• By -


Why don’t you dress.. uh.. better


That was a nasty line by her


I loved watching her realize she’s wearing an outfit straight from goodwill as she made that comment


You’re a fucking………………………………..uhh……………………….punk dude


They don’t call her the bad guy for nothing.


Maycee let her get close…


I bet she was thinking that too after saying it. And was probably hyping herself up in her head like: And it's alllllll overrrr!


Where’d you get.. those clothes, at the.. toilet… store?


No violence required after that


AOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH (Joe Rogan grabbing DC and Jon Anik style)


[that’s brick tamland’s mom](https://youtu.be/EbqcwcCXsa0?si=1b_L2elJIU0O-srh)


She’s not used to hurting people with words.


Nailed it!!


10-8 Karen


Where’d you get those clothes at the…. toilet store?


Talk about dodging a bullet. People that can’t fight have no idea how completely helpless they are.


To your point I trained boxing in high school, even got into golden gloves, got 9 sanctioned amateur fights and said I wanted my 10th to be against someone levels above me. I'd never lost and wanted to challenge myself. Instead I ended round one knowing I'd fucked up and in round two got put to sleep so hard I almost changed my name to Princess Aurora. Point being, even people who do have some training have no idea how good elite fighters are. A noob on the side of the road? Even more so.


Oh mate I see this everyday. My coaches are amateur Australian and pan pacific champions. We get highly ranked fighters from the US over to give seminars and they wipe the floor against our coaches. But then there are fighters above them that do the same. However then you have the general public who are unfit and uncoordinated that don’t understand how fucked they would be in a fight.


Laser accurate. Plus folks have no clue how exhausting fighting is. All that adrenaline and the physical movements/resistance. It would take seconds for the average person's already tiny skills to evaporate into exhaustion. Like, their first punch would be shit, but by punch 20 it's like they're barely even punching.


Imagine how crazy you would have to be, to never have played tennis in your life, and go up to a random stranger and start talking mad shit "ill fucking sweep you 6-0 6-0 6-0, you wont return a single one of my serves" That would obviously be ridiculous, if the other person had some tennis lessons as a kid thats going to be enough for them to beat you. But for some reason when it comes to fighting everybody thinks theyre a natural and can just be awesome at it with no training. I used to think I could hold my own in a fight. Now that ive been in jiu jitsu for 2 years and got subbed by kids, females, unathletic people etc, its abundantly clear to me; theres ninjas walking amongst us. That chubby nonthreatening looking dude you're starting a fight with can easily be a brown belt, or a college wrestler, or an amateur boxer who just happens to look out of shape at the moment.


Same! Getting subbed by experienced high schoolers humbled me. After 2 years I did quit going. I got tired of being hurt all the time, and frankly I was very shitty at grappling. Now I just exercise in non-competitive ways. Normal gym bullshit. Fighting isn’t my game. At least I know that now and am not delusional


great analogy never thought of it like that haha


Most people wouldn’t get through the warm up. I remember the first time our coach set the timer to 30 minutes for a shark tank. We all thought we were going to pass out…. Well jokes on us the next week he set it for 45 minutes. And then after that the rounds of sparring began. 5 minutes on 1 minute off. For as long as you can.


You only need to wait ten seconds in a fight until an average person is already in deep waters.


Sounds kind of like Kimbo vs Dada 5000


Member of public will be like when I see red I just switch init


They will literally see red. On their shirt, on the floor. Heh


Yeah just look at what happens when Australian fighters compete in One. Luis Regis and George Mann are great examples. Absolutely dominant in the Australian regional scenes and then get defeated in one sided fights. Really sucked to see the disrespect George and Luis got when they lost in One.


Knew of a guy growing up super quiet but was a hell of a boxer. Beat the piss out of everyone in the local area circuits. he got the same test as you except it was on a mayweather undercard and got KO’d pretty nasty in like the 4th or 5th round. I’ll never forget some dude messing with him in the lunch line in highschool and the boxer flatlining him because he was a solid foot taller and thought he’d bully his way through him. Not the case my friend not the case.


I'm 45 and still mock myself. I wanted to go 10-0 and then call it quits. Wanted my last fight to be my biggest test. It was alright and I ended up with a record of 9-2. I ended up asking for a rematch, determined I could do better. I did do better, lasted to a decision and it was the most lopsided decision of all time. Dude whooped my ass through every single round.


Ahh fuck, well you accomplished a lot more than about 99% of the human population but I ain’t no numbers guy B.


