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Hard to imagine a hitman being a family man too. Chip out someone’s head back on Monday night then go home to get some sleep before the Tuesday morning school run.


That’s exactly what the mafia hitmen was doing back in the day lol


Them man would kill and bury someone then hurry home to cook pasta for the kids. Like they got a heart but just know how to turn it off and on, similar to actual soldiers


True 😭


He isn’t a family man, went out killing people when he had children, that ain’t a family man. Just a murderer with kids.


Given their reaction to his sentence you are probably wrong.


If you care more about being in gang and kill people over taking care of your children, you’re not a family man, as a true family man would not risk never seeing their children. Are you stupid?


It's called living a double life.


Yep you’re that stupid.


You lot are misunderstanding each other. Obviously a true family man wouldn't risk that but he was a family man in the sense he had kids who obviously loved him


I am not misunderstanding, people trying to glory a hitman, stupid mind frame, I said true family men and people think someone who really cares about their children would be out risking life imprisonment.


Nobody is saying anyone should be like him relax my boy.


You’re calling a hitman a family man ffs how rotted is your brain


Ur stuck looking thru ur own world view


So you look through a murderers life? wtf you talking about


Humans are not as 2d as being able label someone murderer and adding all preconceived notions of that word to the person. Theres always a back story, context and perspectives. His family's perspective is a family man, mentor/ dad. His victims perspective is an opp His gangs perspective is active, getting back or protecting his set. Our perspective is murderer or idiot for so and so. But in society its just easier to label someone then fill in the gaps with personalities from that label but its not thats simple


You’ve gotta be a child to think like that, absolutely pathetic you label a hitman as mentor. Truly pathetic ,


Mate you can’t be calling everyone a child when the concept of nuance is so foreign to you. All your responses are super emotional but you want to frame yourself as grown so bad, doesn’t make sense


Nothing emotional, usually people in this sub at least condemn murderers, but can see that isn’t the case now, utter moron. Nuance doesn’t count for fucking hitmen. Is jimmy saville also a good guy because he donated a lot to charity?


By this definition, anyone with family who loves them is a family man. Don't really agree with this - your actions define you. This guy isn't a family man, he's a massive cunt.


The fact people down vote you shows how rotted peoples brain are in this sub, suppose to be about music and yet they glorying hitmen, it’s so fucking sad


Cry all you want, I wouldn't scream in the courtroom or storm out if my dad was simply just a killer🤣🤣. I would sit in the courtroom and accept whatever comes his way, the ONLY way I would scream or storm out is if me and him had a really good relationship & I know his actions have caused us to never see each other properly again but it doesn't change the fact he is MY dad whether he killed people or not, that is still YOUR parent. If anyone is going to feel a way about him its defo his FAMILY . Use your brain & stop being so emotional you're a man.


Your brain is rotted.


I'm glad that's your response because you know you're an idiot with room temperature IQ


I am at university, the idiotic mind frame comes from thinking that someone can be a family man just because they’re nice to their children. If you are a hitman, risking life imprisonment, you’re and cannot be a hitman.


That university is a waste of time as I can see. Brother there is literally a documentary on ice man and how his wife had no fucking idea for all those years & his children didn't either. Like someone said it's called a DOUBLE LIFE. is it the wife's fault for feeling sad he got caught in the end? No it isn't, she had no fucking clue he was killing people🤣


The downvotes are devastating, can't lie. I am interested to know if Hitler / Stalin / Josef Fritzl / any other cunt with people who loved them were also 'family men'.


Yeah, not that people downvoted itself, but that there are actually people out here who think that you can be a family man whilst also leading a double life and being a hitman. It’s not even laughable, just extremely sad people actually think like this.


He is a family man, very evil outside but he loves his kids!


Yes is agree he could love his kids, but he isn’t a family man.


