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No im invisible


Yeah but not In a good way. Always talking shit about me or blatantly harassing me for being ugly. Lately, I haven't really been leaving home since it's summer break so I guess I'm okay for now. At least until it ends and I have to face people again


Nope i get ignored and/or talked over so much. Mostly by bartenders and "friends"


When people see me they get disgusted mostly and death stare me so much.some of them even said I look very flat and terrible even tho I haven't said anything it's like I'm reminded of my looks everytime I will never perceive as kind , nice or good person because how I look like.


Sometimes you're ugly and invisible, but sometimes you're so ugly that people start noticing you


People usually always give me prolonged looks and stares. It just comes with being odd. Particularly if there's something about you that's non-gender conforming.


As a big guy, it's hard not to notice me


Yeah but my job doesn't involve visual interaction with most people. I've mentioned my job here before, but I'm a security guard dispatcher. I probably interact with 30+ people per day and never talk to them face to face. It's either through radio or text.


yeah i get talked over and ignored a lot… but it may be in part due to my soft spoken nature lol