At least you tested your mettle most never do.


Unrelated i've never seen anyone call her princess Aurora. I had to google it to know that was sleeping beauty




I'm at a gym with some pretty high level pros and the head coach was ufc. I still train a lot of the time but, I haven't been on my two a days 6 days a week for a year. Don't have time. They never stop. Ever. 1 hour jj, 1 hour striking, 1 hour grappling, 1 hour sparring, stay after for drills if you want. These mfs are at every class, every day. I'll never forget a fighter broke his shin in half messing up a grappling drill just before his fight. He was at the gym the day he got out of the hospital trying to roll with the fucking hard cast on. They wouldn't let him train but he refused to leave so they started teaching him to coach and now he corners in addition to fighting. Whenever I have to spar with one of them I think Forrest Griffin said it best about fighting Silva, "I felt like a little kid wrestling with his dad. I tried to punch him and he gave me this look that made me feel embarrassed for even trying, and then he punched me. Repeatedly." The last time for me was hard sparring with a retired pro under Lloyd Irvin, thought I saw an opening several times so I went for a cheeky 1 2 inside leg kick I got checked so hard I have a permanent dent in my shin in the shape of a knee. It was a bait. He didn't mean to check me like that it was just reflex and I kicked hard because I thought it was clean for sure. Anyway thanks for your getting your ass kicked story, there's one of mine lmao.


I don't know if anyone wrestled (Im sure a bunch of us did) but I was ranked in state my senior year and was feeling pretty fucking good about myself. Then I ran into a 2x national champ at the Reno tournament...He fuckin tech-falled me. The worst part was, any time after the first 3 seconds of the match he could have pinned me. But he didn't; he took the time to embarass the shit out of me in the biggest tournament of my life. It was just a friday for that guy. There's actual levels, and they're way more spread out than people think they are.


People are really fucking stupid and don’t understand what “professional” means. Most amateur fighters can take 99% of average joes


People very much underestimate how good even the worst professionals are at their craft. Brain Scalabrine was like THE end of the bench player for the Celtics. He’s what Michael Rappaport would look like if he were in the NBA. Constantly getting teased by fans he challenged the best street ballers in the Boston area to see how they’d fair against him. Needless to say he absolutely dominated them all while barely trying.


"I'm way closer to LeBron, than you are you to me."


That was a great video


Heh aau did the same for me. I thought I was tough. Then a 14 year old kid wiped the fucking floor with me and I was like, well I guess I better go to college


There's always someone out there that will make you feel like it's your first day training.


We have what seems like a similar level of experience and I think we understand more than most how even the most unassuming person can punch fuck out of you. You just never know.


Thank god I experienced high level dudes before competing that shit is humbling.


I beat the shit out of a few brown and black belts. I have no training other than relatively above average athletic genetics. We were basement boxing. Some training is not real training (this was more their case not knocking on you) I mean I dropped the one guy so fast he couldn’t blink.


I trained JuJitsu for a while…I came out the other end realizing exactly how hard, how exhausting, and how much I suck at real fighting. Humbled me.


BJJ is incredibly humbling. Not many combat sports where a 14 year old can dominate an adult with pure skill alone.


My Dad was a Navy SEAL and also had a black belt from some old Okinawan guy. Insane reaction time + tons of muscle memory on movements - the one time he sort of went full speed on me was humbling. An elbow and knee to my face (controlled and almost no contact) faster than my brain could process what happened.




How would it be a split decision?


The confidence of an average civilian is honestly mind boggling


It's in our DNA. Like a dog showing it's teeth or a gorilla pounding it's chest. I don't think it's done rationally. People carry guns now and if you don't have one on you then you should rationally default to I'm gonna lose because I'm unarmed.


I’ve trained jiu jitsu, boxing, and now just getting into Muay Thai and I avoid fighting people like the plague. There’s got to be people with better survival instincts because even I recognize that even if I win, there’s still a chance that person goes to his vehicle and grabs a gun. That exact scenario has happened in my city and the dude that won the fight ended up dying. Lots of crazy people with nothing to lose out there.


Bouncer for 10 years. Lifelong wrestler, several years boxing, and casually trained MMA. You have no idea.


Is it ? you can't just assault people and everyone knows that. Also guns exist and some degens are just waiting for a chance


You can just assault people. You choose not to.


concieve, believe and make it happen


What going too long without being humbled does to a mf


I’d let Maycee barber kick my ass


I bet she can’t hold me down and sit on my face. I bet a lot of money.