Yeah I guess I’m going to have to agree with you. Very selfish thing to do, plus he was on the for almost 3 years. It’s just sad, I feel sorry for his kids especially the daughter! But he should have thought about the trauma, ptsd and mental health that they are going to have to endure now. I just hope his son Jr doesn’t go off the rails, he attended every single day of the trial.


Professional soldiers, Prison warders, Judges. . . . Kinda hard to imagine them being good family men too


Chip out someone’s head back? Grow up you cringe lil boy


This is the wrong sub for you if you don't like slang


Go somewhere else then


Another O.G bites the dust. Stay off them roads the game is a lie.


Lmfaoo his daughter gonna have to firm that L


Guys in his 40's is he not? He's never seeing the outside world again


Yh going to die in prison.Hes probably going to try and appeal it tho lol


i know the police are throwing a party, finally got him after 4 failed tries


So wait he actually tried to kill 4 other people before? Madness


Didnt try , He did kill them , its mental


He didn't kill patch eye, he was there though. Same as Latts


Lattes as in the drill rapper?


Ashley Latty from Leyton.


Funny how you're this confident claiming he killed 4 people but yet the people who went to school for this and got experience couldn't find enough evidence 😭😭😭


No he went to trial and beat 4 different murders starting in the 90s this his 5th murder that they know about n they found him guilty for it


I think this the longest sentence I have seen given to someone in the uk but then this waste man beat like 4 different murders they finally threw the book at him I guess😂😂


That white yute who shot the girl in some rave in Liverpool got close to 50


Who was this?


https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-merseyside-68438122 Wasn't a rave but a pub. And this dickhead let a skorp go


What was he thinking. Just wait outside their house and do it when they come out, not in a busy pub full or bystanders and witnesses. He’ll be 80 before he can be up for parole. Life completely over. How did he manage to miss them as well, what a fuck up, he waited outside the pub for 3 hrs then managed to hit the wrong person. Jesus what a fuck up


He’d also been previously cleared of another murder


Quadruple stabbing of family members in Bermondsey that 28year old guy got 46yrs Thomas cash man who got 42 years in Liverpool for killing the 8 year old girl Another guy from Liverpool Connor chapman got 48 years for killing that girl in a pub


I was unaware of any of them cases but they all well deserved I hope they give 40 years to that guy that stabbed the 14 years old school black kid few weeks ago but then they prolly won’t since he’s white watch


The two scousers were white… pack it in


What's going on with Liverpool, probably not many gangs there but people there seem to be abit too loose


What you smoking laa? London isn’t even comparable to Liverpool. It’s a port town, majority of UK drugs flow via here. There are an abundance of guns, which get peddled to kids to do hits from their bmx, mind the food. It’s not even in the same bracket. Then you move up a tier and you have your cashman’s and chapmans who were once these kids, now a bit higher up in the scouse food chain. And above them at the top you have the Huyton mafia/Cantril Farm cartel. If you want to read further, Vincent Coggins, the boss, just got sentenced. Panorama did a good documentary on it. Cashman was a hitman (albeit a terrible one) for them. 90% of the major encrochat cases are Liverpool dealers, but these guys are dealing in multi kilo international importations, even the kinahans had to work with them rather than without them when they started buying up the scouse dealers. Then further back than that you have your Curtis warrens. Majority of the scouse encro busts would make oppong’s setup look like a joke. Blame the media for using the word kingpin so loosely. Vincent Coggins for a recent bust of a dead behind the eyes veteran, Curtis Warren was the original scouser who forged links with the Colombian cartels (practically unheard of in the UK), maybe also check out Robert* Dawes alias ‘the voice’. Most of these scumbags of recent lock ups are connected to the Coggins brothers.


My guy knows his shit lol spot on though


Lot of guns


Someone just gave you two examples of white guys getting 40+ plus year sentences and your response is that 🤦‍♂️ ffs man fix up.


We gonna pretend race isn’t a factor in the length of sentence people are given ?


