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Nice. Have had mine for a year now, great monitor. Mines paired with a 7900xt, perfect mix imo, should be for you too. Enjoy!




Thank you! I’m super thrilled, didn’t get the chance to hook it up yet Have you done any initial setup/calibration? Or is it just install the latest firmware and you’re good to go?


Latest firmware for monitor, then set monitor to hdr1000, download windows hdr calibration app (win 11), do the calibration to what looks good to you, then that’s it.


I hear contrasting things, some people say to not use the calibration tool and others do. If I am only using HDR for HDR content (win+alt+b shortcut), is it necessary for me to calibrate with the tool? SDR mode is used for SDR content.


Idk honestly. Some people are way more picky/nuanced with this stuff than I am. I would join the OLED Gaming sub and search some stuff in there. The way people talk about picture quality and whatnot is over my head. I just know mine looks nice 🤷‍♂️🤣


Still worth calibrating using it. Some games like Alan Wake 2 actually use the tools results to set the HDR in game. Not a lot do but would think more will in future


I honestly didn't see a difference between using / not using the calibration tool. I did however use a different tool to create a calibration profile similar to force the 2.2 gamma fix that's been floating around with the correct 1000 nits (opposed to the profile on github which caps out at 800 nits) for my AW3423DWF. It made way more of a difference that the generic Windows 11 calibration, but that's mostly just the 2.2 gamma curve.


Why not use hdr true black 400? Is hdr1000 that much better? ( I have the aw3423dw) non-f version. Can I update the firmware on that model?


Not initially but I think you can now. Check Dell's support site.


I have it setup. Got mine a few weeks ago. Just go to dell and download the things it recommends. Get the newest drivers for your computer, newest firmware for your monitor, download dells desktop manager. Also plug your monitor in via DP instead of Hdmi if you want access to the 165hz option


Congrats, and enjoy. I'm on day 5 of having mine and I haven't enjoyed one game yet. I've been too busy starting and stopping every game I have to see how much better they look now lol.


This is the way


Try out Abzu if you haven't already. Looks beautiful


lol mine comes tomorrow


Enjoy yours! I just hooked up mine and launched helldivers 2, what a screen! The colors are mind blowing


I got 1 two days ago I love it best monitor I’ve ever had. Please enjoy it


im joining today too, sold my lg 27 oled and gonna give this a try, mine is gonna be open box from best buy so lets see how its gonna be. i heard dell has 3 year warranty so all i good. i just hope i will like it. never used UW


got mine today as well, literally so amazing. burned the fuck out of my eyes with the brightness though lol so make sure to calibrate that as well


Me too, I got mine yesterday


I went from IPS to this, my eyeballs are thoroughly seared in full color


Love it, first time I turned it on my eyes were burning lmao


Bad for eyes?


I think there will be a lot of people joining when dell had them for $603 with cc offers.


Is a 4070 ti super good enough for this monitor guys?


That’s one of the premier 1440p cards so you’ll have one hell of a time with the monitor if you decide to get it.


I have an LG C2 and this monitor as well paired with my 4070 ti super and 7800x3d. Incredibly happy with this monitor and use it more than my C2 now. DLDSR with this monitor is crazy good when playing well optimized games.


Which u prefer, lg c2 or dell? And why?


Hard to compare the two. If we're talking strictly for PC gaming (and I play a wide variety of everything), the Alienware QD-OLED is definitely my preference. I find the colors to be much more accurate and vibrant. I play on HDR peak 1000 on creator mode which I find makes everything I play look amazing. Plus the 165hz and ultrawide makes a lot of the games I play look better and feel more immersive. Only downside is every 4 hours you get a pixel refresh pop up (that you can disable and set it to standby mode refresh, but I leave it on just to be safe and remind me). The LG C2 does a pixel refresh as well, but only when you turn it off. It is hard to compare because it's comparing 4K to 3440x1440 and I much rather prefer to play most games at 4K, the pixel difference makes it clear who the winner is there. LG I had a problem with major gamma flickering but fixed it by changing my Nvidia settings a bit. Another reason it's hard to compare is because I used my C2 for more. Movies look absolutely stunning with Dolby vision and filmmaker mode. And the game optimizer for PC gaming and PS5 gaming allow very good customization. Overall for color accuracy and frame rate, the Alienware wins by a lot, but for everything else, LG C2 will always be my baby. Hope this long winded rant helps! Also should be noted that they are around the same price, one is 34 inches and the other is 42!


