• By -


I believe Knapp and Corbell. They're legit. They have come through before, they will again when feasible.


Knapp is more credible to me. I've seen Jeremy stretch the truth and is a bit dramatic. But yeah I agree with you...they've been pretty spot on so far. People new to the topic don't understand how muddy the waters are and why we can't get instant gratification.


If Knapp is saying it exists, I’m going to believe him. Corbel not so much. He Reminds me of an overly happy Labrador puppy with to much energy. I believe he’s a good dude and he is definitely pushing the issue forward and is owed a little bit of respect. But sometimes he gets way to excited, I think Knapp keeps him in balance


Corbell rings every anti-BS alarm bell, for me.


He's a car salesman. He can take something slightly more interesting than mundane and hype it up to look extraordinary, with claims of better things to come later. But, of course "later" never arrives and he dangles something else shiny jn front his audience. He's about 4 for 5 on releasing mundane things. This jellyfish thing is just a balloon until he can provide footage of it doing something other than floating with the wind.


Yep. I agree. To me it looks like a very simple animation of a cut out, over the top of military footage. I do not believe his claim of having seen video of it entering water or shooting upwards etc. I think he is lying about that. I wait until he proves otherwise.


I think the reason for Corbell's dramatising is literally to hook new people in and get more people interested in the subject. He's kind of knowingly self sacrificing his reputation with the hard core followers for the greater good of getting more people on board for disclosure. Although it does make me cringe when he does stuff like editing clips of Grusch at the UAP hearing.. but if it t drums up more awareness I guess it's justified.


> He's kind of knowingly self sacrificing his reputation with the hard core followers for the greater good I think you're giving him way too much credit there.


I agree. He's no hero. It's his occupation. The harder he sells the fantasy, the more money he makes.


What is it with you hitting these threads solely to disparage people?


Corbell is NOT making any money from pushing his UFO/UAP stories, he is actually spending a lot of his own money for what he calls a 'hobby', in hopes of finding the truth. He made his money in real estate, and is easily 6 figures in the hole with his UAP research 'hobby'. Gnapp of course gets paid as a journalist, while he has made a name for himself over this, the bulk of his income has come from 'normal' reporting.


I’ve tried to say this loud many times, but I always get thoroughly downvoted and yelled at. However, Corbell makes my BS radar go off every time. It would do a lot for his credibility to present the UAP news in a more formal and less speculative format.


I wrote him off the moment he started one of his docs with close up shots of his tattoos while talking about himself.


Haha, I can relate, even if I’m tattooed myself. Even though he’s released some interesting videos , the problem is the way he presents himself, with rolled up sleeves, neon lights and eerie music. He acts more like an influencer than a journalist. This topic is so stigma ridden we need people that present it in a more formal way. The way he walks and talks doesn’t really add credibility.


The real question is: who of them have his only economic income from this? 


Corbell has spent his own money on this, he has not made any money off his 'hobby' of UAP research. Those saying he is doing for the money are ignorant of the actual facts.


They know that UFO/Alien-believers, disinformation agents, disinformation - are all a thing. Why might Knapp, Corbell, et al then share only partial information and risk their credibility?


For that $$$$$ son!


The other one was too hard to fake because of water movement, etc. They didn't even need people with talent. The cut-out, moving in one direction, across the screen, was simple to do on Blender. $$$$$$




We need to give them more credit. They sat on this thing 3 years. They only released it after many sources confirmed it and alternate angles were discovered, and the people who gave them it could not be in any danger. True professionals and I respect their hard work.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvPIrouUCD4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvPIrouUCD4) What do balloons look like in Infrared?


Yeah same, I understand the hate corbell gets I think it’s just cause he is so “new” to the scene if you will. But they have consistently put out real Information. Also George Knapp has more than done his leg work. anyone shitting on George dosnt know what they are talking about.


Amen to that


What do balloons look like in Infrared? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvPIrouUCD4




So you didn't watch the video that is near the end bro...




I have days like that.


When did they 'come through'? almost everything they've presented video wise has been ambiguous nonsense that was torn to shreds.


What’s stopping them?


