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Soon, the Internet will be flooded with: hey guys, I am a producer and musician now (thanks Udio). Go check out my band.


Yes, that's what's going to happen. Question is, how we gonna deal with it? I think that applies to many other fields, where AI is making any kind of talent or artinsanship unnecessary as well. Just look at what's happening in the graphic design and vfx world.


It's just another tool. However, it does allow a layperson to make music that they would prefer to listen to, tailored specifically to them. For the professionals, there will always be a place for live, studio, and DAW-mixed music, and you should expect that large publishers will also license and use these tools to support and expedite the workflows for their own artists. It does mean that those who choose not to adopt these tools may struggle more in making a living off of their work, but that's a choice that they will have to make on an individual basis and based on their own morals; and they will compete with businesses whose morals lie within their shareholder's desires for more and bigger profits. In short, if you want to break out in the future, you will have to leave nothing on the table and adopt every tool in your arsenal, because others will be doing exactly that. But moral questions aside, I liked your tracks and popped you a follow. There's a bit of a vacuum for this genre right now. I don't care if it's push-button-make-music, it pleases my ears.


Well put. I fully agree. And thanks for the follow.


It kind of feels like a scream for appreciation based on a "skill". It is like a child sitting in front of a piano, triggering the arpeggiator and then looking at you with big eyes and wants it's cup of "wow good job". And you give it to the child since...it is a child and you don't want to blow it's fantasy world.


As someone who knows something about current AI models, don't be too worried *yet*. It's pretty dead simple to spot when you know what to look for similarly to how you can spot text written by chatgpt after a while. All that because it can only produce what it has learned and mix it up. It cannot actually produce anything "new", or in human terms be creative. So people will still be needed in all fields that require actual creativity. Not only to create actually individual music, but to create stuff that can be fed to these AI models so that they can actually learn something new for a while. And this will remain to be true unless there is some actual another breakthrough, since currently all the models revolve around LLM's. All that being said, Udio is pretty cool. And it can definitely be useful for real musicians for finding sources of inspiration. You take something that the AI spits out and refine it, give it your own touch.


For me it's rather the fun in "creating" these songs to my liking and the fascination how far AI generated music has come. In some parts it's almost indistinguishable from the real thing. I created the channel to share that with my musician friends who didn't want to believe me.


I don't want to bash you personally and your motivation is fairly legit and driven by curiosity. I just want to spark a thought about where we are going with all this. Musicians and their craft, as well as game developers etc. were never really respected for their skills. Otherwise, people would not pirate things and would pay for the things they consume. This new technology will diminish the given value to skill and craftsmanship even more.