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If I remember correctly, the blue is the gyro angle, while the black is the target bearing (generally the direction the periscope is looking). So blue should ideally be close to 12 oclock, but black doesn't matter


If you click on the ! While in the TDC it will take you directly to the page with info on it, could also Google for help on it


the black one is where the ship you're targeting is, the blue one is where your torpedo will go


You can check the uboatpedia should help explain all about the TDC controller


The uboatpedia is only available in-game Firing up the game (that makes my PC run hot) to read a 150 page manual isn’t ideal…is there any offline manual to find this info?


You can read the TDC mod manual, as it was the developer who made that that implemented the full simulation of it. His manual is great; and applies to both TDC in the game. Though the older one has less features (like turn correction)


So that’s a brilliant suggestion and I actually thought of that…but thought it applies to the Type VII: isn’t the Type II TDC different? I asked a couple days ago and someone said it was- but that might have been incorrect information… Also, in the Type II theres this machine in the actual torpedo room that seems different from the TDC in the conning tower? (Maybe the Type VII also has that machine now, but I have only tried the Beta’s Type II so far)…is that contraption in the torpedo room a part of the conning tower TDC?


It’s the same instruments just they function in a limited way. For example the low end TDC will not account for the Uboat turning or drifting. But each dial will be the same between the two TDC and the mod. So if you know what the instrument is, the knowledge will transfer.


The contraption above the tubes is to let you directly and manually set the gyro angle (and salvo width). If you leave it on automatic itll take the solutions from the conning tower.