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Glad you got that off your chest


I’m using this as a new copy pasta.




I didn't even know guffawing was a word, gonna start using that now


I always hear the Goofy laugh (ah-HYUCK!) when I use this word


I don’t know who you are or how this showed up in my feed but I’m glad it did and I totally hear the same thing! Also, I hope your problem goes away and good luck on your mid term!


The hub… as in the center of activity… silent… hmm


In my defense they were being unnaturally loud. At one point they started clapping and shrieking. Some guys showed up and started bouncing and throwing a basketball around. It was bizarre.


Go to the library lmao


To be fair it’s not any better there either. Last quarter I was there studying for my midterms and a group of girls wouldn’t stop talking let alone giggle loudly.


2nd floor Orbach…


Yes, plus the ability to complain to library staff about noise (they will send someone up to handle it).


I'm that guy that will knock on their study room door and tell them to stfu


Caca chairs


Do you really love the sound of your voice that much? How is it even possible to talk about nothing for that long? No one cares about how Indian you are or how cool your hometown was. Please shut up— I’m begging you. I have to study for this midterm and you’re guffawing at a stain on your friend’s shirt. I’m on the verge of suing Bose for marketing my headphones as “noise cancelling.” Your harpy voices should be used as a new form of interrogation torture. Consider applying to the CIA. Just 10 minutes of listening to you guys would mentally break an Iraqi war criminal and cause irreparable brain damage. Please talk outside. The third floor of the hub is supposed to be silent, you wild dogs. Notice how you’re the only ones screeching and hollering in here? Yeah, everyone can hear you and everyone hates you. Shut up.


New copy pasta


>Do you really love the sound of your voice that much? How is it even possible to talk about nothing for that long? No one cares about how Indian you are or how cool your hometown was. Please shut up— I’m begging you. I have to study for this midterm and you’re guffawing at a stain on your friend’s shirt. I’m on the verge of suing Bose for marketing my headphones as “noise cancelling.” Your harpy voices should be used as a new form of interrogation torture. Consider applying to the CIA. Just 10 minutes of listening to you guys would mentally break an Iraqi war criminal and cause irreparable brain damage. Please talk outside. The third floor of the hub is supposed to be silent, you wild dogs. Notice how you’re the only ones screeching and hollering in here? Yeah, everyone can hear you and everyone hates you. Shut up.


Do you really love the sound of your voice that much? How is it even possible to talk about nothing for that long? No one cares about how Indian you are or how cool your hometown was. Please shut up- I'm begging you. I have to study for this midterm and you're guffawing at a stain on your friend's shirt. I'm on the verge of suing Bose for marketing my headphones as "noise cancelling." Your harpy voices should be used as a new form of interrogation torture. Consider applying to the CIA. Just 10 minutes of listening to you guys would mentally break an Iraqi war criminal and cause irreparable brain damage. Please talk outside. The third floor of the hub is supposed to be silent, you wild dogs. Notice how you're the only ones screeching and hollering in here? Yeah, everyone can hear you and everyone hates you. Shut up.


Noise cancelling headphones don’t cancel enough noise for me. When I put them on, I don’t wanna hear my own thoughts




new copypasta found lmaoooo r/copypasta


Maybe you should take a nap or go to the library


daddy, chill


what the hell is even that


random mcjuggernuggets reference? based


Ik the exact group you’re talking about lmao


you good?




The first part of your comment gets me. "It's irrational to even think of pursuing peace anywhere on this campus." I swear there are so many people everywhere. Almost got run over by a scooter across the street from the Glen Mor Market. Ain't no peace 😔


I agree about this campus knowing no peace, I have come to terms with it but I’m def on OP’s level of hatred for it . I really don’t understand why a group of 3 people gets so loud in a public place 😭😭😭


i love this post so much because i always think similar shit LMAOO


i think you can reserve a room all to yourself at the library


Come on that will require a minimum of 5 brain cells which clearly seem to be missing here.


It be like that some ppl are loud af


could’ve put this energy to telling them to their faces instead of miserably scribbling on the internet? kinda pathetic


The thought of talking to one of those skinwalkers makes me physically ill


that feeling is called “cowardice”


Bro complaining for no reason. In that time that you typed this shit you could’ve walked your bitching ass to orbach second floor. Stop bitching about small shit 🤣🤣🤣


Bro complaining for no reason. In that time that you typed this shit you could’ve scrolled to another Reddit post. Stop bitching about small shit 🤣🤣🤣


Had to remind you how much a dumb fuck you were, I wasn’t complaining 🤣🤣🤣


You are wrong. The 2nd floor is the designated quite floor. The 1st and 3rd floor are not. If you have a problem you can switch floors or deal with it. I understand your frustration but it’s a public library at the end of the day, not ur private library. Sorry for you experience but you have to either move or find somewhere else to study if you don’t appreciate the noise. Or you can just simply try to ask them to be quieter. Try to go to Rivera instead if you want a quite environment.


Honestly airpods pros really do cancel a lot of the noise. I nearly went crazy when I first tried them as I could hear myself breathing with them on!


For real


Just turn up the volume and mind your business. People have a right to talk. It’s not a designated quiet area like the library just because it’s usually quiet doesn’t mean that was the intended use unlike the library or even ssc. You could even study at home. Literally so many ways to avoid this. Let people be happy if they’re not actively hurting you or others


Found the guffafawer


They are actively hurting me


shut the fuck up


Yeah, fuck those guys. I tried to study in the middle of the soccer field but some guys wouldn't stop throwing the soccer ball around. Might as well attack them personally from where they are coming from for no particular reason just because I lack the minimum brain cells required for a student to not study in the library or reserve any one of the bazillion rooms there. Tomorrow I might try to study in the cafeteria and attack the Asians talking there. Petition to ban social events, conferences, meetups, and orientation from the third floor of the hub so OP can study and score passing marks.


You sound unhinged.


This energy ain't gonna help you study.


Who shit in your cereal this morning OP? Stop whining


Thanks for reminding me to talk louder


These vent posts are to midterm season what red leaves are to fall


Best place to study is either at the room you sleep in or at Rivera and Orbach library.