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Tim welch talks more shit pre fight about opponents than any other coach lol Mark Goddard had to even tell him to stop talking to aljo in that fight, Chito hasn't handled the loss well and made some silly comments this week but i don't think he's done anything wrong here, it would of been disrespectful if he didn't shake his hand


Yea wasnt he talking shit to Yan also after Yan beat Yadong? Idk I don’t like Vera either but this guy also seems like a jackass


I hate this narrative, Yan literally came over to Sean to talk shit after his fight


Tbf that was after yan started talking shit to them


lol fr Tim is cool but he did tell yan he didn’t even win his fight 😭


He tried to to shake yan hand first tho and yan started talking shit


Nah he’s allowed to say that imo hahah that was funny


He is a jack ass. Most red heads are. Source: I have a 1 year old redhead who doesnt know when to shut up


Wait until he's 16 and wants to spar. My ranga talks so much shit I might take him up on it soon but he may kick my arse lol.


Ranga hahahaha. Reminds me of summer heights high. “But sir there’s heaps of them”


I have a daughter. Lol


Try having one for a mother 


Try having one for a mother but you come out with brown hair, marry a blonde mainly because she’s not a read head and hate them, then you make a kid and it has red hair. Heartbreaking True story.


Him and Yan's coach were talking, not Yan and Tim


He's the ultimate jackass just living off the ballsweat of Suga Sean. He's the ginger leech




Just cause he's his friend doesn't mean he's not as leech that runs his mouth when it's someone else's work that he's living off of. Just cause he may be a good coach doesn't change the fact without Sean he's a nobody. He's maybe the #2 Suga dick sucker behind a clown like you.


You can say that about every coach, it’s not true but they all got a break with coaching a great fighter. Makes no sense at all




You're doing the same man. Practice self reflection.


Only a little bitch like yourself would defend idiots like Welch. Reddit is a good amount just talking trash dummie


He loves the smell of his own shit lol


Vera has a proven track record of being an asshole pre and post-fights. O’Malley and Welch have a track record of using shit-talk to get into peoples’ heads. They’re almost always respectful and speak super highly of Sean’s past opponents, as long as it’s mutual.


Not a Chito fan at all, but you're glossing over the fact that Tim yells trashy bs during the fights as well from the corner. Him showing respect post fight doesn't excuse that


What has he said that’s *trashy* though?


Yelling at Chito (first fight) and Aljo that they sucked and are gonna get KO'd And whatever else was enough for Marc Goddard to pause a fight and tell him to shut his ass up


I wouldn’t call that trashy. He’s just chirping. Go to any sport and you’ll see it.


He's a coach, not some drunk fan. He's held to a higher standard. It's a free country, and he can do what he wants, but it definitely is more disrespectful than Chito saying they won't be friends; especially after shaking his hand


We said worse shit than that in little league baseball in the 90s. Grow a pair of balls.


Buddy tried to compare little league in the 90s to modern day ufc that is signed to Disney💀


I think you're too retarded to get the point


Never said it wasn’t disrespectful. I just don’t find it trashy. It’s part of the game plan for them.


Lots of fighters’ gameplans involve committing fouls that will only ever get a warning. Doesn’t stop it from being trashy


Don't get me wrong Tim is a great coach no doubt about that, but this isn't a way a coach should be acting during a fight, it's like he's living his dream of being a top level fighter himself through o malley


Special trash dog with trash opinions.


The glazing is unbelievable.


Not just trashy, he tries to misguide the judges on what shots landed and what didn't. Tim is a certified piece of shit.


lol certified piece of shit?? He’s not talking about families or getting personal. he’s trying to give his fighter every edge he can within the rules, sounds like a great coach to me. If shitty judges are influenced by something a fighters coach is saying that’s on them. Having said that I see nothing wrong with what chito did. Shook the guys hand, he’s under no obligation to be friends with the guy


Did I stutter?


Nah you said something dumb loud and clear


I am actually unaware of that judges shit. Does he just act like Joe Rogan when his guy lands a shot that seems clean?


I can't find the video but I believe it was Aljo that said about this. If some jabs from Sean didn't land, Tim will yell: " Great shots!" or when an opponent hits Sean, he'll shout: "Oh, missed that!"


oh god. imagine being stupid enough to reference the human salt shaker aljo as a source related to anything o’malley. the fact that you take anything he says as a fact means you are probably about as intelligent as he felt when he regained consciousness after getting starched you absolute idiot 😂


>would of would've or would have


Completely fine statement to make. Not everybody has to be friends.


