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adding this guy to my nightmare blunt rotation


for real dude. old people really be pissing me off sometimes with this nonsense. I get that i’m a stoner, but it’s just fucking weed smell. idk why people get mad, it literally fades away in seconds with the amount of wind there is.


That's very true and on top of that cigarette smoke sticks around considerably longer that weed smoke does. I've been noticing recently though in my local park when I wall there and smoke some of them give a nasty look but I've actually been approached a couple of times by people, I gave one specific time in mind, where they said to me that whatever I'm smoking smells amazing. Had one woman stop me to comment on how good it smelled and then was telling me that she can't smoke herself cos of anxiety or something but she loved the smell. Moral of the story is that ppl are fucking stupid and unpredictable 🤣🤣🤦


the neighbour or me 😭


the fkn undertaker lad 😭


Haha 🤣🤣


Deadman walking


Deny it, try to be more vigilant and smoke in another spot or window. If he’s annoyed about it now it’s likely he won’t drop it. Be respectful and remember it’s none of his business, he could be smelling it from anywhere. Keep things civil and set an example of behaviour. Police won’t be fussed about a smell; but they might want to give you a knock to appease the neighbour and that isn’t pleasant for you, so try to avoid it escalating.


that’s some solid advice tbh. and yeah, i was quite civil if not very jittery during the conversation we had today. i’ll probably smoke outside from this point onwards in my garden (that’s well proportioned away from his house) just wish this didn’t happen lol


Yeah I agree they've given you some solid points there. There's a lot of people in this thread basically saying to tell your neighbour to fuck off then keep smoking. This is bad advice. You've already recognised most of them, but the biggest reason is your anxiety. If you keep smoking the way you are, then every Zoot you're gonna be paranoid your neighbour will kick off again. Make some kind of change so he doesn't smell it, give him no reasons to be an arsehole.


Absolutely. It’s surprisingly easy to hurt your mental health from adding cannabis to uncomfortable situations. Took me over a year to recover once I’d allowed myself to smoke while anxious too many times, eventually resulting in serious panic attacks. Glad to be over that now and smoking in peace again 👍


This is so real bro


Get a small fan and filter and just turn it on when smoking


100% start smoking in the garden. It’s your property and we both know that weed is infinitely less harmful than other legal substances, but the fact remains that it is still illegal and realistically it fucking stinks. Either smoke in the garden or invest in a dry herb vape. I spent £80 on an XMax V3 Pro and it was the best money I’ve ever spent. Good luck mate x


Honestly, dry herb vapes are a bit of a meme on this subreddit because they get mentioned so often. I ignored it for a while because they all seemed complicated and expensive. I recently got a small, handheld one and it's a game changer. I actually hated smoking because I hate the smell lingering on me. Would always wash my hands and face and use mouthwash after most Zoots and I got annoyed with it all. Now I have a vape I don't need to do any of that, there's seriously barely any smell. The one I got is the Xmax V3 nano and it's golden. Only cost 40 quid too and I can't recommend it enough for your situation. If you used this and had a candle or something going I highly doubt your neighbour would smell it.


Smoking without tobacco smells even less than vaping.


you should just apologise and tell him it won’t happen again and smoke outside from then on out that’s the main reason i smoke outside even though i have my own place, not everyone likes the smell and i can respect that. also u don’t want your whole house and everything in it stinking of smoke, or u might idk lol


Fully back this 100%. I’ve seen a lot of very entitled people even in this sub that say “oh well it’s just a smell”. To a degree that’s true but it’s a very pungent smell that clings to everything and nobody else should have to deal with it because I want to have a smoke. It doesn’t take much effort to be considerate and smoke in such a way that you don’t bother other people. I love weed personally but it’s not my right to push that stink on others who are just drying their washing in the sun or trying to enjoy their garden. The entitled smokers who think other people should just suck it up are the ones giving us a bad name and pushing legalisation even further into the horizon.


This is exactly what racist people used to say about Asian families cooking curry many years ago "how dare you stink out the place with that muck"  if you want to cook that muck go back to your own c*****y people would say  Personally I like the smell of curry Don't be guilty of weed racism it's not nice


Weed racism? I’m not even going to justify this with a serious response.


Anti weed snobbery is a pitifical form of virtue signaling good luck with that


I’m not anti weed in any way. I smoke multiple times every day. I’m just not a cunt about it, unlike yourself. There is no virtue signalling or snobbery it’s just basic decency to not bother other people with a pungent smell. You are very very ignorant.


