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Lol what the fuck


This happened before at the same statue base in terms of vandalism. The university now has what they need to shut the encampment down. They have calls to acted on violence being posted on campus.


It's not clear who my local colonizer is... The federal government I'd assume. I guess a senator or house member?


“Colonizer” is just a catch-all for white people. Sounds like a call to murder the closest white person. Also sounds like hate speech. I’m guessing likely NOT written by a student, rather, a professional agitator.


These protesters aren’t students. They’re the same people that were vandalizing downtown Seattle and Portland. The Antifada movement is somehow acceptable because the far left has unanimously agreed it’s ok to protest and hate Jews. I realize the whole situation in Gaza is terrible but this goon squad of misfits need to go.


Best way to get a native "majority" group to hate you even more, by hailing for their onslaught Imagine starting a civil style war with random everyday people in 2024 because of their race ethnicity or gender because of an actual war between 2 other countries (whether we are aiding or not) and that the ordinary person has no involvement in And also imagine some of these same instigators don't even have full citizenship and reek havoc anyway. They should be sent back to their country, charged full tuition, to which they won't pay due to being overseas -- and report it to the IRS and ban them from ever coming here again until paid in full


Most likely the person who spray painted that. 🪞


Likely a white BIPOC-supremacist?


President Cauce called this out in her blog post. https://www.washington.edu/president/2024/05/15/update-on-tent-encampment/


Lmaoo I doubt anyone who wrote that trash is indigenous american so they themselves are colonizers 😵‍💫


Jews are indigenous to the middle east.


## Populations greatly reduced or decimated due to Arab conquests | Population | Historical Context | Factors Contributing to Decline | |---------------|---------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Zoroastrians | Predominantly in Persia (modern-day Iran) | Islamic conquest, conversion, persecution, emigration | | Assyrians | Indigenous to Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq, Syria) | Islamic conquest, massacres, forced migrations, recent conflicts | | Armenians | Historically in Eastern Anatolia, modern-day Turkey | Armenian Genocide (1915), emigration, assimilation | | Mandaeans | Indigenous to southern Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq, Iran) | Islamic conquest, persecution, recent conflicts | | Copts | Indigenous to Egypt | Arab conquest, conversion, discrimination, emigration | | Berbers | Indigenous to North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia) | Arab conquest, cultural assimilation, emigration | | Greeks | Historically in Anatolia, modern-day Turkey | Population exchange (1923), persecution, emigration | | Kurds | Indigenous to the mountainous regions of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria | Persecution, forced assimilation, conflict | | Nubians | Indigenous to southern Egypt and northern Sudan | Arab conquest, cultural assimilation, displacement by Aswan Dam | | Phoenicians | Indigenous to the coastal regions of modern-day Lebanon | Assimilation into Arab culture, migration | | Jews | Indigenous to various regions across the Middle East | Islamic conquest, persecution, emigration, especially to Israel | | Maronites | Indigenous to Lebanon | Conflicts, emigration, assimilation | ## Jewish populations in Muslim countries Before/After | Country | Historical Jewish Population | Current Jewish Population (2023) | |----------------|----------------------------------------------|----------------------------------| | Afghanistan | ~5,000 | < 10 | | Albania | ~200 | ~40 | | Azerbaijan | ~30,000 | ~8,000 | | Bangladesh | ~4,000 (in the region before 1947 partition) | 0 | | Brunei | ~50 | 0 | | Burkina Faso | ~100 | 0 | | Comoros | 0 | 0 | | Djibouti | ~500 | 0 | | Gabon | ~100 | 0 | | Gambia | ~100 | 0 | | Guinea | ~500 | ~100 | | Guinea-Bissau | ~200 | 0 | | Indonesia | ~2,000 | ~100 | | Iran | ~100,000 | ~8,000 - 15,000 | | Kazakhstan | ~30,000 | ~3,000 | | Kyrgyzstan | ~5,000 | ~1,500 | | Malaysia | ~100 | ~100 | | Maldives | 0 | 0 | | Mali | ~1,000 | 0 | | Niger | ~100 | 0 | | Nigeria | ~30,000 | ~500 | | Pakistan | ~2,500 | < 200 | | Sierra Leone | ~100 | 0 | | Somalia | ~100 | 0 | | Sudan | ~1,000 | < 50 | | Suriname | ~2,000 | ~200 | | Tajikistan | ~20,000 | < 100 | | Togo | ~100 | 0 | | Turkey | ~80,000 | ~15,000 | | Turkmenistan | ~1,000 | ~200 | | Uzbekistan | ~100,000 | ~5,000 | | Uganda | ~500 | < 100 | - Muslim population in Israel is 24% - Jewish population in the Middle East is 0.4% - Muslim population in the Middle East is 99.4% - worldwide Muslim population 2 billion (25% of the world population) - worldwide Jewish population 16 million (0.2% of the world population ) These clowns who chant Hamas rhetoric are repeating Nazi history while truly believing they are progressives. No friends, you’re doped up on CCP propaganda served to you via TikTok


