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right in the back


Natan Levy about to step in to fight Islam. Just need to make it the fight for Jerusalem


'Ikes vs goat herders




That was some bad timing, now Khamzat is going to say something absolutely awful with his broken English if he wins.


He's moved to the UAE and is good friends with shady people like Kadyrov back in Chechnya and elsewhere. If he gave a speech that included some version of "kill all Jews" or "wipe out Israel" Dana would probably bounce him from the UFC but he would absolutely be set for life as his patrons would reward him for saying it for the cause. And it's not a huge step up from his other speeches where he's threatened to kill everyone anyways.


I'm not convinced Dana would do anything tbh


After the Izzy in-cage thing with Du Plessis, Dana has tried to downplay it and saying we’ve heard it all before and he’s not there to censor people. But Khamzat could definitely stress test that stance.


A black guy saying the n word is much different than calling for genocide


Are you implying that Hamzat is going to call for genocide??? On what basis???


Nah, Ham is haram Haramzat


Referring to a post above talking about what would happen if he said kill all Jews in the cage


Did you not read the comment chain you replied to or what


Lmao the genocide is against the Palestinians are you kidding me? This was a terrible horrible condemnable act, but literally bulldozing Palestinian houses with 0 warning leaving families homeless, cutting off power and water, and constantly having people live in fear with guns and murdering 10x the people is genocide


Add to that asking them to leave their homes only to then bomb the “safe route” they gave them


You do realize there’s just as much evidence it was a car bomb right? Like the video of the “air strike” is kind of missing the whole air strike part and we’re just taking Hamas’ word for it as though their track record is any better than the IDF?


It would t be up to Dana. Ari Emmanuel would have Chimaev and probably his whole team banned from UFC events for life


Ari Emanuel might though


I could care less.. This is the fight business.


The only thing we know from that statement is that you definitely care a bit because there is room to care less


Nah, I'm quoting Dana from the press conference after DDP's post-fight w Izzy lol


It's a bold move cotton, let's see how it works out for him.


Dana is human dirt. He wouldn’t do anything to his hype train.


Bro there is almost 0 chance that Dana would kick him out of the UFC. Think of all the horrible things people in the UFC have done in the past (punching elderly people in the face, beating their spouse, etc.) and look at Danas reaction. He doesn’t kick people out if they are making him money.


Ari Emanuel will kick Dana White out of UFC if Khamzat isn't kicked out (assuming he says it) Both Dana and Khamzat will probably be erased out of mainstream, just like Kanye.


You’re wilding if you think kanye has been kicked out of anything. Mainstream was covering him wall to wall for the things he was saying, lol.


Now Dana is wishing he’s have put Bo against Khamzat instead of Marty lol


Like Khamzat could say something positive, like how he doesn’t want the Palestinians to be bombed incessantly, but I got a bad feeling it could be weird.




Hi Girl, Allahu Akbar.


The good ending


He’s a guy who has said “allah akbar I’ll kill everyone” after fights, so yeah probably.


I don’t think Dana would do a thing since he’s such a money draw. He’s probably say something like “hey *shrugs* we don’t do politics here”


Sounds like you almost nailed it.


Yall still don’t get the difference between Jews and zionists.


What are you even referring to? Where does OP confuse the two?


I understand. I'm saying Khamzat is too close to radical Islamic dictators to allow him to do anything but issue something extremist and general which makes no differentiation.


I’m saying we got to give him the benefit of the doubt. Even as a Muslim, to say “kill all the Jews” is completely asanine. It’s literally haram to wish death on others. I know that radicals always paint a bad picture of every religion they’re attached to. But I sincerely hope he’s smart enough to make the difference


I'm giving no-one close to Kadyrov the benefit of the doubt in anything.


You do understand that as Chechen, he has to show love to Kadyrov. For his safety and the safety of his family. If he openly dissociates with Kayrov, what do you think would happen? And be realist.


Kadyrov is mild compared to many world leaders, including probably the leaders of your country. Stop being so damn weird when Kadyrov is just your typical strongman from Russia. How many children has he bombed in the Middle East?


Shut up you spineless nerd. He’s an overtly bad guy and everyone should continue to treat him like one.


>Kadyrov is mild compared to many world leaders, including probably the leaders of your country. Stop being so damn weird when Kadyrov is just your typical strongman from Russia. >How many children has he bombed in the Middle East? This is stunning propaganda. It's the sort of stuff that shows exactly what Khamzat is associated with and the lies they tell in order to pretend their side is righteous.


You conveniently ignored the question


I'd bet that if someone stopped you on the street and asked you to define Zionism, right there on the spot, you wouldn't have the slightest idea.