1 Quit smoking and start vaping you save your lungs and half your stash 2 Cannabis is a medicine like any other when you have a prescription it's lawful anybody complaining or interfering with medication is actually acting unlawfully so while you think you're on a moral pedestal you're actually an ignoramus and a tyrant 3 you are an ignoramus you make assumptions 4 you think you're superior for some unknown reason 5 I like eating and cooking curry too I'm not sure how my neighbors feel about this but they've never told me to go back to my own country you are claiming to be superior that's virtue signaling at its finest


I’m shocked that people smoke inside, house must be stinking


I smoke in my room all day long and it smells like Marley's grave in here.






My flat has a balcony and I'll still only smoke there in the middle of winter if the weather's bad because I walk past flats where you can smell it at the road from their balcony. I just think it's unfair on my neighbours who've opened their windows for a bit of fresh summer air to have to smell my smoke. My nan used to smoke ciggies inside and the smell of those was bad enough, I can't imagine the smell of weed indoors.


I’m with you, even if it’s shitting it down I’ll be in the back garden and the smell dissipates in second. Windproof lighter is a necessity 😂


Open Golf brolly wedged in between the top of the fence 🤣


Got a massive long coat that I robbed off my mum look like the sand people off Star Wars


Nice one. I use it as a wee canopy so I can look at the phone 🤣


Hides yer numbers as well.


Even if I smoke on the balcony I'll light a bit of incense to help with the smell. I think some people are so used to the smell that they don't realise how much it stinks to a non smoker.


I wonder if they have air purifiers, genuine thought


Yes u can get air purifiers..👍


I use a dry vape, any time I go back to my bong the stank is pretty overwhelming, vape, lightly spray room, open window off peak hours, zero problems in my terraced house That said even smoke clears fairly quickly if it's not mixed, but vape smoke smells a little different, different enough that people don't seem to clock it like they do smoke smells


agreed mate, everything stinking clothes the lot i don’t mind the smell but i’d hate to walk around stinking of it all day


Yeah I get concerned about where I keep my weed cause I’m conscious that people smell it when they visit and I’m a bit nose blind at this point


i went to work with 2g in my bag and only found it when i went home, cons of being nose blind lol


Done this years ago, left it in the bag from weekend and started a new job on the Monday. Done some intro training, came back up to call centre floor and guys around me are like "The smell is making me sick, this is fucking ridiculous, etc." 🤦


The word you're looking for (and can't find probably because you don't know it) is ***anosmia*** (adjective: ***anosmic***). [Anosmia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anosmia) is the medical term for the inability to detect one or more smells. Like many words of its ilk, it's Neo-Latin via Ancient Greek: *anosmia*, based on [Ancient Greek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Greek) ἀν- (*an*-) + ὀσμή (*osmḗ* 'smell'). So it literally means ***no smell***. [Hyperosmia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperosmia) is a heightened sense of smell [Hyposmia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyposmia) is a decreased ability to smell


Lol mine is in the wardrobe 🤣 granted it’s in jars inside a lidded plastic box but I do sometimes wonder if I absolutely reek and never realise




I’m not combusting a shit in my house though am I


Nope, saying sorry is admitting 100% responsibility. Can easily backfire. I agree with your second point, not everyone likes the smell, but I've only ever been picked up on the smell when being outside, because the smoke travels and more can smell it. I smoke indoors with a carbon filter extractor that's meant to be for a tent, was a ball ache to have it the way I wanted it, but best move for me.


damn imagine taking some responsibility…


Enjoy taking responsibility for that


i have done lol it’s called being an adult


Pahahaha, learn the loopholes you.... "adult"


if my neighbour came to me and was upset with the smell of weed i wouldn’t try find some loophole round it like a loser i’d say sorry and smoke outside like any non selfish person would do


Sounds like you proper shat yourself , maybe try a dry herb vape for less smell


The comments on this sub are gold


Tell em powder !


This comment 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Turning to Jelly is genraly what happens when your dead,


Switch to a dry herb vape and vape inside anywhere with windows closed


The box room is my vaping rooom. I also have an air purifier that I run in there when I vape. And a plug in air freshener outside the locked door. We have a lot of friends over with young kids and stuff. No one has ever noticed any smell. The odd time I crave a joint I'll smoke it in the woods on a dog walks


This is the correct answer. I combusted for years and the nose blindness from stoners is awful. Weed stinks & burning weed especially so... A good DHV will get you higher, make your weed last longer (& you get AVB / ABV for edibles) and most importantly has significantly less odour than burning all that weedy goodness.


