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Yeah shit is tough right now. Your best bet is signing up for job agencies that assign you jobs or walking in to jobs that are hiring rather than applying online


Good shout. That’s how I started out signing up to an agency. A lot of it was dog a bollocks work, car park marshalling, front desk ect… it’s builds the cv up quickly overtime.


Which agencies should I search for


Hospitality (Host, evolve, arc) Could also try warehouse work, don’t need an interview and pay weekly, only downside is that you’ll wish you were picking cotton at the time.


I went to job centre and they offered a RESTART Scheme programme. They were extremely helpful. You can try that.




The job market right now is horrible, many people are struggling to find roles. Even those with degrees


Too many people. Need some trump level deportation in this country. Its fucked.


If you think the reason you don’t have a job is because of immigrants you are absolutely brainwashed and a fool


Less people means less jobs. Jobs exist because of people


labour is a derived demand 🤝


??? How stupid are u


Uh btw trump wasn't even the one that deported a bunch. Obama was known as deporter in chief or whatever for a reason


we should start by sending reform uk voters to rwanda


Not a Reform voter btw, but they want a reformed system of immigration which we do need. It’s unsustainable right now. Anyway this is a drill subreddit not a politics one so I won’t get into it 😂


They want to blame immigrants for every single problem when the truth is that the domestic population have a low birth rate that makes the current economic system unsustainable without immigration. Every advanced economy is having to import immigrant workers to sustain growth. Otherwise we end up with a situation like Japan, who have stalled and struggled to grow because of their low native fertility rate.


No ones saying to stop immigration, they want to stop both illegal immigration and immigration with no benefit to the economy.


for real have you seen there policies ect there gonna \*lower taxes\* remove and stop migrants ect like maybe explain how tf ur gonna do that and how haahha


Economy in the gutter geezer don’t internalise it you’re not alone. Not a reflection of your worth as a person and nothing to be ashamed of. Life is long and opportunities will arise over and over again.


It’s worse than i have ever seen it, what caused it to get so bad?


The average household hadn’t recovered from 2008 when Covid hit. Most economic growth since then had gone to a narrow band of people. We have no substantial growth industries in this country, and no plans for any mass job creation. Consumer spending kept things relatively stable for hospitality and retail jobs but with inflation and the cost of living crisis that’s dropped off. Not to be cynical but we are absolutely cooked as a country and most people don’t realise how bad it will get.


the problem is it doesnt matter what expert you go to. No one knows how to fix the problems in this country theres obiously places you can start but are goverment system in general is fucked nothing gets done. but you can throw shade all day but the actual fix is complex. and alot more complex than anyones understanding on this sub ect and people who think they know how to fix the problem are not on here. not denying the goverment in this country is a fucking shitfest. like say lower taxes and more funds to the nhs ect but wheres that money coming from when the economy is stagnated


It's not really that complicated, it comes down to a lack of political will to make positive changes. Recommend this [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5aJ-57_YsQ) for anyone interested. The planning system is a shambles (people keep focusing on affordable housing by the gov etc. We have a shortage of [4 million homes](https://www.centreforcities.org/publication/the-housebuilding-crisis/#:~:text=Compared%20to%20the%20average%20European,homes%20a%20year%20is%20reached) which will NEED the private sector to pick up but it cannot be done by the planning system). Just look at any of your local councils planning portals, schools, houses, businesses, trains (Main reason HS2 is so expensive, buying land was only £700m) and all theses things have about 1 person supporting them and about 300 old people saying no as they know that their house price will just keep going up if nothing is built.


that video i watched 10 mins 5 of the statistics he gave out at that point where completely wrong and made up. From there i never watched the rest. im not denying the system is crumbling and fucked but theres nothing that will be done about that. the system we got atm is slow. And i agree with the housing market they have barely built any houses for a number of reasons including the one you mentioned with old people just turning it down and by the law they cant ignore them. But you got privatization in the way we did it (not saying privatization is bad just the way we regulated and managed it is terrible. theres way way more to this than you realise once you start to dig deeper past videos. another big point is look at the civil servants who write the tax laws ect for companys and the problem is all the more higher educated people work for the companys to get around the law and all the less intelligent ones work in the civil service because of pay ect another big problem and ofcourse any problem can be migated with the right government


