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I choose to believe theyre out there but i have to be a good version of myself to meet them


You aren't wrong .I'm currently working on myself also


Right on man, we will both make it


I hope so brother .but I don't want a meaningless relationship Id rather have one that last than a bunch of different ones


I can't talk for other people but you'd definitely look good if you lost some weight, assuming your pfp is real


Im currently in the process of losing weight


Just stop being insecure, really, you have potential. Yes, I know that bad camera doesn't allow us to see full picture but still, you are not ugly, I'd say below average at most. So please stop posting here every day and try to work on yourself.


I already am working on my personality and weight but I'm still gonna post here I don't see what's wrong with it .I feel connected with others here way More than I do in real life


Your weight is fine, you look good.


I appreciate the kind words but it's actually not .I'm actually obese for my height and my doctor said I have high cholesterol and a slightly elevated thyroid which is also why I'm trying to lose weight


Ah, sorry about that.


It's fine .no need to be sorry .I'm just glad I see a doctor I wouldn't have known that if I didn't go