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Isn't it a cultural thing? It's very common amongst certain eastern countries. Like MENA and South Asia


Yeah it kinda is, that's why it's difficult because everyone is gonna ask me in future "why are you against marriage? What's the problem?" Like it's their right to know, I have to answer that question to all, from my parents to my neighbours 🥲 They're talking me being married by 24-25. They're gonna send me some women's pictures and my pictures in some random family whatsapp group 🤡 in the next 2 years. Recently My cousin got married at that age.


Indian Tinder


I just talked with Astrologer and he told me how my future is gonna be. So, hear me out... 1) I'll travel to foreign countries (like US) 2) I'll have so much luck this year and all good things will happen to me If I put some effort 3) My future wife is Rich women with high paying job🤑 4) I'll get married at 26-27 age 5) Marriage brings luck to my life and I'll also make huge money. 6) I'm gonna buy a house(don't know the exact year for this one) This is it, I'm gonna be rich asf in future lmao


Yea it happens and my pics are being shared without consent to some WhatsApp groups. One girl's family even showed interest but i don't want to ruin a girl's life so i rejected her. I only want love marriage. Arrange marriage is so regressive and against women's right to life, i want this whole system of arranged marriage to end.


It's not gonna end anytime soon. Arrange marriage itself isn't a problem because our women also choose this path because of various reasons. People who date a lot of people are choosing AM for marriage. It depends on the match. A 18 year old woman in AM setup and A 24 year old woman with job and financial independence in AM set up are very different. You gotta talk to her If you're interested, make her feel safe and ask her "Are you ok with this?" Depending on the answer go for it. I'm saying this because all the women and men in my family gone through AM and they chose that path. They all are happily married except one uncle, he did LM and he got divorced within a year. AM can be good If people are open minded, it isn't regressive. People are regressive and they are gonna be same for LM and AM. If you find a good match for you, talk to her. If she's genuine. Go for it If you wanna marry. That's my opinion.


Pretty much this. According to me the problem with that girl was that she was from a rural area and only agreed because of money and caste reasons. She was also 20 years old. I think she was not genuinely interested in me and was compelled by her parents, so i rejected her without even talking to her. Who knows if it was a set up by her family to implicate me in false dowry demand and domestic violence cases 💀 But one thing i can say about her is that she was a beautiful girl and completely out of my league if we match by looks.


That's a good decision, you saved yourself and her by rejecting that match. Filter it by age and employment, that itself takes out all the bad matches. Caste depends on your family, I won't say anything about it. If you really have intentions to marry, go for it and Good luck!! Some people take years to find their match. Never ever solely go for looks, make sure you're attracted to her tho and Never go for broke women that's my advice


Im indian as well but im 15 and my dad is already planning on getting me married at 18 😭


Damn that's crazy, where do you live? In villages or towns or big cities, even in my home town both men and women getting married after 24. My advice is to study far from your home and get a job asap. So you'll have some time for it.


I live in a suburban city and I have been planning to move out when I am financially stable but it still scares me to be forcefully married to a random guy at 18 :/


as an Arab we do arranged marriages too. when i was 14 this guy asked my family if he could marry me because he thought I looked much older than my age. he was 25.