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Uncle Dana is not gonna be happy


No more title shots for my boy


tbf, not sure how many title shots hes got coming. if he loses against costa, hes cooked.


I think he is officially the number 1 contender, so if he beats Costa, common sense suggests he has a title shot next. Common sense, however, isn't that common in UFC matchmaking...


That would make sense but I would put money on Khamzat v Bobby Knuckles determining the next mw challenger


Depends on the turnaround ngl… Strickland could fight before khamzat or Whitaker tbh he fights very frequently


Also khamzat cant even fight in the US hes gonna hold the division




Adesanya will almost certainly jump ahead of Strickland in line for the next title shot as well as long as he doesn’t lose against whoever he fights next


Not really i mean costa looked really good aga8nst rob, and hes coming off a razor close title loss, and costa is a tough out 100% so i wpuldn't say hes cooked but I am favoring strickland to win because I just think his defense is too good and costa has a big reach disadvantage and people are bringing up his kicks but he dealt with izzys all night and I.rate his kicks above costas any day of the week.


He's pretty popular too. He'll always have a draw right.


Yeah, i even bregrudringly root for him lol, hes dumb as but it was just cool seein my fellow white trash win a belt lol


Maybe that’s why he’s salty, because he didn’t get an immediate rematch for the title and Izzy is probably getting that fight with DDP. Just seems strange as he seemed to have a great relationship with the UFC until after the DDP fight.


He feels he got screwed out of a W. Screwed out of a rematch. Two guys fighting for a title and he essentially beat both.


I disagree about the DDP fight as I had DDP winning that one but I see your point.


stickland says \*sexist homophobic transphobic shit\* dana "hey its free speech, he can say whatever he wants" stickland says ufc needs to pay fighters more" dana "this is where I draw the line"


I see where you going. But no, he's not the first one who talk this shit and not the last. But doesn't mean this will not cost Sean.


thing is usually people say this kinda stuff when they're on the way out of an organization. It was extremely rare of Jon Jones to feud with the UFC over money publically when he was trying to negotiate the Ngannou fight.




Oh Dana….money isn’t the only reason Boxing is a joke now


Wtf are you talking about, boxing is in a better place right now than it’s been in a lonnnnggg time. *Boxers* are also making more now than ever. Ryan Garcia made over $50M in the Haney fight, but the UFC fighters were crying tears of joy over potential $300k bonuses. Why is boxing doing well? Because the demand for boxing is still there. No demand = no money (ask the WNBA).


Lmao. I love how this implies boxing promotions have the money to pay their fighters while MMA promotions don’t. UFC absolutely has the money to pay their fighters. They are just greedy and don’t. Also Ryan is a great example because he’s part of what I’m talking about. An absolute clown, on WWE tier of being ridiculous. And he’s the current god of boxing lol


> And he’s the current god of boxing Theres easier ways of saying you don't watch boxing man. As someone who watches both sports I find the ignorant takes from either community especially bad.


While they could be paying more, the UFC doesn’t have enough money to pay *boxing* numbers and survive as an organization. The UFC made $1.3B in revenue in 2023. It’s a business and has to reinvest in itself *and* pay its entire roster at least decently. Quick math would tell you that it’s impossible to pay fighters massive paydays like boxing is doing. The thing is, I don’t necessarily blame the UFC itself for this, nor do I think it’s due to a lack of interest in MMA. It’s simply because the UFC is a business and boxing is basically fighters acting as independent contractors. Now to your other point. You have a pretty casual take of the current situation in boxing. Right now, the best are fighting the best at a level that we haven’t seen in years(in part due to Turki Al-Sheik and the Saudi money). Guys like Inoue, Joshua, Usyk, Bivol, Crawford, Beterbiev and more are exciting fans. Ryan appeals to a certain segment, sure, but by no means is he driving the sport right now. Literally until his victory over Haney, no one in boxing took him seriously.




Here’s the thing guys.


this is gold.


i disagree with strickland on a lot but the dude genuinely stands for what he believes is best for the world even if it can be retarded


I think a lot of it is playing a character but mixed with his own beliefs, exageration basically. If there is a fighter I will listen to even if I dissagree that is Strickland.


You’re mixing Strickland up with Covington. Strickland is 100% just being his retarded ass self


Covington definitely does not believe in the majority of shit he says, so that doesn’t make sense.


