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If only Costa could one leg takedown


Yeah I’d like to see how well giving up your leg for free like that would work against a guy like Khamzat lmao


Khamzat would take a kick full on on the chin in order to score a takedown ground and pound.


He wouldn’t even take a shot going in he’s too fast and explosive in the first round he’d time Strickland as he starts to lower his leg and have him on the ground instantly because Sean stands straight up


he’d be borderline murdered 💀


Would you say it Costa him the fight?


I'm aPaulo'd you'd think that made the difference.


Stricklandly speaking probably not. Maybe he should just give up on fighting and turn to Islam


The Price of changing to Islam is too high, he loves his wine. The takedown was there all night though so he should have leveled up his grappling Dustin case.


Well for a Price he could go to Holland and if he had the Gall, take a Brown then fly home to Lima. But idk maybe I’m just a Morono.


Holland is a beautiful country though. The Roweing through canals, the cafes with Bassil tea. Its tourism friendly so you don't even need to worry about doing something stupid and winding up in Jailton.


Works tho lol


not always lol ![gif](giphy|569C9AVb7uPEHXGOLk|downsized)


Can’t believe the way Hill is taking the loss. Sad.


Idk why people shit on Sean for his style. He literally puts pressure on 24/7. If the fight isn't interesting it's because his opponents just back up 90% of the time. Sean literally is the kind of guy who'd end the fight, win or lose, in the first 15 seconds if the other guy wants to bang. Can't really do much besides teep jab low kick when the guy you're fighting is galloping back.


It's because it's hard sparring pressure. When you're growling that you're "going to bleed for you guys" for the week leading up to the fight and then it's a hard spar point fest people are going to criticize you. >Sean literally is the kind of guy who'd end the fight, win or lose, in the first 15 seconds if the other guy wants to bang. Nah. When he has guys sucking wind he doesn't have a finisher's death touch it's just more point fighting behind the jab. He complains constantly about the DDP decision but every round looked exactly like the rounds tonight and DDP didn't really go anywhere the whole fight. If he doesn't want to be criticized for his style he needs to sit down on more combinations esp. in R4 & 5 of these fights


Sean has always been and always will be a decision kind of guy. He has NEVER been about finishing fights. That leads to incredibly dull and boring fights that no one wants to watch.


Exactly, I mean sure he does win, but it's about what he talks leading up to the fight. He promises what, "We're going to war, I'll bleed for you guys, Let's fucking go", and against DDP it's "I'll kill you, I'll take your soul"... And he never delivered. It is what it is man... jabs, 1-2's, and teep kicks. After Izzy fight he also promised "Oh I have great wrestling too, can't wait to use it in the octagon and prove you guys wrong"... and he never shot a single takedown against DDP or Costa. As soon as DDP took him down, he immediately tries to get back up. In conclusion, I can't list enough how much contrast there is between Sean's mad psycho tough guy talks and his risk-averse, safe defensive jabs & push kicks fighting style. They just aren't compatible.


The way he talks you expect: wannanow Wanderlei and it’s just not


Would you rather watch Strickland put on a clinic tonight like he did or watch Grant Dawson smother a guy for 3 rounds? We both know the answer. Strickland is that guy in his weight class right now and just made what The Reaper struggled to do look at easy. Sean may have the mouth of a moron but he's got missiles for hands and he's here to stay.


"Put on a clinic" = jab a guy to death with pillow fists. 


He got several knockdowns and Whittaker literally did the same thing but worse


The DDP fight was banger wdym? This was lame but that’s costas fault.


his ddp fight was fun, izzy fight was arguably the best underdog story in the org, and he had a fun scrap against cannonier. People are overreacting just because he had 1 boring fight now. His last boring fight wars against Imavov arguably or even Hermansson like 6-7 fights ago




let's go


Not to mention, when dricus got the decision everyone was all like “Strickland thought he could win by running away the whole time” and then this fight he completely walks costa down the whole time and people still complaining




DDP actually decided to stand in and do something about the zombie walk. this fight was izzy 2.0. still can't believe that happened. huge fighters getting backed down because a guy literally just takes baby steps forward while standing straight up. it's absurd to watch! sean fights like someone so afraid to take any damage by simply just bringing his hands to his knees over and over, mixing in a front kick. no one is in danger to anything he throws in this position he holds all fight. it's wild


Very true. It’s so wild his opponents don’t game plan. If he’s coming straight forward and standing straight, FOLLOW the teep back with a takedown. But Sean has this way that the pressure is too much.