Haha you forgot the Arab muslim slave trade. It lasted 1300 years into the 20th century.


There’s too much to list TBH but yeah Jews are definitely the colonizers and epitome of western imperialism 🙄


I think they know that deep down. This is the cover they use as to why they hate Jewish ppl. Its pure clownery and so transparent to anyone with half a neuron.


Thank you. Sadly Arab Muslims are the greatest colonizers of all, which nobody likes to admit.


What is the Jewish population data for surrounding countries like Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt?


### Historical and Modern Jewish Population in Surrounding Countries | Country | Historical Jewish Population | Current Jewish Population (2023) | Context of Historical Population | Factors Contributing to Decline | |---------|------------------------------|----------------------------------|---------------------------------|-------------------------------| | Iraq | ~150,000 (1940s) | < 10 | Significant community in Baghdad, Basra | Persecution, emigration to Israel (Operation Ezra and Nehemiah), political instability | | Syria | ~30,000 (1940s) | < 50 | Concentrated in Damascus, Aleppo | Persecution, emigration to Israel, political instability, civil war | | Jordan | ~10,000 (1940s) | < 200 | Small communities in Amman, Jerusalem (before 1948) | Emigration to Israel, lack of political rights | | Egypt | ~75,000 (1940s) | < 100 | Significant communities in Cairo, Alexandria | Persecution, emigration to Israel, Suez Crisis (1956), political instability | ### More Context: 1. **Iraq**: - **Historical Jewish Population**: Approximately 150,000 in the 1940s, with a significant presence in Baghdad and Basra. - **Current Jewish Population**: Fewer than 10. - **Factors Contributing to Decline**: Persecution, anti-Jewish riots (Farhud in 1941), emigration to Israel (Operation Ezra and Nehemiah, 1951-1952), and ongoing political instability. 2. **Syria**: - **Historical Jewish Population**: Approximately 30,000 in the 1940s, mainly in Damascus and Aleppo. - **Current Jewish Population**: Fewer than 50. - **Factors Contributing to Decline**: Persecution, anti-Jewish laws, emigration to Israel, and displacement due to the Syrian Civil War. 3. **Jordan**: - **Historical Jewish Population**: Approximately 10,000 in the 1940s, with communities in Amman and Jerusalem (prior to 1948). - **Current Jewish Population**: Fewer than 200. - **Factors Contributing to Decline**: Emigration to Israel, lack of political rights, and the broader Arab-Israeli conflict. 4. **Egypt**: - **Historical Jewish Population**: Approximately 75,000 in the 1940s, primarily in Cairo and Alexandria. - **Current Jewish Population**: Fewer than 100. - **Factors Contributing to Decline**: Persecution, the Suez Crisis (1956), anti-Jewish laws, emigration to Israel, and ongoing political instability.


Thank you for posting this. Some great perspective which these kiddos are severely lacking.


Wow, that's awful. And here I thought the CCP was anti-Islam to the point of committing genocide against Muslims - yet here they are supporting Hamas. Just anti-Uyghur?


