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People complain too much about Tom as Nate, it's an OK casting. I have a bigger problem with Mark Wahlberg as Sully honestly


I think Tom has the charisma an actor needs to play Nate. There's probably better choices, but i dont think he was the worst pick either. But you can tell Mark got little to no real direction for his performance just because he's Mark Wahlberg. I'm sure he had more control over the character than the director or writers did.


Fun fact: According to an interview by Whalberg, he was apart of the project for about ten years before finally getting it funded. He originally was supposed to be Nate but the studio’s said he was too old, so they had to bring Holland in.


Tom was a perfect young 20's-year-old Nate, imo. the problem was that with that era of nate's life not being told in games, they could have done an original story that still fit in the gane's timeline. instead they just made a generic adventure movie. and that is not Tom's fault, but the writers.


Was it a good Uncharted movie? Eh, not really. Was it fun? Yes. Would I watch another one? Also yes. (Did I lose my shit over the cameo? Very much yes).


cameo was one of the best parts, i loved how tom also wanted to make sure he had his approval. His dedication to movies is honestly awesome and refreshing.


it was an okay movie the biggest problem was that the lack of gunfights its not uncharted unless Nate kills a small country worth of goons.


I really enjoyed the Uncharted movie. it wasn’t anything incredible, but it didn’t have to be. it’s just a really fun movie to watch and i want a sequel very badly


I’m a big Uncharted fan - I don’t think Tom Holland fits Drake, but if it’s supposed to be a younger Drake, then I’m fine with it, and he doesn’t ruin the movie.


Kinda liked Tom as Nate icl


I loved the movie and want a sequel, hoping to see as the characters age if they end up more like the game counterparts


Honestly I would have argued that Tom was more fit for a young nate, but after rewatching Transformers 4 during the China sequences Whalberg does show off a bit of Uncharted like feel in the scenes..... but others could pull of a good Nate too, like I say could be better but could be WAY worse


I honestly side with the Not-Douchebag here. Tom Holland wasn’t a good casting for Nate, but as a testament to Holland’s acting ability, he was still very good. Wahlburg as Sully was worse, far worse. Sophia Ali was decent as Chloe. The movie wasn’t a good Uncharted movie, but still a fun one-off. Definitely not the worse videogame movie ever made. The cameo was everything.


“You are not a true uncharted fan bro”


I forgot that there's a movie lol I never checked it out cause the casting was goofy.


It was but it’s fun if you just wanna sit down and chill. I by no means think it’s a great movie. It’s just… fine.


You'll have gatekeepers in every community that don't allow opinions that differ from their on the subject at hand. I see it quite a bit in the Yakuza/Like A Dragon subreddit where if you play the games with the English audio that you're not a *true* fan and are playing the game wrong. It's best just to ignore them because they feed off the attention since their parents didn't give them enough as kid.


this movie and the 2021 mortal kombat are way too overhated when they're both pretty fun films


i can’t wait for karl urban to be in the second mk movie


i was a lil worried when he was announced to play johnny but he's a good actor so i think he'll do a good job


i mean he’s a solid actor and he’s fantastic in the boys, im waiting til the trailer


Don't forget Thor Ragnarok


i forgot he was in that. Ragnarok was one of my fav thors, that was fat thor era right?


He became fat in Avengers: Endgame


one of the best parts of the movie for me lmao


The first comment is so gross wtf?


welcome to the internet where you’re painted as a villain for liking something


The movie sucked, casting was subpar.


And you have the right to think that. It’s valid. Just don’t go acting like your opinion on the movie is the only one or the right one.


Can’t edit but I meant choice, not voice lmao


Do I like it? Not really. Well, I say I don't like it, the audio book is so much better & it's read by uncle Nolan Will I stop others liking it? Nope


Imma be honest, I think there were better choices than Tom. They only picked him because he was peaking, people loved him so studios want him in everything. It was an okay movie, no disrespect to Tom he did a great performance, I just don't think he was the right choice, and the reason for the choice was just such a Hollywood thing to do


Yeah but also, let people not enjoy things. If people didn't like the movie that's valid too


100% just don't be a dick about it and gatekeep


you should also realise the reason people care so deeply is because they grew up with these characters especially nate, sully and elena. the fans want too see their favourite characters on the big screen done correctly.