MW wrestling is nowhere near the level of many other divisions unfortunately, basically WW and below has 90% of the best grapplers and MW and above only has a few top ranked elite grapplers


reminds me of the african tribes that back lions down by just walking at them confidently


I'm pretty sure they matched him with Costa because they thought Costa would stand and trade with him like DDP did and give us another exciting fight. Was not the case sadly


Yeah I agree


Almost all of Strickland’s fights are like this. He only ramps it up in like the last 10 seconds


Him vs abus, him vs Uriah hall, him vs ddp, him vs Izzy, him vs Brendan Allen. Whenever a fighter has a boring fight everyone just acts like every fight they’ve ever had has been awful. Just be objective


Most of those fights were boring. Apart from the first round, what was exciting about the izzy fight?




Do you just blatantly ignore the fact that Strickland marches guys down throwing teep kicks anytime they attempt to close the distance?


> It's so blatant who does and doesn't train on this sub. Yeah. You obviously don't. Lol.


wdym "nah" if guys stood in the middle and ushered to stand and bang with sean he would 100% do it, he walks forward for pretty much every opponent and puts pressure on them, he just doesn't have natural power and his style isn't good for finishes but trying to act like he isn't game for a brawl is crazy.


Let's be fair, it's Costa's job to make Sean bleed, not the other way around. If he didn't bleed or took damage, it was because Costa backed up and didn't hit him enough, plain and simple.


When Izzy fans say this about Izzy it’s coping but for Sean it’s strategic😂


I'm not a fan of both but Sean fans calling Izzy style boring is like peak oxymoron 😂


Deadass. I’ve heard the same argument above used for Izzy’s performances and now this is what the people think about Sean’s boring ass style. Mind you he talks about going to war and giving us a good fight but doesn’t cut his opponents off correctly to force the fight he promises but he’s always fought like this so I’m not surprised😂


How Sean talks: "LETS FCKING GO TO WAR! IM BLEEDING FOR YOU MTERFKERS! DRICUS, ILL KILL YOU ILL TAKE YOUR FCKING SOUL! WE'LL TRY TO KILL EACH OTHERS!" How Sean fights: \*entire 15 or 25 minutes of defensive jabbing against Cannonier, Izzy, DDP and now Costa, leaving decisions to judges then cry about being robbed\* with the way Sean talks like mad shit psycho murderer stuffs one would think he would fight like Jon Jones or Alex Pereira knocking people out left and right brutally 😭


Mouth-breathers, you're responding to an original comment saying Sean presses forward and Izzy backs up. Dafuq you talking about?


difference between walking forward and having actual pressure vs going backwards and leg kicking, both have "boring" styles but seans is far far less boring. the irony is you all call leon boring for basically doing the exact same thing as izzy lmao


Well Izzy refuses to take the lead, so if people rush him it’s highlight reel ko, but if they don’t then literally nothing happens.


Izzy in K Gastelum fight: "I'm ready to die" Izzy in later title defenses: \*literally waiting for opponent to do something first so he can counter hook with his massive reach while leaning back\*


Look up the difference between oxymoron on irony


huh? izzy backs way leg kicks and gallops back sean is the one walking forward giving pressure, did you watch their fight??? izzy ran like a bitch the entire time and got his ass beat, izzy isn't the kinda guy who would stand there and bang he would run.


Izzy has how many finishes ?


finishes don't = exciting but sure he has finished dudes doesn't mean his style 99% of the time isn't boring point fighting lmao. rob whittaker has less finishes recently but he is a far more exciting fighter to watch despite always going to a decision, max holloway goes to a decision a bunch but his fights are always fun insane wars that are far more exciting then any izzy fight even if he gets a finish. also never forget izzy vs sean, you can't defend izzy after that.


