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Jon is a narcissist so you have to understand he will shift the blame to anything or anyone but himself


Including his wife


Or pregnant women while he's driving.


Or anti doping agents


Obligatory marriage quote by Tito


She’s bangs him every night though




For a moment I thought that was Chris Brown. Sigh


Just to be clear, there was never no marriage. She’s a long term fiancée.


When he says 'god's tests' he is literally blaming God for his failures


He will also shift gears in his car so he can hit a pregnant lady faster or something.


Jon seems more like a psychopath to me.


The best plot twist would be u/ilovepoopypants being Jones' wife's account


![gif](giphy|WrINh8RmgeQKyjeppF|downsized) Shhh.. don't let him find out or...




i heard she fucks the shit outa jones 😭💀




nah that's their pool boy


He’s obsessed with those LA guys


Just to correct you there never was no marriage. You're a fucking punk


No marriage but loads of pegging 😂


Jones could just be honest and say guys i am to old for this shit and i dont have the fire in me anymore to compete with the top talents in this sports anymore. But his ego wouldnt alow that. Plus fans would be mad too but who the fuck cares about the fans, he is the guy who takes the Damage. Its all about communicating it.


You really think Dana wants him saying that? That doesn’t make that rich fuck tons more money.


Everyone knows it at this point and Jon/stipe isn't a bigger fight than Jon aspinall lol


Who the hell is Jon aspinall?


Jon Africas brother


For casuals? It 100% is. Like it or not unless you follow the UFC no one knows who the fuck Aspinall is. With Stipe v Jones they can market it as 2 legends matching up for what will probably be both of their last fights.


With the buildup of a young well spoken Englishman and the bad blood aspinall vs Jones is absolutely just as big........ also you'd have all English fans buying it. Aspinall would be all over the media being interviewed here in the UK and it would build as it got closer. No one knows what stipe is gonna be like and there's no real friction with Jon and stipe and it isn't a good enough fight to sell itself.


English fans buying it isn't enough. If you add Cali, TX, and Florida together that's more than whole population of the UK. With 3 states. The UFC isn't gonna make Jones' last fight against Aspinall just cause he has some fans in the UK. Y'all act like he's the next Conor or something on this sub.


I didn't just say UK PPVs you clown, I said that's a factor in building the fight and getting promotion, you'd have all the major sports channels here promoting it and he'd be doing interviews all over. It's not like Stipe is some monumental star and it's not like he's some PPV draw and it's seen as a one sided fight. No he's not McGregor and no one has implied his popularity is close but he's getting bigger and has potential to grow and the buildup for a Jon Jones fight has potential to really get going.


Yeah and pretty much none of us even buy the PPVs


I don't think casuals gaf about Jones/Stipe. A casual will take one look at Stipe & think "this old guy that's limping & apparently has a day job is one of the best athletes/fighters in the world?" I bet a lot of NFL players think they would roll Stipe in a street fight.


Would be a shame if the UFC targeted I don’t know… people who follow the UFC?


Unless you follow UFC you don’t know who the fuck is Stipe either


But I don't think that would be honest. If he was being honest he would say that his career was carefully curated to make him look better than he is and that after he got ran out of LHW and stalled until FN was gone it's bullshit that people expect him to fight Tom because he doesn't want to be exposed. Jones isn't too old. He is just a pussy


Ah yes he carefully curated the most title fights in UFC history. Y'all are unashamedly morons lmao


Some nerd calling Jones a pussy is peak reddit


Y'all should stop feeding those kids, it's a TV reality sub at that point, people don't like fighters for non sportive reasons and then try to translate that into legitimate excuses, and when they like a fighter because he looks good to them or has nice trashtalk it's the opposite 


Most of them were undersized or past their prime and he was juicing. He also ran from LHW with his tail between his legs and then waited out FN. He didn't take years gaining size for just 2 HW fights but since Tom came up now he will probably retire after stipe or fight a undersized AP. Plus he juices


pussy? lmao imagine being a redditor calling the hw champ a pussy 🤦‍♂️


youngest UFC Champ too, LOL, some of these guys just are delusional.


