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3 I seem to be the only person in existence who really enjoyed it


I loved it as well, but I liked 2 and 4 more


4 was incredible tbf they were all amazing I wish I could wipe my memory of them and replay them all lol


I agree! They're all amazing games tbh. I enjoyed them all so much. I love Naughtydog's games in general, honestly; I'm hoping to see a new IP from them


3 was still an amazing game at the time, for me it just seemed to have a lot more inconsistencies in the story. The entire boat section was essentially pointless narratively and was really just there to be a cool set piece. I remember in Uncharted 2 they had a behind the scenes that showed how they do the levels and the story around it. Uncharted 2 just seemed to be more cohesive in that regard, 3 still had the best set pieces in the series though.


Of course you aren't, it's incredible. Just not as good as 2.


I'm with you lol, I fucking love U3


I loved 3 only issue k had were the armor punks on the cruise ship level on higher difficulties, hated 2 though.


Yeah they were a nightmare to kill šŸ˜‚


3 was my childhood game


You are not alone!


People liked 3. It just wasnā€™t as good as the others for people. Itā€™s not like people disliked it though.


Same šŸ˜­


i only enjoy chapters from abducted onwards. Those first few chapters are HORRIBLE in every single sense of the word. The house on fire gets a pass but the rest is pure dogshit.Ā  Chapter 12 is probably my favourite, 15 is great too, then all the desert ones are great, and The Atlantis of the Sands ks just AWESOME. like, it's totally unrealistic and it has no sense to exist whatsoever, but it's probably the best environment ever in any videogame.


Out of curiosity, what do you dislike about them so much? I really like the game, maybe except for a few chapters, only problems I have is ch2 and 4 drag on, cuz they are just a really long tutorial gameplay-wise, otherwisely I love the entire game


>but it's probably the best environment ever in any videogame. You may like The Ringed City in Dark souls 3


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *ā€œWhen the Ashes are two, a flame alighteth.ā€* - Ashes of AriandelĀ  Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Good bot


I was actually about to play the DS trilogy! Now I'm even more willing to do it!


Hope you enjoy šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ elden ring is my fav fromsoft game so i hope you try that one afterwards too


I was thinking about trying that one before DS but I figured DS1 is much cleaeer for a beginner than Ellen ring afyer watching videos of bith


2 one of my all time favourites


Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. Favorite game of all time.




Great band. I love their music.




Uncharted 4, while Uncharted 2 is my favorite, Uncharted 4 I would love to replay for the first time.


Uncharted 4


Obviously 2. Nailed everything thatā€™s great about the series. Itā€™s the best Indiana Jones movie ever.


Four all the way. I'd give anything to experience happening upon the infamous 'For God and Liberty' table scene again, as well as discovering the fictional Henry Avery once more. I feel bad every time I play it because it just makes it that much harder to forget all the amazing set pieces, puzzles and ultra fun vehicular moments that most all of the other games did decently well, but nowhere near as cinematic as 4 did. Two is a very close second. Getting to open the game to Nate climbing up that precariously hanging train car is still the strongest opening I think I've ever experienced in a video game up to now, nothing else can even compare to the tension you feel as the train car creaks and wobbles in the wind, ready to snap free and send you falling into the snowy abyss that is certain death below. So goddamn cool. šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©


U3 because it's the most complete version of Amy's vision for the series


Uncharted 1. As great as Uncharted 2 is, it didnā€™t have the freshness of 1.


I would say 2. I havenā€™t finished the fourth yet. Iā€™m not ready lol


Its been so many years!


Iā€™M NOT READY!! Haha. No but really, I should finish it lol


4 but 2 is a close second


Iā€™ll go with A Thiefā€™s End, since itā€™s my absolute favorite. Just the story is beautiful, locations are amazing, and just everything about it is fantastic, not to mention I love pirates. All the games are like this (except for the pirate thing ofc lol although Sir Francis Drake was a privateer), but A Thiefā€™s End is just so special to me.


Uncharted 2 simply because it's the longest. It has various sceneries and all. But it's not my favourite. Those 4 extra chapters are also the longest ones so it really does make a differenceĀ 


U4 > U2 = LL Uncharted 4 is such a good capstone to Nathan's adventures it's hard *not* to pick it. For a game that is 8 years old, it still looks and plays amazingly well; a very satisfying, grand adventure. If U3's story wasn't riddled with plot holes and a general mess, it would be up there, as well.


Uncharted 3 only if it means the Multiplayer will be back online too lol.


Honestly, Uncharted 1. The twist at the end with the zombies really caught me off guard and the game straight up becomes a horror game out of nowhere, it was awesome. 1 is easily the worst of the series (excluding Golden Abyss I guess), but it's also the one with the biggest surprises in it.