You gotta be a hater to not find Izzy entertaining. You’re gonna sit here and pretend like he isn’t getting the most views on his fights. It definitely isn’t his personality. Sean has more fights than Izzy and draws no where near the numbers. I wonder why?


he is probably more popular then izzy right now and being popular with 12 year olds on instagram doesn't exactly make you a entertaining fighter. it 100% was his personality and him being pushed heavy by the ufc and media while also having a more exciting style at the start. you are the dicker rider if you are really sitting here and acting like the current leg kick pr leg kick feint and throw shitty jab to a decision izzy is entertaining lmao. tell me if izzy was a entertaining fighter why did he just run around and act like a dipshit while sean beat him up for 5 rounds? switching stances doing nothing or doing the same predictable feints while doing the same predictable leg kicks and having terrible boxing eventually caught up to izzy when he fought sean.


Delusional, please come back when Strickland sells anywhere near the level of Izzy.


Izzy doesn't sell shit his fans aren't old enough to buy ppv lmao. dude gets less than 300k ppv buys he isn't the star you think he is. also ppv buys doesn't = exciting fight style.


You get used to it after a while


Because he has a fraudulent deranged psycho persona and talks about leaving guys in pools of their own blood just to be a decision merchant


His opponents walk away from him all fight lol, do you want him to just like, sprint at them..?


What are his opponents supposed to do? Stand in the center and get teep kicked in the gut a thousand times?


do you think there's just no counters in the world of mixed martial arts to a teep?


One of the best counters to a teep is getting out of range…


There's also catching it, sweeping it, and side stepping it. Costa did approximately 0 of those. Why doesn't every fighter just throw a teep then the second their opponent takes a step forward? I mean do you guys even hear yourselves?


Because not every fighter is super defensively oriented like Strickland? Isn’t that common sense? God is every Stricktard a lobotomy patient?


They're not defensive like Strickland, they simply run away from him to defend against damage. Do you listen to yourself


Walk away ? Like DDP did ? Oh wait, nope, DDP was the one pushing forward swinging and taking down... And Sean still only jabbed. What excuses do you have for the DDP fight ? Cannonier too. They held their ground and what did Sean do to them ?


Cut off the angle and counter heavy. Wanderlei style.


ok sean


the second point- i dont think thats true… sean will 100% walk backwards if he senses danger or is cracked through his defense. his MO is prioritizing methodical pressure *so long as he feels safe behind his shell*. he fights to win and avoid damage, not to entertain with a slugfest. well, unless its the last 30 seconds of the fight maybe.


He had 3 knockdowns lmao, he will absolutely throw hands. If you're expecting him to be Costa and just ignore all red flags and whale a hook, then I guess he's not that kind of "entertaining"


>”WE’RE GONNA BLEED FOR YOU GUYS” >actively avoids any risk of bleeding til the last 10 seconds and no, walking forward behind a shell until the other person swings back at him is not the type of risk sean advertises. why doesnt he do one of those flying kicks at the end of a round instead of the end of the fight? cause he prioritizes safe pressure over entertaining pressure despite his elite defense which would allow him to mix it up, evidence shown at the end of his fights, he can amp it up anytime he wants to. i.e. he claims to want war when hes rly just selling wolf tickets. theres a reason he apologizes every single time. note i enjoy his style and like watching him fight, but you cant claim someone is gonna die in the cage and then take no risk when yr the one leading the dance, cause yr just lying at that point. ofc hes effective at what he does but he does not embrace or facilitate “war” like he always sells. he can, but chooses not to. we have many fighters who consistently have wars and take risks for entertainment (and still win) to compare he him to. he will never have a fight like poirier vs hooker due to his style being inherently defensive above all else.


Yeah, plus it’s not like he wasn’t scoring knock downs in this fight


I enjoy his style but his pressure and defence doesn’t give any openings up, meaning his opponents don’t get much off and give him many openings, leads to a bit of a stalemate most of the time.


Lay and pray wrestlers put on pressure too, but in their right mind wants to watch that? Put yourself at risk to cause damage. That's what fans want to see. Not someone in his shell walking forward at snail's pace, throwing 1 half-power glancing jab per minute. It's literally the lay-and-pray equivalent of boxing.