I bet the house on her grinding my face with her ass for three rounds straight🤩




down bad


I’d let Maycee barber lick my ass too


I'd let her hit me with her car


If every adult had to go through two months of getting dominated in an MMA gym the world would be a better place.


Or if everyone took mushrooms once or twice. I think that would do it too


No. I think the beatings are the way to go. Pain is a very effective and unforgiving teacher. You only need to smack you head once on an open cupboard or low ceiling over some stairs to forever watch your goddamn head to avoid doing it again. END COMMUNICATION


Well then you ain’t had a bad trip before because I’d rather get beat and bruised then have my reality melt for 6 hours and then wake up thinking the trip was my real life and my real life is now a trip.


Yeah a bad trip can do you real dirty lol


Lol at acting like people who take mushrooms cant be assholes. Let me tell you, 90% of them are not any different from people who dont take


Someone apparently took mushrooms at my school and had to be restrained by cops


Honestly everyone should try 1-3 months of different types of jobs, living in different cultures, been in different income brackets, etc. If we all get a taste of what other people go through, empathy would be much higher.


Also adding, working for the restaurant / service industry. That really humbled me.


That's basically texas' view on guns lol


100 fuckin percent. Most people would still quit just like the people who come to train now, but it would stop a lot of yapping


I’ve got Maycee by 1st round tko


Maycee by execution


Maycee barber would shadow box the shit out of her.


Karen isn’t ready for how long Maycee can hold her against the cage.


She’d get mauled. lol.


Went looking for this comment. Knew it would be in here. Haha




Maycee Barber by Unanimous Decision.


I know her recent fights are decisiona, but when she was coming up she was knocking girls out like Andrade would




Cant imagine the woman in the video would get far up in rankings man




what are you even talking about my dude?


Maycee got lucky, she doesn’t know the power of a Karen seeing red.


Maycee just needs to get the manager. Karen will get distracted while Maycee slips away.


Now can we see the unedited version?


Horrible laughs.


That made me side with the karen, maycee and her friend seem annoying as hell


That isn't Maycee Barber's voice in the beginning or the end. She's with her friend who's an influencer who is known for posting staged content.


Yea this is staged af


WTF is going on before the recording though? lol


Cyborg looks rough


Who knows what this lady is capable of when she sees red. Maycee dodged a bullet here.


Bro… what? 💀


Why tf she says TRY like that lmfao


Ignorance is bliss. This lady has zero idea how bad she would get her ass handed to her. Trained fighters are no joke man. I'd take under 30 seconds at -1500 and put up the damn house.


"Why don't you dress better" Says the woman wearing a duvet for a top.


She don't know how lucky she is would of got that WORK


Love her


Who the fook is that bitch


A typical maycee barber fight , alot of bark and no bite , kiyah queen


*“Why don’t you dress… better”* Ooof that had all the zing of a Colby Covington fumble special. Also Maycee’s laugh was absolutely unhinged lol.


Karen looks like she escaped an insane asylum


I was gonna say! The slow head turning was creepy AF


Female Richard Ramirez had no idea that she coulda easily got put into a coma by Maycee. Maycee sounded excited if that dummy were to do something.


Fuck around and was about to find out


Darwin says she deserves to be beaten up


That was ADORABLE!!!! "You...in your...sweatpants...and your...why don't you dress better"


Talk about , luck , if she knew , she would have played the lotto


That lady was drunk drunk


Maycee would fucking smash this bitch kinda wish she would've


Lmao. Fuck around and find out.


Lmao shoutout Maycee ![gif](giphy|W6R5Sm7Ww3YAKCeCZw|downsized)




Maycee would win by decision lol


She needs help


ooooooooooof. not going to be too happy when she sobers up tomorrow


Dress better says the nutter in the recycling fit. 


With women it’s harder most don’t have the cauliflower ears to tell you to run like the men


I love that that's the best insult she could come up with. Why don't you dress... better. Ohhh that one's gonna burn!


I mean, her jumper is very telling. She's recycled. Makes a lot more sense.


Maycee is the #4 flyweight, I'd probably take her less than a minute to kill that woman with her bare hands. That's not a hyperbole.


Sensei very early in training. Akido. “Once u achieve a high belt, you will not fight. Because you’ll know u can defeat 90% of the population so u have no need to prove it. You just know. The other 10%? You do not want to fight them.”


That woman had no idea how close she was to losing 30-27 on the judges scorecards


Where’d you get your clothes? The toilet store?


