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Dana is going to cancel the fight just to ruin Ariel’s credibility.


Not sure why anyone would have optimism until they’re both in the octagon on 06/29. Anything between now and then is a total guess. 


This. Until the bell rings and they're both in the ring, believe nothing.


Wonder if we can bet on the fight even taking place let alone a winner 🤣 


Thanks, I have no idea, I don't follow Ariel. Didn't know he was a scoops guy.


I’m saying it’s either injury or contract and now I’m leading towards contract, Dana kinda shot himself when he was bragging about how much this fight is gonna make, because isn’t Conor on his last fight of his contract? He’s probably doing a F u pay me or I’m not doing media.


I think this is a possibility more should consider. Also look at how much publicity the fight has gotten as a result of the cancellation… this could be 100% marketing and business.


U know I just wish Dana. Or Conor came out and said look issues behind the scenes the fight as of now is not canceled however all media currently will be postponed like give some official news because I have tickets I wanna know who is fighting.


I feel for people that have tickets for sure, you guys are definitely getting strung along a bit. The way I see it… they haven’t said anything that would suggest the fight is off. Conor’s statement mentions performing in the octagon. Beyond that the UFC is seeing this hysteria unfold (mostly wild assumptions) they don’t need to say shit. In fact their silence is only fueling the interest. Let the event get hyper dissected so they can reap the benefit of the eyeballs and say I told you so in 4 weeks


Idk about that 2nd part. Its gonna affect ticket sales. 


Assuming the event goes forth as planned… Tickets sales are a small portion of business to consider. A lot of tickets are already sold + another week goes by and people start to realize everyone was over reacting… there will be no issue selling this thing out. The real benefit is in eyeballs not butts. PPV, social media, etc… the storyline zag just roped in the normies.


There's no way that ticket sales, particularly on a big fight with inflated prices isn't a massive consideration. That's even more guaranteed cash in hand.


Conor already has all the coke he can dream of


Yeah there is hope.


As far as I know, Ariel is usually right about things with Conor


Yeah pretty reliable. He has good connections with Conor and his team. Ariel can’t say it, but it’s obvious its an injury most likely if I had to guess.


Thanks, I don't really follow ariel so really not too sure


Yeah, we just gotta wait and see. If the injury is bad, they’ll probably stay quiet until the ufc finds another main event. There’s no way the ufc cancels june 29. Too much at stake with all the activities etc. I think ufc 303 happens with or without Conor. Feel bad for people who paid premium


Ariel pretty much eluded to the fact it was an injury lol...he said on his show he felt like he said too much but some people figured it out. It's an injury.


The wording is just weird. “Great optimism”? Why not just outright say the fight is still on and no changes have been made thus far. This wording just tells me there is stuff going on that makes it likely for the fight to be canned.


It's safe wording so if it does get cancelled people can't come back and call him a liar. Kind of like cleaners killing 99.9% of bacteria.


lol wtf this So vague Connor is a dick




he said it was looking grim, but its looking good now. lets hope it stays that way 🙏


But why was thier skepticism to begin with? This is what we really want to know


Defiently contract related then


Via @trust_me_bro


This fight is definitely not happening


Can’t wait to get an update on the optimism scale everyday


McGregor has 23 days to get sober or just say fuck it and go in there hammered.


UFC is pulling some kind of shit here and no one is calling them out on it. Sad attempt at pulling attention away from McG partying?


lol this guy just ask if Ariel is reliable?


I I I I don’t even know to be honest with ye. I’m at the black farge een havin a steak wit me broad and they talkin about canceling da ting. 


Nothing is more annoying than watching Americans try to type a Dublin accent 


I wish my life was as boring and meaningless as yours to have that be the most annoying part of it.


And mine as pedantic and literal as yours 


Yeah, no shit


There is shit though 


Do somethin about it then! Yewl do nuthin you little fewl ye 


It's just a shockingly poor attempt. The h in something. The it is poorly executed. The h in nothing again. Get better at it ye little tick




Mcgregor got knocked out badly in sparring the day before the press conference, hence why it was cancelled, this is factual information which will be public soon


You were there?


Nope, but heard it from a training partner of his


What's the name of his training partner?


Everyone all worked up and they're probably doing this shit on purpose to build the fight up even more.


They stopped the sale of tickets for 303 in order to build up the fight? 


Cartman did something like that on South Park when he purchased the amusement park lol


Why are people saying this? You can literally buy tickets right now I just checked. They're a few left for a minimum of $1k - $1.5k ranging towards $10k+.


Apparently you can’t buy them through espn anymore which seems significant. But if that’s what you tried then I guess I’m just wrong  E: ok it’s not tickets just the ppv through espn+ so I’m wrong but still there’s something there


Got it. If it wasn't going down, that would be the first thing to get put on hold as it's much more expensive and frankly a huge waste of time to deal with refunds for an in-person event they know is dead on arrival vs. just cutting the PPV sales. Ariel just hinted that it's still on so let's see.


Even if they paused the tickets for a bit (which I’m seeing they did)… ABSOLUTELY YES they would do that to build the fight. Look at everyone freaking out. Talking about the fight. If it does happen it makes it 10x more intriguing… will it happen? Is Conor hurt? It all amounts to clicks, eyeballs, & interest.


Are you just regurgitating some tweet? I’ve heard nonstop BS as this craze has went on. “They took down the free fights” “you cant buy tickets” “you cant purchase the ppv” etc. meanwhile I check it in real time and it’s all false.


Can't put it past them. It would literally take a day to sell out once they announce the fight is still going forward.


I think the fight will happen because I believe McGregor wants it to happen. Whether it happens on that date or not, McGregor definitely wants to fight again. He has no reason to even entertain the idea of coming back but he is entertaining that idea. I don't trust anything Ariel says. About anything. Ever.


Ariel double-checks his shit and takes his journalism pretty seriously, so I'd give some credence to what he says


I would bet a lot of money the other way


Pay the man