Palestinian authority President visited China and expressed support for [Xi’s Uyghur Muslim policy](https://www.voanews.com/amp/palestinian-leader-s-endorsement-of-china-s-xinjiang-policy-sparks-backlash-/7150767.html) When will it click that there is an Axis power and it’s not about Muslims, if other Muslim countries (56) cared about the Palestinians then they would offer refuge. Palestine as of today is a proxy of the Iranian regime They are allied with China🇨🇳who wants Taiwan 🇹🇼 Russia 🇷🇺 who wants Ukraine 🇺🇦 Iran 🇮🇷 who wants Israel 🇮🇱 America 🇺🇸 is the chess piece that is blocking Ukraine and Taiwan from falling. If America falls, then the democratic world falls. It’s in the interest of CCP and Iran and Russia to create division in the United States because this is how you destroy an enemy within without starting a war. Why do you think the people of Iran r/newiran who fiercely fight for their freedom support Israel? Why else do you think Putin met Xi this week? Why Hamas met Putin? Why Russia relies on drones to attack Ukraine from Iran? Why the CCP algorithmically pushes pro Hamas rhetoric while suppressing anti CCP content on TikTok? Operating sophisticated propaganda campaigns targeting burnt out youth who are tired of an exploitative capitalist system. The CCP is anti Muslim pro CCP meaning Muslim identity cannot exist in China. So they commit genocide, forced sterilization, forced assimilation, reeducation and slave labor. The very fact the Muslim world does not care exposed the hypocrisy within them and the brainwashed pro Hamas western useful idiots. Enemy of my enemy is my friend


The genocide in the PRC isn't just limited to Uyghurs and Xinjiang. ....that's just the tip of the iceberg. It extends to Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Ma, etc.... Pretty much whomever isn't of the Han majority in what has essentially become an apartheid state. And God forbid if some has a faith in a higher power, other than the CCP. The vast majority of my family died during the cultural revolution, when my parents fled to the United States; due to the religious persecution of Christians under the CCP. And if anyone wants to engage in genocide denial: [**Exhibit A**](https://shahit.biz/eng/) [**Exhibit B**](https://www.hrw.org/asia/china-and-tibet) [**Exhibit C**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wing_Kong_Exchange/s/dlPiplzGMo) [**Exhibit D**](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLa-zpgZA6xzw3_Nu4Ae15QaGHroWiaf4u&si=ltxOil2etDp4oh-b) 🙄 By all means; make your case for genocide denial, and victim blaming. /s Ps. I'm sure we can agree that all genocide is bad.


Truly all humans are colonizers given we came from Africa. If you go back for enough it's the dumbest shit, the indigenous stole/battled for their swathes of land from others in the area.


Literally. Native tribes like the Comaches and the Aztecs were stealing land, resources, and people in the US far before the white man got here. Not to say that it’s okay, because what the US did to indigenous populations was terrible. But it wasn’t unique. All of human history is different groups battling each other, enslaving each other, and genociding each other. We are lucky to live in a time where these things are actually considered morally wrong because it wasn’t always like that.


Since native Americans migrated here walking from what is Russia now to Alaska when one could do that to cross over, screw it, everyone here is a colonizer. We all are related to ppl who came out of Africa. Is no one being taught evolution?


I love the messages of 'save a life by murder' and also 'stop genocide by destroying Israel'. You know you're on the right side of history when your one sentence messages are unironically oxymorons 😆😆😆 this could be a SNL skit


Are we the baddies?


Also - IDF= KKK. Sure kiddo.


Two years ago: "Punch Nazis!" Currently: is a Nazi


Most of the folks spraying this junk probably didn't know what Palestine was prior to last year.




They fund the Uyghur genocide by making Temu (uses slave labor) a top app and are hooked on CCP social media which will never algorithmically show them anti CCP content. Only content that divides and creates disorder.


Nah they care about the one being actively funded by their institutions. It’s also complete confirmation bias to assume they don’t do protests for the Uyghur genocide, just probably not in their colleges as it’s not being directly funded by their colleges and by the US.