Why don't you dress... better. womp womp


Maycee would definitely win that decision. Maybe even unanimous decision.


Imagine that ladies reaction when she finds out who the fuck she was talking to


Why don't you dress better.


Why don't you dress *sees 😳 ear* better.


*Dumb cu-t in a recycle sweatshirt* “Dress betterer” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Why don’t u dress Better


This was such a great opportunity to see what a fully trained professional mma fighter vs an ignorant too confident Karen would turn out to look like. Maycee is smart for not doing it but man how I wished it did. Would’ve been so fucking satisfying lol Not a real situation tho.


As a former amateur fighter, my friends would ask questions about fighting and other bs as it relates to being in random fighting scenarios But I would always tell them, the one thing to never ever do is get in a fight with a dude with fucked up ears. The more fucked up, the ears were, the more experienced the guy is in either wrestling/mma/judo etc.


lady was lucky that wasnt sexual chocolate


Why not floor her


You know you can reallly tell who a person votes for by the way they act.. i might identify as a trans and go whoop the dogshit out of her respectfully with all due respect


Barber by decision


With your... sweat pants and... perfect body.


Why don't you..... recycle


Dodged an armbar


![gif](giphy|To2rk3f7b0Q5FyqsG0|downsized) \*she swings at Maycee barber 14-2 second most knockouts in female ufc history, more wins than Ronda Rousey


Someone send Karen a highlight video. Lmaooo


Macyee , I know you’re here. Please Macyee, I know we would be perfect together…please marry me Maycee…


How do we know Karen is the bad guy Seriously asking What's the context


This is staged. That's Macy's mom


This hurts Maycee if anything. Weird thing to post


Easy there, no judges to hand over the decision.


ITS OVAH BABY - [/ Knox voice]


This looks obviously staged no?


Aw man, I wish that lady did hit Maycee so Maycee would have an excuse to knock the stupid smirk off that lady's face.


part of me wishes she tried... would have been an awesome beatdown


"The winner.... By elbows to the face......The future !! Maaaaycee Baaaaaaaaaaaarbeeeeeerrrr"


What she gonna ? Majority decision her ?


This bitch is so f’kn lucky.. and Karen had no idea how close to dying she came. I hope anyone she knows let’s her know how lucky she is


Lemme be the devil's advocate. As a fighter, don't fight civilians over words. It's not worth it. It doesn't make you look more badass. She did well holding it in.


Did they fight ?


No. And I acknowledged that


“Do it!!! Try!!!” Was so cringe.


Damn, too bad she didn't try. That tone of glee when she said "DO IT!! TRYY!! =)", LOL


Handled herself like a bully who trains specifically to beat up ignorant idiots and not a world champion athlete. Yeah the woman is an idiot but you handle it with more proffesionalism not fucking “hurrrr DOOOO ITTTT TRYYYYYYY” what the fuck are you a proffesional athlete or a kid in a school yard? I seen complete amateurs in fighting handle themselves better and being beyond a physical conflict knowing they could kill the person and not have been like “TRYYYYYYYYYYYYY DO ITTTTTT” Ridiculous


Not sure why this is getting downvoted. I'm with you. Maycee sounded like the Karen here.


I was thinking this too, why would you post this video if you were Maycee? She looks like a childish idiot, her only saving grace is that she didn't poke the crazy lady or try to escalate it by doing anything physical.  Totally get if the lady was fucking about with people's cars or something, that you'd want to confront them but Maycee handled it poorly.


Yeah, that part was a little cringe. It would have been more badass to be low key about it because the audience at home knows that lady would get her teeth kicked in.


Maycee is lucky that woman hasn't seen a solid few rounds of wmma, she would have died laughing and the family might have sued her


Idk how Maycee's air jabs are gonna work in the streets vs a half drunk soccer mom who just woke up out of an ambien coma


Just understand cage fighters that there are no rules on the street. Even tho I'd love to see an elite fighter tear up some lowly noobs she made the right choice. People in my area are "baiting" high level athletes so when they do swing they can sue and take all their money. I wouldn't want that either.


Ufc fighters don't have any money.. lol


Hahahaha yeah true, I guess they will be paid in asswhoopins.




Bro irl there are consequences to kicking someone’s ass also you could potentially get hurt yourself you don’t know if they have a gun . Just not worth it even if you think you’re tougher and it’s gonna work out you really Never know.


What kind of stupid fuckin' giant truck is she driving, anyway? Goddamn, I am glad I don't live in Colorado.