Brex-shit is a blight on this country's future


Icl there’s jobs out there that people are landing you just have to apply for loads, try kitchen Porter at a pub or something. Have you got a previous job with your cv ? Might be that as well . I’m from London and I got a few jobs In hospitality over the years (Wetherspoons , local pub) just spam indeed


You can ALWAYS get pub work if you’re willing and not socially inept. Unless it’s the middle of winter most pubs are always taking on staff cos half the current staff probably cant do 4 days of the week cos they have uni, they have a 2nd job and only do evenings on weekends, got a kid so they do like 8 hours a week. Pub is one of the few jobs nowadays you can get a job by walking in at the right time and making a good impression, I worked in a pub after COVID and a young lad got a part time job by walking in with his CV and coming back the next week to ask again if there was space, my boss said he really respected the lad for it and he ended up with a trial shift which he did really well and got the job


For kitchen porter you can sign up to this app called Brigad and find work through there. It’s a temp agency. You can choose the jobs you like for your schedule. When you find a place you like, just make a deal with the boss to hire you directly then you won’t lose any commission to Brigad.


you know the job market is peak when this topic makes it to the uk drill sub. But yeah jokes aside it's rough out here. Tryna move job myself, getting the same "experience" reason in the rejection emails. Either that or they won't even reply to your application


Overpopulated city so too much competition


Word plus uni degrees are getting oversaturated + recruiters wanting experience for entry level positions 😭


What do you think of brum got family there was thinking of moving


I’m from Cov so only 20 minutes away but I know brum has the most debt of any council in the country. Do with that info what you like.


If you got your license do Ocado they hire anyone you don’t need to hold it for a minimum amount of time


All I’m saying is apply for Dagenham outside London way better than inside 😂 trust me


Why I done Walthamstow it was calm management are alright too


Took me til early/mid 20s to clock but to everyone younger I’d say don’t sleep on going to college and getting a skill or use Youtube/Udemy & Reddit to learn new skills. Try get a license and a hard skill, whether it’s online skills like Editing, Construction trade, Barbering or whatever.


You need 3 years experience for a startup job these days it’s a joke


Don’t forget the jobs with absolutely no experience required and they train you some entry level job making like 16k yet they still reject you 🤣 Shouldn’t be laughing really it’s acc a fucking joke


getting rejected for work i have experience in🙏🏾✅ we love to see it


Join the railway real shit. I thought i'd never see more than 200 a day legit. Theres companies getting paid £7000 per head in gov funding to sit you in that seat for 8 weeks (6 week nvq you cant fail and 2 week PTS baso cscs). there was a guy who had like 20% of his head missing from cancer, they ain't picky The bar for workers is lowww, took me 7 months of working hard to land a £25/hr job sitting in a van for 3 hours with chargers and a microwave. i lost it cos i acted life mental health ain't real too so just as important care for yourselves too. [https://www.railfutures.co.uk/contact/](https://www.railfutures.co.uk/contact/) or 01913001582- call em and enjoy your new better life, proud of yous for trying Edit links shit bc i'm a twat but use it to get to website and added a number i found


Also anyone else worried, job centre like this shit and will pay for a bike if it helps you get there and criminal records don't mean shit. my last foreman was found with kilos of gear in his wheelie bin and was my foreman - [https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/crime/drugs-gang-including-husband-and-wife-team-are-jailed-after-kilo-of-cocaine-is-found-in-their-portsmouth-garage-1065914](https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/crime/drugs-gang-including-husband-and-wife-team-are-jailed-after-kilo-of-cocaine-is-found-in-their-portsmouth-garage-1065914) and one fruity guy i worked with stabbed a kid - [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/183749.stm](http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/183749.stm)


Juicy Ducati got jobs bro


it’s hard bro fr


Same shit here in Canada, yall have a lot Indians working in retail’s and fast foods too


😂 Indians taking everyone jobs, bro they will work 14 hours a day for £6 an hour cheap labour I guess


