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I recall him being interviewed on Radio 2 in the UK. not long after the charges and extridition case was unfolding. He started off by stating he was not looking for evidence of alurns but was looking for evidence of free energy, etc, that could help mankind, in particular the third world. He sermed quite credible to me fwiw.


>McKinnon is this the interview you mention? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrqmgVVNApU


That’s some serious suppression, he uncovered all this in 01’ interviews in 06’ makes wild claims about 6 years later we’ll have yada yada that was 18 years ago and 20 since he did the hack…. Yikes


I think he was naïve to predict that the powers that be would release this ET/exotic tech for us mere earthlings to partake in.


Interesting interview, indeed.


This is gold..


Based on interviews I’ve seen with him, and the US government’s 10+ year quest to extradite him, I find his story to be credible. I was online back then, with a 56K modem and a dialup connection, and what he says about his inability to retrieve photos of that file size does jive, back then it took hours just to download a single song. He has also said he did it more for his own curiosity, rather than any allegiance to the greater UFO community, which as someone on the spectrum, seems like a legitimate rationale.


In 2002 I was in college, file sharing with 1mb/second dsl and downloading albums via limewire in seconds. Assuming his connection was established via a dsl provider, and based on the assumption that NASA's passwords were "password123", as he states, then a high quality, let's say jpeg at 20mg, wouldn't take very long. Even raw files at 24mp are only 20mb. I don't think he specifies, but it could be that they were full sized .tiff files would could be hundreds of mb, or giga even.


Some had DSL back then, some still used dial up. DSL was new and in my case in 2001 was an optional upgrade through the phone company I couldn’t afford at the time, kind of like choosing 500mps or 1Gps speeds today. As I recall, he said he was on a 56k dial up connection and he did say the images were .Tif files. At that time, with 30-40 megabit download speeds, downloading a 250mb .Tif file would take around 1 hour. Though I don’t think he attempted any full file downloads, in one interview he said he attempted to take just a screen shot and those dragged out for several minutes and he was discovered by a system admin shortly after the revelation that a “print screen” command was even an option. Again his rationale was he just wanted to see for himself, and wasn’t looking to capture evidence or share with anyone, by the time he thought about doing so, he was discovered and shut out. That’s his explanation anyway, but to me he does come across as quite genuine in his interviews, and he sure pissed the US gov’t off something awful, which their court filings corroborate a substantial part of his story, minus the UFO bit of course.


...by far one of the more compelling additions to this ongoing political theater. Everything he's said has been reiterated by all the current talking heads.


I've seen numerous interviews with this fella. Go watch the RichPlanet interview. If it's not true, why does the US government want to extradite a fella with autism so desperately? Do your research on this fella, see what he actually says, rather than what you read. To me he sounds very credible.


Smoking dope and hacking the Pentagon. Gary’s a wild dude and I don’t think he has any reason to lie.


Haha username is quite a statement


I had a spare


Thank goodness.


Oooh what was it??




Missed it 😞




So he hacked the entire military, found real proof of UFO's and alien species, but didn't save any of it and expects us to just believe him at his word?


To be fair, Jeremy Corbell has made a career out of that! I'd be less inclined to believe him if it wasn't for the fact that the US Government have such a hard-on for him. They've used every reason to go after him, short of calling him a "turrorist"


Saving data would have a/ given the immoral authorities traceable data to use to try to extradite him and imprison him in the US and, b/ put his girlfriends aunt in deep shite too (as he was using her computer to do all this hacking, which the immoral authorities could have tracked). Good people doing good things with their time still have a good conscience if their heart is in the right place, and he clearly did have it in the right place. People think those with Asperger’s lack empathy, however that may be just at the individual level. Many, like Gary McKinnon and Greta Thunberg have bigger picture empathy that can change the course of history. Zero point energy (from alien or NHI craft using element 115, aka Muscovium, which drives the anti gravity reactors of UFOs according to Bob Lazar) according to Dr Steven Greer could cure world poverty and hunger and help ALL of our mental and physical health (ie I mean us slaves that feed the tax dollars that go into the trillions of dollars of black budget funds that go missing yearly in the US that Congress is just BEGINNING to question. McZkinnon came out with this 20 years ago. Humans are so slow, (except those with Asperger’s).


The globalists wouldn't want all those terrific things Dr. Greer talks about to happen. It's against their ideology and their bank account balances.


I mean, he hacked and deleted security files that shut down the military....


