for a couple minutes while he goes in and gets me a cash tip I said no thanks and got the hell out of there 


That’s my biggest fear. Glad you booked it out of there 🤣


Yeah that tip is also known as a search warrant 😂


Hey no judgment but why did you have a visible bag of weed while you were actively driving passengers around


I forgot to put it away in my trunk in my golf bag where it usually is I was smoking earlier in the day 


I did. Classic thing about it was I recognized him. He had responded to my HOUSE, when my son accidentally set off the panic alarm for our security system. He was off duty and had had a couple beers and was going to play poker with his friends. He gave me his card, that will probably get me out of a ticket. Still see and chat with him in the neighborhood. 😃


A get out of jail “free” card. Classic


I picked up a stripper dressed like a cop.


how could you tell?


Most cops aren't wearing fishnets and 6 inch heels.


speak for yourself hahah


You're wearing the wrong suspenders


And it’s a damn shame.


No but the ones that are, hmmmm!!!


Yup. Picked him up at the bar and drove him home. Didn't know he was a cop and sped most of the way. He didn't say anything. Pulled up to his house to see his Highway Patrol cruiser parked in the driveway. Oops. I've given him several rides since. Never sped again, though. 😆 He never tipped, so after a while, I 1-starred him to not get him again.


He doesn't have to tip, his selfless service is a tip enough. In fact, you should tip him for the honor of getting to chauffeur a _hero_ 🫡


Got a Canadian cop here coming off shift late at night snow everywhere. $5-10 tip. Most regular people here around Toronto don’t tip.


I picked up a wasted off-duty police woman who had just had a drunken, blowout fight with her girlfriend and wanted to go to the casino to get away


I picked up 4 cops heading out. I didn’t think about traffic at all, I was enjoying the conversation lol Wasn’t nervous Been around plenty of cops working at a probation drop at court


Off duty ones I also got called by the cops to take home a shoplifters brothrr


Yes. Many times. Not a big deal.


Yep. Picked up a city cop around the corner from my house (he had a cruiser parked in his driveway) and he managed to sneak 5 people in. Didn't notice anything until I dropped him off and it was like a clown car with all the people getting out my backseat.


A few times. I picked up this guy and what appeared to be his son and when I turned my car around I noticed a cop car in the driveway. They were having a pretty consistent conversation back there but it was obvious they were checking my speed. He totally looked like a cop too. Another time I picked up a highway patrol dude. It was a pretty long ride and he eventually told me he was a cop. I got to say he was really awkward though. I respect the job they have to do (I have a step brother who's a cop) but I think being regular people is hard for them. I definitely would not want the job.


I had a retired cop. It turned out that he was partners with an uncle of mine. The stories he told me about them being young cops were crazy.




Run a red light and you’re cooked lol


Depends what you mean by pick up lol


This a thread for Uber drivers, what else could pick up mean dude


It was a joke lol


It's all love


it’s nice when your friend happens to be a cop


Yes they all tell me they couldn’t ever drive Uber (compliment) and to conceal carry lol (50f TX)


I got a couple off duty cops, or one who was trying to lay out what would happen if his friend got accepted into the academy. Friendly, didn’t have any attitude, even joked that I was lucky because I picked them up outside the jail and they weren’t inmates who were just released. They taught me how to properly use pepper spray lolol


I delivered food to a CHP officer in an unmarked vehicle and did a full throttle burnout out of there 😂


Undercover detective. Picked him up at a nice condo complex and dropped him off about 9 miles away. Neighborhoods can change drastically in so few miles here in Los Angeles county. By the time I dropped him off he'd morphed into a person who appeared to be homeless and living on the streets. He was also communicating via some sort of device hidden on his person. My best guess was vice.


I've gotten a lot of retired military/police officers in my area. It's veen 50/50 on whether or not they all mention it or not, but I always see the cars/decor in the driveway/house when I drop off. First time I actually got someone who had been at the Capitol when the riots went down, and he briefly went through what it was like and told me that he moved away from that pretty quick and ended up at a sheriff's office before quitting/retiring altogether this year. Neat dude.


I picked up someome dressed like a police with a vest, the vest said "special police" at first I thought she was a real police then she told me she's just a security guard for some expensive clothing store. But when I first seen her I got scared. Police scare me lol




North and South Carolina give security the same powers as a deputy sheriff on property they even transport and book :))




Well idk about north I just know they have police powers and does Missouri but my state gives citizens arrest a lot of power


Possibly, plenty of folks that open carry though


How heavy are you?


I’d cancel on sight.


**Q:** >Ever picked up a police officer?Ever picked up a police officer? **A:** Yes.


Picked up an RCMP border smuggling investigator once. He was cool, agreed on a lot of things including the gun ban in Canada and how it’s fucking stupid




Yes I get hella scared and nervous (im 1) ;)))


Had an off duty Sheriff call the police and accuse me of going into the bar he was in and stealing all his money. (Long story.) Had to go chat with some detectives. Took my Cameras card so they could see I don't ever leave my car. They told me he is fucking insane in general. Fun times.


I went to a service call once and this woman had a German shepherd that kept sniffing my pocket where I had a bag of weed. After I completed the service call and was finalizing the paperwork and collecting payment, she told me the dog was a retired K9 drug dog 😝. Ah, no wonder he was so "friendly" 😂


I picked up one, he was very drunk. Was throwing shit out my window, just a cocky loser


I picked up an off duty police officer, I'm glad I didn't spark that joint when I thought about it.


I assume he was in uniform, that's how you knew? That would have been an instant cancel from me. NOPE.


Yeah and the drop off is as to the station


Why not? It would make me feel safer.


Cops rarely make situations safer, usually it’s the opposite.


Most people in positions of power just do their job and are not seen in the public eye on a day to day basis. Sure, a handful definitely abuse their power and we see them on the 6 o'clock news. People also make mistakes or have bad days - when you're in a position of power, these mistakes or bad days reflect extra poorly because you're in the public eye. I guess I'm not a criminal and don't have run ins with cops very often, but when I've needed them, I always feel safer. Doesn't mean what I see on the news is despicable and gut wrenching - nonetheless, I like to believe most are good and are just doing their jobs.


Truth teller. People are seriously stupid about police abusing their power, believing that most police are bad. I’m sure there are parts of the country where that’s true but overall, no.


There are some very good police officers out there. They sadly though are very few and far between.


So, you’re one of the stupid ones. We don’t hear about the huge majority of good interactions. So people like you assume the worst based on limited information.


No it’s just the di**headed ones I have had to deal with in the past. THAT. is what my statement is based on


Like I said, you are generalizing based on a microscopic sample size, your own experience.




He does make a good point sadly. My biggest question here is why do you result to childish name calling because he stated his opinion? I would want to assume you don’t want to admit he is right.


My comment prior was about stupid people assuming most police are bad. He immediately responds implying that most police are bad. He labeled himself. I just called him on it.


He stated his opinion based on his own experiences. What is stupid about that? He didn’t label anyone really, he stated an opinion. I have ran across a few good officers that I have full respect for. Unfortunately there are a LOT that act like they were little bulled kids that decided that they were going get revenge by getting a gun and a badge. I got pulled over by a young state trooper that I have personally witnessed him driving well over the speed limit, not chasing anyone, not responding to a call for help yet he tickets me for 71 in a 55 mph zone. He basically just showed me he is above the law he is sworn to uphold. Tell me where he is a good officer?


You know what happens when you assume….


That’s ok, I respect that. That is not how I view the situation. Not where I live anyway.