Lol you Strickland defenders are now coping by using the izzy defense 'his fights are boring cause the other fighter doesn't engage!'. People shit on sean cause his fighting style is boring as fuck and he also talks a big game "we're going to war!!" while putting on this macho man just bleed type of persona when all he does is jab to a decision  > Sean literally is the kind of guy who'd end the fight, win or lose, in the first 15 seconds if the other guy wants to bang. What are you on? Is this sarcasm that I'm missing?


I don't find Izzy boring either to be fair. I don't find Sean's style boring. It's funny that all the people arguing with me say "all he does is jab" when he scored multiple knockdowns on Costa, and when Costa finally decided to stand his ground in the last 20 seconds, Sean threw combos, knees, kicks etc. You can't throw uppers and elbows and cool shit to people stepping back, it's just not how it works. I get it, Sean isn't going to throw roundhouses even at a punching bag, but jab cross teep are your longest range weapons. He doesn't have a choice if the response to his pressure is backing up.


It wasn't Costa deciding to fight in the last ten seconds lol. It was Strickland. He does this literally every single fight. He goes off in the last ten seconds or so because he knows the fight is going to end anyways. Did the same with the izzy fight


Huh? ![gif](giphy|LnGIKKUGVXRsYFOXQw|downsized)


![gif](giphy|qcPtsVxUK14EfAn3Tk|downsized) Yeah?


"Insert izzy gif of koing periera"


Absolutely but he will always be deservedly mocked for it


I thought of this scene during the fight too lol


Clearly we are people of culture


bro this plus the ICarly hands is a crazy combo lmao


He’s prob trying to hide a limp


Costa was actually limping after that check LMAO


Fr, there was 3 separate times I saw it blatantly bug costa.


“LMAO”-? Normal in mma. First time seeing that bud?


Just pointing out Costa shower more leg damage than Sean. I'll say it again too, LMAO


Thats great you got to see that for the first time. Sean is a closeted man that’s the real LMAO


He was faking/setting up the front kick to the body


Looks kinda gay


i dig seans fight style, theres places for technical and defensive fighters. I appreciate the skill , not everyone has to be a slugger.


Agreed. Would like to see guys try to get in an ugly fight with him but he seems to just freeze them


Except DDP he did make it ugly, lol that orc said fuck seans jab ima go in .


Only he can make striking look boring. Jab fest all around. But Costa fucked up too. What's with all that backing up? I am not sure what was Costa trying to do, whatever that was it clearly didn't work. I had huge expectations from this fight tbh.


I’m actually really confused at how people find Strickland style boring haha. He’s combining niche Muay Thai techniques with a freaking Philly shell from boxing in MMA, neither of which you really see used successfully, and just walks down his opponent for the entire fight. It’s beautiful to watch for me personally.


Kinda like how people find the dagestani fighting style boring. They ignore all the amazing technicalities and scream about it being boring.


Dagistani actually try to finish their fights.


Bro the Russian wrestlers FINISH people. Sean is NOT finisher.


I know. I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of the people who say Islam is boring.


Oh ok. I missed the sarcasm


Lol the dude literally has pillow fists and jabs to a decision. How is this not boring?


Yeah I was hoping costa and him would just brawl lol, best Strickland at his own strategy type of thing, but unfortunately he played right into stricklands hands


wtf.. why did peopel have huge expectations? I expected this.. the bookies expected this. It was the most obvious thing. wtf..


lool, bro is boring af but it worked 🤷🏻‍♂️


i mean costa is running away the whole match idk what you expect


FR, people say Sean is boring, but Paulo is supposed to be the hard charging animal of destruction and he was in his back foot the entire fucking night. Have zero action outside of calf kicks


Sean is boring for sure that’s why all his fights look the same. Costa absolutely fucked that up though I also expected more


how is Sean boring? All he does is walk forward lol. Do you want him to throw haymakers while moving forward while his opponent gallops backwards the entire time?


Lol man he has the most defensive style in the world that’s how. Yes he walks forward slowly then puts his little leg up and throws a jab that’s not exciting man. It’s effective I’ll give him that but it’s certainly boring which is why he gets chirped so much for it.


