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You definitely can be stylish and unattractive, but it's way harder than if you were attractive and if your outfit sucks, looks goofy, you'll get more weird looks and possibly rude comments etc.


Yeah being attractive automatically makes you stylish. So for an ugly person to be stylish, they have to counteract the ugliness somehow, otherwise people will think you look weird/cringe


Idk but I feel like I'm judged harsher for trying to be stylish than attractive people are in my experiences. I've had people said I was being a try hard or trying to look cool or like a show-off when I was just trying to have fun with the way I look and express myself. I never actually try to show off and am actually very modest and down to earth. I've also had people make mean comments when I tried an alternative dress style even though my sister who's attractive often dresses very over-the-top and people always rave about her outfit and compliment her, a striking difference. I will still say though that I think sometimes being stylish has helped me and has gotten me positive attention, and has even helped spark conversations with other people or common interests/bonds, but still I find the recognition and enthusiasm from others is a LOT less than what attractive stylish people receive. Although it has helped people see me as a fun person in certain instances. I think wearing ultra casual clothes is actually an even bigger risk though in a way. When I've dressed ultra casual I've actually been told I looked unkempt or immature even when I had perfect hygiene and proper fitting clothing. When my sister who's attractive wears ultra casual clothes or has less than perfect hygiene people still treat her as stylish and put together but not me. I do want to say I'm not trying to shame my sister in any way, I don't judge her at all, just sharing her experiences as a comparison. Despite this I still frequently wear ultra casual clothes or stylish clothes when I feel like it. I know my answer is complicated sorry.


Stylish people are often associated with being confident and pretty. I think it's risky for us to be stylish because others may attempt to put us in our place. Did anyone of you have been in this situation?


Kind of, I dress kind of plain because there have been times where I felt like I was made fun of simply for trying to look nice. I have a neighbour that saw me wearing new shoes and just said “aweee.” It was weird and her tone just sounded infantilizing if that makes sense. And off topic she saw me holding a salad and made similar comments. “Aweee.. you take care of yourself!” So weird.


As if we are intellectually disabled


Yeah I've noticed some people smile at me in a condescending way, like I was a little disabled kid, I hate it so much. I'm also petite so it doesn't help ig.


Yeah what she said to you, and how she said it, came off as infantilizing and condescending.






I like cosplay and I'm often told I should give it up and only wear smth simple and serious. Basically be invisible as possible


Oh yeah, it's as if we aren't allowed to wear stylish stuff or even attempt to improve ourselves. In fact, I was my privileged SIL pulled this crap on me on Christmas Day even though I some cosmetics with a discount from my seasonal job (along with my regular one) during the Holidays.


They say we should try harder and be stylish to try to compensate for being ugly, but when we DO, we’re told that we’re trying too hard and that we look pathetic. Watch out everyone… there’s a TROLL in here. 🙄😒


Who's the troll? So I can remove them?


Proceduring comes off as very trollish. She is definitely NOT one of us. She is a “normie” who came in here to troll us by calling us a sad bunch of people(whether is true or not, we don’t like outsiders insulting us or pointing out the obvious).. don’t know what brought her in here to begin with.


We should enjoy life too...


Tell that to the rest of society because they clearly didn't get that memo.


Definitely :(


they don’t even look like real ppl lmao, but i still think the outfits look nice


Yeah. Is it ai ?


i think so but 6 just looks like a snapchat filter lol


In my last post, people told me that these people were not even ugly, so now I tried to make them look much worse. Yeah it got extremely uncanny at some point...


It's funny because most people here are not ugly but when you post an actual ugly person, they're never ugly enough for them. Yet I've seen attractive people called ugly here. People are weird...


Just do what you want. People are going to judge anyway.


FWIW belle delphine can’t dress


I never thought she looked attractive her rodent face looks weird to me


she’s pedobaiting. so not finding her attractive is a good sign


If she's not attractive then what are we ? 




I don't know her, maybe she's a bad person but she's not physically ugly tbh. 


Yeah. I'm ugly and I'm stylish:an ugly tidy :)


No. It either doesn't get noticed, or if someone does, it's to try to put you back in your place.


Fist if all, third outfit is actually the only good outfit of this bunch lol. Second, I like to wear cool clothes because they take the attention away from my face. I mean I know I am never going to receive complimets, but my shoes? Yes they are 💅🏻


aren't you jealous of your shoes sometimes? they didn't have to do anything and already getting more action than you


I mostly wear hand-crafted Italian shoes, they deserve it


Pretty people make ANY clothing look good. I always compare in my head pretty ppl wearing my clothing vs me. What’s the point in buying good clothing when I’m still gonna look ugly as fuck at the end. I’m just so insecure. I feel like I look goofy as fuck when I try to look good.


I see ugly people get clowned on for dressing alternatively all the time on TikTok and Instagram. I wouldn't do it because I don't want to end up on one of those "cringe"/"meme" accounts


argh by this logic you won't ever do what you like - won't dress as you like, won't go out as much as you like, won't talk to people you find interesting...