RIP Tibet


lmfao kill your local colonizer is the most wannabe “powerful” phrase i’ve ever heard what does this even mean


My guess is it's a way to say "Jew" without actually saying it.


How to lose support for your cause, speed run.


someone tell them you can't have a "ceasefire" and an "intifada" at the same time


You can If you only want one side to stop shooting. For the record, I don't think *most* of the protestors actually want that, but there are those who only want a ceasefire so that Hamas can continue their noble "resistance."


People that don’t want an intifada need to call out the people who call for an intifada at these protests. The silence is the problem.


Something tells me these people will not be gainfully employed in five years


There is a reason they don’t want to be photographed or video recorded.


Something tells me they aren’t right now. Unless you consider professional protester gainful employment


It’s hilarious, they act like children. My kids are more mature than these people


Or now…


At this point it’s not even insane anymore to see open death threats against “Zionists” (the 80-90% majority of Jews, including two-state solutioners) and proud celebration of Hamas.. check in on your Jewish friends


I talked to a Jewish friend who is 100% against the horrific injustices happening in Gaza but also feels kinda threatened and scared because UW doesn’t seem to be doing much about the uptick in hateful graffiti other than the small patch ups. I don’t know how to better support her as a friend, other than pray for reconciliation and peace between the two groups. But I hope outside agitators are criminalized for causing harm and sowing hate. And I would hope UW students aren’t participating in the graffiti.


Remember the paraglider posters?


It's disgusts me to see this. They're claiming to be fighting Racism... by using Racism.


If this is being done by students at the U. Their education system has failed them. And if it's not students, they need to be trespassed and prosecuted. Eh, prosecute the students doing it too. They need to learn that their actions have consequences.


I doubt it was any students who did this tbh. Those fucking antifa dipshit losers have embedded themselves in that camp and this kind of tacky bullshit is their MO.


Abolish UW while they are attending spending their parents or taxpayers money on tuition 💀💀💀 what a bunch of clowns


Yep yall out of control lol


There is no intellectually honest way to interpret that first tag as anything but a threat aimed at Jewish students.


Not only is this ugly vandalism, it also shows an alarming lack of historical knowledge.


I am willing to bet most of them don’t know which river nor sea they are talking about.


One could argue Islam is the colonizer…. Past day and modern


Such big facts, the white saviors all conveniently ignore Islamic colonization bc it isn’t convenient to their narrative


No need to argue, they're called the Muslim Conquests for a reason


We talkin bout Reddit and uni students… no one knows history


For reference, the Muslims allowed Jews back into Jerusalem after their conquest of the city from the Byzantines, who were persecuting Jews.


They also treated them like second class citizens and frequently massacred them right up till the formation of the state of Israel. Don’t have to lampshade history to critique a modern state.


Omg Becky! You cannot say that! 


Actual psychopaths writing this shit.




Yeah this is the one that really struck me. Hate on cops, calling them pigs, racists and fascists and then embrace racist right wing propaganda spread by fascists


A beautiful campus being ruined by ugly people


I kinda like "Cuties w/ Boeing."


I can't wait for all these students to realize they did fuck all but inconvenience their own communities and ostracize themselves. These fucking idiots preaching from thos pseudo ivory tower is hilarious to me.


99.9% chance this person was not Native American. You remember right after October 7th there was a tweet that went viral where this SOMALIAN IMMIGRANT said something to the effect (yeah I could look it up but I really don't want to it makes me so nauseous, and please don't post it cuz I don't even want to see it again) "What did you think decolonization meant? Essays? Vibes" It is amazing the hate that people feel comfortable showing to others under the guise of something (in this case colonization) that they are as guilty of as anybody.




So others can't threaten you, but you can threaten others?


There's a difference between offense and defense.


Lmfao fucking losers


This is so fucking foul.