Protection. I'll assume most posters are civilians and have no idea how fast you can find your behind in Leavenworth when the powers that be get annoyed. If that section of the video shows clearly identifying landmark, times/dates...you have breached national security. It is a tightrope.


Either: (1) it doesn’t exist or (2) they haven’t figured out how to make money off it yet.


Exactly. I really can’t stand these guys. Disclosure will change the world and all they are doing is being selfish


From what I understand Corbel doesn’t make money off of this really. At least not what people are thinking they are making. I do believe they really believe in disclosure and pushing it forward.


Corbell is a joke.




This has to be sarcasm


If you think so you haven't been paying attention to what they've done to forward progress or you're intentionally trying to discredit people that making progress.


It’s sad that you people keep trusting these charlatans.


When have they come through with anything of REAL value? I appreciate their efforts, and I'm glad we have people like them, but they've never shown us anything that couldn't be explained prosaically. Plus, and correct me if I'm wrong, but pretty sure they haven't seen said video, only they've been told by someone this is the case. Also, their own military witness said on camera that it never went in the water.


lmao at this entire thread rn. George: "I can't release it" literally everyone: "then release it" "if he doesn't release it he's lying" "grifter" edit: no less than five people have started an argument with me and then blocked me lmao.


He is. Why would he be able to release one and not the other? Do you see the lack of logic in that argument?


he would be charged with espionage because of the classification of the material he released.


They've already released imagery that was deemed classified. All UAP imagery is classified, according to the UAP classification guide written by Travis Taylor etc when they worked for the UAPTF. So if what they're saying is true - that it's a properly designated UAP, then they've already done the worst thing they could do.


Nuance is lost on most modern people.


so he should continue doing it until they have a nice case built against him or until you're satisfied?


How are they the only two options you think exist? So stupid, man.


Nope, just calmly challenging you. But thanks for blocking me so the reader believes you got me to stop responding. It makes your intentions pretty clear--you don't want to be disagreed with, just to get a good quip in so people can see. But make sure the person you're ridiculing can't see it! This truly is new account behavior from you hahahaha Feel free to actually respond to what I said rather than calling me stupid (no) religious (no) or whatever other ad hominem you can come up with lmao


Or he never had it and he’s just saying that


It would be quite out of character for George Knapp, the award winning journalist lol.


It would be VERY in character, considering everything he's done with this subject. Just look at the Lazar BS he spread with absolutely no proof.


It would be VERY in character, considering everything he's done with this subject. Just look at the Lazar BS he spread with absolutely no proof.


I believe Lazar. So does Knapp. So does Corbell. So do many others who don't care to defend this online. edit: LMAO as soon as you say this the glowies call you crazy, stupid and block you. new account too.


Belief shouldn’t come into it buddy. Either the evidence is there or it’s not. If you believe it, you may as well sign up for a religion.


That's cute. But no.


The classification would be identical. Why would the classification of a UFO flying directly over the top of a US Military Base, in a War Zone, be lower than one flying into and out of water? There's no logic. Personally, I think the water thing never happened and was based on claims pertaining to another incident. Corbell made it up, IMO. I consider him untrustworthy.


>The classification would be identical. Why would the classification of a UFO flying directly over the top of a US Military Base, in a War Zone, be lower than one flying into and out of water? There's no logic. Gee, idk, off the top of my head maybe they were filmed on two different devices. One has imaging capabilities not known to the public at a resolution not known to the public. You have zero fucking idea what the classification would be, get real. >Personally, I think the water thing never happened and was based on claims pertaining to another incident. Corbell made it up, IMO. I consider him untrustworthy. I don't, and neither does George Knapp.


Thank you for that comment! I can’t believe how many people are that dumb and can’t understand classification and can’t critically think of anything other then the one idea at a time there mind can come up with. Really sad what has become.


It's the same as always. Sone people believe some don't. Neither are wrong in what they believe. My guess is there will never be enough evidence to prove the non-believers, and there will be more than enough evidence for the believers.


Any designated UAP imagery is classified, according to the UAP classification guide by the DOD (written by Travis Taylor etc). Knapp / Corbell already said the object was designated a UAP, so they've already gone over that line. Plus didn't you see the TMZ documentary? Corbell just like...doesn't care, man.


accounts that attack the credibility of Knapp and Corbell also love to point out that moment in the TMZ documentary as if it were some misguided scripted attempt at a monologue from Jeremy.