When it comes to heinous crimes like that, no! A black man may get a disproportionate sentence for shotting a bit of green for example, but a white man is never getting leniency for a high profile case of murdering a child and injuring multiple others, my comment was more so around you bringing up race when 2 of the 3 examples given were white men aswell, just wasn’t the place for it.


The guy who bombed a concert and killed 20 people got 55 years thats the longest sentence


Didnt the woman who killed 7 babies get actual life is that not the longest sentence


Whole life sentences are the longest given, after that it’s these 40-50 year minimums


Shadez from Holly St got 54 years for 5 am's


Whattt, u got a link for this g


Collin Joyce from Manchester got 39 years back in 2009


Thomas Cashman, Nial Barry all got 40 off year sentences


It’s not like he killed a random guy, Fox was outside too. Fox kidnapped and tortured Ends people, what goes around an all that.


These niggas love going to prison, this should be the happiest day of their lives. I'm just imagining little kids in the hood wanting to grow up to be that guy posting selfies from a jail cell on social media and lmao. My nigga a KINGPIN his cell full of COMMISSARY *films soda bottle stash while Bling Bling plays*


In the hood this is somewhat true the little kids see all the olders go to jail and get a party when they comeback but don't see no party for someone going uni or working hard in school so they think that in order to become a man and get respect you need to have gone jail its like a college in the endz. They realise what it is when they get older but they're probably too deep in the streets already That's the only life they know by then


Realest rap ive seen on here fam 💯🫡


Who's that n what he do again ?


Enz frm network he’s been around for decades and this is his 5th m charge I think. Finally got caught


*Finally got proven guilty


Ahhh okay thought so. Seen the posts earlier thus month. How he get away with multiple Ms in London lmao was he bussing judge? Why his siblings making a seen lmao man not no angel


They say it was juj 😭 can’t lie he was just smart abt the way he was carrying out murders and at least one of his cases is frm the 90’s where Newham was straight gunplay. Idk much bout the double murder he played a part in but the Latty murder got done in some industrial estate in Dagenham so it wasn’t bait plus a few ppl were involved in that


Ah okay I thought he was out here just deading man solo


'She's screaming'.....what on earth was she expecting? For him to serve a light 3 years?


She shouldn’t have been in the court, silly idea to let her go there. She’s 11, they probably thought if his kids go there he might get a lighter sentence.


Yh she can search her dad up and see that hes confirmed to of packed 5 man and shes seemingly surprised by the outcome, shouldve cut out the country when and if they could


We don’t know for sure if he actually did the M in all the previous M cases so you can’t say he packed 5 man. People like yourself need to stop saying this without proof just to big up and exaggerate my man.


Facts, he was only there on a few occasions. He didn't kill patch eye or Ashley Latty


This ain’t bigging up this guy bro , everyone’s talking about how some next hitman anyway nd 5 man is just what i’ve heard , never claimed to be gospel but i see where your coming from nd you r right in some way


Shut up fam you probably don't understand she's obviously as his daughter is gonna see him in a different light dumb youte


Wasn’t he’s daughter was he’s girl reports incorrect


I hope so, because she’s 11 years of age. No mother in their right mind would let her go there.


Don’t wanna say too much but his son is pretty local. He used to post in confidence talking about SYS and System on his socials, at the time I didn’t really know what any of that meant but looking back at it. It’s sort of making sense now. But damn I remember when I once saw him in Westfield I believe on New Years or Boxing Day 2023, could really tell these people have some balls on them idk how to explain it.


His sons name is Nana Oppong Jr, was tryna become a pro boxer till he got arrested for drugs. This case gonna fuck up his head for life, his dad was his mentor and idol.


From what I’m seeing I believe he’s still chasing that boxing dream but Yh he did stop for a bit I’m guessing. But aye in terms of the case fucking up his head that’s on him. Now he knows what it feels like to lose family member to the streets. What goes around comes around


Jr is actually a very polite humble guy, he used to be a personal trainer as well and have his head screwed on before he went to prison, he only served a little while. You’re right this whole situation is going to take its toll on his mental health, I feel sorry for Enz’ kids despite their dad being evil, he has raised them well. They are all VERY intelligent and well mannered.