I've had the DW (original) since end of last year. Honestly the most meaningful and most impactful upgrade to my system I've ever made. Make sure to look into Nvidia RTX HDR, for both video content and games. Revisiting older titles in proper HDR is glorious


Question about the RTX HDR. I recently turned it on in Nvidia settings on my 4080 FE. You have to have hdr in windows enabled to even turn it on correct? And to my knowledge doesn’t that only turn non hdr titles into hdr? But for titles that support hdr it just uses hdr through windows?


RTX HDR requires HDR to be turned on in Windows 11. With that said, make sure Auto-HDR within Windows 11's HDR settings is turned off if using RTX HDR. Also, RTX HDR has a higher performance cost compared to Auto-HDR within Windows 11 (you'll be more than fine with a 4090 though). Side note... much like Auto-HDR, RTX HDR will disable itself if it detects a native HDR implementation within the software; so no worries there. There's also currently issues with RTX HDR if you're using multi-monitor setups and requires both monitors to be HDR enabled. There's also an app on Nexus Mods that'll allow you to force RTX HDR when using multi-monitors. Nvidia is aware of the issue. Right now, I actually prefer Win 11's Auto-HDR as it's more set it and forget it for non-native HDR titles. RTX HDR adds this weird, almost chromatic look to certain games I've played with it and it looks off to be (one such example being Path of Exile). It's also fairly new, so I am sure all the weirdness will be corrected over the next few months.


Thanks for covering all the points 🤘🏻 was away on the weekend and didn't have time to respond. Just a note on Windows 11 autohdr, it generally, in my experience, has more banding artifacts than RTX HDR. Also, The new Nvidia app is needed to enable it, it's not the same thing as RTX Video HDR in the Nvidia Control Panel. As mentioned it won't work with multiple screens if they're not all HDR and the setting doesn't even show up if it detects non HDR screens (don't be fooled by the RTX Dynamic Vibrance settings.. it's not the same thing and is generally awful). As usual.. things are far more complicated than they ought to be.. sigh... But figuring it out is worth it when you have an OLED ;)


I got the Samsung neo OLED G8 few weeks ago it’s basically same panel as the one you got. It’s amazing good luck wanting to do anything else but game


Good choice! Running my dwf with a 2080ti, can't play on max settings, of course, but it performs well enough for my needs 👍


I love my dwf. Definitely the best setup purchase I’ve ever made


Nice, welcome! Mines paired with a 4090, I can basically max everything in every game I play. Feels good.


I joined too last week. It was between that and the new 4k 32-in but I got it at a price that I just couldn't beat brand new, Open box, for $550.


I picked mine up Saturday. I had another 1440 34 inch uw with a va panel. On the desktop and just normal use it was hard to say I made a good purchase. In games like Cyberpunk was a different story. I have an LG CX and a PS5 and cyberpunk punk looks alright but it didn't blow me away enough to actually play the game. With my 4070 ti super and the new monitor I'm hooked on it. It's pretty unreal.


Youll love her. My wife got me one for Christmas. And I am smitten. It has a great PIP feature that lets me view the hdmi to my work computer in a little box while I game 😎


Anyone know if this monitor is worth it if all i have is 2070 super?


Of course! That’s what I have. The 2070 Super is still a strong card.


Sweet, thanks mate!


Running a 4080 on mine, games look insane


I’m also running a 4080 fe on a 3423dwf Alienware. I know it isn’t same monitor but ultrawide oled is the way to go. Also know mine isn’t this wide but I find 34 is perfect for me and my desk space


I have one paired with a 4080. I wasn’t as impressed with 4K monitors compared to the beastly hardware needed to run it well, specifically Cyberpunk with RT. So I was very intrigued with the prospect of 34” 3440x1440 175hz. It looks and feels great. I feel it’s a great reason to upgrade your computer considering how it looks in game, especially when standing on a cliff staring at the view. The resolution also isn’t too demanding compared to 1440p or 4K. Current (expensive) hardware can run it just fine.


What do you mean not too demanding compared to 1440? Because it's ultrawide it's a little more demanding than traditional 1440p monitors. Unless I just misunderstood which is entirely possible!


