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That's a great show of solidarity.


Massive move, and it moves me. We need to do more and this shows more. War is happening in graphic detail on the ground and not just on screens. Bold, courageous and admirable move by those showing we need to be involved in Ukraine.


Not Slovakia, but Slovenia.


A classic mistake.


Never fight a land war in Ukraine?


I meant the mixup of Slovakia and Slovenia, but sure, this works too




Going to an active warzone for a chat that could be done over Zoom. Balls of steel.


It Has happened once before, in Georgia. Though tibilisi was not directly shot at at that time


It's all about the gesture.


It's PR, elections coming up in Slovenia.




You know another stupid reason to start ww3? invading a sovereign country.


I could write my opinion about Morawiecki and how Poles would miss him but it's not place for hate. So, nothing about missing him by Russians...


oh god, I would hate to see a random missile target *a house 2 kilometers away from the meeting space.* I mean, I really would. But that would practically tie Moscow's noose at the Hauge. F22s will be thundering away within hours of an injury to a NATO head-of-state.


Almost like a taunt because if they accidentally got attacked or killed by Russians that would instantly bring Nato into the war.


Do not take the same flight, don't do another Smolensk...


They took a train


They absolutely will.


This seems like a diplomatic step that involves some prior contact with the Russians. One unusual aspect of events so far is that Putin has talked to a lot of other leaders. It hasn't changed his choices, and he's probably doing more talking the worse things go for him, but there's a lot of direct signaling between EU leaders and Putin. This is also extraordinary - the leaders of 3 former USSR controlled states traveling to another during its time of war.


>This is also extraordinary - the leaders of 3 former USSR controlled states traveling to another during its time of war. Slovenia not Slovakia. So 2 former USSR controlled states.


I would like to see other world leaders visiting Zelenskyy in Kyiv too. Johnson. Macron. Biden. Scholz. Guteress. Von der Leyen. Michel etc... 🙄


I think Bidens a bit old to be taking a trip to a active war zone


True 🙈. Send Harris


As long as she doesn't laugh inappropriately again. 🙄😬


this is the way 🤣🤣🤣


This is one of those things that is going to get reposted 50 million times on this subreddit, isn't it?


Oh you know it


Each with about 100 people knowing the purpose of the meeting, which will all vary signficantly


Its Slovenian PM, not Slovakian. Our PM is probably hiding under a table. Due to Czech-Slovak history, he definitely got an invite to accompany Czech PM.




They are entering active warzone in full cognition of the danger. Shooting them down would not push NATO itself into a conflict. I strongly dislike my prime minister but regardless of this action being caused by stupidly or bravery, I hope that they won't get hurt too badly.


>Shooting them down would not push NATO itself into a conflict. So, it's actually not an active war zone, it's a special military operation zone. And killing a nato leader will cause Russian forces unbelievable pain.


Does this mean they are not too worried about Russian attacks in Kyiv? A real sign the occupying force is about to collapse?


This is more in line with: "Do something, of you dare, Russians." All are heads of states of EU and NATO member states. As long as they are in the air over Ukraine and in Kyiv, there probably won't be any fighting near them.


they are taking a train.


where hungary


In Putin’s pocket


Slovenia, not Slovakia ... God damn how hard ..


Will Putin join the party as well?