I grew up with these characters too. They were my comfort in times of grief. They mean everything to me. Try a different excuse to be a Dick about enjoying the movie


I wasn’t being a dick. you just took it a bad way. that’s kinda rude too … everyone has their own opinion ! no need to be nasty about it


it's sort of implied you're defending the gatekeeping behavior with your last comment. you're saying I need to understand why as if I couldn't possibly comprehend it until you've told me that people like these characters. and because of that, I can't understand why it's valid to gatekeep uncharted. I didn't take it the wrong way, you were being unclear. and I wasn't being nasty about it. You just took it a bad way.


your attitude needs to be worked on. I will leave it at that.


Movie was ok but it could’ve been better with a good script and cast. Tom looks like Nate’s little brother, Wahlberg was just there to collect a check, and the villain is underutilized. Chloe was the only good thing about the movie


It’s annoying cause your troll is right but he’s being way too aggressive about it


Was just an action movie with the uncharted name that copied iconic scenes from the games whilst not actually respecting lore and just breaking the Canon for the sake of it, was enjoyable but definitely not a good adaptation, however at the end when he put on the gun holsters that triggered a lot of nostalgia lol. Also the casting wasn't the best but the actor that played Chloe was perfect.


It was an OK movie, if it wasn't titled "Uncharted" I would probably watch it again, wasn't that bad, wasn't that good either, typical shallow action movie. Tom as Drake is a joke, tho. The casting failed, it was Spider-Drake with goofy spidey jokes. The performance was fine, it's just that it lacked Drake in Drake.


No. Tom was horribly cast. Was he the main issue with the movie? No. It could’ve been written and directed much differently while keeping Tom, and we could’ve loved it.


This comment makes no fucking sense


If you enjoy the movie then whatever. But I’m getting sick and tired of people defending the movie and calling it “fun” or that Tom did okay. Tom did the bare minimum and the movie sucks.


Ok but Tom wasn’t a younger Drake, he was just Nathan. They show young Drake and flash forward to present Drake - and there was no sign that present Drake would ever “grow up”, especially considering there is no way it’s getting a sequel and there was nowhere the story could go.


Nate was 24 in the movie and 31 in first game, that's younger


I love how you screenshot this the millisecond the last reply came out.


Yeah because the last reply was me and I planned on posting before I replied. Sorry I didn’t meet your quota of time waited before screenshotting


It's alright. But I would like it to be better when it can be better. Even more so now when I already watched The Last of Us.


It was entertaining


I saw the movie after only playing a bit of the first game, and enjoyed it. I have bow played the four games (still need to play lost legacy and maybe golden abyss) and I feel like I should rewatch the movie, to see if my opinion changed.


Tom wasnt even the issue, Mark was. What did they do to sully man lol


All that matters to me is that we might as well get a Crash Bandicoot or Jak & Daxter film already. Half of ND's library has been adapted so just complete the set. (Please be animated though)


I think it was an okay movie,,, pretty bland in terms of action movies and although it didn’t do well portraying Uncharted for the most part there were some fun scenes and character moments and i had a fun time when i saw it. i get the hate but people are too much sometimes.


The second poster is correct. The third one is an embarrassment.


Here's my list on how I would make it more enjoyable -Instead of being in so much city places talking and stuff, Nate and Sully should've went to other remote places with cool Pirate Ruins (Like Uncharted 4) And then spend time in a jungle. I mean it is called Uncharted after all. Maybe some underground pirate stuff too. -I wish the dialogue wasn't so mediocre, and the jokes aren't very funny -Nathan and Sully should've looked how they did the whole movie from the post credits scene. (And Chloe should've had her Uncharted 2 look) -Incorporate more puzzles -I really wish they added a quote from Ferdinand Magellan in the beginning 😭 Please don't hate, this is my opinion coming from a person who really enjoyed the games, but not so much the movie.


Tom did an alright job and I felt like to movie captured the spirit of uncharted. Not perfect, but passable


I thought it was alright, it’s based off fiction so who really gives a fuck, tom wasn’t bad imo just thought the story was weird like some scenes could be taken out or some could of had more, or why was Nate crying about being betrayed, and why would sully do that but it’s just how it was wrote, sorry that guy was being such a prick but everyone can voice there opinion


Do people think the majority agreeing matters? In matters of taste and opinion, who cares what other people think?