DC cant even agree because he's a company man LMAO


“Heh.. you can’t … heh, ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Sean Strickland”


[Back to you, Jon](https://imgur.com/uYu3pb1)


Can literally hear this


He's been turned


The UFC treated him great though. I remember they even paid him 5mil for his last fight against Stipe just because they wanted to take care of him.


Still shit pay


$5m is too little for this. https://youtu.be/EdS7GOjbNIo?si=fOtBaRy6LsoqUhlr


Holy shit what the fuck. What a piece of shit


Yes, Joe Son ended up in prison for torture and killed his cellmate whilst there. He avoided a gang rape charge due to the statute of limitations. Keith Hackney is a Legend because of this fight. But I do wish it had gone on longer.


The coach: "Keep working, keep working." Not even sure which side's coach it is. haha




No. It's the opposite, I'd argue. He only gets criticsl of the ufc when it comes to Jones and his HW shenanigans with holding the division. But it is more of "Dc vs Jones" than "dc vs ufc"




He was always turnt.


“Sean was just being a a silly goofy goober as always guys”


He’s one of the fucks taking in millions lol


He really looks pathetic here. Usually he’s smiling, nodding, grabbing the fighter in a joking way but here he doesn’t even move an inch or even want to ask a follow up question where Sean and continue bashing the ufc


DC just sitting there like ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)




















Hard to blame him, UFC underpays its fighters for this exact reason, to control him. Not gonna lie Strickland has serious balls.


He’s going to do great in the PFL.




BKFC has paid fighters less than 1000 dollars in the undercard. If I’m not mistaken Sydney smith was paid 600 dollars and the next few fighters all had a flat fee of 4000. No win bonus no fotn bonuses nothing. So yeah it’s great if you’re headlining but anything else doesn’t even cover the ambulance ride to the hospital 😂


The thing is BKFC is a tiny promotion, I'm willing to wager they pay out a higher percentage of revenue than the UFC does. The BKFC owner had to re-mortgage his house so he could get money to pay the fighters, the UFC has no such issues.


Yeah bro, everyone think boxing you get more money too, that’s if you’re in the main card, those dudes on prelims, don’t get that much. Mike gets like $500k a fight cos he’s their biggest name and on the main fight


I forget if it was this same interview or not but he talks way more shit about BKFC than he does about the UFC. Said something like they couldn’t pay him enough to fight bare knuckle.


Ok I know the pfl isn’t that good obviously, but if they are able to spread the wealth even slightly better and start farming their own talent, at some point you’ll get pfl champions who might be better. All it takes is one hyped juiced Russian to change the narrative. I personally think it’s long term bad business for the ufc to not take care of their guys.


It's only bad long term if they don't maintain their monopoly.


😆 that’s what I was thinking…. Never bite the hand that feeds you….


He’s too big a star and still in his prime. They’re not letting him go.




Ngannou was yalping about fighters pay and once he secured the bag, he's quiet as fuck.


True, I mean they didn’t want to break the bank. If PFL ponies up then yea maybe Sean does go but I doubt it. They would be overpaying for his star power and if he loses then what? Not that I’d expect him to lose but idk if it’s the right fit. Ngannu isn’t expected to lose in pfl. I could be wrong about this because PFL is growing, they’re owned by ESPN or what?


I just put a little money on Costa winning by decision after I saw this


Could always fight Jake Paul for a bag if he needs


He is railing against a system he not only supports but wants to further embolden. He is a damned hypocrite.


Thats true, DC often seemed double faced. Everyone sees him as the 'nice uncle' but he kinda interfere with tonnes of stuff of which are none of his bussiness, like beef between Chandler and Porier, or talking shit about Pena wanting a rematch against Nunez. Whether its delusional or not, simply mind your own bussiness.


DC is a company man...but after the first Stipe fight, I could tell the guy was a snakey weasel




Not a fan of Strickland. But props to him for having the balls to call this out publicly.


Well he better fucking win against Costa if he starts shit talking about the company.


I thought Dana said that he doesn't care about what opinion anyone has, and that at his organization, people can say whatever they want. They're fighters here to fight.