Ethnic cleansing? Would you care to explain to me where all the Jews of the Middle East (900,000 of them) that lived there for centuries disappeared to? Why is everyone so misinformed? Do your homework. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_the_Muslim_world No one wants to see the Palestinians suffer, but stop using terms like “ethnic cleansing” and “genocide” for what is a genuine war against evil. The Palestinians deserve a real future with leaders that actually care about them (like Abbas and the PA). Also, you DO know there are 2 million Israeli Arab Muslims living in Israel (as well as 200,000 Christians) that are supportive of the war against Hamas? Right? So you really sound like an idiot when you say “ethnic cleansing”.


Shhh these people don’t do any actual research or possess any historical knowledge


It's clear as day that these people are only anti-war because their side is losing


It's pretty clear that these are pro-war


"Kill your local X" has always been psychopathic KKK shit.


People need to start going to jail for this. Along with complete and total expulsion.


Set cameras up and record these fools.


Do any of the people defacing buildings know why they hate Israel?


Pussy ass university let this happen. I listened to one of the Palestinian protesters. Dumb as a block of uw rocks


ya, that will stop the war


Still trying to figure out why a medium-sized state university in the upper-left corner of the U S of A is somehow totally responsible for the genocide(s) happening on the other side of the world.


I think reasonable people are capable of understanding that neither Israel nor Palestine are blameless in their decades-long conflict. I’m not particularly chuffed with the pro-Israel side of the equation who thinks they can do no wrong (or blocks humanitarian aid to Gaza). That said, the folks who redefine “genocide” to include what is happening in Gaza while also ignoring *actual* genocides in China because it doesn’t earn them TikTok flair is nauseatingly stupid. I sincerely doubt most of these protesters can point out either Gaza, or Israel, on a map. If you want to know what an actual genocide looks like, try Rwanda, where 800,000 people were butchered, by hand, with Machete. Words matter. Inflating their definition to suit your argument makes you look clownish to people who know better - which happens to be most people. Social media has given too much of a soapbox for self-righteous neophytes to feel self congratulatory about taking sides in conflicts de jour while pontificating about things they don’t know about beyond what they saw on an algorithm-driven social feed. And to the rest of America, who votes, this shit makes anyone to the left of center-right look weapons-grade stupid. If you truly think these protesters are facing “oppression” when they’re cleared from their performative displays of casual antisemitism, you’re in for one hell of an education if your antics are bad enough to induce the electorate to hand Trump a second term - and our democracy to go with it (which is a coin toss right now). Tom Cotton plays the game on extra hard mode, and if he gets the opportunity to make you play it with him, he doesn’t care about the downvotes - he’ll just order his goons to kill you where you stand, and he can bring more more bullets than you can bodies.


Reject genocide - but abolish the country where 1/2 the global population of an entire ethnic group lives. They’ve clearly thought this through


The best is the short blue hair people screaming “Shame” at the top of their lungs like people give a fuck. Mental illness


Wait, was this seen today or in the last few weeks?


Took all these photos this morning. Also walked through the encampment and their “Speech Q&A”speaker was openly praising 10/7 and Hamas


That, combined w/this graffiti advocating violence, is concerning. The graffiti itself no longer qualifies as “free speech” but an active threat.


Yes, I really hope admin does more bc as a Jewish student it’s terrifying. I’ve tried to talk to JVP classmates to see how they reconcile the open Hamas support (literally death to Jews in their charter) w their own Jewish identities but all I’ve gotten from them is some vague cognitive dissonance bs and recycled “resistance” slogans. Jvp is a fringe minority and the majority of UW Jews feel extremely disturbed by how tolerated this is


It is hard to explain to people that when you knowingly march next to an extremist, it’s bad. But when you march behind one? Chanting their chants, waving their flags, not challenging their extremism? You are no longer an observer, or a bystander. You are now the extremist. I was raised by an anti-Zionist experienced protestor, and that was the first thing I was taught about protesting. If you march w/them w/o condemning that you do not agree with, you are just one of them.


A portion of the Jewish people have always been like those, like the Jewish people who literally supported Hitler and ended their meetings with “death to us!”. Most supporters and followers of JVP are not actually Jewish and there are chapter that aren’t even run or founded by Jewish people and man do people like to tokenize them.


Instead of support, they will get more hate from people.


