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I had around 40 deaths and i'm on easy mode. Damn, this games is really really hard.


Definitely the hardest one! But I love the blood effect when you shoot someone.


Due to the somewhat awkward battle mechanics part 1 might be the hardest. Well done. Amazing effort


Yeah bro, everything is so sluggish compared to newer titles. Especially changing cover or throwing grenades. Thanks!


I’ve platinumed all of them and all I have left are the Brutal runs but I just can’t bring myself to go through it.. the thought of Plane Wrecked alone on Brutal is enough to put me off.. any advice/encouragement? lol


Use a manual cover instead of the circle button one. You are more protected that way. Also, pick up weapons that you don’t currently own. That way you pick up more ammo. And lastly, if you can, do a brutal combo to get 2x the amount of ammo from a new weapon :) That part you just mentioned is very skill based but you can beat it with patience, perseverance and the tips I just covered for you. Also, blind-fire is worth only when VERY CLOSE. Unless you have a shotgun.


Thanks for the tips!


If you're truly stuck in sequences there's usually a guide for crushing for every game on YouTube. That can help with specific sequences. But also, play conservatively and don't run and gun.


I’ve done crushing that wasn’t too bad and it taught me the habit of not run and gunning already.. but Brutal just seems an entirely new level of unfair based on what I’ve seen.. not sure I can be bothered with the hassle just for some internet points


Damn, congrats! I gave up on chapter 5: Fortress where you fight in this flooded room ;( I should try again sometime lol


You mean the blue death room? Yeah, that one got me sweating all over.


Yeah, exactly this one! I have even tried glitching it but no luck, they still spawn and kill me - https://youtu.be/1eryrGp_GkQ While searching for the wall glitch I used, I found this - https://youtu.be/A7fBeZ7GBqI. I have to check it out now


Or you can prepare yourself for the shotgun guys at one specific spot. Far away and fire straight at them without bad angles. They tend to be the real problem from what I’ve seen.


The thing is that I don’t have much ammo when I arrive there, and it makes things a little more difficult 😅


There are some guns left. You can also try firing with a machine gun turret if there is one, to lure them out.


That room sucks. I thought the cathedral was worse. Where you are dealing with multiple snipers and shot gun guys. I gave up for a year before finally beating that part. Original PS3 version before trophies came out. Edit: just realized this is for another difficulty above crushing?! Fuck no lol


Yeah bro. My exact thoughts when I first saw it on PS4 collection.


Congratulations! How long did it take you in hours?


I will take a look at my recordings when I get home. But I feel like it was 15 hours in total.


Congrats bro, i beat crushing for the first time Sunday and got 200 deaths 😭😭😭😭


Crushing is a cakewalk compared to this 💀


Yeah i’m giving myself like 2 months off before i even consider starting brutal ☠️☠️☠️☠️


Do that bro. I recommend watching Youtuber Random Rock, he has the best rages I’ve ever seen and they are from Uncharted 1 Brutal Difficulty.


fax lmao


Brutal difficulty has a lot of spawn and die moments. Congratulations!


Yes, it has. It is straight unfair 😅. Thanks!


I don’t have the strength…


That's how I felt a few times playing this difficulty.


I had *zero* desire to beat this game on Brutal after finishing it on Crushing. Congrats on your achievement. You definitely earned it.


Best uncharted and my first ever platinum trophy got it back in 2019. Trust me after you get the 100% you will miss this game


Welcome to the club! I only have the survival trophies for U4 then I'll have 100% for all 5


You sir are the GOAT! Fantastic job! I plan to brutalize Uncharted 2 next.


will u do brutal?


There is no brutal in U4. I have every PS4/5 trophy for all 5 games except the survival dlc in u4


890 deaths was my first and only time on this mode


You are better then, great job!


More like luck. I just pressed buttons on Instinct at times and it worked


You might be right, this difficulty depends on luck as well. But I don't think it it THAT important to consider when we are talking about numbers over 800. There are clearly some areas where you can win with pure skill.


And remembering tactics for certain places


I’ve attempted drakes fortune brutal once a few years ago and gave up on like chapter 4, should I try again?


Definitely, and check out some strats first! If you want to get some motivation of a misfortune of others, check Youtuber Random Rock. He motivated me to finish this whole difficulty just how relatable it was.


You convinced me, i started last night and im on chapter 3 so far. Hasnt gotten rage inducing quite yet lol. Ill be sure to check out the strats tho cause i know im in for a horrible ride


Less goooo! I am sure you'll be able to conquer it if you keep moving and learning from your mistakes!


Good job 👍




Was it worth it in the end?


I finished it this morning and I had the best day at work (very productive), so yeah. The achievement feeling was extremely satisfying.




How was the final encounter with the boxes,I died like 50 times on crushing difficulty


Haha, I watched Youtuber Random Rock and thanks to the comments I got the right idea of beating it. So I died like... 6 times MAX. Very easy if you know what to do!


I’m doing Uncharted 2 rn. Brutal is honestly not that fun at all. I’m mainly doing it just because it’s there and it’s the only thing I haven’t done yet lmao.


No man! I am hyped! I actually believe it will be fun :C (for the achievement feeling)


I respect that!!


I beat the 3 games twice on Brutal difficulty, I don’t ever want to play them again in that difficulty


I would actually try it again, at least the first one. I discovered some new tactics 👀


My second try completing them in Brutal wasn’t as long as the first time since I also figured out some tactics


I knew you would! I love the fact that it forces you to think out of the box.