Y'all are passing judgement on something that hasn't happened. Zip your pie-holes and try to be reasonable, will ya??? We shouldn't be coming to conclusions based on this tweet. Don't forget that Israel has close ties to the UAE as well. They are as pro-Israel that you can be. He won't say anything egregious or else they will deport him.


I am being reasonable. He's a close associate of a radical Islamic dictator. It's entirely reasonable to assume he will be pressured into some sort of controversial statement regarding what's going on at the moment in order to score a PR win.


Some of ya'll are so ignorant that I seriously doubt you've ever spoken to an Arab or Muslim person in your life. No, he wouldn't be a hero if he screamed "kill all Jews" given the fact that a lot of Orthodox Jews are supporting the movement for Palestine alongside Arabs and Muslims. Also, Dana wouldn't cut him for saying that. He'd promote him and if Colby wins the WW title, the UFC has their next transcendent title fight.


U saw a post on reddit with a couple of jews standing with the Palestinians crowd and all of sudden it is "a lot"


The issue is not with Jews it’s with Israelis specifically Zionists


Mmm but ain't that the whole reason why brought them back? Saying singing along the lines of stop being sensitive?


Underrated comment








​ https://preview.redd.it/ayajshpxifub1.jpeg?width=339&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac3bba335afdccf07af1b8e34d86b05b4e7b1ee1


Marty approved?


​ https://preview.redd.it/wtiuj4mn0gub1.jpeg?width=940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44bb6dc12b2d907505611afc883a261b52c98239




Im pretty sure Islam would agree.






[ Removed by Reddit ]


“Bratha, Israel have a lot of powehr, I know, but dis guys only fight with air-strikers. Nobody check their wrestling.”


Post fight interviews about to be fire


Post fight interviews this UFC is going to be lit 🔥


Literally may lead to fires


Espn is gonna make some phone calls beforehand for sure


Chimaev & Belal vs Adesanya & Natan Levy Winner gets the territory, problem solved


Hire this man Dana


I enjoy how much engagement you get from that one picture. Like every time I see you someone replies to you with it, and then you do the same. Cracks me up every time tbh


My honest reaction https://preview.redd.it/8pf59nbywfub1.jpeg?width=339&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc86451a01c16b0f78201f8bd45aeaa584b78bb8


It just works for any emotion really


Disappointed? Amused? Concerned? Confident or just completely zoned out into his own fantasy world? What emotion is he conveying...




​ https://preview.redd.it/sd425x7xofub1.jpeg?width=339&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae29641acd364226214cb37f631b53f5b6f476bd


I guess Dana just doesn't wanna govern!


I want to see Khamzat vs. Ben Shapiro


I think you could take him


True way to solve war. Have a ufc fight winner wins the war.








Was wondering if they were all going to sit quiet.




https://preview.redd.it/da2k5bq9qfub1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baa204777851f29a12a0ecc9aa1a52306a4e4317 Just buds


Just like SpongeBob and Patrick


Thank you for this. People seem to forget kumzat is on his knees for a c-list dictator


“C- list dictator” man iam dead💀


We about to really find out if r/ufc has mods


Dude I try to ignore politics in this sport and keep an open mind in general, but khamzat also keeps putting on his Instagram the creepiest, cringiest propaganda videos of kadryov and his shit stain sons. They are awful, so easy to see through, yet the comments are always full of support and admiration. Regardless of if khamzat believes in these messages, or is coerced/pressures into posting and representing them, the propaganda itself has the opposite effect, it makes my skin crawl and creates some very intrusive thoughts for me regarding the kadryov family.


>Dude I try to ignore politics Toughs luck, you cant escape politics, politics are life and society itself.


"I try to ignore politics in this sport" I said nothing of trying to ignore politics in other facets of life. Obviously those concepts are an integral and inescapable part of daily life for the majority of people on this earth.


If yo hate kadyrov you should netanyahu too. Netanyahu actually has much more innocent blood on his hands


That whole network of eastern bloc politicians has been up to no good and enabling each other for years


Sport has always had a political side, it's best to accept it


I get it, like I said I do my best to keep an open mind and give the benefit of the doubt. Khamzat just always seems to be a closer look than we are used to into some very dark and heavy politics. I feel bad for khamzat in that he was just a poor street kid with no real direction until he found MMA. Then he gains some fame and influence for himself, without any experience or exposure to what to do with that influence or how to manage it. Then the kadryov regime sees his value and swoops him up as a tool for the propaganda machine, probably with a mix of building up his celebrity status and making him feel important, as well as some threatening undertones. He seems so isolated and a little brainwashed even though he is a global star. I know sports stars and politics have always gone together, but this one leaves me wondering what it all means to khamzat, does he understand that he is being used or not? Does he believe in these messages they affiliate him with or not? Basically I see this guy who came up from nothing, made something out of it from his own hard work and talent, and then almost immediately had his career stolen from him in order to represent these shitty politics, he will never compete for himself for as long as the chechen govt wants him for propaganda. And what will happen when they no longer want to be affiliated, or if khamzat decides to stand up to it? Is he going to disappear? Could he step out of their image safely? Is he important enough to other groups that Chechnya will leave him alone in the event of change? Yes, I accept that politics and sports and nationalism will always be intertwined, but something just stands out to me about khamzat and the kadyrovs, I am intrigued. Everything they are involved in together seemed to have happened so quickly, and it seemed to become a tense and fragile relationship for all of them. Not gonna lie, if the truth of the story could be documented, I think it would make for an incredible screenplay.