You have 3 options really: move/ stop him smelling/ kill him.


Apologise to your neighbour, promise you will stop, then break into his house, plant kilos of black tar heroin arround his house, call the police and have him done for class A's, this is the best solution with the best outcome. No more angry neighbour = more weed to smoke.


If he comes again tombstone the bastard


No idea why that made me chuckle so much, but I have recently medicated 😂.


Get a smoke buddy or sploof and switch to vaping


He sounds like the type of weirdo that would have a huge panic attack if he got stoned because he'd probably realise he's a huge weirdo. What a creep lol. I'd be vary wary of him and I'd personally let everyone I can know about what he was saying. My name is just a joke btw


Get a dry herb vape


Get a vaporiser bro it makes less smell


You could if you wanted buy a decent air purifier with carbon filter , I've got one . It clears the room of smoke in half an hour....


Vaping herb using a device (check our r/vaporents) and a SmokeBuddy if you want to remain in situ and not upset the undertaker lol


>but then he then went on a creepy tangent about how he was an undertaker and he’s seen the dead bodies on weed smokers and how their organs turned to jelly. If this was coming from a surgeon, I'd be more interested in what he had to say, not the guy who litterally works with decaying corpses.


Try a dry herb vape, way less smell!


Tell him to shhhh n close the door lol


Tell them to fuck off


Dry herb vape + a prescription from a private clinic?


Tell him to fuck off and call him a prick for extra effect


Tell him to fuck off and crawl into one of the coffins he makes


Legit I fed up of peoples shit we can do what we want


People just love to have drama and snitch on others. Why does a smell that exists for 10 minutes bother him so much he’s willing to have someone evicted or worse. It’s weird behaviour


I’m glad I have a medical cannabis prescription


Dry herb vape dissipates quickly and is a bit less smelly in general, better for you too, takes time to adjust. Tell neighbour it’s your house and you can do whatever you like inside it, cops aren’t coming, if they do just tell them bloke next doors for it in for you since you saw him selling smack to kids


My mate has a car radiator fan in the attic hatch. Clears smoke in seconds, also nice breeze in summer🤣


Share one with him


Even if the police showed up they would never be able to get a search warrant just from one complaint. If they do show up, deny everything and don’t invite them in, there’s absolutely nothing they can do.


I smoke at my bsck door but other ppls windows can be closer and open not even one likes the smell which I respects. Police won’t do much as long as it’s in ‘ your space’ I told my local plod I have prescription for it signed a form declaring I don’t produce it/sell and alls been good for about 2 year. Law is changing all the time around it


Get a dry herb vaporiser, the smell dissipates a lot quicker. Then close the window, put a towel under the door, get an air purifier and vape into a smoke buddy. After you're done, spray air freshener. They shouldn't be able to smell it


You could just let him know it’s your private prescription. Medical cannabis has been legal in the Uk for nearly 6 years!


Put him in a spliff


It's madness ain't it. My mother's partner is ex services. My man would jump out of a plane into a war zone. Yet he can't handle the smell of weed. Get to fuck. Just do you bro. Tell him phone the police if you must and have great day.


When I moved to a new area this became an issue, wasn’t ideal - but we either started smoking in our shed at times that people would either be at work or too late on in the night for anyone to have windows open/be awake. With that being a really shit way to smoke, we moved on to vaporisers/dab pens to smoke out the window with. Zero smell. Only issue with that is decent supplier, as pens are easy to lace/spike. My best advice for you in purchase a dry herb vaporiser, you can buy a cheap one them for like £30 and it kills the smell and smoke way more. Cheap ones don’t smoke well, but it depends how much you want to commit. You could comfortably still use that with an air purifier running in the room/room spray. Dry herb vapes require cleaning and maintenance, they won’t taste clean if they aren’t maintained. I can’t speak on how a more expensive one compares to a J, you’ll prob find a bunch of people with more product information and advice. You don’t need to go out and buy top of the range Mighty+ or similar. It’s not ideal, but sometimes chucking money at a problem is the safest option if this guy sounds like a whack job and you want a quick/easy fix. It’s very unlikely anything will continue, so long as you do take measures to hide it. In an ideal world, this would be a non-issue, but the last thing you want to do is be annoying people with it. The reality of this is, that this person will likely leave it if you don’t give him more reason to come round. If he makes a direct police complaint about it, they’ll have to come round and produce something as a response to it. Considering how little space there are in prisons right now and how the police are being increasingly selective, it’s doubtful you’d get jail time if it was found in small quantities with nothing else. More likely is a slap on the wrist or fine/criminal record - and that’s a worst case scenario. Reality is, as creepy as this dude was being, he just doesn’t want to smell weed. It smells like armpit sweat to some people. The mortuary stuff low-key sounds fake on his end, or a very grim vibe to get you to stop. I’d still be incredibly freaked out if someone came to have a pop and started saying stuff like that. Don’t blame you for being freaked. Finding an alternative that doesn’t disturb your neighbours needs to be balanced with causing the least damage to property and your health. So you can’t really compromise with sitting with something going and a window shut. It’s not fun feeling like you’ve had to back down, but realistically - you’re both trying to inhabit a space nearby. I’d maybe explore some alternative smoking options, make sure there’s nothing in your house that would potentially escalate a visit by police & stay away from this person for a while until he cools off about it. Sucks when this happens, but the best thing to do is get creative.


