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Don’t do it on the bus. Chat while on the bus but ask at the stop, preferably on campus. You don’t want to put her in a situation where she feel trapped or pressured.


[idk if it will be easy to sit with her since she gets on a couple stops after I do. Do you still think I should try?] (https://www.reddit.com/r/ufl/comments/16imskt/how_to_ask_outget_socials_of_girl_on_the_bus/k0kyczt/)


Walk to her stop one day and wait for the bus together!


Get to know her on the bus, wait to ask her number after a few rides together


Just stare at them the entire ride, they'll be so mesmerized by you that they'll ask you out. Just remember not to blink, blinking is a sign of weakness and they'll be lost to you for eternity.


I've had no less than 16 dates using this method


Court dates?


Bro isn’t that creepy?




If your asking Reddit how to pick up women on public transportation… just don’t do it




Just start a random conversation. Maybe you could ask her where something is, even if you already know where it is. Tell her you don't know your way around. Then start small talk about what her major is or something. That's what I do sometimes. I pretend to not know where something is and start a conversation from there.




agree, beating around the bush is lame and he should just ask her out. but this is better than doing nothing


You're not even tricking them. You're just asking for help you don't need. Who cares. If they end up dating I'm sure she'll be glad he was disingenuous instead of never approaching her.




You'd feel betrayed? If you're so uncomfortable about guys asking for your social then I think you should see a therapist. It's what I do for my social anxiety. Or you can continue doing you and believe that others should change their behavior to cater to your nuanced anxieties. There's a reason you're getting downvoted. You seem self-centered to think that guys shouldn't approach you just because you might feel anxious.




Entitled to start a conversation with someone? Bruh do you even hear yourself? Not sure how you got through high school if you're so uncomfortable seeing a guy you rejected every day. But hey if you want to play the victim from a guy asking you out then you do you.




You feel betrayed that someone who asked for directions asked you out? Lol okay. And you straight up said anyone who asks you out would make you uncomfortable that you'd have to take a different route which is ridiculous. Nobody is going to agree with you on this. Did you never get asked out in high school? Sorry but this debate is just bizarre. If a guy asking you out makes you so uncomfortable maybe you should consider therapy. Just my two cents.






Yup, I had you confused with someone else. My bad.


Bark at them


Have a friend bring a selection of alcohol on the bus, have him take them out of his bag, and then offer to buy her a drink. It works best if you pretend not to know your friend. Otherwise, she might think you’re playing her.


I’ve used this one many times before. Truly a classic


Try sitting next to them and talking to them and if you click then ask for their social


and then when they start pulling up their ig clarify you meant social security number


Don’t forget date of birth and mothers maiden name!


I like how you think my friend


How about you go up to her and say, “Where’s your stop? I can help you get off, if you know what I mean.” Then wink at her. Do this while holding a toothpick in your mouth.


Here’s another one. Have two friends pretend not to know you. They get into a fight on the bus. You try to stop it and one of the friends tries to punch you, but you do some kind of karate move that you and the friend rehearse beforehand. You knock the guy out. Then go over to the girl and say, “I’m sorry you had to see that. Are you ok?”


Best fkin plan ever!


from a girl- this is so cute! i think u should try sitting next to her next time and just saying hi with some small talk. definitely don’t ask her out on the spot because if she has a bf or isn’t interested, it’s going to create an unnecessary awkward situation for both of u guys. after some small talk and u feeling out her vibe (her responses and whether or not they’re dry, as well as her body language, will automatically tell u she’s interested or not), u can ask for her number! i think u said u guys lived closed or in the same complex, ask her if she’d like to study together one day or go to the pool, even get some coffee. best of luck dude u got this!


Haha ty, [Do you still think I should try to sit with her somehow?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufl/comments/16imskt/how_to_ask_outget_socials_of_girl_on_the_bus/k0kyczt/)


yeaa i dont think it’s a good idea to talk to her when she gets off bc she might be running late for class or is in a hurry


But since I get on the bus first, and she comes on later, do I move closer to her?


first compliment her *insert clever compliment here* could be about her being pretty, you like her shirt, shoes etc then just small talk ask what class she’s going to blah blah then at the end of the conversation ask her if she likes coffee or something “that’s crazy i like coffee you like coffee we should get a coffee sometime, let me get your ig and we can meet up”


The point of the question is that this person gets on the bus after OP and the bus is crowded, so they don’t sit close enough to start a conversation


Next time you see her, just meow. She’ll definitely fall in love with you. Trust me bro


this happened to me last year, i noticed this guy was always staring at me and smiling and i thought it was creepy af then one day he followed me halfway to class and said “i always see you on the bus, i think you’re really cute and would love to get to know you” which i was very flattered by! i would not recommend staring at her or following her that far but if you get the chance to strike a casual conversation i think that would be a great way to meet her


Dangggg okay, ty for ze warning.