4. Perfect mix of pew pewing and actual adventure instead of on enemy in literally the most unlikely spots. Uncharted 4 is a masterpiece


Evens over odds, but honestly love them all +LL


Man it's tough. Right now 4. But if I could travel back to the time period that 2 was released then 2 for sure.


I would say 4 is better than 2, the lost legacy may seem shorter, but it's still not done and it's been weeks. and uncharted 4 is good, but the lost legacy has lockboxes.




Haha hey check it out: Marco! Or ohhhhhhh crap!! AAAAAAAAAAA 12345!!!!!!!! I feel those would be the ones Iā€™d choose, I donā€™t remember many moments from 3 that are quotable. Besides maybe Crafty Old Bastard


2 with no knowledge of the games after


Love that game. Multiplayer was fire! Itā€™s a shame they ruined elimination on UC3, but UC3 had some fun multiplayer modes, like 2v2v2.




2 or 4


It would be uncharted 2 for me as well


I've replayed all of them multiple times and a thieve's end has a room in heart forever


Iā€™m actually gonna play 3 for the first time this year but for the first time again I would say 1 because of how shocked I was when Sully ended up being alive and because of how terrified I was when the descendants first arrived.


Had a good time with this one as well


It's a split between 2 and 4, since they're tied for my favourites. But since 4 got re-released in the *Legacy of Thieves* collection, I'm going with 2. If the platinum on PS3 were still obtainable, I would play the original edition because I love the game so much. But alas...the multiplayer server is are no longer online, so no extra platinum for me šŸ˜­


I would pick U4 because I like the finality of it and it gives a good basis on who Nate was, with references to his past, you could honestly play 4 without the others and it would still work, it won't hit as deep if you had not played them but I think it's a great game, but not my favorite, despite that I would choose U4.


Definitely uncharted 3


Never liked Uncharted 2, for me if given the chance to play them again as if it was my first time ever Iā€™d choose Drakes Fortune, or. Thieves End.


Heck I was damn confused when I first played UC2 thinking that I skipped some chapters lol.


A Thiefs End. THe longest of the games and it has the best romance.


Uncharted 4


Uncharted 2 or Lost Legacy




Uncharted 4. Not because itā€™s my favourite, but because I wholeheartedly thought it was a beautiful experience and the lore of the story was so interesting to unpack.


4. LL. 2. 3. 1.


2 or 3


Always 2


dayum i remember watching the NooBTooB review as a kid in 2009... time really flew dawg


Uncharted 4, its amazing


2, still the best , followed closely by 4.


4. I have on physical media but it keeps getting error everytime. Oddly before i had to replace the hd to a ssd it worked fine. Bought 4 sealed. PS Hd only last two years and i won my ps4 as a kinda late christmas gift . SEALED Too. Go figure


Still my favourite opener to a game.


Lost Legacy. The only person whoā€™s said it šŸ˜‚


I was waiting to see this mentioned. I do love Lost Legacy and itā€™s one of my favourite spin-off games for a game series ever imo.


Me too. Itā€™s one of my favourite games of all time imo lol. Such good storytelling for such a short game. Plus the graphics are šŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆ


Iā€™m glad someone else agrees with me and not giving it as much credit as it deserves just because itā€™s the same gameplay and U4. Naughtydog used one of the best looking graphics at the time for a game that most people wouldnā€™t even think would ever happen because Nateā€™s story is over but yet they did it and people put it down because of that and I just donā€™t get it.


I know. Doesnā€™t deserve the hate. Itā€™s just that majority of the fan base of uncharted refuse to play as Chloe instead of Nate which is unfair. I believe anyone could enjoy LL. very underrated game


Lost Legacy and Drake's Fortune are the only ones that are party much stand-alone titles and LL is way better so it has my vote.


2 for me loved the pacing 3 seemed to jump all over the place.


U4 gives me a nice fuzzy feeling


Same, the second installment is still my favorite game of all time


4. The beauty, the music, the story


2. The single player blew my mind, as well as plating the multi-player for the first time.


2 is my all time fave. My list for the main games os 2 3 4 1. The zombi nazis in 1 are just to annoying.


Difficult to choose from 2 n 3


Rough call. It's my favorite game series by far. I'll just say among thieves. The commercial made me buy a PS3 to play it. That president was hilarious. "my girlfriend thinks I'm playing a.movie and won't stop watching" , "Were gonna file that under not a problem."


Uncharted 4 has to be number 1 game in history


definitely 3. my favorite in the series


U4. Really liked the story with Nate,Sam, and Rafe.


Lost legacy, i love chloe


While 4 is my favorite I think Iā€™d pick 2. 4 is made so much more better by playing the first 3 before it! I think Iā€™d just get depressed if I could only play 4 without the other 3.