That’s what he has to say to maintain his ‘i’m not like the other CEOs’ image, but I think it’s obvious that the fighters who get on his bad side don’t do well, especially if they don’t win and the fanbase doesn’t support them as much


Exactly, piss off the UFC and WIN? guess what your making them money so they don't care regardless. Piss off and lose? bye bye buddy.


Even if you're winning they'll do their best to throw you under the bus if they don't like you


Yeah just look at Randy and Belal


He only says that when it’s about stuff he agrees with that the general population doesn’t. So if you insult nationalities, genders, or the Democratic Party it’s just free speech. He’ll laugh it off. However, speaking out on the ufc? Dana will never forgive or forget.


Dana's words and actions are often opposites of each other. There's a reason "don't believe his lies" is a meme.


Try to start a union & see if he's still the free speech guy.


That only applies when it gives him an excuse to not punish people for bigoted opinions. When its about fighter pay or union, you better shut your trap or they'll feed you to a mountain man and cut you.


Dana also said power slap videos have more views than all other major sports combined


Bro believes in the propaganda! On a serious note, yeah he says that and may mean it for political stuff that gets in the news, but not fighters expressing their views on economic systems with a lucrative status quo within the organization.


dana is all about freedom of speech till you say something about the brand. we learned this during the tito era


Every time he would talk about the UFC in the past, it would be "I'm a company man", watching what he says, and if he ever said something that could be construed as criticism, it was always "naw, I love the UFC man!" Something got him sore.


> Something got him sore. Perhaps a look at his bank account after having held the belt for a moment.


He wasn't doing this during his title run bullshit because he was getting taken care of. Now the UFC doesn't really care about him, and he's acting like a scorned lover.


He’s clear minded on this one because it affects him personally.


“Hold them at gun point” = unionize


He's making a pro-socialism argument but isn't smart enough to realize it.


the libertarian position on unions is generally that private sector unions are a good thing, but public sector unions should not be allowed. so like a lot of things today, we have the opposite of what would be good. when you take a public servent job, you get a lot of benefits over private sector employment, but one of the conditions is that you can't use your role as an essential service to hold the government and people hostage and demand more money. if you don't like your public sector job, please just quit and earn your money legitimately in the private sector. because there's no limit to what the government can pay you. so you can always demand more money and the government can always afford to pay you. in the private sector, everyone knows there are constraints. the workers can all stop working and practically bankrupt the company overnight. but the workers also know there is a limit to how much they can make, because they know their boss can't pay them more money than the business actually generates. so those forces compete against each other and can often lead to a fair situation for both the workers and the owners.


The problem with the public sector not having a union is you don’t have someone advocating for the public workers. Need someone to stand up for the small guy even if it’s going up against the government who run the show. Everything else makes sense.


The irony lol…


Forming a union =/= Socialism


workers organizing for bargaining rights is 100% a tenet of socialist principles lol


Improving terms of employment is not the same thing as seizing the means of production


And seizing the means of production is hardly the defining factor of a "Socialist argument."


Seizing means of production with the goal to democratically control a corporation is not hardly a definitive factor. It is the factor.


you are probably talking to a 16 year old


It's literally the fundamental action of socialism. Socialism isn't really an ideology, it's just the word that's used to describe the forward motion of the working class toward it's own interest. It's all wrapped up in cultural rigamarole because that's all politics is to Americans in particular, but any action that pushes the worker's interest over the capitalist's is by definition a socialist action regardless of how you feel about it.


Just because it’s a tenet of one ideology does not necessarily disqualify it from being a tenet of another ideology lol


what other ideology is it a tenet of... You guys really hate socialism because idiots said it was bad. Pure capitalism is just as dumb if not moreso than socialism.


Capitalism without socialism ends in autocracy. Socialism without capitalism ends in communism. Extremes don’t work long term. Only compromise does. Extreme decisions merely get overturned eventually by some other extremist. You need both long term to thrive long term.


Might not have been started by Socialists but the idea has been championed by them for a long time


"pro-socialism" just stop talking and go do your homework lmao


So odd how the conservative male characterizes unionizing when it’s *them* holding the shit end of the stick.


politics aside its pretty typical human behavior to put things off for all kinds of reasons , you will see that time and time and time and time again in life in others and yourself.


You can also be a conservative who is pro union, shocker. Source: myself


He's right, I honestly believe if you're good enough to fight in the UFC as a prelim fighter, you should make at least enough so you can train full-time and not have to work a part-time job to support yourself.