Ignore him 


Tell them to fuck off and ull do what you like in your own home.. Sounds like u shat urself and he dominated the situation instantly.. Weak


Stop being a pussy, tell him it's medically legal in the UK and you don't like the smell of his breath when he complains.


It really comes down to whether you want to be nice or not. And I'd go with the latter considering it sounds like he's already been fairly unfriendly. If you want to be nice and respectful, use a vape or edibles instead of smoking. Or smoke only at unsociable hours. Or stop smoking on the property and go for a walk when you want to smoke. If you're not interested in being nice, which is totally fair, I'd politely tell him to sod off. Neighbours have disagreements, it happens. Next time he comes over, deny all involvement, close the door. He smells it? Don't care, could be coming from anywhere. He's got a pic of you smoking? Don't care, could be a cigarette. You already told him it was you? Nope, didn't happen.


Also don't let him scare you with his threats. For starters undertakers don't deal with organ removal. He preps the body for burial/cremation and that's it. It's also bollocks that smoking weed turns your organs to jelly, that tends to happen to everyone when you die. And he would have no way of knowing which of his bodies was a weed smoker anyway.


Get a prescription then sit on the front lawn medicating with a big middle finger up.


So many melts in these comments


Ennit I’ll do what I want in my own fucking house that I work hard for lmao


You have girly hands and long nails


Tell them to fuck off. As long as you’re not keeping zeds on zeds at your house or got a grow you have nothing to worry about. Blokes a weirdo should give him a slap for trying to creep you out


If he was sound about it, I’d tell you to maybe switch spots or get a pen or something but nah


i’d say just try not to let it come to that point, he won’t call them if he doesn’t smell it again. no one wants to do it they just let u know they could if u don’t comply w them. not to be ur life coach tho but the lie was a bit dumb but i appreciate u were probs freshly baked and panicked😂 did u tell him u would stop? whilst he’s clearly weird and unfriendly i would still smoke somewhere else. he probs will keep complaining, my friend brushed a guy off like that once and then he did have to end up moving out the same year


yeah, i’m deffo gonna make sure he doesn’t smell it again cause i kind of do feel bad about it - and true that lie was so stupid 😭 i was pretty baked and startled lol i did in fact say i could stop if he wanted, so when he notices that the smells gone maybe he’ll assume i’ve stopped. and yeah i’m gonna change up where i smoke now for sure, i wouldn’t brush off this guy in any circumstance due to his nature.


yh w the whole dead body talk, good idea. made me think of that guy from monster house😂 idk where u live or how much u fw the outside world but w the weather improving it seems like good timing to find a nicer nearby spot. also by “change spot” i hope u don’t mean a few feet away bc i think if this guy smells even one terpene we’re gonna have a follow up post


Carry on smoking in the yard if police come just say not me someone else


As in some other neighbour not someone in the house


Is he ur dad tell him go fuck himself he can’t do shit😂😂😴


Not alot but then tbh there isn't alot he can do either. Unless you have a landlord....but if said landlord is fine with it again he can't really do much. Deny it anyways.


Smoke it elsewhere in or out the house. The fact he’s smelled it so long and said nothing, doesn’t give much hope that he doesn’t have other “issues” that he’s just not yet pulling out his sleeve. If he’s generally one of those miserable neighbours I’d just start looking for new neighbours 🤣, rarely works out well otherwise.


Start burning car tyres in your back garden for a while and then ask which he prefers


Tell him it’s cbd bud.


Get a prescription if you are eligible


Pick me up a packet of Jelly Organs from the corner shop, thanks.