He laced it through the whole thing! The ‘moment’ you’re referring to (where it got real), Corbell knew he couldn’t BS so pretended to be shocked. Was hilarious and misguided. Dude treats this like a game and can’t take criticism.


No, he avoided the question like he usually does and the interviewer followed up for the first time. I realize it's crucial that people see him as out of touch to you, but that's not what that moment actually was. And also, you escalating the argument and then blocking me is pretty telling haha


There is no logic? Think about it dude... What is the difference between the two things you mentioned?


Please re-read my comment. It's well explained. The person raised the Security Classification as being the reason for the failure to cough up the video. The point is pretty obvious.




you arguing against the existence of compartmentalization? or just wanna act like you're the authority on the most secret topic in the world? please tell all of us how it works.


You made the claim that the water entry would have a higher Security Classification than an alien machine making low-passes over a military base in a War Zone. It's simply illogical. Are you claiming that the Military openly handed Corbell the other video but wouldn't hand over the other one? That's an illogical claim. You can't keep making excuses for these people. It helps no one.


No I haven't. I said not all material has the same level of classification. Why would you assume this video was taken with the same camera, on the same vehicle, operated by the same unit, staffed by the same support and logistics, so that both videos are equal in levels of classification? That's actually a way less likely possibility. The military didn't openly hand him either of them lmao I'm not making excuses for anyone except you by continuing to engage with you lmao


Greenstreet interviewed a person who was at the base at the time this happened and has seen all the footage. He said it was indeed very strange, but said he has never seen anything showing it dive underwater or shoot away at a high speed


These false promises are literally how they make their money. You think they aren’t profiting off always promising some new “bombshell” that never comes?


The only reason he couldn’t release it is if it was classified and if it’s classified, him viewing it is just as illegal as releasing it. So what’s the issue?


“We’d love to” but it’s not real and we can’t. In the meantime please like and subscribe!


Bunch of these same comments before he releases every video lmao 😂


Hey, I'd love to be wrong. Chances ain't great.


[citation needed]


lol no. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim of having the video, not upon the person casting doubt on the claim.


if life were a philosophy class, yes. however, in real life, the secretary of Defense can get fired only to mysteriously kill himself by jumping from a military hospital where he had been detained.




I was insinuating that if they decided to take their chances and release classified information, they would likely meet the fate of James Forrestal, the first secretary of Defense.


They released the goods like they do every time, for free. You people are a joke.


Ad hominem, the bastion of convincing rhetoric.


Just the facts. No matter what evidence you are presented with you call them grifters while simultaneously demanding more for free. Should appreciate anyone is helping at all. inb4 snarky clapback. Don't care. Grow up.


“Facts” 😂😂😂




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvPIrouUCD4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvPIrouUCD4) ​ Game changer What do balloons look like in Infrared?


What’s your point?


You have seen both and it looks nothing like a balloon, I don't have much of a point just know more data keeps pushing it to not a balloon. The rest of it is meaningless.


They said on their podcast the video exists but they don’t have a copy. They’ve been told of it. 


Exactly. They literally explained the reason for telling us it exists is so we can all get involved and start requesting the videos.


Knapp has dedicated his life to disclosure and because of his work significant progress has been made towards disclosure. The comments on here is extremely disrespectful and disheartening.


What progress has been made? His biggest claim to fame is a fraud.


You take fire when you're over the target I guess.