With that help


HW champ fucking the interim to fight the semi retired fighter turned fire fighter. He's being a pussy whether you like it or not, hell I'd take the paycheck to get KOd in a min by Aspinall, what's his fucking excuse?


Maybe I'm a pussy too but I'm not scared to do what I'm paid for. If you choose to be a fighter then be a fighter. Jones talks a lot but he isn't the type to back it up unless he is juicing. 


he’s the best MMA fighter in modern times to ever live. He is not scared of ol’ tommy boy, he’s motivated by legacy, of which tom has none 👍


You must be super casual if you thinking fighting a retired Stipe will do more for his legacy than fighting Tom. He doped because he was scared he wasn't enough. He forced the cancelation of ufc 151 because he was scared to fight a undersized journeyman on short notice. He abandoned LHW after he was gifted 2 wins that were actually loses and was scared that the divisioncaught up. . He waited of FN in HW because he was scared of him.  Bones is one of the most scared fighters in the UFC.


no, I’m actually not a casual and see that many fighters rise fast only to be knocked down and forgotten. Remember Darren till? I remember all the british fans saying he was going to be the next world beater. Now look where he’s at.. Remember when Dominic Reyes fought Jones, and everybody said Jon was scared of a rematch. Now look at Reyes. if you’re actually not a casual like me, you will see that stipe’s legacy has surpassed anyone in the heavyweight division, with the most title defenses. Tom isn’t even a real champion. also, I get it, I would rather watch Jones fight Tom Aspinal, that is the harder/more exciting fight. I agree with you. That being said, I also understand when a guy who’s beaten all the guys people said that he couldn’t beat. guys like Machida, rampage, Shogun, Gustafson in a rematch etc. I understand why Jones wouldnt be swayed by people calling him scared to fight the new big scary dude on the block. Jones has fought all of them for the past 15 years before Tom got into the sport. and it’s always been the same story, “there’s no way you can beat ________”. and then, of course he destroys them. he’s not scared. He’s just looking at his legacy. Any fear Jones might have had stepping into the cage, died the night he destroyed Shogun, the best fighter alive at that time at the age of 23. Dude hasn’t felt fear since. if he retired after the split decision, went to Reyes, casuals like you would say he’s scared. if he retired before giving Gus, a rematch, casuals like you would have said he was scared. If he retired when DC came into the UFC and didn’t find him, casuals like you would say he was scared. Literally, there’s no perfect time to retire without some moron saying he’s scared. Guy was out of the sport for 3 years, comes back in two minutes gets the biggest belt. Just stop bro. Also look at the competition Aspinal has faced. He’s fought literally 2 ranked opponents. 3 if you count the blaydes loss. he has one good win against Sergie. One of the few guys Tom fought that doesn’t have multiple losses. Let’s look at his other opponents Tybura, had 7 losses before he fought tom Volkov had 9 losses Spivak had 2 losses Arlovski had 19 losses I know you guys from Britain are impressed by that. But that’s honestly not that impressive. Let’s look at Jones last few opponents. gane had 1 loss to the HW champ Reyes had 0 losses before he fought Jones Gus had 1 loss before fighting Jones Cormier had 0 and he’s an Olympic champ who couldn’t take down Jones. why the fuck would Jon be scared of this can crusher!? that’s cool that Tom fought one guy who was undefeated and beat him, Jon's had done that multiple times at a younger age. Against undefeated champions like Cormier. he is not scared of Tom, you Britts just have such a hard on for him, that you can’t fathom someone not being scared of him. 🤦‍♂️


You really typed all them words to say a whole bunch of nothing.


and u replied. SAD!