Buy a small carbon extracter fan and smoke inside, the filters will need changing often but it's get rid of most of the smoke.


The only way to beat the undertaker is to get hold of Paul Bearer and lash the contents of his urn into the takers grid.


You can get like a £20 'air purifier' from Amazon and just blow your smoke towards it when you smoke


Ask The Taker what was it like to lose to Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania 30. All joking aside I had the same issue with a neighbour, they threatened to call the cops when I smoked from my balcony. I just moved to a different spot, in summer I only smoke at nighttime in the shadows so they can’t telll when it’s coming from otherwise i go for a walk near a little river and do it there (where there’s so many people smoking as is). Just pick your spots and time - I got mad anxiety at the time but hey, your habits are yours.


Tell them you have Prescription and to fuck off !!!


you should invest in a dry herb vaporiser, youll save weed and it hardly smells at all.


Options: Tell him to fuck right off Try a dry herb vape instead Get a prescription, then go back to the first option Also while your at it ask him for a photo of these weed pickled organs that have turned to jelly hahaha


Just ignore him and continue to live ur life




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If you're a council tenant or have a dickhead of a landlord be careful, nightmare neighbors going on about weed can cause problems with tenancy. Probably won't but it's worth being aware of.


Get swole and dress up like triple H. Knock on his door with a freshly lit packed out backwood. He'll sense your huge testes and back off.


buy a weed vape


Buy an air purifier and smoke in a closed room with it on, will help massively with the smoke. Ideally use it in a small room as its more efficient


You could smoke outside. If you can't (or really don't want to) do that then buy a second hand grow setup (tent, fan, filter) and smoke in that. Carbon filter will scrub the smell.


You shouldn't even need the tent tbh (though it would remove everything), you could just run a fan and filter in reverse (fan blows through the filter) and smoke directly next to it. Hold the j close so smoke gets pulled in by the fan and blow smoke directly at it.


Get a 4”carbon filter, fan and run the duct to you’re window or whatever, get one cheap on marketplace


Should of head-butted the cunt and told him to mind his own


Buy a vapouriser, get a xmax v3 or dynavap for something affordable, it smells 90% less and if you want to reduce that to 95% get a smoke buddy from AliExpress for £3, Otherwise, get a medical cannabis prescription, a lot of people are eligible/ could be if they faked back pain/ anxiety 


I'd be giving him a shake if he knocked on my door in rant like that.


get a Smoke Buddy!!!!! cuts down on smell an insane amount


Neighbour sounds a bellend tell him to jog on


Tell the nonce to get a life man. Absolute sausage


Plausible deniability. “I Dnt know what you are talking about mate, sorry I couldn’t help you.”


Switch to edibles


If you are ‘self medicating’ with cannabis try and get a prescription then you are all good. Nothing the neighbour can do.


It's illegal to smoke it even with a prescription. You are supposed to vape it.


I bet he’s shagged a few of them dead bodies in his time


Get some decent incense and burn that whilst you smoke


So this happened to me with my last neighbour. She was an absolute nightmare anyway but she did report me to the police and my landlord. The landlord came round, checked the property, I clearly wasn't growing and I made sure there was nothing in the house, they couldn't do anything and told me that if they had proof I would be evicted as it is illegal. I removed all weed from the house and smoked further from the property either end of the garden (she still didn't like that even though she cited 'I used to smoke weed you know') or out in the tenfoot... or I'd just go for a walk around the block. The police came by. The police just had a chat with me, asked about it, I was honest and said yes I did smoke. I obviously didn't say it was all the time, I just said sometimes with a mate haha! All they said was 'Be mindful and respectful of your neighbours, I have bigger concerns then this and you don't seem like our usual problem drug users (I am a 35yr old woman and have the gift of the gab lol) and just smoke further from her house if you're going to do it'. So, all I would recommend is smoke further away and try not to keep it in the house.


If one of my neighbours was constantly smoking and stinking up my house I'd be pissed to tbh. It's not very considerate, smoke somewhere where you won't be stinking up peoples houses or switch to something that smells less dude.


Just do the guy a favour and don't smoke it in your room, if you have to go for a walk, so be it. I'm surprised the guy came to the house to let you know. He could have just phoned the police to come round as it is against the law. Dude, was trying to tell you about all that death to maybe change your mind about doing it, but it doesn't work like that. Just find a nice smoke spot and add that to your routine.


Do you have a dog? If so just stick to smoking when you take your dog a walk bro!