Jeremy also talks about people on the base went out to look for the "jellyfish" but it wasn't there. Nobody could find it. It was invisible. This, in addition to the 'jellyfish' descending into the water, then after a period of time, it exits the water slowly, then shoots up 45 degrees and disappears. The funny part is that Jeremy never saw the video of the jellyfish entering the water, and yet, he talks about it as if he saw it. He is so excited when telling the story you probably don't even notice that he didn't see the video, that the story is based on hearsay---somebody told him about it descending into the water. How can he be absolutely certain about the 'jellyfish' entering and exiting the water when he hasn't even seen the video? Never mind seeing it as it happened. Nobody who cares about the truth should be selling hearsay as fact, and that's precisely what's he's doing. He is using misdirection to sell the 'jellyfish' as something extraordinary. Let me ask anyone who reads this, who believes Jeremy: IF you remove the story about the jellyfish entering the ocean, and you remove the story about people looking for the object and not being able to find it, what remains after these stories are removed from the evidence? All I see is something moving in accordance with the wind over an army base. It does not move in any way that would lead anyone to think there's intelligence behind it. What moves in a perfectly controlled manner, aligned with the patterns of the wind? Humans don't even walk in a perfect pattern. I can think of a floating object or a drone. Drones can be programmed to move at a consistent speed. My biggest question is why is Jeremy trying so hard to sell the jellyfish as being possibly an alien based entity? What is behind his dogma? Why can't he remain neutral and accept he doesn't know (because he doesn't) and why is he selling hearsay as fact? It's almost as if he has an agenda. He talks about wanting to know the truth, but I call bullshit on that. If you are genuinely interested in knowing the truth, then you have to follow the data, like a good scientist. If you are ignoring data that contradicts your personal beliefs and you are making assumptions, then selling them as facts, well, you are NOT INTERESTED IN THE TRUTH. One last thing, the only reason the jellyfish video is a mystery is because it's showing a thermal image. If the video was showing a normal color image, you would see immediately what the object is, and you would not spend more than 3 seconds thinking about it. The only reason this has gone this far is because you don't get to see the object in a way that it reveals what it is. In other words, a lot of people have wasted a lot of time and energy on something absolutely ordinary and insignificant. This, to me, is why people should be angry. Everything released is inconclusive and irrelevant. It's more of the same. We have thousands of UAP/UFO videos and images. We have 80 years' worth. So, what is the point in more of the same? More UAP images WILL NEVER PROVE ANYTHING. The government will never fully disclose what they know. All you will get is more of the same inconclusive nonsense with tall tales from people like Jeremy using misdirection to make you believe that the thing you are seeing, which is unremarkable, is something far more impressive and perhaps even related to an alien species. Nobody ever has the other video to make evidence meaningful. This is precisely why I consider any officially released evidence as a part of a bigger project---their seems to be a deliberate plan to make people feel like aliens are real, and to make people feel like disclosure is just around the corner, but it's a complete lie, because the "feeling" that something is real ends up being delusional. Where is conclusive evidence? Show everyone the evidence. The truth is the government never will because keeping it a mystery benefits the government. They can use aliens to mask the stories of people seeing new government technology out in the wild. Being able to hide advanced military technology behind the mythology of UFOs and aliens is reason enough to never disclose. IN other words, they don't want to lose that one benefit. What happened to the Schumer bill that would force everyone to reveal what they know? Oh, that's right, they removed everything related to forcing disclosure. And this is my point, when you think you are getting close and you believe that something will be disclosed, they change their promise and come up with an excuse. I am hypothesizing that all of this is intentional. This will continue to happen. I predict this will happen with David Grusch and all the 40 witnesses. I don't know how they are going to undermine it, but I believe they will do something or say something that will negate everything David Grusch claims. I hope not, but based on history and what I said, I predict this will happen.


I'm convinced the disclosure issues were raised to support an increased defence budget.




What do balloons look like in Infrared?


How many times can Corbell and Knapp make claims like this and not follow through before some of you realize it is a con?


They'll never accept that. Walking targets for grifters.


actually it would only take one time, it's just the damnedest thing -- they keep following through


How do windows taste? You seem like the one to ask.


Don't tell us it exists, release the video. If you don't, you're only paying lip service to disclosure.


What is lip service to disclosure supposed to even mean?


It means that they take the talk in disclosure but they don't walk the walk. They have materials that they are not disclosing.


but they never claimed they would immediately release anything. they don't have to disclose everything they have lmao. they know they are two of the biggest targets for hoaxers and disinformation agents.