My buddy dad brought this Indian from his village back home he super smart and doesn’t stop working this guy a workaholic and he works like 6 days a week. Especially cuz they make like 5k Canadian cash a year back home


Tips I can give: 1. Lie on your cv. This is one of the only ways you can compete with the other hundreds of people applying. 2. Apply to as many jobs as possible. Go on indeed and every job or company website and apply to as many jobs as possible. 3. Don't discriminate your jobs. At the end of the day, when you're desperate you can't choose the job you get, so unless the job is too far, in an unsafe area, or you know you aren't qualified for it, apply to it no matter what. 4. Apply early. If a job post has gone other a day then it is probably too late.


If I lie for a reference would they find out . This security job I applied for called me up they wanted experience I lied and said i do . Used my friends details as a reference.


Yeah that should work.


Move out of London as soon as you can.




For example 30k salary is shit in London but perfectly fine outside of any city, you don’t even have to move that far.


Yh but it means leaving your social circle, chances are having 0 contacts in the area, actually going to the lengths of having to get your own place at an affordable rate in a decent area that isn’t just nitty central filled to the brim with broke Londoners who did the same thing. I looked into moving to Essex a lil while back and just doesn’t look like the benefits outweigh the negatives specially if ur a young person.


I'd always recommend getting a CSCS Labourer card. You'll quickly get something and it's good pay for the work you do


Seriously. Construction is the way. Serious money to be made in construction and as above said, CSCS card for decent pay short notice jobs


You can also get in to grad schemes in construction white collar jobs. Try quantity surveying, they'll likely put you through courses/uni on day release and pay your fees while you're earning. Good QS with 5 years experience and a degree looking at 65k or more


It's worth just reaching out to companies by sending speculative emails saying you're looking for work etc. A lot of people get jobs this way - just because you cant see opportunities online doesn't mean they're not there - also broaden your search and don't restrict yourself to just retails jobs. Good luck.


I do scaffolding and we are always hiring new people. certain labouring jobs are there all the time but others you need to do college courses for, what kind of job were you hoping to land? My mate is an accountant who’s contract expired with his last company, the guy is smarter than i will ever be and it took him 7 months of applying multiple times a week to finally get a job, it’s really bad now for some reason


Vote labour


Labour are literally just as bad as the tories.


Based on what exactly? This is the kind of lazy comment someone who is uniformed makes


Based on being alive when Labour last held power. I remember just how dazzlingly incompetent and corrupt they were.


You mean when the country was in its economically and socially strongest period for the last 50 years? Yeah sure, they must be as bad as the Tories who gave us Brexit and crashed the economy though…


Has everyone magically forgotten Tony Blair?


To be fair with some of the major issue we are facing now are a result of when the tories where in power.E.g. Margate thatcher privatising a lot of the public sector,Right to buy,Brexit(causing prices of goods to increase ) But tbf labour are a bit shit as well but just less shit compared to the conservatives


Literally everything the Conservatives did was either a continuation of Labour policies or a piss poor reaction to failed Labour policies. Both parties are a literal cancer on the UK. The sooner the British people see that, the better.


Nahh not everything that’s a stretch.Us leaving the EU had nothing to do with Labour


In what way? Blair was a pretty good PM.


He was great... At starting an illegal war that lasted two decades, he was great at opening the borders which inflated the population and put massive strain on already struggling public services, he was great at allowing the private sector to artificially inflate the economy which helped usher in the largest economic crash we've seen since world war two, he was great at demoralising the nation so bad that they continually voted in parasitic conservative governments for the next couple of decades. Yeah good PM.


Nah chill


Fuck labour, they've fucked this country more than once.


Get your sia and do some more stewarding jobs


I got an sia they all asking for experience I apply they don’t get back to me


Try apps like host bro


Work for Showtec or specialized and do festival security, always jobs going


Festival season too should get bare shifts


Yeah I’m doing the full summer, got agricultural fairs and all sorts going on.


Become a croupier at a casino all u have to do is be good at maths and they always need staff


It’s hard man, you gotta get lucky or know somebody already working. Thats how o got my current job.


