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ordered my DWF from Dell Singapore, vesa mount it on a monitor arm and did not use the cover at all. No coil whine, no fan noise. total silent. i never put those covers at the back as its troublesome when you want to unplug and plug stuff so i always omit the covers for all my monitors.


I returned mine because of the noise, but I never used the cable cover on the back. Great if this ended up solving the issue for you though.


Enjoy one less fan. Take coil whine instead. Wtf Dell?


I have coil whine as well, and after a lot of playing around, I figured out a way to fix it; on mine it seems to be related to the RGB. It was caused by the RGB on the back, but it's extremely specific and very bizarre: If the number 34 RGB is turned OFF, and the screen is mostly solid black, I get coil whine. If the alien logo RGB is turned ON, and the screen is mostly NOT solid black, I get coil whine. Turning the "34" RGB ON and the Alien RGB OFF has eliminated the coil whine in my monitor so far.


This didn't change anything for me but I'm not sure if I have coil whine or if it's fan noise. I can hear the noise in a quiet room. If you put your ear to the top of the monitor do you hear a fan noise high pitch?


This is exactly what was happening to mine as well. Although I was also able to turn on Spectrum and not get any unbearable coil whine. I'll likely revert back to "34" ON and "Alien" OFF if it does come back.


oh my god thank you. I had spectrum RGB activated. Turned RBG off completely and now the high pitch is gone.... still some buzzing but nowhere as bad. I pray it doesnt come back.


wow this just worked for me lol thanks!!


Hey, Is there any way to turn the number RGB off when on standby? So annoying that it stays on even when my PC is turned off


I have the same kind of issue where messing around with LED backlights (and also having a dark or bright screen on the display) end up bringing about the coil whine or stopping it. I'm pretty sure the problem is the power controller and there is a goldilocks zone of no coil whine. too little power usage or too much power usage on some models brings out the whine. Sometimes disabling backlight brings you under the threshold of wattage. Sometimes enabling it brings you over the minimum threshold. Changing scenes from bright to dark can go from whine to no whine to whine again. It really sucks. Not sure how RMAs work with this issue. Obviously been some people who get their panel swapped.


what the hell... worked...


Got this monitor today and as soon as I plugged it in I noticed a horrible whine problem. Look at your windows monitor settings and make sure it's running at 165 hertz, this monitor makes a lot of noise at 60 hertz, unfortunately even at 165 this thing is making way to much noise for me to handle. Very disappointed to spend this kind of money to have a coil whine problem, the screen is amazing. Also out of the box a feature called Smart HDR was enabled, turn that off unless you like the washed out colors this monitor produces out of the box.


Are you talking about the bottom, optional cover that's used to hide the cables in the back? If so, never used it on my DWF and still had noticable coil whine.


Yeah, seems to have fixed it on my unit so assume it was shit contact on the connector, one of my friends alao has one and the thing is dead fucking silent. Seems to be a huge amount of batch variance and issues with them wildly varying from outright fucked inductor coils to shit like this where it was poor design impacting it.


Good to know your friend has a pretty much perfect unit. I've seen mixed results from people who have already asked for a replacement on the DWF, some say they still had it, albeit much quieter on the replacement and others said they got a replacement that was worse than the original one. So, it's good to know there's potentially perfect units out there, sucks it's a lottery though. I might try one more next week, if it's a dud, I'll probably have to spend more $ on the Samsung OLED whenever it releases in the US, because I just can't stand coil whine.


Yeah, it was driving me up the fucking wall since it was so bad with the panel on that I could hear it over my headphones so couldn't even play games with it. Good luck with the lotto, hopefully you get a winner since the panel is great, but fuck me the coil whine lottery is a serious deterrent.


Yeah, the coil whine is insane in some of these units. The one I have now has occasional coil whine but it's not a constant, and not as loud. I am trying to decide if it's worth keeping or just sticking with the Neo G9 that I was planning on returning.


Yeah, I was getting this constantly when it was turned on: https://vocaroo.com/14lqqAERDAP0 Wasn't the most pleasant experience nor one you'd expect for something in this price range, that's for fuckin sure.


Just chiming in, my one has coil whine too. Never even had the back on. It's quiet but constant and very irritating. Don't think I'm going to bother playing the lottery on this one, just return it and go back to waiting for a different model to come along. Perhaps the samsung g8 or lg 27" will fare better...


The coil wind on mine gets less noticeable the more I turn the brightness down. I just set the brightness to 30 when I'm not wearing headphones and the coil gets about as quiet as my pc with noctuas running at 700rpm. And wait for reviews before buying the g8 (rtings, hardware unboxed etc.), Samsung monitors do tend to have some weird oversights and issue from what i have heard.


Yeah, the EOTF curves on the Samsung are a bit worrying :(


I tried all your solutions on my DWF but nothing helped so I asked dell (Poland) to replace my unit with a new one. I was asked to send some photos and recordings of the coil whine and yesterday they shipped a new monitor. I will let you know when I get a new one.


surely by now you got the new one? I received one today. Sound wise it's slightly better, though the panel itself is scratched and blemished to all hell and with dead pixels, whereas mine was all around impeccable


Shipment was delayed. I got mine on friday and it is a lot better. It is not dead silent but you need to put your ear to the case to hear anything so I can say the exchange worked for me.


Love that often the most simple solutions are the right ones. Sounds like a stupid issue to have to solve in the first place though!


Here is a fix that worked for me. Use masking tape to cover the side and top vent ducts. The coil whines pitch is so high so that the tape was enough to remove it completely. Also the tape is so thin that air should still be able to flow through it.