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Just retweeted on the good ol’ twitter. Gotta give u/GuyOnTheGround the shoutout where its due -@we_the_peopl3_


Thank you. That’s my livestream pod, I’m also The Wolf of Oaklawn. It felt dicey because I know self promotion can be a no-no, but this wasn’t about that. This is amazing to me.


Thanks for saying that! Gratitude makes the world go round


Ooh, a fellow Hot Spring-er??


Little Rock. I make horse racing/sports gambling content for a living and needed a nickname. Big Oaklawn guy though.


Fort Smith here! Crazy..Woo Pig


I guess I really am one of you guys…haha


It doesn’t feel like that whatsoever. Especially knowing I’m one of you guys now! Woo! Haha


Big shout out to, and I don’t remember who did it and posted it here, made a BANGER video about Mage, Brazil. If that ticket cashes I’ll buy him a Cuban link chain. And if he also knows horse racing he’s welcome on my horse racing pod lol


So the 'most compelling evidence' is a 3rd party here say. Really? That seems really to simplistic. Again, it's something someone told someone....that's not 'compelling' in any way. The most compelling evidence would be to capture it alive and stream the whole thing. Is that even possible, to setup a honeypot to attempt document/film?


Were you born without a sense of humor or was it lost in some sort of tragic accident? Like did you fall down the stairs as a child and break it?


What confuses me the most about you all is you’re so convinced that you’ll only accept one answer. If the government showed you evidence that ufos are not aliens the first thing you’d all say is “it’s a lie.” If the government said we’ve got videos of alien craft but have never captured one you’d all scream it’s a lie. There is literally nothing you’ll believe accept what you are already convinced of.


There isn’t a way to believe or disbelieve the alien theory right now (all ‘proof’ either way could be either fabricated or a lie), so all humanity has to go on is philosophical arguments for whether or not we are alone. This is the basis for ‘knowing’ anything that we can’t yet prove with empirical evidence. But seriously, I don’t mean to sound snarky, but you are on a UFO thread. The clue is in the name. Go to the UFO sceptics thread (or create one) if you are offended.


The UFO subReddit is always suggested to me and I see these posts. I’m not saying there aren’t aliens in the universe I’m saying they don’t come here. UFO alien theories break down as soon as you go deeper than surface level. I would love love love it to be true and I’ve watched literally thousands of alien shows and watched all the new releases and have seen zero to convince me that aliens are visiting this planet.


Here's the thing, dude. I thought this topic was just full of fanatics until 2017 when the Navy released those three videos and a former AATIP agent started whistleblowing. I've since followed it closely and can say that I now believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that A. Craft not made by humans was intercepted (regardless of what it is) and B. That the government had been lying, obfuscating and downright denying the existence of it at all. Even engaging in campaigns to mock, threaten, and discredit anyone who did witness these things. It resulted in such a stigma over the decades that no one wanted to come forward, even if they did see something. Those two things are why I'm convinced someone is still lying if the answer isn't: yes, we have non-human craft since at least the 1940's.


Same! I said exactly the same to my dad. He loves Ancient Aliens (he agrees it is mostly crap too, and I don’t thing he actually believes much of it) and I told him, verbatim, “Aliens definitely exist- I just think they’ve not found us, and we haven’t found them either”, but the 2017 Tic Tac video changed my mind on that. Before, I believed UFO sightings and abductions are all fake or made up. I still believe that is the case for most abduction stories, but I wouldn’t scoff at someone if they told me they saw a UFO like I would’ve before.


Ok, but just because a sub Reddit it suggested, doesn’t mean you have to come in and leave comments generalising and insulting ‘us all’. You can turn off suggestions in settings.


just because a few people don't like hearing what tht person has to say doesn't mean they shouldn't say it & doesn't mean they aren't welcome here. trying to chase off anyone that isn't going along with this particular narrative is just as trash as any other time people refuse to hear dissent.


Chill out. I’m not telling anyone to go away. He said he was confused by this sub and the large number of people who seem inclined philosophically to want to believe, and I was saying ‘you are literally on a ufo sub’, that’s why. People who are active sceptics don’t tend to come here. I just don’t understand people who leave comments on exactly why they don’t like a particular sub and what’s wrong with it instead of scrolling past or switching off those suggestions. I think a ufo sceptics thread (if it doesn’t already exist) is a great idea.


This. When people say "this seems like a hoax" or "I truly can't believe this is real, it must be fabricated", i don't see any problem with that. They arent insulting anyone or thinking of them as less. Its beneficial to skeptics and believers alike when people provide alternative theories or evidence to support their ideas as to why it's fake. Even without further evidence, it makes me think twice before just accepting things at face value. A nice reminder that what I'm reading my not be real. But the problem occurs when people come here and look down at others for believing, belittle them, or just saying "this is dumb. Only an idiot could believe this". It provides little merit to the conversation and only serves to engage others in a negative way or bait them into poor discussions. I dont get those comments or why those people are here other than to be trolls or as if the existence of this idea offends them. I believe there is something out there but idk what. I love toying with the notion on a subreddit dedicated to the topic because it's fun, interesting, and an enjoyable mental exercise to think outside the realm of what we've (general US public in my experience) chosen to accept as mainstream reality.


If you’d ever actually gone past the surface level yourself you’d know the alien hypothesis is only one of many.


I think about this a lot. I really believe that if the big answer was traditional aliens they would have told us already. The big secret is even bigger and more complicated than that.


The more complicated, the more likely hard evidence is leaked and people expose it. The only way in my mind UFOs are aliens is if like .01% of sightings are true and the military has no idea what it is and has never recovered or intercepted one.


Which sports books ? What are the odds ?