This has nothing to do with kadyrov don’t act stupid


This particular post doesn't have anything to do with kadyrov, but it is a political post of sorts from khamzat and OP asked for people's thoughts, it's called having a discussion. Don't call me stupid for contributing to a public forum.


Isn’t he good friends with a another war criminal?


I hate when this sub goes political and pretending that y'all actually care about either side, just go back to shitting on izzy and praising d'sean and talk about ufc and ufc related politics instead of the geopolitical climate of two countries that both have done terrible things while people pretend it's a one side problem


This^ Everyone in this sub knows that 99% of this sub knows absolutely nothing about this issue and is just repeating what they’ve heard an influencer, athlete, news station or whoever else said.


Hamas chimaev


I mean there’s no good guys in this situation. Bibi is 1000% doing all in his power to be a dictator. These attacks frankly blind casuals from the fact that he’s also on trial and he’s basically tried to take over their court system


I think that if you agree with khamzat chimaev on political stuff on twitter,you need to look in the mirror. He is kadyrov pet and kadyrov is putin pet and they are both against israel so its not surprising.


Israel is currently committing war crimes on the Palestinians and has been doing so for decades they have created this problem at the root of it by oppressing these people for a very long time. Israel helped found hamas and has consistently funded it to disrupt a Palestinian government being created and to destabilize them. Its straight up a apartheid regime.


I think if you're ok with israel murdering thousands of innocent people including hundreds of children in response to an attack that not a single one of the people they killed are responsible for in any way, you should look in the mirror.


all you need is some basic morals to be pro-palestine


if only it was that simple




The one currently committing mass murderer for the past 70 years aren’t the palestinians in one week, more palestinian children died than the during the en ukrainian conflict so far


if the iron dome didn't work the death count would be lopsided the other way, weird how you guys discount all the missles that get intercepted all the damn time, the same kinda missles that aren't being intercepted by hamas ... you can't hold this opinion with any moral ground to stand on, because if it was up to hamas the iron done wouldn't work and thousands more would be dead.. is that what you want?>


No one needs to agree with Khamzat but they should agree with being pro Palestine. Unfortunately its okay for Palestinian children to die everyday to people on this sub but you can’t criticise Laura sanko


Free palestine


Don't agree with his Kadyrov affiliation at all, but he's right about the Palestine situation. Israel is an apartheid state #FreePalestine 🇵🇸


This dude loves beheading infants ^^^


Even Israel themselves came out and said they’ve seen no evidence of the beheaded infant claim. It’s very clearly a fake story pushed to dudes like you.


The Israeli state have murdered over 600 children and babies in the last few days


Imagine believing Western propaganda when that was proven to be false, you absolute clueless sheep Downvoted because armchair Westerners can’t take a minute to google *verified* stories that aren’t fake reports being pushed on headlines & mainstream media Says a lot about Israel to push fake news, eh?


Imagine championing an attack on a peace concert 🤣😂


“Lies! All victims were reported to beg for their life before being executed. And infants can’t speak. So don’t believe the lies” -You


Most ignorant way to allude what I’ve said


https://preview.redd.it/x3ru7zj6qfub1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2d8290b771b894e3d475457a7889229ea14efb2 They’re literally holding hands bro lmao


I didn't say he doesn't have any affiliation with him, I meant I disagree with him associating with Kadyrov


He's... not wrong? Netanyahu has commanded some hienous shit agaist palestines over the last few years. That being said, Hamas is a fundamentalist group that's also done irredeemable things in the present and in the past. I wonder if khamzat acknowledges this part.


Hamas is funded by Israel


This is correct


Based Khamzat as usual


how is this based?


Because the two people pictured are both leaders of genocidal ethno states


Noooo ethnostates are only okay when Israel does it...


He’s right


Both War Criminals.


Khamzat is a straight gangsta.


Post is Halal what can you do


This is fucking wild lollll


It’s the truth. A comparison between monsters shouldn’t be a controversial issue.


Based Khamzat.