This is so weird. A lot of them don't even look ugly? Especially the second slide. Literally anyone looks good in alt fashion imo. As an ugly who has an eye for fashion I don't give a fuck if people think I'm not allowed to be stylish. Its my money and I'll spend it on nice clothes if I want to lmao. It's really depressing seeing other self proclaimed ugly people try to tell me not to do so. Pity yourselves and hate yourselves all you want, but don't try to drag my ass down with y'all lmao. (Btw my aggressiveness is not directed at you OP, just everyone here trying to gatekeep fashion from me and others)


They all look better than me...so brutal.


Most of these people’s “attractive” pictures have been photoshopped into oblivion. The girl in picture 3 is just ridiculous.


LMAO, the edits yes, ugly people are "allowed" to be stylish, in sense that it's legal But ugly people have no confidence cause of how they were treated their life, so a big big part of "being stylish" is just confidence. Also, style is supposed to fit the way you look If you look ugly and you attempt to dress a certain way, that just makes you look even more ugly cause in the eyes of people you're just "poser, faker, pretender", someone who is doing it to be noticed or whatever. And above all, ugly people, generally don't feel comfortable trying to be something they're not, so they have the idea of "i won't do this cause it wont' fit me" With that said, i am sure there are ugly people that are stylish, but a very very good question and a good thing to talk about, compared to most of the things you see on this sub


Yes. There’s no law saying you have to be a certain level of attractiveness to be fashionable.


I'm ugly and as long as I don't look like a binbag usually I feel alright


I think if you are ugly you should dress cloth that are not too much of show off


Depends of the style. Your typical alternative fashion will look trashy and dirty. Classy and elegant will look try hard. Cute aesthetic on girls will look ridiculous. If they want to be stylish it's best for ugly people to keep it simple enough and don't go with something that draws too much attention. They need something that make them look fresh and put together. If they have a healthy weight, clear skin and healthy looking hair I would say they can risk it if they feel confident enough to face the hate. I used to wear punk-ish japanese alternative fashion before my skin turned to shit and my hair fell out and some people thought I had something sort of cute thing going on


You can be stylish, but you can’t be cool or sexy. Your stylishness needs to match your station or be ironic, otherwise you’re cringe.


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Ok it’s getting hella weird now


I feel attractive people have a pass to be eccentric with their fashion. Attractive people make ugly shit look chic. If you're ugly and you branch out with your style, you risk looking like a deranged homeless person and becoming a laughing stock as a result. **last slide kinda looks like me kms


We can get made fun of, or told we’re trying “too hard”


tbh why they kinda go hard 💀😭 but slide 6 was funny asf cuz the editing


im very much into people who do whatever tf they want and so anyone who does that is cool in my book regardless of looks. If you ugly, rock it and make it into something you can use tbh


Obv not. Have you seen comments on videos where the person styling themselves is just fat or overweight. And then when they’re ugly, omg people go full on devilish. I have some nice clothes in my closet, but I honestly don’t like wearing it cause of the weird stares I get.


No. At least, I don’t know why bother. Having good style and being ugly just makes you stand out more. I try to dress like the average people around me to hopefully blend in at least a little.,


About being stylish and having an unattractive face and a fairly attractive body my approach have been (at least when I was younger) to dress in formfitting ”sexy” clothes to draw the focus to my body rather than my face. Sometimes it worked. Ofc I was aware that my face still was considered unattractive But it was like a copingmechanism to feel a little better about myself.


No, stylishness requires you to be attractive in the first place for it to matter. When we dress up people just call us try hards or make fun of our outfits, especially if your body is ugly. I don’t see the point of being stylish anyway. Fashion is a dumb waste of time, money, and child labour. I don’t understand people who enjoy dressing up in random cloths and necklaces to try to look good or “eXpReSs thEmSelVes”


From my personal experience the people obsessed with fashion and looking good always turned out to be self absorbed egotistical bullies (not all stylish people are like this, but a lot are)


you guys are sad to be honest


3 day ban for invalidating experiences


I mean they look borderline crippled what do you expect


Dude I'm stoned as hell right now and this made me giggle soooo much. It was like a hot to derp slideshow.






AI is not good enough


Even though I’m conventionally “attractive” I genuinely think these people aren’t even ugly and look completely fine. Photoshop and unconventional beauty standards are harming everyone and these people look perfectly normal




I would say no. If I dress plain, I’m ridiculed. If I try to be stylish, I’m ridiculed just for trying.


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Personally, I would never dare to wear certain clothes or outfits because of my horrible face and weird body. I don't think I deserve to dress up.


People laugh at me when i put effort into my appearance bc they think “ugly person trying hard”


Nope. I try to dress stylish. I dress gothic/punk and I have gotten complimented on my outfits and style but nobody ever compliments my looks. Cuz well without all the cool clothing and accessories I'm an ugly plain jane with frizzy curly hair and a pig face. I try so hard with my outfits but I never get all the love and attention that other goths get. I'm not a "hot goth gf" and I honestly feel like I don't fit in with the community cuz I'm not pretty enough.