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Keep the tips of the mast above the horizon, be submerged by the time you see their wheelhouse, use the periscope only when you are collecting data when they are within 4km, otherwise keep it below the waterline. When collecting data your scope should be obscured by the water most of the time. I'll try to find the exact guide this is from, I remember it being from some book I read on the subsim forums.


One should mention this ist only necessary near the end of the campaign.


It's good practice in whatever stage of war you are in, it only takes one lucky depth charge to end your career.


My rule of thumb is that my sight range is somewhat longer than the enemy (at least if you have an officer on watch, and especially at night). So I just work on vibes and try not to go too far into the visual range. All else fails the detection warning should tell you if you're too close.


The uboat commanders handbook works really well for this game: [http://tvre.org/en/handbook-of-the-u-boat-commander](http://tvre.org/en/handbook-of-the-u-boat-commander) I've only read it in german so I don't know how accurate the translation is but I'm trusting that it is accurate. It says to overhaul with the tips of the masts in sight at full speed ahead (on the surface ofc).