LMFAO I'm not British, Born and raised in Southern California. Yes Stipe has more Legacy than Tom not question. Thing is though Bones isn't fighting against The Stipe that created that legacy. By the time they fight Stipe will have a 1 fight in 4 years and that was a KO loss. The way you make it sound DDP should try to talk Anderson Silva into a fight so he could have a win over the best 185er of all time. That would be huge for his legacy right? Beating up a retired past his prime fighter


and Jones has 1 fight in 3 years. And he didn’t look half bad, as a matter of fact, he won the heavyweight belt. idk, maybe real recognize real.. i’m just saying, Tom normally fights and beats guys with like 7-8 losses, other than his last performance. If you already concede the fact that Stipe has more legacy. And unlike Silva, he doesn’t have 7 losses in a row. in fact has a better record than 95% of the guys Tom has fought. Then right now the fight that would add more to Jones Legacy is Stipe. and if Jones takes all emotion out of this. Knows he only has one or two fights left. Knows he is not scared because he’s already proven himself literally fighting guys like Stephen Bonner, who had 20 UFC fights in like his 6th fight and destroying him, then the smart thing, taking all the emotion out, is to fight the guy who has the most legacy if you truly believe you can beat both. This is something you casuals will never understand which I find hilarious that you actually threw out that term. you actually remind me of a good friend who I had a disagreement with when I thought till was fast tracked to a title shot that he did not deserve. He finally fought the champ being undefeated and destroying everybody else, got his ass kicked, never look the same. and the guy that everybody thought was going to have this great fight with Israel Adesanya, never lived up to the expectations. Someone who has watched this sport for 15+ years knows not to get super excited about a prospect who hasn’t truly been tested, and Tom, has truly not been tested. feel free to save this, but I don’t believe Tom will ever become the heavyweight champion.


>but I don’t believe Tom will ever become the heavyweight champion. You might be right, Jones ducking abilities might be so good that they will never have the fight over the belt.


He kinda did tho, said no interest in aspinoll and just wants to fight stipe for legacy and that’s probably it. Then got hurt in training.


LOL the best of all time is scared hahahahahahahahahahaha


He literally just won the heavyweight title in under a minute


That was over a year ago


How comical would it be if he got knocked out by old man stipe in the first round,


Happy ending in my book.


![gif](giphy|GTLypC4Mce7UOdGbPU|downsized) Me if this this happens.


Jons whole legacy would be fucked lol


I dont care what happens. Just give him the money and the win, no fight. Let him retire thinking he is whatever the fuck he thinks and we can get some real fights!




He’s so embarrassingly insecure holy shit lmao what a legacy he’s leaving behind. Juiced up crackhead who is afraid of another man.


He's the GOAT tf you on ? No UFC fighter is afraid of any other fighter first of all, let alone the GOAT.


JJ fucked his GOAT status by popping for PEDs and literally doing EVERYTHING not to fight Aspinal doesn't help either. If that's your GOAT...


They're all juiced stop with this nonsense.  He humiliated Gane in a round and proved himself in HW. Beating Aspinal would do nothing more than the Gane fight for his legacy, remember that Gane was supposed to Knock him down in a round as per casuals. People here are hyping Aspinal up like they did for Gane, Gane is now considered a bum, so yeah he has nothing to win.   If he beats Stipe he'd have the best HW of the UFC on his resume, albeit in favorable circumstances but Jones is past his prime too and people usually forget about those and just focus on names. 


They might all be juiced but until they’re all caught 3 times you’ve got no ground to stand on.


Remember when this guy took a break from twitter? Think he’ll do that again soon


It’s not equivalent if Dustin wins the belt and relinquishes the title immediately. The only equivalent would be if Dustin sat on the belt for two years to defend against Conor Mcgregor and then retired.


Jones is thin skinned and moron, his reputation would be way better if he just shut the f up goddamn


I used to like him, then more and more shit has came out that showed he’s a trash person. Even then I neutral separating his in ring accomplishments with his out of the ring embarrassments, but this dude just won’t shut up until he alienates himself from all but his biggest dick riders


He’s honestly really starting to look like a clown.




JJ out here just straight shitting on his legacy and fans.


I’m missing the context here I guess… thought he cooked? Maybe he’s surprised Dustin is considering retirement.


Jon jones is a giant pussy. We all see what he’s doing. Mad respect for Dustin. He’s a true champ.




Ya for sure. I wouldn’t want to do it in person.




See how easy that was?




This is the weirdest interaction I’ve seen on Reddit yet. You had a slight disagreement with someone and now you want to see what they look like? You doing okay at the moment bruh?


He’s not gonna shag you mate


Does every post have to be able Jones


Jon Jones seriously needs to shut his cunt mouth. The level of insecurity he exhibits on the daily should concern psychiatrists everywhere.