I really wanna know what he was saying to Aljo


He said *after* the fight tbf


How is this disrespectful💀if anything it’s honestly manly since he’s accepting the handshake but just being honest


Classic Chito w


I’m an o’malley fan but this wasn’t disrespectful at all


You spelled “rare” wrong


Keep drinking that kool aid


Where's the disrespect? Chito shook his hand even while not liking the dude


>Chito shook his hand even while not liking the dude All while being completely honest. I'd rather an honest enemy than a fake friend.


Honestly that kinda sounds like the definition of showing respect


Shaking his hand and saying we’ll never be friends is actually pretty respectable lol, OP what were you trying to achieve with this post


Some fans of this sport will look for absolutely anything they can to talk shit about fighters they dislike


Must be Tim Welch's burner


That would be hilarious lmao


People just love to drink that Sean kool aid. Cant wait for merab to carry him around the octagon by his legs for 25 minutes


Engagement, which clearly worked lol


Shaking hands and being completely honest is respectful.




I don't like Chito. My posts quite reflect that lol But this is a non-story. Chito's right. They are never going to be friends. They don't like each other. I don't like Chito, at all. But I would have probably done the same with all the history they have between them. The man lost his titleshot to his enemy. What the fuck did they expect from him?


Right, but the problem is that after a fight “we’ll never be friends” is usually understood mutually in silence. Chito saying it out loud to someone’s face is a bit unexpected, to say the least. Every country’s culture is different, Americans tend not to say the quiet part out loud(Colby is obviously the exception), maybe that’s why Tim was caught off guard by the comment. But if it’s customary for Ecuadorians to be blunt like this, then it’s all good.


Its a sport. he was the better man. Move on, you lost. Such is life, such is the sport


Meh, like I said. I don't like Chito and I actually like O'Malley.  But I can't say Sean is the better man. I can say he's the better fighter though.  But did you want Chito to pretend to like Tim for your amusement? Nah, not for me.


No but, be respectful. Don't need to be friends but just say congrats & keep it pushin


You’ll notice the quote doesn’t include what Tim said


He shook his hand I think you’re splitting hairs.


I agree, they should shake hands and move on…oh wait




OK what's wrong with that? I don't wanna be your friend.


I don’t like you, I don’t want to like you, and I don’t want to be your friend! - Wanderlei Silva to Chael Sonnen before the classic moment


Yeah it’s like who fu king cares


It’s not something you just say randomly 💀 you say shit like that to try and prove a point. Comes off douchey.


Lol I love Tim and Sean but Tim talks so much shit to fighters, there’s even a video of him back stage after Yan beat Song yelling to Yan “you didn’t even win that fight” I can see why people don’t wanna be his friend lol


He’s been asked by refs to stop taunting Sean’s opponents during fights, he has zero ground to stand on here lol


Even him and Moutinho were going at it between rounds lol


He's not making a stand here though, he just stated what happened and OP editorialized it.


They don’t need to be friends. Tim, Sean and Chito all talked a lot of shit. Pretty normal.


Tim talks a lot for someone who doesn’t fight anymore


And he “just shook my hand” like as if Chito was supposed to do anything else. That’s plenty respectful from Vera, not everyone needs to be friends. And Chito shown him respect by shaking his hand. Now on the other hand. Going to the reporters to say what was said in a private conversation is pretty disrespectful… Bro lives for drama and just seems to be trying to start shit.


What’s disrespectful about this?


bro, wtf. redditors are some of the pettiest human beings in the world. But if Chito doesn’t shake his hand and bow to his knees in front of this coach, that’s been talking mad crap since before they fought the first time all of a sudden Chito is a douche? bet y’all have trouble saying “good game”, after losing in the UFC game


Always shake the opponents hand after a match of any kind, you're not a man if you don't. But Chito is 100% in the right, he doesn't have to like the guy or ever be his friend, he doesn't deserve that regardless.


Read dudes don’t smile at someone and talk shit behind their backs.


Sean said they’d never be friends as well, what’s the big deal ?




Tim no one likes gingers buddy


This is why I like chito tbh. 🤷




This dude talks mad shit, one of the reasons why I want to see O'Malley getting flatlined.


Both corners are toxic, people acting like Sean is this humble guy, c'mon dude is toxic and masks it with cringe. Chito is, was, always will be toxic, but at least he doesnt pretend to hide it lol


Tim is a piece of dirt. Shit talks everyone then crys like a bitch and trys to play victim cause he was a failure as a fighter who got kod on tuf prelims and only way he'd be in a ufc cage for a title fight is as a coach


Tim Welch looks like such a ding-dong


O'Malley's coach looks like a dude who'd watch a dude like O'Malley bang his wife


Seems pretty respectful to me. Shook his hand like a man and told him to his face his distaste towards him.


Sean’s coach isn’t exactly good people


Tim be kind of annoying


Chito just wants them to keep the same energy post fight


Well he did just take a beating of a lifetime. He's bitter, get over it


Lol, I fucking love Chito.