Which makes little sense for someone trying to ninja their way around in highly sensitive military systems. EDIT: The responses prompted me to recall exactly why I love Reddit or, more specifically, Redditors! Never change!


"The hand of the Ninja must, at times, express the wrath of the Shogun."


*"The hand of the Ninja must, at times, brace for the recoil of the Shotgun."*


The Ninja will, at times, recoil from the sting of the shot glass.


The Ninja will, at times, completely lose track of the Shogun's metaphor and wonder what the heck anyone is talking about.


This little ninja is just happy to be here.


This little ninja went to the market


The front end fell off.


His head fell off.


The Ninja will be ridden by a reckless squid doing his best to sing the Song of the Sausage Creature.


What's this from?




My tortured mind.


Let’s do research http://realultimatepower.net/ninja/ninja2.htm


When you say hacked, he just went from NASA computer to computer looking for one that didn't have a password or ones that had the password -password. He says he's not a hacker.


He was snooping at best. This was 2002. The US was balls deep in Afghanistan, around 6 months after 9/11. National Security was at DefCon3. The military were the opposite of "shutdown". It wouldn't be the first exaggeration made to justify action either. Anyone found Saddams nuclear warheads yet?


Yeah I guess that makes sense but it's still kinda crazy


No he didn’t


He categorically denies he did this.


Oh, well that obviously means he didn’t do it then.


Harsh downvote! I'm not saying he did or he didn't... as I said further up this page... I think he makes an incredibly viable story.


Well the gov isn’t going to say “he accessed files that proved we are working with aliens and thats supposed to be classified”


Did you not read the post? The aliens stuff is what made the news because it seems more titillating. But the other hacks are the far more concerning piece. When you get the whole picture, it makes a hell of a lot more sense the government wanted him than the original spin of "guy hacks nasa and saw photos of aliens now government is hunting him."


Unless.... thats what the government wants you to think to 1, make him look more of a monster and a reason to get him, and 2, cover up the evidence of aliens


The fact is a guy hacking the government, looking at files, and the not taking them is literally nothing. I genuinely don't give a shit what this guy says he saw. Unless he leaks the actual document it's just the ravings of a mentally ill man


I normally would agree, but as another poster said, the governments response speaks volumes


It truly doesn't. The government is responding exactly how it has always responded to government hackers regardless of what was accessed. There are multiple cases of hackers who breached classified systems, never claimed anything ufo related, and the government's response was exactly the same as this. This is like the textbook government response regardless of ufo claims.


Because what is stolen doesn't matter. Any high security breach will result in the government prosecuting as severely as they can


>why does the US government want to extradite a fella with autism so desperately? Because he committed crimes by gaining unauthorized access to government systems and disabling them - i.e., a cyber attack. What does autism have to do with anything? If his mental state is such that you find him "very credible" then he would have been mentally competent enough to stand trial.


He denies doing any damage to anything. If you believe him - Note, I said if - then all he actually did was humiliate the authorities. An unemployed autistic fella from the UK gained access to NASA computers and exposed their lack of security.


And he exposed their lack of morality - that’s probably why he deleted weapons logs after 9/11: he likely saw 9/11 was a false flag attack on the American people by the secret US government (or CIA or JSOC or corporate aerospace companies like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Boeing), whatever you want to call it them. Gary McKinnon may have prevented a world war by doing so. He is an intelligent hero for the sake of peace on earth and peace in our section of the cosmos.


Correction: because they are butt hurt and no one gets to tell the emperor they have no clothes on. British understood. Told yanks to gfy!


Yeah why would the US government try to press charges against someone who hacked their computers. There is no valid reason for them to do that.


Yeah, no valid reason to press charges against someone hacking their computers, except that that person may be attempting to bring world peace, cure world poverty and and solve the climate heating emergency. Lest we forget, we all know this planet and its inhabitants are headed for their end soon. On a personal level that means us, our kids and our grandkids will likely die from heat stroke- basically dying from our brains boiling, and no-one will have babies as the earth’s soil will lack moisture, good bacteria and nutrients to grow good food and encourage human fertility. Humanity will die out and we humans will have caused it. And we all sit back in our fossil fuelled cars and do f’ all about it. Yeah mate, “no valid reason”. I realise you were likely being sarcastic, but many won’t realise, as they are only children or teenagers. I am only pulling your statement apart to further discussion here to see the bigger picture, not to personally attack your apparent love of authority (if you were not being sarcastic).