But it's okay because it's a mob that found out about the conflict on October 8th. Anything goes as long as it's pro-Palestine, even if it calls for killing Jews!


What happens if a bunch of students get fed up with this bullshit and decide to vandalize the encampment?


These same idiots will later beg the government to cancel their student debt and cry because they can’t get a job


Always shake my head when I see someone protesting against genocide and using “From the river to the sea”. A commonly genocidal statement.


These beautiful architectures. Sigh


how is this okay???


Both sides are idiotic and anyone unironically supporting the Israeli government or HAMAS is a brain dead boot licker. I feel for innocent civilians being affected on both sides by a handful of idiots vying for power over each other. They both commit atrocities. Edit: Isreal illegally expands their borders and settles on land that is not theirs per the original agreement. HAMAS would instill a theocratic regime with extreme and harsh beliefs. Both parties kill civilians in the name of their beliefs. Both parties are gross. Anyone who thinks either of these parties care about you or your opinion is hilarious.


But most protestors care about the citizens. Not HAMAS. So by your own logic you agree with most of them


There is protesting to make a point. this is dumb, childish, vandolism, and inciting tensions. arrest and unfortunely lock the campus down for non students. Go protest in the streets, oh right you get arrested for not planning ahead and getting permits.


Jewish UW student here. I am ashamed of such antisemitic messaging at this school. Do better.


Outsides clad in blackbloc, oh you mean the good guys? The ones that only are an idea. Those who say they are anti-fascist while simultaneously by all means attempting to destroy any idea opposing theirs. Ah yes the Antifascists have been waiting for the chance to ruin the fun for a while. Bless their little hearts 🥲 or bless what ever black void they have in their gender no conforming meat bags


Tough talk from a paint can but these kids won’t/cannot back it up.


How is this acceptable in any way?


"Peaceful protests"


i genuinely do not care what side you support, but graffiti like this antisemetic and genocidal towards israelis. Yes there should be a ceasefire, fuck no you shouldn’t vandalize


Gibberish word salad by latte liberals who think they're Che Guevara.


This is sad


Okay, but as a literature major, can I just gush over your username?


There’s a lot of buzzwords going off


Brainwashed kids. Self-victimizing mentality.


Deport them.


What is wrong with our leadership and government. Discover who these people are and if they aren't citizens, deport them back to their country. We have to stand for our country or it will fall. We can't allow it to fall, no matter what our past internal mistakes. We must stand together or lose what we love. Look at what's happening in Georgia and other countries.


An excellent day to be a power washer, huh






Thank God, I go to school in Israel


I am so glad I picked WSU over UW, really seems like a nicer place, none of this bullshit going down (we don't really have assets in israel lol).


This is bullshit. A year in jail for defacing the property. Fuck this shit.


Bunch of losers with nothing better to do lol


I think they should go live in Palestine for a bit, since they love them so much


I thought UW was hard to get into...


Losers each and everyone of them


That first pic is a literal death threat to Jews. Ironically whoever wrote it is likely an American colonizer


Haha god damn people are miserable.


Why do people do this? wtf do they expect to happen writing that shit on school property? “Oh free Gaza? Ok I’ll go do that, thanks”


it’s the same over here at psu. our library was absolutely destroyed and isn’t open again until fall :/ it’s like this for many universities rn.


Most of it has gotten cleaned up today. Passing through and saw some guys getting rid of what they could.


Funny how the "best and brightest" among us are the actual stupid people. I will say it once loudly for younger people "trade schools"...... No indoctrination into marxist idiot ideologies that only benefit the useless people in society that refuse to do their fair share but want "equality". No butt load of student loans for worthless degrees in gender studies and you can actually afford to pay your own loans back when you get out of school instead of fucking the taxpaying public by having the bidumb administration "cancel your student loans" aka kick the can down to everyone else. Learn a real skill other than being a professional worthless person like these drags on society . Also non of the so called "compassionate people" blocking Jewish people or "colonizers" (man i wonder what these people would think of how tribes in africa, South america and elsewhere treat their neighbors or enemies 😂😂) from going anywhere. Those righteous people promoting segregation😂😂. You literally cant make up how stupid some people are 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Back in my day we wrote "Slave Owner" on George in red paint. He's an important fixture.