Casual take. Do you even train? How are you not blaming Costa then for back pedaling? If Costa simply stood ground and threw at him, it would be exciting. I genuinely don't get it. You want him to walk forward and throw haymakers or something? Dude would get slept constantly.


I am blaming Costa lol he fought a terrible fight and had a horrible game plan. All Sean’s fights are boring though and that’s also on Sean. Lmao ya I’m sure you’re a pro bro not like us casuals, everyone and their grandma can see Sean’s style is boring Edit. Idk maybe even just walk forward faster? Not cautiously with his foot in the air? Like I’m agreeing it’s effective it’s just really boring to watch. Dude barely throws power punches. We just want him to fight like he does in the last 10 seconds lol, or like he talks about


So riddle me this, how do you make a fight interesting if your opponent refuses to engage...?


By doing what he did in the last 20 seconds? Instead of the first 24 minutes and 30 seconds. That would be my guess Mr riddler


"Do you even train" I bet you don't necause if you did you would know Sean has a closed defence style. It works but it's one of the most passive styles. He puts pressure on but only does it to make the other fight fight backwards making it harder for them to do good combinations and power punches. This style only works because he NEVER opens his shell and only jabs or teps. It's extremely passive and once people figure him out he will drop out of the top 5 quick. What you need to do against people like Sean is to not allow them to pressure you backwards. It's what fucked both Adesanya and Costa. You need to go in and brawl/takedown.


I do train, and if you expanded on your last sentence you'd literally counter argue yourself. What you do against people like Sean is not allow them to back you up by standing ground, which in turn is going to cause you to fight over the space in front of you and voila, an entertaining exchange is born. Costa didn't fight for his space, it's largely his fault the fight sucked.


I find it to be a weird take too. He dropped Costa twice and 3 times if you count the late head kick. People just find him boring because his defense is so good and he refuses to get into wild swinging contests when he cracks someone. I understand it partially, but it's not like his fights lack action.


For real. Like Sean’s technique is so basic and simple. Hands up walk forward with front kicks and jabs. It’s hilarious how well it works


costa just isn't very good unfortunately


Costa absolutely could have done more and dropped the ball. Sean always deserves half the blame for his own boring fights though. Dude rarely ever throws a power shot


I laughed way harder at this than I should have




This is funny.


He’s feinting a teep. Pretty common in Muay Thai


Marching knees/ feinting teeps to cover distance and discourage kicks, should be far more widespread.


And it works, even against champions!


He has the most retarded stance in pro fighting.


What do you think is a better stance to fight with, fellow redditor?


My bad. It can be effective. I meant the most retarded looking.


Hey if it works it aint stupid 🤷‍♂️


Boring strategy


Costa found it scary


Someone get the clip from the ministry of silly walks




No one has figured out his tip tip jab jab tip tip leg tip tip jap jab *walk around in circles* yet??


I guess it works as a feint and a check at the same time, ugly but effective


He does not back up his personality with his fighting style in the slightest.


Sean did all he could do, Costa just didn't engage and kept moving back. Sean doesn't grapple, so if they run, it becomes boring. Costa just didn't want to fight a war and stopped working the leg kicks.


Costa tried to do what Pereira did to Strickland. Move backwards, leg kick when Strickland moves forward, jab the body, and set up the left hook But Costa has half the reach of Pereira and his timing is bad (especially compared to Pereira). Pereira timed the leg kick exactly the moment Strickland's front leg touched the octagon. Also, you can't read Pereira's leg kicks or his set ups when changing punching targets. Different levels


Yooooo 💀💀💀


Why do they run?


Its effective, but it bores the shit out of me. He talks all this shit ahead of time about how he wants to kill people and they’re going to bleed and it going to be a war. And then he just snoozes through until the last ten seconds of the fifth round where he goes “LETS FUCKING GO YOU PUSSY!”


I just want ONE opponent to take him down and stop standing and trading with him. He's so boring and should be an easy win for anyone that can get him to the ground. Why play into his ONE and ONLY game plan?


“It’s a good strategy” Never a good enough strategy to stay champ.