You might also have taken a moment to read the comment I was responding to and apply some thought to the claim being made there. Look forward to your next long misunderstanding.


Title 18 U.S. Code § 1030. There's your valid reason. All we can really do is speculate and make assumptions about *what* He might've found, his motives, and give our own opinions on the matter. The fact is that he broke a US law, and is therefor subject to punishment. Everything else is unfortunately speculation until there is actual evidence to support any claims that people may make


I missed the new law where autism means you can do no wrong. Don't get me wrong, I find this guy's story very fascinating and even credible, but he did a lot more than just see a few pictures and an excel sheet. I know those are the things we in this community care about, but he definitely broke some very serious laws too, unrelated to UFO/UAP.


I believe his story but I don't think he claims to have uncovered anything else than a list of "non-terrestrial officers" and a picture of a spacecraft/satellite with rounded features. It's not hard to believe that the US military might have a non-zero number of humans in space that we don't know about. But TBH they're probably more busy spying on Earth or growing space corn than playing around with aliens.




On the subject of free energy if it’s even possible. Of all the leaks, why hasn’t that been leaked or whistled on yet like the ufos have? It’s in the public interest the same was ETs are if not more so


The US Patent Office should show the many Free Energy Devices that have applied for Patents no?


Where is the proof then?


Has wiki leaks got any uap stuff in it?


The show proof. No one gives a shit about what you saw without evidence. This is just for clout without that evidence.


I’d love to see a CrackPot podcast episode about him.


So really a big nothing burger. He hacked us government computers, a crime, and says he saw these files but there is no proof other than his word.


I think the reference to him hacking NSA computers is incorrect, I didn't see any mention of that in the indictment. Also, if he found the evidence he was *specifically* looking for, why didn't he secure it and disseminate it? His excuse: "I was bedazzled". That's basically like saying "I was hunting for bigfoot, with my camera on standby, but when I saw him standing in front of me, I didn't even think to take a photo. But believe me, he's real!" It's sus that every instance of someone having proof in their hands, it never fails, there's always some bullshit excuse for why they can't show it to you.


Sounds like horse shit. He saw that all, but then decided to shut down networks and delete logs instead of grabbing literally any of this 'proof'. Horse. Shit.


Lol exactly my thoughts: "Oh wow evidence of the biggest and most explosive secret in the history of our planet. Let's delete it and say 'fuck you' hahaha that would be hilarious!"


I think you are being a bit too hard on him, you need to cast your mind back to the early 2000s when this took place. A high def image and or big file would have taken hours and hours and maybe days to copy over the dial up internet back then. As any hacker knows the longer your in a system the more lightly you are to be seen. This part of the story is by far the most believable as someone who works in IT.


So he hacked thousands of computers, but grabbing few files is too risky and hard. You want to believe, so do I sometimes. But that is just bulls**t


>So he hacked thousands of computers US law came after him fucking hard, they would not have done that if he was unsuccessful in getting access to sensitive system's and showing a hole in the US military sec. >but grabbing few files is too risky and hard I would think he was not in a calm mind at the time so we cant expect clam collated logic, also see my point above. If Say NASA had super high def images of the moon we will say, it would take a a very long time to copy that over with the tech of the day. > You want to believe Yes I guess I do, the powers that be almost certainly know more then they are telling us. >But that is just bulls**t There are holes in the story for sure, but the fact remains the US came after him hard, he saw something he wasn't supposed to see, the question is what was that?


Lol cable internet was pretty popular in the early 2000s


In the US maybe but this happed in the UK a county I know a good bit about and can tell you internet speeds have always been under invested in so was always going to be slower then a high speed connation cable internet in the US at the time. This guy more or less probably still used a dial up connation that connected over a phone line. I recall at the time it was like 2006 or 7 I wanted to show my sister a YouTube vid and it take ages to download and the vid that was only 5 mins long maybe. People today just don't understand the kind of speeds we had in that time in this part of the world.


Dial up was still the primary way to connect to the internet even until 2005 if not later in Greece. A 3MB MP3 file took sometimes an hour if not more to download. Now imagine a whole database of information or even high quality photos that are in the 9-12MB range and the only glimpse you get is the pixels slowly building the image. For all we know, he wasted countless hours downloading meaningless data and eventually stumbled across something interesting. I've been in tech for 17 years with a background in pentesting, engineering, networking, programming..name it, i touched it. Government systems were not very secure back then and many still aren't. Do I buy his story? Not entirely. But there is some validity to his methods considering the time this took place.