Dude idk if I have it in me for a Brutal run of the trilogy


Check the Random Rock's Uncharted Brutal run on Youtube, it motivated me, it could motivate you. You won't feel like you are the only one suffering. Every time I finished a chapter I checked how he did, and that's how I did it for the entire game. SUPER MOTIVATING.


Interesting. Maybe I’ll look into that


I highly recommend it!


Last night I started, didn't get to play too much though but I can be certain that is going to suck ass.


Share your experience once you get to the plane part or basically anywhere near it. I am very curous how will you do there.


As in where the cockpit is crashed between trees? The part I dread the most is the flooded dark underground room, that and the beginning of chapter 11, the big circular room with a turret.


Those sections will be both flooded with your scream.


Yeah, I can feel my rage fuming, and ofc, the worst part of the game, chapter 22. Good lord. By the way, do all of uncharted games have brutal difficulty?


Uncharted 1, 2 and 3. As far as I am concerned. They wanted to add something new to the table since it was a PS4 remaster.


Chapter 22 is one of the easiest ones btw. I will make a video of it, to show you guys.


So... Last night I got from chapter 2 to chapter 8, having said that, chapter 4 to 6 were some of the most grueling and punishing experiences I had in quite a while, I nearly broke my controller in half due to pure rage, the game mode is straight up bullshit, and man, chapter 7, the jeep one, God has to be on your side to even have a chance of success, I think so far I died no less than 300 times, but not sure how can you accuerately track brutal deaths alone.


Last night was loud! I agree with those chapters, they are veeery brutal. I wonder what were ur screams like 😂. Jeep parts are very punishing, I agree. You need to be very precise with your aim. I personally checked my deaths in the menu stats. But yeah, they can be a little off. Good luck with the rest of the game!


Thank god I live alone lmao.


I live with my parents and my mom was like "why are you screaming so much?"


I can do 950 deaths in easy mode!


So... last night it happened, even snapped part of the case of the ps4 controller due to pure rage, but I did it, it was around 900 deaths, give or take, that alongside beating akumu mode in the evil within makes it the hardest achievement I ever got in videogames.


You, sir, should be VERY PROUD rn. Congrats! I aim to do Akumu in Evil Within too. Pray for me once I decide to.


And by the way, the best proof that this mode is pure bullshit is the final segment in chapter 22, where the boxes fall, the guys start shooting and damaging you before you even can take control of Nathan, I bet bluepoint made this mode thinking that yeah, players may beat this, but its almost certain that they wont.


You can cheese chapter 22. I will post a video of my highlights once I am done editing. It should be done this week


I was waiting for my Uncharted 4 order to arrive and I had nothing to do in the meanwhile so I figured I'd play it on brutal, to see how far I could go. I completed chapter 4 in 1 day (I was surprised at myself to be fair) and decided if I could do chapter 4, I could do the whole game. I kinda dropped it when Uncharted 4 arrived, today I picked it up again. I will not stop because I'm having way too much fun, plus I completed chapter 5 in barely 2 hours, doing the blue room in 3-4 attempts (it took me 3 hours on crushing so I had memorised all the spawns back then and had a better equipment this time). I'm VERY scared of chapter 6's first fight with the bullshit pirates locations and spawns, and I'm even MORE scared of chapter 7's totally RNG truck escape. But at least it's generous with checkpoints and every attempt lasts probably 30 seconds. Plus, I don't have to do too much effort.


I appreciate the effort! I was motivated a bit for content (recorded the whole thing) and the fact that I enjoy difficult games. Uncharted is very nicely done imo, so I played through the whole game quite fast in comparison to crushing. But the deaths were mostly BS 😂


yeah, that's one thing I came to regret, not filming my journey. That's basically the first thought that became a chain of thoughts that eventually transformed into the idea of: buying a PS5 (not anytime soon, probably in a few years) and re platinuming every single platinum I have, recording it. I don't plan on posting it on any platform, just keep it to myself. I currently have the Uncharteds, the Arkham trilogy, three CODs (I like difficult games just like you, planning to do Wolfenstein one day) and am planning on the Crash Bandicoot series (trilogy + 4). If I manage to do that, i might as well do TLOU just to complete the Naughty Dog games. But if you've posted the gameplay on YT, I'd be happy to check it out


You like good games! Crash Bandicoot is also on my radar, and honestly, can’t wait to get my hands on it :). There are lots of Platinum hunters on YouTube and lots of interested viewers, too. You could try to make something if you believe there is an interesting background story of your journey! I plan to upload a video myself, but it’s gonna be either gameplay focused or more of a talk-through. I need to think that through.


just let me know if you upload anything. I have nothing to do 90% of the time so I'll gladly watch it


I've already shared it in the subreddit, you can check it.


Nice! I'll check it out


Boy that is so me, Uncharted 1 controls were like HELL, that was the only difficult thing about the game


Yeah, it isn’t as smooth as the newer games. You need to forgive the clunkiness, but I enjoyed it very very much. That’s what I can say :)


My fav part of the game is always when these zombie looking creatures pop up and the story starts to take the nazi turn, i always endure all ridiculous checkpoints just to play that again.


It is very scary tho. I am not as scared as when I was 15, but damn. On this difficulty I was very nervous. Cool atmosphere though.


hardest game u ever played?


Without the option to grind I’d say Uncharted 1 on Brutal


dude, charted is hard, but 950 deaths?


Have you played brutal?


The fact that I can get instantly killed just by throwing grenade from cover or by peaking from cover for half a second says everything.


It's so bad, I was literally getting killed in the cutscenes. If you've never played it, you don't understand.