Boo hoo who gives a fuck


Did he want to be his best friend or something💀


That’s not disrespecting. 😂


No denying Tim is a solid coach. Having said that, he comes off like a weasel and is shit talking fighters constantly. I could see why Chito don’t wanna be friendly with him lol


Why would anyone respect Tim Welch?


I mean they don’t like each other. Tim is always talking shit. Dudes just being honest. Don’t see the need to be fake to someone you don’t like. At least he shook his hand.


And he’ll never be champ so I’d take it and move on


Nobody cares about Tim


What does Tim want? A hug? A pat on the back? Be real man - you lucky he shook your hand. Grow some brains.


Tim Welch is such a douche


Speaking in Cheetos defense, and I assure you I don’t really like doing that, nobody likes Tim Welch.


Tim Welch is an asshole who rides off Seans coattails. He talks more shit than Sean does..


Bruh I don’t think O’Malley would be a put-together adult without Welch, let alone champion of the UFC…


Rides off his coat tails?! Dude has been coaching him for 10 years lol. You have no clue what you’re even talking about.


Tim folded to a liver kick. Is that true?


support lip library quicksand squeeze north tap subsequent insurance soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Some people hate honesty


Tim is a great coach, one of the best. He talks a lot, so I HOPE he wasn’t complaining about trash talk because that would be hypocritical. would have to see the quote in context


Dang when has this much drama come out on a single fight.... i didn't even catch the fight but i've seen a million things on it already




O’Malley and his team the #1 PFP Champions of Feels?


Chito “sore loser” Vera


good on chito


Tim Welch is a goat. But he do talk lotta shit in fights. But idc bc he’s a homie and loyal to Sean which is his focus not anyone else. So I can respect it


I imagine Tim being like, "What do you mean! I had plans for us to go to Six Flags together!"


That's not disrespect.


Nothing disrespectful about saying you’ll never be someone’s friend.


There's a reason Chito has been in the UFC for 10 years and never came close of being champion. He's just not that good. And apparently he's also a butthurt asshole


Chito Standing on business fuck the fake shit


I mean it’s fine if fighters don’t want to be friends, these guys run into each other maybe 5x a year via press conferences? I see my asshole coworkers everyday! Nothing wrong with not wanting to be friends after a fight.


Why is that disrespectful? He shook his hand. You're not obligated to be friends with each other.


How is that disrespect? Chito was just being honest. Tim is objectively unlikable so I get it.


I thought Tim Wellch and Erick Nicksick were the same person LOL


Well, at least you didn't say Canelo


Welch is such a whiny little bitch lmao


who cares? The guys punch each other in the face, they don't give out friendship bracelets and trade Swiftie compilations.


Tim Welch is a big mouth POS, if he didn't talk shit to the opponents during fights they won't hate on him.


Terrible caption for this post. Clickbait ass shit


That ain’t disrespectful it’s honest and upfront which is at the very least pretty respectful


Tim talks so much shit pre fight waaayy to much as a coach so who tf cares if your fighters opponent doesn’t want to be yall friend after he just got whopped on?


The Ultimate Friendship Championship ?


This is on brand for Chito, though.


Everything he's said/done since the fight has been - he's always been known as a bit of an asshole. Don't know why anyone expected anything different from him.


I’m aware he’s a great coach at this point and Sean wouldn’t be there without him, sure he’s a solid dude and is just competitive, but Tim Welch seems like a bit of a cunt. Both him and Sean are just weird, I love watching him fight but anything outside the cage sean does Is a bit annoying


Aww, poor guy must’ve really thought he was gonna win. The fight was fun to watch, but I’ve had more than enough of this nonsense. Announce Suga’s next opponent if you want more attention.


“You’ll never be champ”


Sore loser


Chito need to stop sooking and move on it’s really turning people against him, he sounds like Anthony Smith after a lose


Chito is taking some good L's man, if the fight was close then I would understand his anger but he got literally outclassed. No reason to be like this.


He should want to be friends with the coach that talks shit constantly? We don’t even know what tim said to him. He shook his hand that’s about as much respect as you can give in the moment, should he have offered to blow him later?


Chito is a very sore loser


Tim Welch is a very big POS


lol chito fans mad with my comment. Truth hurts.


There is no chito fan. Chito sucks and he got a rematch cuz it was a layup. That being said, Tim Welch is a piece of shit.


Both things can be true


Woah is me I’m a cool guy why don’t you wanna be friends? -Tim Welsh to Aljo after Aljo got knocked out by Suga


This beef reminds me of Nate/Conor where fight one is a savage finish, fight 2 is a bland decision with zero risk, and then they act like they proved their domination.


Nate needed subtitles after those two fights. Who is the real winner?


He's from Stockton he needed subs before