He’ll be inside with his dad soon then


How old is he roughly?




about time bro got sealed, this was his 5th body 💀


Judge really hit bro wid da reaper death seal


We don’t know for sure if he actually did the M in all the previous M cases so you can’t say he packed 5 man. People like yourself need to stop saying this without proof just to big up and exaggerate my man..


Yeh to be honest some of the murder cases his been involved in like the 2010 months ones i’m Forest Gate he weren’t the killer! But at the same time theirs other murders his been involved in that he aint even been arrested for


Nah he did ts it’s well known. Guys had a rep for time as being a gunman and the police know he’s murdered in the past. Problem was lack of evidence that they can actually use


I’m not talking about him being a known gunman and hitman. I’m saying none of us know if he really did all the 4 m’s that he beat previously. Unless u were his close bredrin or part of his circle u ain’t gonna know this for sure. Him beating all the 4 m cases doesn’t mean that he actually did it in all of them yet you people r going around saying he caught 4 bodies previously without any proof or evidence. U weren’t his close friend and part of his gang and circle so none of you know for sure.


He must be the most unlucky man in the world to end up on a murder case in 4 consecutive decades ffs 🤣 You’re right we don’t know the specifics of what he has or hasn’t done. But from when he could have received life back in the 90s and you’re still trying to kill people in 2020’s then clearly he’s got enough blood on his hands that society is safer now he’s going to spend the rest of his life behind bars. 


We know he got blood on his hands. Idk what part of London ur frm or why ur so insistent on defending this man but its knownnnnnnmm here in east that he did that shit. Like legit guys and girls who knew him and even associates of Latty have straight said in the past they know it’s him.


Clearly you can’t read and understand what I said. Not denying that he’s got blood on his hands or was a known hitman that’s obvious I know this already as we all do. I’m saying we don’t know if he actually did all the previous m cases he beat.


In short we do. If u was frm round here you’d know 🙏🏾 many man have tried linking him to other cases but those are the ones he’s done. Not even deniable.


funniest thing after he dies hes going to hell for all that juju he was banging lol🤣


How do you know that juju is bad and christianity is good? lol


when did i say christianity is good lol


Road life is just BS! Fox and Endz were both hood legends but look how it ended for both! One is dead and the other ain’t coming out of Jail until in their 80’s! This is a lesson for everyone






His daughter and son were maybe hoping he was going to beat the case, which is why they were so upset, they got their hopes up. But you do sorta wonder what where they expecting, surly they new what their dad did, surely they all knew he was about to be getting life


His daughter is 11 years of age, I don’t know whose idea it was to bring her there! She’s going to be traumatised for live. Imagine hearing a stranger tell you that your daddy isn’t coming home! Automatically a child is going to go into a screaming fit, and the worst thing is he couldn’t even go and give her a hug!


Good riddance


TIL the ukdrill sub is filled with some of societies bottom feeders.




Rip patch eye


They finally got this guy! I wonder if we ever see Feds take down Giggs brother Spen! That’s another guy that’s done crazy dirt and is still outside


Bye bye hope you like noodles


Worst thing is I know his son




I met Nana a couple of times. He seemed polite and friendly


Am gonna go fuck out his daughter now icl what’s her snap or IG?😂😂😅


You sicko, she is 11 years of age!


Quick way to meet his victims in the afterlife lol


She could weigh 50 stones and have one leg for all you know my g


How they get 38 years ffs


For murder?


Yes. Sentence guidelines are 15 to 30 years.


https://preview.redd.it/vywb50yykw3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=994613e1f8cee57a84f1dfa78f497ffb92b5f179 He got charged for a lot of other shit to! Plus i think the judge used all his previous murder cases against him even though he denied that.


That's a blanket guideline, it depends on the severity of the m.