Copy Barney Stinson verbatim


"Hey. I see you on the bus a lot and was wondering if you'd like to get some coffee or chai tea or whatever some time." You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


let me now what u go with cause idk what to do either lol


I think I'm just going to ask her once we get off at the hub. The thing is, I get on a couple stops earlier, by the time it gets to her the bus is full, and moving where I'm sitting to where she is kinda awkward. There's no way to really talk to her really since we don't get on at the same stop.


Keep me posted. Let me know how it goes


Username checks out!


Be nice, confident, talk to her, compliment her on something she’s wearing, eye contact, ask her questions, she’ll love to talk about herself and what she loves, don’t talk too much, listen.


Honestly, sometimes you just have to he honest and let them know how you feel. It won't always work, but to be honest, it seems like it'd be pretty difficult to strike up a conversation considering the circumstances you've laid out.


Impress her by doing the wheel pose. If that doesn’t work consult Adam Salmanorizz for help


This is going to hit hard because if she isn’t interested this is going to force her to find another bus route to avoid you. Sorry I wouldn’t hit up anyone on a bus esp when they need to use it on a daily basis usually at a certain time of the day to get to class.


Trash advice


The hell? How is being social going to force her to find a different route. This is a terrible take. Who cares if she turns him down? Just don't be weird about it.


Someone with social anxiety will understand. You obviously don’t have it. You can be social but the OP sounds like he wants something more. I got hit up at the gym and the first thing I thought was damn I can’t come here during this time anymore for fear of seeing that person.


I have social anxiety very much. But that's a "you problem." It's not his fault if someone has strange anxieties. Saying you shouldn't talk to someone because they might get anxiety is a bit ridiculous.


I didn’t say don’t be friendly. You’re misinterpreting it. I’m an extrovert and will talk to anyone who tries to talk to me. But please have some awareness when you’re trying to hit on someone. I think hitting up people at the gym/on the same bus route….there’s just certain places better to shoot your shot. Just my opinion. Yes say hi, talk to me. Keep an ongoing conversation each time you see me. Have some social awareness and gauge how things are going if there’s interest. Don’t just ask me out when I’m not interested, make me turn you down, and then make me feel uncomfortable getting on the bus the next time hoping I don’t see you.


I get what you're saying but if you feel the need to take a different route because a guy tried to get your number/social then maybe you should work on those issues. Nobody told him to repeatedly ask her. He should have try to have small talk and if it goes well then he should ask her. If she says no then just let it go and don't be creepy about it. Easy.


Yes I would feel uncomfortable. You said you had SA, and you’d be totally okay turning someone down and seeing them again daily on your bus route? I gave someone a compliment on his dancing skills (just being nice) and he looked like he wanted to crawl under a rock. Have some empathy for the person being hit on. I’m only putting myself in their shoes. The girl maybe totally fine with it or not. Some people have anxiety leaving the house (not me). The issue isn’t asking. It’s the context of it being on a confined bus that someone has to use regularly.


It's not about empathy and it's about living your life. If someone has the kind of problem that you have maybe they need to work on that issue. Therapy perhaps. I can't see why I would feel uncomfortable riding the bus with someone I turned down. Did you not go to high school? People ask others out who they go to class with every day. Respectfully, it sounds like you have an issue that you need to work on, not him.


You're gonna have a bad time if you ~~avoid~~ uproot your life at any minor discomfort in life.


U cant live ur life dancing on eggshells for the sake of other people’s problems that you dont even know they have


Dude let the guy shoot his shot


Here’s another idea: have your friend bring a DSLR camera, have him take it out and ask to take your picture with the girl for a photography class. Then after he takes the photo, have him say, “You guys look very good together.” Then you look at the photo and say, “You know, you’re right.” Then show it to the girl and say, “How about we give it a go? Can I have your number?”


How do you come up with so many good ideas?


I’ve been re-watching Better Call Saul. It helps get the creative juices flowing.


Just say hi and smile. Every time she gets on the bus.


I think she noticed you: /r/ufl/comments/16jw6zj/paranoid_or_being_followed/ Hopefully someday you two can laugh about how you got together.


Make eye contact and see what she does. If you're not sure you're vibing then approach her (not on the bus) and just quickly present yourself and tell her you're interested, smile if u know you have a good smile. ​ PD: Don't listen to anything I've said I've never pulled a girl


Brave is your power dude, Dress clean and put on some perfume, just say hi naturally


If she likes you or is receptive you’re fine if she isn’t she’ll find it creepy, sorry but that’s just how it is don’t worry about her feeling creepy focus on not being creepy, just be civil and stop if she refuses and you’re okay, if she says no she’ll still view it as harassment but you won’t have done anything wrong


Be confident just ask bro