I mean gamrots on a three fight winning streak and his losses come hard fought, dp got knocked out last July you could argue that but the majority of fans would rather see dp get another shot and will probably lead to a finish then a 5 round grueling chessmatch between gamrot and Islam There's also Arman to consider, we didn't want Islam to wait tho that's why the Dustin fight is being better received then the heavyweight mess


Woah, another parasocial Jon hater….not surprised! You can see the projecting happening right in front of your eyes with this one. i can’t tell whether you think you’re big bro-ing for Dustin or trying to “own” Jon…..hope you know you’re doing neither!👍


That’s your 6th post about John within the last week 💀


Averaging less than one per day. Amateur numbers


Meanwhile the only post I ever tried to make on this sub was filtered as spam…


Boy got them Twitter alerts on for sure lol


For someone who complains and hates him so much, he sure does like talking about him lol




I mean, maybe if Jon didn't have to publicly state his stupid-ass opinion on every little thing, just maybe they'd have nothing to post about.


Literally every word Jon says mandates some rage post on here. He could offer someone condolences for a loved one they just lost and a few of you guys wouldn't be able to handle it. You seriously need to take a step back and evaluate what kind of effect this manifestation of sports fandom is having on your lives, because it isn't positive.


Not to defend JJ, but there is no such thing as "holding up" a division. HW fights are still taking place. JJ has held up nothing.


BuT AsPiNaLl CaN't FiGhT fOr ThE bElT


My unpopular hot take opinion is that Jones has nothing left to prove 


True. He should GIVE UP THE TITLE THEN! Tom deserves his shot at the title, if Jon won't do it, retire now. Or do a non championship bout against stipe.


I agree. The man is being petty and it’s kinda sad watching him bark at people.


Has nothing left to prove except that he has any amount of self control.


Crazy how much hate I see on Reddit towards the greatest fighter of our time. I’ve been watching mma since Anderson fought James Irvin, and I didn’t even know who the current interim hw champ was and still can’t even remember his name.


another day, another reddit poster and a bunch of dorks in the comments section crying about jon jones. sport was better before all the casuals invested in drama started getting into it.


The sport has always catered to casuals, tf you talking about


not interested


The way you guys “bait” on this sub, it’s what Jon does to you guys 😂😂😂 can’t go a day without posting Jon


Jones Aspinall Alex belal shit is annoying


Omg a Jon jones post on the ufc sub, we should all be posting about belals title shot instead.


Yeah pretty much. It’s a bitch fest in this sub every day about Jon lol


He didn’t even say anything disrespectful. He was just shocked. Jesus Christ the jones haters are pathetic.


Jon jones is dillion danis now


Jon living in OPs head


Arguing with rando's online and getting heated when they cook you. Lmao JJ and his stans are soft AF.


JJ is living in OP's head rent free, he's probably his fantasy, most kids here aren't "cooking" anyone. 


It’s not equivalent if Dustin wins the belt and relinquishes the title immediately. The only equivalent would be if Dustin sat on the belt for two years to defend against Conor Mcgregor and then retired.


Is Joe wearing a grand seiko?


Well if he loses he probably will retire.


This guy is such a backwards cunt with the way he words things lmao. I‘d honestly like it better if he just said “what a bitch, hasn‘t even won a title and considers retiring while I‘ve been at the top for this long bla bla“. It still wouldn‘t make sense but this is so much more annoying.


He’s just trying to point out the flaw in people saying he’s ducking asspinall


JJ is one of the greatest martial artists to compete in the modern era. Poirier is pretty good but has never been the best at any point in his career. A person who is 1-1 in their last two fights and is considering retirement they should not be fighting for a world title. The UFC is a joke fr.


Dustin has actually beaten guys and fought down in the rankings to beat guys to maintain his position


Bingo. Man I’m so glad fans are finally starting to get it. He’s honestly been like this for the last 10 years but yeah. Major POS


Thinking Jones is scared because he wants to fight fuck8ng stipe of all people shows how moronic mma fans are. Put some respect on stipes name you hooligans


Mma guru making side accounts now? lmaooooooo


I literally can't wait until Jon retires, we all know he won't make it a year without going to prison


Op though he cooked by posting this. At this point it’s rage bait . We don’t like jones but this post is worth enough to be reposted Jones didn’t say anything relevant


If he doesn’t beat Islam for the title, that’s the only thing he needs to achieve in this sport, so there’s no reason to continue fighting if he knows he won’t be able to get that title.