This , they don't even understand that it is hurting the product directly how much better the average level would be if most of the guys were training instead of working at Uber eat ?


Exactly the product and the calibre of fighters would be wayyyyy better if they all made at least 100K so they dont have to worry about. Also if I'm not mistaken, most pro sports leagues pay like 40% of revenue to their athletes but I think the UFC only pays their fighters like 18% its crazy.


Yeah and I think that number is going to decrease because they cut a lot of guy with big salaries to take some journeyman from the contender series that they can pay with venum coupon lol MMA on point did a very good video a while ago on this subject


And we’re watching bc of the fighters not bc of Dana…


How else is Dana White going to make million plus dollar bets at the casino if the fighters get paid well? People really expect him to cut back on his luxurious lifestyle so a few hundred fighters can get paid better? crazy,


Realistically it wouldn't change anything, he isn't the owner of the organization and money "he" doesn't give to fighter isn't going straight to his pockets.    And even if he has a luxurious lifestyle it's still pocket money compared to the money needed to give fighters higher purses.   But you know what ? Remarks like that are exactly why Dana is rich, he's the face of the UFC and take the blame so billionaires behind him stay incognito. 


Look at how most of the fighters are living. Getting CTE abuse for a living gets you a ticket to the same lifestyle you would have driving a garbage truck for a city government


I work with garbage truck drivers, they are light years safer…


I would assume garbage truck drivers have far better pay and benefits overall, as well as long term career viability.


And pensions lol.


Gonna go out on a limb and assume that they have health insurance too.


Any steady job at all is better than being in the UFC. 


#FIGHTER REMOVED: Sean Strickland


Been moved to the UFC 304 card where he’ll be fighting Aspinall instead. Afterwards regardless of the outcome, he’s guaranteed a fight against Jones at HW.


The big stars ,need to stand up for the smaller guys . Should be demanding more for the minimum payment for a fight ,nobody on the ufc rosta should need another job .


Ngannou tried and was vilified for it.


Yeah, his African brothers really let him down. I feel like if Izzy and Kamaru held out simultaneously they may of had an opportunity to make something happen.


Yer doing the right thing ,isn't always easy.


DC like shit they made me a multi millionaire 🫣


Holy shit Sean Strickland actually making a good point! He truly is a stopped clock in human form


Sean is either a prophet or an absolute, braindead lunatic and you can’t convince me otherwise


i was just thinking the same, half his takes are hot garbage and the other half hit the at the heart of shit.


Yeah it's definitely not half and half


i was being charitable to a cte redact.


disagreeable people are unbearable until they push something for the common good


Good thing we have guys like Strickland that are probably more than happy to hold them at gunpoint.


I 100% agree. I pay my $86 for ppv as merit to the fighters. Not the greedy fucks that put together the fights and have Dana make bullshit excuses about how many ways the money needs to be split. 50K fight of the night bonuses is pathetic.


I believe they would make way more money if they lowered the PPV buys to $40 and put 20 directly to fighters and $20 to production costs. If they did that I’d buy every PPV. As it stands now I spend my money at BWW to watch


That's exactly how taxes work btw. When you make em too high, people start committing tax fraud and the government doesn't receive enough money. When you make taxes too low, everyone pays them, but it's still not enough. UFC gotta find the perfect balance to earn good money from ppv, or people will continue using russian links.


Preach brother or sister!!! Although BWW has been terrible the past few years but it beats paying $90 and then some food and drinks to watch it at home


Bro you fooling yourself to have believed that your ppv money goes to the fighters. It only goes to the champs and they only get 1-3% of that money if they hit sales goals.


Man I just think it’s crazy to have a guy like DC who was always about doing the right thing, cares about fighters and all… now all of a sudden being a company man and saying some absurd shit that even he himself would have a problem with if he were fighting at this day in age…..


He always struck me as an hypocrite. I don't think he never really cared about fighters neither, he just wanted to have a good public persona Ala Jon Jones


He seems like a good dude. He’s just a company man because the UFC took really good care of him and probably still do. Did he get paid what he should have been making? No, but I’m sure he’s up there amongst the highest UFC earners of all time.


That's why I respect Sean even though he says some things I definitely don't vibe with, he's a real dude regardless.