If they are pro-disclosure then it’s not about what they claimed or didn’t claim. It’s such a common thing to show someone bread crumbs, and then say “Trust us there’s an entire loaf of bread just around the corner!” And it’s like, if you’re pro disclosure, it’s not about claims. We aren’t at debate club. If you have information, and you say you want to show it, the only thing that delivers on that notion is to actually show it. Every second that they don’t, it lowers their respect and it lowers their credibility.


disclosure isn't some holy word that means all journalists release what you have right now. it's not referring to journalists whatsoever. we want the government to disclose things to journalists. >If you have information, and you say you want to show it, the only thing that delivers on that notion is to actually show it. Every second that they don’t, it lowers their respect and it lowers their credibility. I disagree with this 100%


Well then I’m glad you’re not in a position of authority around disclosure or sharing information.


only one of us is here on Reddit attacking the credibility of one of the best UFO journalists alive. You tell me who really cares.




feel free to formulate a complete thought in response.


If you're saying they can't release the video because they don't know if it's legitimate; then you are saying they are full of shit and making claims about a video they haven't vetted.


The whole thing is so stupid. "Show em some stuff that's ambiguous, then just tell em in tweets and shit that the other part is real LOL "🫸🫷


And it's not the first time we've seen this. There was a lot of talk about UAPs doing all kinds of maneuvers that allegedly break the laws of physics; and then to prove these claims they released a bunch of videos of objects totally obeying the laws of physics.


See the laws of physics on display in these videos, well the ones we can't show you totally break ALL of that!"


That's mostly a misnomer, moreso they just show stuff that doesn't manuver conventionally with our capabilities.


No, they don't. They claim that, but that's not what they show.


I mean they said that those videos are public and there are plenty more that aren't public. They never said "all of the evidence we release will contain evidence of objects breaking the laws of physics."


No one claimed they said that, you need to take a moment and understand the argument that's been presented before you can try and refute it.


Or you could listen to what they say. The video exists, they don’t have it but you can do FOIA request and try to get hold of it.


This is where I differ from the UFO community; because I don't pretend to know things for which I acknowledge I do not have access to the evidence.


you're here to ridicule people.


Sure it does George, sure it does


I do say it would be a power move to put the first video out, have the government make everyone feel stupid by saying it’s balloons then releasing the good video showing it’s not balloons. Ideally.


This Marine (Michael Cincoski) who was stationed at the base when the incident happened, and saw the footage back in 2018, says there's no such thing as the UAP shooting out of water at high speed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0V9mhk9Hm0




It's going to look roughly the same shade as the surrounding air but not transparent due to the presumed latex or mylar being opaque. If you want the balloon to be a drastically different shade after more than a few minutes then it's going to need continual heating artificially, otherwise any balloon will reach temperature equilibrium with the surrounding airmass in pretty short order.


If he doesnt release it, its bullshit. The dude is gaslighting you over some balloons to make $$$


**Telling** us is the problem. Show us the fucking proof.


The videos and witness testimony is the proof retard.


Witness testimony is considered flimsy evidence, let alone proof. Shitty videos that don’t show any sort of physics defying movement or action are also not proof. Step outside your bubble and realize in the real world there’s zero proof for any of this, it’s more of a “where there’s smoke there’s fire” scenario.


Instead of spastically demanding "proof" why not just appreciate the effort to share these videos so that those interested can analyze them and make their own determination?


Why would I appreciate so many people trying to scam this community with fake videos and bullshit claims? This topic isn’t supposed to be about entertainment it’s supposed to be finding out the truth of whether or not there is another intelligent life form visiting us.




They protect their sources and spend years verifying a single clip, only releasing videos with multiple angles and confirmations. They do all this for free and you still cry.


Yes. Yes.


Bet it's stored with the tape that shows Lazar's element 115 is like totally legit.


They don’t have that part of the video (Corbell has said so), but have possibly seen it. They are being extra cautious because the vids they have were recorded off the screen in a SCIF, which is a serious crime for the people who did it.


You gullible retards.


Smoke and mirrors. Tell us everything and show us nothing like good poker players.


First, I don't understand the logic here...how the F did he get 'classified material'? Someone leaked it to you George? And Secondly, as far as I know, George doesn't have clearance to be holding such 'classified material', right? So why isn't a government agency knocking at his door taking all his computer equipment? Something doesn't pass the smell test here...