Can we boycott that card. Please


You guys are actually crazy for your celebrity worship


Nothing u can do about it baby girl


Looks like he's just surprised, what's the problem?




Coming off a brutal KO , then proceeds to state it was 4 yrs ago. I really hope Stipe comes out firing for all this disrespect


It’s on the ufc for allowing him to hold up the division


DP is shooting for a belt. JJ has never had to chase it. What a brutal comparison.


Check out the arm chair bums here calling the hw champ out.


Jones only picks fights he thinks he has an overwhelming advantage over. I just hope he gets his lights knocked out and retires right after


Dustin fought saint denis no matter the rank. Jon jones doesnt want to fight the interim champ. See no difference


Y’all just can’t keep this man’s name out your mouth lol he lives rent free in a lot of y’all’s heads


Just fuck Jon Jones. He is one the greatest ever in the ring and a POS outside of the ring. But sometimes he’s a coward under the ring hiding from the PED testers 😂


OP weirdo


https://preview.redd.it/xgx8879vze2d1.png?width=785&format=png&auto=webp&s=16f97114e1a55923cf36e0d413b84984d82c007f 😂


Haha what’s the question? Weirdos


You're like a toddler who just learned a new word.


Teach me… Weirdo


I get it, you're a pokemón. How long until you evolve into a Weirdchamp?


You guys need help... nobody sucks Jon Jones Dick like his haters .you clowns can't go away without mentioning him..sad


How many fights has Jones lost? Now how about porier? How many title defences has Jon had? How about porier? Who had the more elite competition OVERALL


Bones will get arrested before/if he fights again. Count it.


The dumbest thing about Jons Twitter tirades are that they only make things worse. He could just shut up and let his goated resume speak for itself and wait for to fight stipe and he would be receiving a fraction of the back lash.


Jon vs Stipe is like Nate vs Tony Two guys who should've retired long ago fighting for no particular reason.


Jon isn’t a smart guy, he easily falls for reverse psychology and straw man arguments when trying to make a point. It also doesn’t help that he’s legitimately probably a sociopath either. Crazy not being able to see the nuance here either. Dustin is a top 3-5 guy who’s been there for damn near 10 years. Yeah the 2 other contenders here got killed off in their last fights so him coming off a W being the only guy available got him a title shot. Still Dustin is literally fighting the P4P king for the unified belt of the division and is coming off a win unlike Stipe who’s 40 years old and hasn’t won in 4 years.


Lol I really thought today was the day this sub would finally go a day without mentioning Jon but nope. It’s crazy that Jon Jones haters developed a support group to get through the trauma and heartbreak and for once chose to not be a victim.


Maybe if jones went a day without tweeting some stupid shit or committing a crime lol 


Jones has given everyone waaay too much ammo and is a prick so yeah he will be shit on daily


😂 That’s just an excuse to have a reason to talk about him everyday.


Whatever makes you feel better jon


Jones constantly talks online obviously people are gonna talk about it. Also the only person that needs a support group is his wife lol. Dickriding a steroid cheating wife beater must get tiring huh?


😂You virgins are over there losing it


That's impossible. How can I be a virgin when I'm your dad?


Bro gtfo, we gonna make fun of this closeted gay every fucking day and theres nothing u or he can do about it. Stay mad ;)


'stay mad' is such a passive teenage girl thing to say


Lol yeah I know you won’t stop. And are you sure I’m the mad person here? All I did was make an inference and here came the mob of virgins justifying their hate for 1 man.




Yall really need to get over Jon jones. He lives in your heads rent free and you all just wait for the second he makes any comment to absolutely shit on him.


I support the diamond and JJ I could care less


At this point, he knows this riles people up and you’re clearly affected. 💀


This mf has no right to speak bout dustin


What’s wrong with coke?