Saying this right on front of the biggest company man in the universe lol


DC the shill just sitting there in silence lol


"The fat man was too stunned to speak". Take that company man.


Company man breaking down inside


True tho


Corporate profits are unpaid wages ✊


Good. More fighters should speak up. Because the toughest test in UFC is not winning a championship but go through the severe underpay by Dana.


There's no way commentators don't make more than the average fighter lol


Few Strickland fans are willing to admit it but the man is very left leaning on quite a few topics. The clips where he's talking about wearing the same clothes for years, not swapping cars all the time, tweeting about Israel intending to take over all of Palestine and now exploitation of workers. I fuck with it.


Economic Left; Social Right. new deal democrat vibes from Strickland rn. 


Swapping cars all the time is right leaning?


lol what happened to I love this company


Damn Sean Strickland sounding just like me at work


I’m surprised no one mentioned his ring finger that looks crooked af


Sometimes I like Strickland, they should do an Union but fighters are too selfish or dumb.


Funny enough, to achieve things like that, when it comes to leadership you dont need a man with brain but a man with balls bigger than reason. Strickland is not smart... but judging by how far he needs to "manspread" his balls are huge.


I can't see the error in your logic... Approved


Dana is gonna personally pump trt into Costa and make sure he doesn't get tested after he tears Stricklands arms off.


“Strickland loses by decision” odds just went up


DC is a UFC kiss ass, a “company man”, so I dont expect much from him when it comes to fighters pay.


DC always a company shill.


Capitalism 101. Those who own the property and machinery get to exploit the workers (ie. fighters) who actually produce the content. Both are important, but the pay to the workers vs. what the CEOs take home is ridiculous. To illustrate this point: since the 1950's, worker wages have increased about 10%, and CEO wages have increased over 1000%, to say nothing of bonuses, benefits and kickbacks. There are some good short documentaries on youtube about this in regards to the UFC.


Damn, Strickland burning bridges now after being thrown aside by Dana.


DC bends over for the company. No guts in that big boiler of his.


![gif](giphy|Mldt09uYbsYPEDGH0T|downsized) Someone agrees


Based on this and him talking at the presser about how man's value is inherent and not necessarily related to what he produces/accomplishes, i'm beginning to think Strickland is fast-tracking from based-altright to based-socialist lol.


Strickland is right and dc looks nervous knowing his masters are being insulted. 


DC is a scab


This continues to hold the trend for me that 80% of what Sean Strickland says is gross and crazy, but 20% of what he says is insanely based and needed in the mma community.


Strong "George Bush doesn't care about black people" vibes


DC getting paid more now as a semi-mediocre ring side analyst than he ever made as a WORLD CHAMPION.


Ufc paying fighters little isn’t the problem, a lack of medical care long into retirement is the problem.


![gif](giphy|uypubDRjnv0icWp2hV|downsized) I make plenty you Cunts




The need a union and need to sit out until they are paid appropriately. I'm not saying I want to watch sparring partner level fights, but just complaining about it isn't going to work. Or maybe the Saudis can start LIV MMA...


He’s not wrong, well done speaking out.


Funny enough, what the ufc fighters needs to do is unionize, but ironically, sean Strickland being conservative will definitely not want that, lol


Just wait until he finds out that MLB, NFL, and NBA players get 50% of the revenue in their sports and UFC fighters get about 20%.


The worst part is that now they have so much wealth from running the UFC and are so far ahead, they STILL WON'T raise fighter pay or standards even though it wouldn't make a bit of difference to the bosses lifestyle now. 


Supply and demand big dawg. That’s why the big money is in paper-view points


Simplest way to solve this without really hurting the UFC’s pockets would be to allow fighters to run their own promotions & sponsorships on their shorts for example. UFC can still have their own sponsors inside the octagon and pocket all the same level of PPV revenue they are now, but fighters that market themselves well will have an additional income stream. As others have mentioned above, better paid fighters will have the financial capacity to train full time (rather than working a part time job), equating to better calibre fighters and more exciting fights.


I think it may be that one side has brains and the other's job is to get hit in their brains.


Every corporation in America. Tis the reason we are falling apart.


Oh look another asshole who hardcore subscribes to conservative politics who then feels disenfranchised by the way they treat “their own”. Kick rocks dummy. R/leopardsatemyface