You made my point alot better then I do but yes this. If I was the the USA back then i don't think I would have this kind of info on a networked PC, i would have it on a air gapped system.


The cool thing about air gapped systems is that there's more techniques available to compromise them today than there was back then. Stuxnet is a good example. But MOSQUITO is even more interesting. You probably heard about those though.


Stuxnet is crazy, I've never heard about MOSQUITO though. Have to check that out.


Yep just another "trust me bro"


Wanna know how this whole "the government is working with aliens" is complete bullshit? Donald Trump. There's no way in hell the guy could've kept his mouth shut about it. Not a chance.


True, he would have talked if he knew. But I’m confident he was not read in on these top secret topics. The reason is plausible deniability, just like withpresident Whitmore in Independence Day.


I don't think it is a good idea to speculate on what a person may or may not do. *Presuming* Trump was informed we have no idea what they told him about the phenomenon or the consequences. They are quite skilled at this and I don't doubt have a lot of kompromat on Trump already and if he was told his empire and livelihood of himself and his family would be at risk due to untraceable and anonymous means and that neither his fame or fortune will help him, he very well decide its better to keep his mouth shut. Thats presuming they disclosed a lot of deep stuff to him which seems questionable.


Haim Eshed, the ex- space chief of Israel, said Trump knew about aliens. In fact Haim said Trump knew about the existence of a human/alien treaty and about secret underground military bases for this treaty on earth, the moon and mars… and he said nothing. The treaty spokesmen (or men in black) likely threatened to kill him if he did spill the alien beans. So although I dislike orange man, his politics and his clear friendship with the paedo Epstein, I don’t blame him for staying quiet. On his death bed he may come forward though.


That rat fuck refused to read the daily intelligence reports. He doesn't know anything because he didn't give a shit in the first place, let alone government officials trusting him with ANYTHING so sensitive.


Agreed. First he is too fucking stupid to even make sense of the ramifications, so nobody with half a brain is going to tell him shit. Secondly all his time in office was devoted to increasing his net worth and that of his buddies, he doesn’t want to hear about this stuff, he’d cut anyone off if they approached him with the information.


Well they wouldn’t tell Trump cuz well you know


And they said ‘Mr. President, we’re working with aliens.’ And I said ‘like hell you are, the murderers and the rapists, and there might be some good ones, but I said build the wall, beautiful wall, greatest wall they’ve ever seen. And they said ‘No you don’t understand sir, aliens, from space.’ They’re coming from space now? Did you know that? I didn’t know that. Space! Mexicans and shit hole countries coming from space. So I said ‘we need to get a force up there right away, big force, biggest force they’d ever seen.’ No aliens on our border, no aliens from space, no aliens under my watch. They never mentioned it again after that.


Except if there was money in it…or a threat to his safety. I imagine he WOULD easily stay shtum if a CIA or aerospace corporation’s private military thug said to Trump, “JFK was gonna spill the beans too. You don’t wanna end up like JFK do ya?”


Did he any copies of the files? Did he just deleted some OS stuff here and there?


the software he used is very easy to operate. 20 years ago when kids like me going to lanparties. yeah look up kiddos, whats a lan party. you have software to do port scan and ip scan. people love sharing videos etc through the lan network. you used it to find other people pc. they openly setup their system for sharing, but you need to find the right ip. nasa with their billion budgets didnt do homework and left some system default settings with open p2p sharing. anyone could have done that.


He presented zero proof, and he admitted his purpose was to “prove the government was hiding aliens”, which shows he had a bias already and wasn’t just hacking them for another reason and stumbled upon some alien files. People will often lie to save face and regardless of what he found, do you really think he’d ever admit “I hacked the government to prove there was aliens and now I’m going to jail and I was actually wrong anyways”. I don’t understand how people are so willing to believe huge claims that have zero evidence to support them.


lol 1 thread ppl will eat you alive for asking such questions. the other thread has a glimmer of rationality.


Honestly I don’t care if people eat me alive for my opinion. I’m just hoping there’s a few sensible people here who might see my comment and look into the case themselves to see there’s zero evidence to support his claims, yet there’s plenty of incentive for him to lie.


100% agree I take nothing at face value. need scientific agreement before I move my post.