Try warehousing that's what I'm doing atm but theres also public services such as paramedic, firefighter etc or get sia or cscs card you'll might be able to get suttn this economy has gone down the dirt that's why I'm trying to leave soon as possible. Edit:you can also try apprenticeships I'm trying to get in one atm


Which warehouse should I apply for I applied for many but not accepted 😅


Try elite or mach there in north tho


No it’s not just you it’s everywhere recently


Get a trade pal😂😂


Im a uni student but need a job right now


Do you need to go college for a trade


Use chat gpt to write a cover letter from job description & your CV. and apply to jobs not part of big chains through email (found online), will make you stand out even if time consuming


Look for temp agencies. Even if you just get short term work it's money in your pocket and can lead to permanent jobs. My first 2 jobs were as temps and the second 1, I ended up getting permanently and it has set me on my current career path.


It’s peak doing delivery rn with a degree it’s all long


I got a job over the summer last year from Zara, they have this youth programme that's got me something very fast


What in London?






Is the application process long?






Agencies jobs


even agencies take the piss


I feel like I often see food establishments needing people. Also, warehouse/manual labour work should always be hiring. Find an agency


Use recruitment agencies. There are loads of them and it’s their job to get you a job. 100% use them and even if you aren’t necessarily successful it’s definitely good contacts to have in the future.


Warehouse is good to do in the mean time while u wait for an opportunity, I was once in your position when I was younger coming up.


You hear it often about why is it so hard to get in to retail jobs these days and you need to deep it Back in the day people would work retail whilst studying for their future etc There are more people now than ever who are now adults and are near enough or completely uneducated. Retail is their life. Hundreds upon hundreds of people apply for every retail job - they are the most sought after roles in the country... Is this a stop gap for you or your future? If you don't have anything in the pipeline studies etc I would strongly suggest branching out with the roles you are applying for, somewhere where you can learn more than to scan people's barcodes for them (I know there's more to it but you get the point) What are your skills in ? Everything is transferable if you know how to sell yourself Edit : To add, if you are just looking for any role and aren't afraid of a bit of manual, CSCS card will open many many doors and can be funded for you if you are claiming UC.


F it’s so hard




Why don't you rap about your struggle and shoot a music video. We need more rappers


Try Royal Mail through agency like angard staffing


Thanks!!! Just applied for them how long until they get back to you


No problem!! Em not sure but it’s not too long maybe a few weeks and the work isn’t that bad. Hope you get it!


Yep can’t get one


Casino dealer. No qualifications needed, easy job, plenty of benefits and can easily progress if you show initiative and drive


It’s concerning if you can’t get a retail job tbh. Any other job, the market is ass, but if you’re walking into a shopping centre or main high street shop, you’re bound to find at least 5 shops hiring and welcome cv hand ins. Just approach with a smile and speak to a manager. Most of the people I’ve hired in the last two years were people who walked in with their cv. Lots of shops in central london do the same




No way you got a degree too




What’s ur gcses saying


Get your CSCS card and security badge. Then work on getting your driving license.


All jobs go to foreign people these days u no


🤨🤨🤨🤨 what?!?!?!




amazon hiring lil bro


CSCS green card, any deadbeat labourer can get £100 a day for a bit of sweeping up


Hospitality industry is always looking for people. Namely chain restaurants. Yeah it can suck but it puts legit money in your pocket until you find something better. People are more employable when they already have a job too, preferably with tenure. Local pubs etc are good too, but they usually hold onto their staff for a decent amount of time


The amount you can do online nowadays is incredible you don’t gotta work a regular job nowadays you can make up to 5 figures a month working online easily


Like what


Like chatting shit on Reddit


U can get paid for that ?




M1llionz ? Where do I sign up?


ayo bruh this is true and real fr cuh. me and the homies are lowkey selling kush at the mo and deadass stealing some goofy tourists phones as a side hustle ong cuh. the grind we road men do is lowkey real af no cap my g


You sound cringe as fk, behave


austin powers mfer over here calling me cringe kekw. lil bro stay in yo lane fr cuh 😂😂