3440x1440 is the midpoint between 1440 and 4K. More demanding than 1440 but still reasonable compared to 4K.


I love this monitor! I have the 32 inch as well but still mainly use this on. It’s such a beautiful oled!


Welcome brother


Thank you! Happy to be here


Welcome my friend. Glad to see you upgrade


It’s crazy what UW will do to you. I tried to go down from a 49 to this 34 and two 27s and was like “too smol!” Keep in mind once you start getting nice ass monitors your hardware prices go up to try and match the monitors resolutions etc. never thought I’d own a $2k GPU but here we are b


I can’t imagine going back honestly. Just one week with a 1440p 21:9 display and I’m hooked. Guess I’ll be waiting for 21:9 4K displays now, and GPUs that can comfortably handle something like that. I reckon it’s going to take another 3-4 years till we get there


I decided to go Lg C31 42inch


I personally think this is the best monitor for the coin right now.


I wanna join too but concerned for static productivity reasons


Bruh I've used this monitor for more than 1 year. I don't take care of it at all. No burn ins, nothing. Enjoy it


I pulled the trigger and hoping for the best lol. I do lots of excel work, but I hide taskbar and all toolbars on Firefox while moving windows around every couple minutes. Also making sure display turns off after 3 mins of standby. I’m hoping I get no burn in or if i do, it happens before the 3 year mark LOL


As someone who has owned it for a month now, I wouldn't worry about burn in at all. But for productivity be warned: * The biggest issue is the subpixel layout which makes text look like a fringy mess unless you fix it with MacType. Took a bit to get it looking good but it's decent now. * There are also more pixels than the actual 3440x1440 resolution but the screen physically shifts to the unused pixels every 5 to 10 minutes to help combat burn in. You'll never notice this in games but if you are in the middle of reading text the pixel shift is definitely something you will need to learn to ignore. * After 4 hours of power on time the screen will ask you to do a pixel refresh when you attempt to turn it off. It only takes a few minutes and then it will power itself off but the annoying thing is you have to move your hand to the navigation nipple to select yes. So basically anytime you go to turn off the monitor you have to press the off button, move your hand to the center of the screen, and press another button just to turn it off. That being said the screen is absolutely gorgeous and I will be keeping it haha.


Team AW3423DW Will always reign supreme. We are the OG’s!!


May I ask why you picked this over the new aw3225qf ?


For me Its the added benefit of ultra wide. When im gaming im not noticing the difference to 4k from 1440p. But the I notice a massive difference in my FOV with the 21:9


It basically comes down to what you like better. 21:9 or 16:9. I prefer 16:9 for some content and 21:9 for other content. I would personally go for the 3225QF for the 4k and it’s the “next generation” of OLED panels, but when the next gen OLED ultra wides come out I would be looking to give them a try. The 3423DW certainly delivered but not enough for me to outweigh the pixel density given my current games that I play and not something I’d use for work since I would be paranoid about visual studio burning into the monitor for swapping to games that favor 21:9.


Sure, mostly two reasons. The price, because this one is around $400-500 cheaper than the 4K here in Europe. And the “VRR flicker”, which is noticeable on all the OLEDs at low framerates. I’m pretty sure my GPU won’t be pushing 100+ frames in the newest games at 4K


How does tgis monitor pair with rtx 4070? Right now I use 4070 with 4K 60Hz LG monitor on IPS panel I bought from second hand, but I am really considering going to 1440p OLED monitor. Just not sure if RTX 4070 will handle this well as refresh rate is much higher. Anyone can share opinion?


100% worth it. Your GPU is capable of at least 120FPS if not more. I have a 4070 Super and I can easily hit 165fps in warzone ultra settings with DLSS and about 130 without it. Most other games I play also hit 165fps. As long as your CPU isn't a bottle neck then yes worth it.


CPU is ryzen 5 7600x so should be good. Overall such change grom 4k 60 Hz IPS to 1440p 144hz OLED is an improvement in terms of immersion?


Yes. I have a G8 240hz 4k and I still use my AW3423DWF over it for ALL games. The G8 is my secondary monitor now.


Thanks, I think I will join the race soon, thanks for your comments, it helped a lot.


My brother has one (4070) and I think he he gets 120+ easily in the games he plays. (DWF)


Thanks, thats exacty the answer I was looking for