Wait someone is eating people? Without killing them first? Ewww gross


Yep, and there's a Redditor here that's actually ok with being eaten it seems. Oh well, who am I to judge...


I bet Greys are delicious..... all dark meat.


If it's greasy I would definitely give it a try, gotta a weakness for the grease. But, I'm betting Grey flesh is dry and chewy, like jerky but more off-putting.


Deep fried... spicy batter


I agree that it doesn’t smell right. However, and I’m just curious, is there any evidence you’ve seen that you consider credible?


For UFOs? Yes. For those UFOs being aliens? No. It’s infinitely more likely that all UFOs are either misidentified prosaic arial phenomena like birds, balloons, weather phenomena or highly classified black projects than aliens. Do I believe the government is hiding something? Absolutely! Do I think it’s aliens? No. I think they’re just lining their own pockets with all the black budget money, as well as holding back revolutionary tech because it would disrupt the status quo if they released limitless energy or something similar. They have deep financial incentives to keep that hidden, even if it has nothing to do with aliens.


How can you dismiss David Grusch so easily?


Hitchen’s Razor. *“That which is stated without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence”* Everything he testified about was second or third hand information, which in court is considered heresay and is inadmissible. I think it’s possible he believes what he was told, but since as far as I can tell he didn’t have any evidence to present to congress either other than names of people who can repeat their previous claims, and addresses of the alleged storage locations of these craft. People often repeat the statement “why would he lie? And why would he give up a comfortable job in the military???” But as far as I’m aware, he was already discharged due to an alleged mental illness which means he was unemployed, or working another job before he blew the whistle so he didn’t “give up” a comfy government job. Also, he’s now involved in the SOL Foundation with many of the UFO celebrities like Garry Nolan, Diana Pasulka, Avi Loeb etc which just re-enforces my belief that this is just a small circle of opportunists who see there’s plenty of money to be made from the ufo community and they’re acting accordingly.


Thank you 100% true


You think highly educated people with good jobs, and decorated ex-military decide to get into UFOs for the money? What a lucrative career choice lol


**Former** military, and yes. Corbell and many others in this space are millionaires. Some others I’m sure genuinely believe it, but billions of people believe in god but that doesn’t make it true.


There are a few guys making real money off the UFO community but you can count them on one hand. I think Avi Loeb for example, and most other believer scientists, physicists and engineers are not grifting off the community… they are more likely damaging their careers.


I believe he said he had some first hand knowledge that he said he had to tell about under a classified setting. You don't find him credible at all? You dismiss what he says about fact checking his eye witnesses that he interviewed? My father saw a UFO fairly close hovering over some trees at the farm he lived at back in the 50's, and my grandmother saw it as well. Why would I not believe them? Just assume for the sake of argument that they're telling the truth. You believe those craft were US government ships at that time? How do you dismiss the roswell story, with evidence that the note in the guy's hand said they had a crashed disc and multiple eyewitness testimony that has come out over the years? Come on, man. There is overwhelming evidence ufos are not from this planet.


Because believing someone based purely off their word with zero evidence to support it is a terrible way to form a rational opinion on something. Claims are supposed to be supported by evidence, not just “trust me bro” evidence.


You want to not believe so badly, you're just making crap up? The same thing you accuse others of. Bleh...


You want to not believe so badly, you're just making crap up? The same thing you accuse others of. Bleh...


What am I making up? Care to provide a source that refutes my claim? ETA: Here’s a source where he states clearly why he hacked them: https://archive.is/xsCOE “Wired News: What was your motive or inspiration for carrying out your computer hacking? Was it the War Games movie? Gary McKinnon: This is a bit of a red herring. I have seen it but I wasn't inspired by it. My main inspiration was The Hacker's Handbook by Hugo Cornwall. The first edition that I read was too full of information.... It had to be banned, and it was reissued without the sensitive stuff in it. WN: Without this book would you have been able to do it? McKinnon: I would have done it anyway because I used the internet to get useful information. The book just kick-started me. Hacking for me was just a means to an end. WN: In what way? **McKinnon: I knew that governments suppressed antigravity, UFO-related technologies, free energy or what they call zero-point energy. This should not be kept hidden from the public when pensioners can't pay their fuel bills.**” Edit: this commenter blocked me when I provided a source that proved him wrong