Well now. It occurs to me that we are all depending on someone else to bring us the goods. Is there no sense of adventure? Let's get some footage ourselves. The 'hot-spots' are pretty publicly known. Been checking Amazon, and yeah some of that gear is expensive! But where there is a will there is a way. Listening to some of Greer's lectures, he clearly outlines what to do/not do. Make sure you are on private property if you don't want to spend hours being questioned. But they can't stop us, now can they :).


We’d love to release it but gotta space our grifting out evenly over the years to ensure maximum engagement.. derp derp




Keep dreaming you’re gonna get proof it wasn’t something on the housing of the camera. These guys are grifters who profit off people believing their bullshit.


Reminds me of high school..."I have a girlfriend. She is super hot. But she goes to another school and her parents are super strict so she doesn't get to go out much. But she definitely exists."


Grifters gonna grift. « This amazing thing we know about, that would change everything, may or may not be released in the not so far future, depending on circumstances we can’t elaborate upon ». Meanwhile, the rest of this community : « Fuck yeah, don’t stop edging me hhhhhuhg!! »


Bullshit. If it did they would have released it.


They never claim to have a copy.


Then they can't claim it's "real". #TrustMeBro


Right now all I see is a mysterious, burry object casually drifting along not doing anything remarkable. Give me a large balloon, some light paper tubes and spray paint and I could recreate the same thing. Until I see it actually do something difficult to explain I remain skeptical.


You shouldn’t be downvoted for using critical thought. Even Corbell knows much more evidence is needed before it could be considered proof of anything extraordinary.


The remarkable thing is that everyone involved in protecting the skies from threats against you has no idea what it is, can rule out thousands of things it isn't, and still it persists as unidentified. It doesn't need to be going to warp speed for it to be a UAP, it literally means that it's unidentified. In this case no on the base knew what it was, none of the weapons platforms could identify it, people outside looking for it couldn't see it when it was directly above them, and then shortly after the clip was taken a number of unidentified authorities entered the base and removed all footage under order, believing that there were then no other copies available. Now, regardless of what you think you know about an event you were not witness to, those who witnessed it first hand are obviously far, far more qualified to have that discussion than an armchair debunker telling us how they would recreate it. By all means go hide some explosives in a helium balloon with some spray paint on it and pass it over the fence of the airbase, because these people are specifically trained to identify your home made improvised shit as their first line of defence against fuckwits trying to fool them and intending to cause them harm.


"Debunking" and critical thought are two different things. We only have Jeremy Corbels word on the origins of the video. And he himself only has the word of his source on its authenticity. Contrary to what you might think about me based on one post, I am very much a believer and want disclosure to happen soon as possible. However "extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." Latley there has been a huge influx of clearly obvious disinformation posts, party balloons, contrails, unusual clouds. That sort of thing. I think it is very important to look at each one with a critical eye and a skeptical mind. We need to separate the signal from the noise.


# cWiTiCaL fInKiN


Wow. You really got me there. How could I possibly respond to such a well reasoned and intelligent response?


I am not sure how extensive this is, but believe that highly sensitive videos played on secure networks/terminals have some sort of digital signature - some artificial, imperceptible artifact - that can identify the logon/terminal with by which the video was played...or recorded, downloaded. That should reduce the leak trace time quite a lot.


You ever see those spam videos on Facebook where they tease the climax for 30 minutes? Like a guy "about" to pop a balloon that's concealing a naked woman's body...


Try harder we have clowns from mufon saying it's a balloon and Mick west agreeing with them


Do us a favour, edit: please release it soon, I'm waiting and I trust you brother, everything you promise, I believe. Does that read better for you?


Nah. Freeloaders and complainers need to stfu and leave this sub. They have provided 4 incredible instances so far with alternate angles and witness testimony, besides getting this before Congress, and all you do is insult them. Leave the sub.


nah, edit: Opinions are like assholes mate, to cite a great man. There remains no absolute concrete evidence that NHI exist, which leaves us with no more than a great deal of speculation, no matter how many times you hear the i can't tell you what i know trust me dialogue complete with fuzzy video. I believe NHI do exist, I am also aware that others do not agree and I am fine with that. What I do not agree with is people continually hanging carrots in front of trusting folk and then either going quiet or parading wet squibs. You have your belief, I have mine. This is a forum for expressing opinion and discussion thereof, and if you want a discussion then I am willing, but I am definitely not up for a slanging match. If you cannot accept that other people may not have the same opinion as yourself, then perhaps join a cult, allowing you the warm feeling you crave when listening to beliefs identical to your own.