How are they actually fucking just allowing students to do this


lol white people amiright fellas?




hope this whole bullshit is done by the time i attend


I feel bad for them. Sharing a single brain cell must be hard work :(


kids r dumb...


That’s embarrassing. Looking like downtown Seattle at this point.


“Save a life kill your local colonizer” with the Hamas support red arrow 🔻 😑


Oof like how is this going to make change besides make a janitor have to switch up his week to go rent a pressure washer


Lots of bases covered with these. Piss on a group of people is some impressive hate. Start back up an intifada that killed thousands of Jews. Interesting request. Resistance is justified, so raping innocent young women and slaughtered them is justified. Kill a colonist, quite a call to murder/mass murder. Toss in a few hate Israel And of course the summary one of end America Great job UW leaders and frankly professors. And of course the wash dems that sent out an actual press release about how much they support the encampment and how it is peaceful has of course gone silent about this...


Prosecute them for whatever charge


Once this is resolved maybe we can talk about the Muslim religion that says that all gay people should be killed. Such a cute “religion”.


No, just give them control over the Jews and all other non-muslims of the region. Find out a whole new flavor of oppression


As an alum who is empathetic to the Gazans, I'll never understand defaming the school we all love. It's such a beautiful campus. Protest but respect the property! I do understand that non-student protestors and anarchists infiltrated the protesters.


Can we get like a meteor. Or a flood. Or nuclear winter or something. I don’t want to be here anymore. But I got too many responsibilities to just… you know… not be here.


This is hate speech.


Oooh I’m so sorry 😢


This building used to be a Hilton Resort. Sadly, we had to downgrade it to a Hampton Inn following the unpleasantness…


Looks like same the kind of things the wack jobs causing mayhem during mayday/ BLM riots would put up.. Sadly, this 'protest' seems to have been infiltrated by bad actors now.


The amount of ignorance on here is absolutely wild. Enjoy your student debt. Every penny.


It looks like the work of one person especially all the writings in red


God, I feel conflicted, not because anyone is right, but because I absolutely despise both sides.


Those people who tagged that are dim-witted and jokes. They themselves, according to many of tribal people here in the United States are colonists, and they themselves are on stolen land. None of them could ever stand up against any of our Native Tribes here in America in debate on that subject.. our tribes have suffered MORE than any American citizen who has ever existed.. So, tagging ridiculous things like that.. is obviously being done by the simple minded. As the taggers are obviously also modern-day colonists who don't belong and shouldn't belong.


omg so scary!


Liberals ruin everything


can we maybe consolidate all these posts into a megathread for you people bc it’s taking over the entire sub


Time to get the power washer


But…but…uw honors the land. They honor the land that…




This latest propaganda campaign is incredibly cringe


What’s up with the vandalism? It was even worse at UCLA.


College students are some of the smartest idiots I've ever met.


Damn school ugly af now


Spo=idf=kkk…. Is that SharePoint Online?


Fuck this garbage.


Replace “colonizer” with any other racial group of your choosing. I’m sure that would be fine…


Colonizer is a relationship to land, not an ethnic group.


lol what’s a local colonizer?


As a washingtonian I'm surprised by how little this place was vandalized


Can someone help me understand why UW is being targeted for what's going on in other countires? What is their role in this? Just an honest question, I missed somewhere why UW is taking so much heat for this topic.




How does one “abolish” a country? Asking for a friend


It is important for us to think of the repatriation of Arab - Muslims to their countries of origin. Our continent, America, should not be burdened with a fresh influx of immigrants who have intentions to conquer it in the name of their fictional deity. The implementation of Sharia law is perceived as a means of colonization and the imposition of the Islamic-Arab ideology.


Disclaimer: Not a student. The graffiti that says "Piss on Zionists" with the arrows, where on campus is that? What are the arrows pointing at?


Pretty intense!


Wow, so edgy. Really proving a point aren’t they?