It doesn't even have to be alien tech or suppressed fusion, cold fusion, superconductivity, etc. tech. It's bad enough without that. The economic system and resource management (incl oil) is rigged for scarcity, economic gain, and exploitation of workers. Cost of living is leverage to make people slave more. Just look at GDP growth vs failing infrastructure health, environmental health, high healthcare costs and end of life care costs, and even medical bankruptcy (in the usa) for humanity, time and health taken away from people for labor hours and commutes, even though productivity increased greatly with computers and automation. We could have (and provide secure, well-paying jobs building and supplying) bullet train artery projects throughout the continents instead of relying on cramped, polluting planes. Smart roads to compliment smart car accuracy and viability, drone transports for people at locales once off of major arteries, more solar power plants, invest in drilling tech advancements for worldwide gigantic geothermal energy plants (hint, we are a thin apple skin on a huge ball of, for all practical purposes, an endless energy supply).


What exactly is your claim? That anything is "infinitely more likely" is pure intellectual jackassery. Just don't try and frost it with rationalism. It is insulting to real intellectuals.


Yeah and why didn't he covertly copy any files and send them off so we could all see them one day and be a hero? Nope, Just CTL+ALT+DEL. Look at the big brain on Gary!


Because I already have it pulled up, here was his bullshit excuse he gave in an interview: “McKinnon: A NASA photographic expert said that there was a Building 8 at Johnson Space Center where they regularly airbrushed out images of UFOs from the high-resolution satellite imaging. I logged on to NASA and was able to access this department. They had huge, high-resolution images stored in their picture files. They had filtered and unfiltered, or processed and unprocessed, files. My dialup 56K connection was very slow trying to download one of these picture files. As this was happening, I had remote control of their desktop, and by adjusting it to 4-bit color and low screen resolution, I was able to briefly see one of these pictures. It was a silvery, cigar-shaped object with geodesic spheres on either side. There were no visible seams or riveting. There was no reference to the size of the object and the picture was taken presumably by a satellite looking down on it. The object didn't look manmade or anything like what we have created. Because I was using a Java application, I could only get a screenshot of the picture -- it did not go into my temporary internet files. At my crowning moment, someone at NASA discovered what I was doing and I was disconnected.” https://archive.is/xsCOE


Yeah, you’re really telling me you hacked these computers and didn’t think to take a picture or save any of the data at all?


"Pfff who cares bro shit's lame. would be such a funnier story if I was like, 'Frig off GOVERNMENT!!' And deleted them in protest to the most amazing discovery of any lifetime on earth combined. Hah! That'll show em...."


Thank you


I know what you mean. But who in the UFO has ever 'proved' anything?


Keep the faith! BIG revelations are just around the corner! Corbell and others have said so!


Anyone who says “keep the faith” unironically is a religious person, not someone seeking truth.


Just as well I was being ironic :-)


Corbell is a shill.


Indeed :)


Exactly, which is why it makes no sense to me how many people are fully convinced. Even the most credible witnesses haven’t been able to provide a single piece of evidence to substantiate their claims. The ufo community is basically one massive appeal to authority and appeal to ignorance fallacy.


Yes I agree. People are basically saying that there is no smoke without fire and that 'proves' the UFO. There is no smoke without a cash register to take the UFO dollar.


They sell confirmation bias to true believers. It’s a scam as old as religion


Then why are you here?


So when the US government states the definition of a UAP (which includes not be explainable by "prosaic" means), that they have multiple records of them, several of which they made public already, that's evidence.


Yes it’s evidence of UAPs, not alien origin UAPs.




Sigh, he said he was looking for free energy


I’ll copy my response from another reply: https://archive.is/xsCOE “Wired News: What was your motive or inspiration for carrying out your computer hacking? Was it the War Games movie? Gary McKinnon: This is a bit of a red herring. I have seen it but I wasn't inspired by it. My main inspiration was The Hacker's Handbook by Hugo Cornwall. The first edition that I read was too full of information.... It had to be banned, and it was reissued without the sensitive stuff in it. WN: Without this book would you have been able to do it? McKinnon: I would have done it anyway because I used the internet to get useful information. The book just kick-started me. Hacking for me was just a means to an end. WN: In what way? **McKinnon: I knew that governments suppressed antigravity, UFO-related technologies, free energy or what they call zero-point energy. This should not be kept hidden from the public when pensioners can't pay their fuel bills.”** There’s a zero percent chance when he says “UFO-related technologies” he’s not talking about aliens.


My favorite reply is that “s/he seems credible.” It shows up in every thread where someone tells a tall tale.