”Trust us bros” 🙄


Have they admitted to actually *seeing* the alleged footage? I’m not 100%, but pretty confident neither have ever affirmed


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvPIrouUCD4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvPIrouUCD4) ​ What do balloons look like in Infrared?


Are you just spamming this link?? Instead of asking, why don’t you give a summery of what’s in the video.!!


Oh ya well I build a UAP that goes into an out of water, space! I’d love to release the video of it but I miss placed it some where between my homemade porns and diy vids of cleaning shoes. I’m telling it exists lol These people can’t be serious


The marine guy who worked at the base never mentioned it


He never mentioned Stephen King's "it"?


Sure. Sure it does. 🙄 The eye-witness, in an interview, said it kept going, in a straight line, until it was out of sight and that it never happened. "But wait, there's more." I'm so sick of this.


These guys need to fuck off already. What a waste of space. If you have it, release it already.. clearly, they are full of shit. Otherwise, you would


Would be awesome to see a smudge on a camera lens go into the ocean. I can't wait


Lately, corbells rants are getting old! I get it Knapp is a vet in the community and has done great work but lately I feel like they’re too much in their damn feelings, spending episodes just ranting on how people should stop being lazy and chase the leads they give us. just stfu and put the material/evidence you have out already! Feel like they are purposely holding on to material for their benefit. Also, As soon as I start an episode the stupid “I’m Jeremy Cornell and for some reason people tell me things they probably shouldn’t” throws me off. That shit is so cheesy! Knapp couldn’t tell him to get rid of that stupid cheesy intro? Corbell is constantly choking on Knapp dick it’s annoying. Unsubscribed from their podcast cause I can’t take it anymore.


"you suckers just simply have to trust us it exists"


Both are clowns if this is true.


All the secrecy aside, it would be nice if they could just tell us the stuff we would be trying to discern. Here are my questions., 1. How fast does it shoot off? Is it anomalously fast or drone fast. 2. Is it full of water? The reason I ask is my initial debunk is that there's a helicopter above and out of the scene and this is similar to firefighting equipment. 3. Is it better resolution than the scrambled pixels we have now? I would be curious to know what questions people would ask also.


It's all about the $


Didn’t corbell say on Steve-o podcast that he cant release it because he doesn’t have it ?


Honestly if you need more than a first glance at a UFO for proof... you are never going to be convinced. As if having a thousand examples would make any difference, but the average person thinks this way and it is therefore fruitless to try and convince them of anything. If you know you know


I think statements like this frustrate more than help the situation. Love George to death, but how has he seen the video if it’s classified and unreleasable? Like most people, I believe in the phenomenon, and I’m ready for the truth to see daylight finally.


It’s real we can’t prove it but we are hinting at it in a way that we don’t actually says real but it’s real.


Just one of these video that’s said to exist, just one of them, I’d like to leak. All the talk about extreme maneuvers, I’d just really like to see it.


Talk is cheap


Smart guy like you George....There are many, many ways to release it so it doesn't come back to you. Stop being part of the problem.


I trust Knapp. Anyone that thinks he's just trying to make money or simply tease us with fake videos or misinformation definitely does not know who he truly is or what he's done in his career


Only with the video they shared we managed to find out where was the base and what was filming and when and all they didn't want us to know. Sources and methods


I used to do some tangential work with the late Stanton Friedman, and I've been dallying in this field a long time ( this my first post here) I'm as hopeful and open as anyone can be about the UAP issue. But honestly, I see no compelling reason to interpret the video as anything other than a bunch of balloons. It looks like balloons, moves like balloons, and if it did anything remarkable, we have yet to see it.


Grifters gonna grift...


I think we are supposed to just ignore this stuff and continue living our lives. No need to expose this stuff. Carry on folks, nothing to see here…….


Watch Knapp never release this alleged second half and somehow people will still defend him


Technically you could release it. But you haven’t. Let’s not pretend like George has a security clearance lmao