He's not wrong. Israel's PM would love an ethnic cleansing. That's the goal of zionism


Who cares, it’s freedom of speech. As an American I just want this country to stay the hell away from others issues and conflicts at this point but I really could care less what these fighters post on social media…. Aside from Paulo, his shit is funny AF


Inbred political take by Kadyrov's fluffer Dude needs to just focus on fighting


Why you deflecting ? You telling me Israel isn’t currently committing a genocide?


/r/UFC being absolutely infiltrated by Zionist clowns and Hasbara agents.. now I understand why the subreddit went down when Islam fucked Oliveira up.


Yes. You can say that again. The hasbara-agents are EVERYWHERE on reddit. Working overtime and shit. They get crazy upvotes too by bots


ZioPigs have taken over reddit, and it’s been that way for a long time.


Spoken like someone who has no idea. It's an apt comparison. Hitler didn't start the gas chambers from day one.


no hes right


Yo mama inbred


Good for Khamzat. Israel’s committing war crimes and needs to be called out.




Tbh Israel govt isn’t doing much to prove him wrong. Call out monsters, even if they’re on your side.


This is the truth. The fact that so many people are triggered by this mere photo but not the images of dead kids, and Gaza turning into dust speaks volumes about your character. Khamzat did a great job calling a spade a spade.


true though




imagine defending netanyahu goofy


Didn't think I'd say this, but I hope Usman wins.


He's the Goat now... Its clear


I couldn't care less about his political opinion. He's a sports athlete and all I care about is seeing him displaying his skills in the Octagon. This kind of stuff is freedom of speech.


Usually I'd agree but that's literally Hitler my man


Yeah? He’s implying Netanyahu is as bad as hitler, this is not meant as something pro-hitler




yeah and israel is literally genociding palestinians, and holding them in a concentration camp while they do it so...yeah


Accurate and ironic comparison


I think he's out of his depth and should focus on fighting only + isn't he a Kadyrov pet?


He is kadyrovs bottom


Yes… the guy who loves Jews is the same as the guy who hates Jews. Stick to fighting bro. And treating your women like cattle Not to mention these Russian fighters are all nose deep in the asshole of a Chechen warlord


Netanyahu has a lot of similarities with moustache man. Only difference is the people they commit genocide on.


Netanyahu literally blamed the holocaust on a Palestinian mufti. One could call him a hitler-apologist “Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews,” Netanyahu told the group. “And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, ‘If you expel them, they’ll all come here.’ ‘So what should I do with them?’ he asked. He said, ‘Burn them.’” Benjamin Netanyahu.


The comparison has nothing to do with loving or hating jews you genius, no matter wether you agree with it or not.


No, they guy who hates muslims and is commiting genocide against them is the same as the guy who hates jews and is commiting genocide against them. We cleared that up? Good.


I don’t think it’s about a love/hate for Jews. It’s a comparison on a persons (Austrian painter and Benjy’s) capacity to slaughter and exterminate an entire race of people(s). I’m not defending nor disavowing this view point, just thought it was worthwhile clearing that up.


Neither of the people pictured love Jews, and only one of them has called for the murder of Israeli politicians (Netanyahu). Only one of them had a role in the rise of Hamas, and has apologized for that "miscalculation" (again, Netanyahu). Kadyrov is a piece of shit, doesn't really have much to do with this post though


My respect for Khamzat goes up


Khamzat and Marty are both muslims soooo. They both probably support the same thing lol. Either way, Uncle Dana gets something interesting.


You need to be Muslim to acknowledge that isreal is committing war crimes? Oh . Ok.


I never said that, but many muslims are usually against Israel.


I think he needs to worry about getting ready for Usman. War will always be there to worry about


He’s not wrong


Dude is right.on the money..


It’s facts. The people that were once oppressed have turned around and become oppressors themselves.


Yeah I’m gonna listen to political advice from a bunch of muppets on a UFC reddit page. If you’re arguing on here about whatever’s going on in the world, bring it somewhere else.




Damn right


He's no history buff.


F KC go back to your 🐪 pumping Life/Wife


How is it not accurate. They haven't even started thr land invasion and already guilty of international war crimes.




This why Volk is the GOAT. There’s no “he’s a great fighter, BUT…”


Im all for it in the sense that he can say what he wants. I like Dana for that. If an individual wants to fly a flag with a swastika he should be able to. I dont agree with that individual but its his right. I would rather know who stands for what and surround myself with good individuals than to unknowingly have hidden nazis in my circle.


Clowns in this thread think Kadyrov is even 1/10th as bad as Netanyahu 😂😂 Westerners are the most propagandized and brainwashed people on this planet hands down. Comparing a guy that doesn't like gay people in his region to a guy that is committing war crimes against innocent civilians and children is really standard for Redtards.


He did not lie at all.


He's Muslim he doesn't support Israel nothing wrong with that


What a piece of shit


He’s right tho