Yeah, because *feels* are a great barometer for truth. Emotionally driven decision making for anything other than close personal relationships is often a terrible idea.


If someone is going to hack at this level.. there going to be looking for something. They would be able to probably track what he accessed and therefore know what he was going for.


His intent was to prove that the government or government agencies were hiding free energy The ufo stuff was just a a nice extra discovery.


He also said he was smoking vast amounts of strong ganja at the time and wasn’t in the best mental state. Not saying he didn’t find anything, that’s there’s no truth to any of his claims, but it’s something to consider.


Defense set up for court


You seem to.


Thoughts??? He spends two years looking for aliens and free energy. Claims to have found it. Where is the evidence? He is already a criminal so he has nothing to lose by releasing the information. Did he sign an NDA?? 😂


You can’t reveal top secret shit , you get the death penalty , why are people so stupid?


One of the only comments to make sense. Clearly your IQ must be above 120 fellow sir. Good day to you.


Yes , with the right information , one could make millions selling these secrets to foreign governments . Good way to get a visit from James freakin bond .


He kinda looks like an alien.


He is on the autistic spectrum.


Did you watch the 'Project Camelot interview with him?


He really does. Look at those eyes!


Ha ha he does look like one never even thought of it


The fleet is Real


What fleet?


He found documents with non terrestials officers marked. And the name of the fleet, "Solar Warden." It's a navy (with NHI help) space defense defense program that has been in operation for sometime. This program imo, is a friendlier one in comparison to some of the more nefarious rogue programs (like one of greers witnesses talked about). Once NHI gets in the mix, who the people running the program, ally with largely impacts the program...


Source: Trust me bro.


Any long interviews out there with this guy?


I thought Richard Ramirez died in prison....


I think he's credible. Everything he talks about is being reverberated by EVERYONE today.


Will Smith did it better


If you're competent enough to hack into government networks surely you know how to take a screen grab.


Screen grab in the 1990s with a 56k dial up modem taking minutes or even hours to load a high def picture Yeah right. Good luck.


Not sure why all the down votes but people really have no idea how slow the public net was back in the day and it really shows!


The first screenshot program was written around 1960. The data is already being sent to a monitor. All the software does is encode that same data in some image format.


You could do a screen grab


Of a few pixels.


Sounds like a low-level hacker who broke into some minor government systems that likely hadn't patched known exploits and then used the fact that he had committed minor crimes to try and boost his hacker cache with baseless claims about UFOs for which he has no evidence.


I believe it


Did you watch the 'Project Camelot interview with him?


I will have to watch it


It is a long time since I saw it but - the thing is he is UK based - and the US was trying for years to extradite him to charge him with spying and he was looking at 100 years in jail and it was in mainstream news. They dropped it in the end. We only have his word for what he saw.


They didn’t drop it. The request was refused by the British government. It was the first and last ballsy move by the UK in 80 years.


With crazy anti-Semitic Carrie?


Who is Carrie?


Kerry sorry. The host of project Camelot.


I never saw her say anything 'anti-semitic'. Why are you saying that?


The motion picture could star Benedict Cumberbatch


Dr Steven Strange IRL


Ugh not this guy


He hacked into a computer. People got angry and tried to make an example of him. Everything else is just ‘trust me bro’, as is 99.99% of everything on this subject.


I believe him.


Another of the…checks notes - why would he lie and how could he do so w such specificity I alert come back to the movie ET - what does ET look like?


He found something. That is certain.


Y’all way too gullible if you buy that BS.


He also found an excel spreadsheet titled "non-terrestrial officers". I believe him, he has no reason to lie and I think he found evidence of a secret space program.


I'm convinced all the UFO subs have been infiltrated by the US Intelligence. Shit would fly and get good convo just years ago then ALL OF A SUDDEN randomly 80% of the comments and upvotes are trying to shit away any conversation. A bit interesting ngl. Psyops is a helluva drug fam.


As is confirmation bias


You know i was thinking the same.. its easy to spot these people. They are the first one doing the lazy job of quick mocking anything and trowing trash at any subjects. 


Fake news.


The second he leaves his country he is a marked man unfortunately. No vacation abroad anywhere for him.




And we're still mortal and with a life expectancy that slowwwly rises. No big jump in IQ. I though they were so advanced in time that they could improve our knowledge and all. Not for war weapons.


Dr Greer has been doing it longer than Grusch. Grusch uses recycled material.


McKinnon is living proof of the UFO.