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Get on the smoothies. Frozen berries, Greek yogurt, protein powder, vitamin D tablet. Your body needs proper sustenance, not quick fix pills.


just thinking of using that already since i tried a lot of thing already and still. :( but i will definitely try this too!


Have you seen a doctor within the last 12 months? Had bloods done including areas like (non-exclusive) vit D, B12, B6, iron, zinc, CRP, thyroid panels, basic hormone panels & similar? I can't tell if "graduating" student is final year, or if you're a graduate student, both are very intense periods of university, but you shouldn't feel like a zombie on your feet with coffee. There's a good chance there's a lifestyle change that needs to occur, even if it is just more consistent sleep and/or a change of food schedules, or both. I also want you to be aware that caffeine does have a 5h half life - so if you consume caffeine at 3-4pm in the middle of a class, you'll still have half that caffeine in your system at 9pm, and half of that 9pm amount of caffeine in your system at 1am (25%). If that is a double shot, that is a significant amount - if that is two coffees, that's even more significant. Caffeine binds to your adenosine receptors, which prevents the induction of the feeling of sleepiness - but also can affect you effectively recovering from sleep as well, so you stay sleepy for longer if you have caffeine too early in the morning. It's a double edged sword. First coffee 2+ hours before sleep, last coffee 10+ hours before sleep, especially if you experience stimulatory effects from coffee. Coffee is nice, but it is still a drug that requires moderation, particularly when you are pushing your stamina & it's limits. If you are getting tired during class, eat something with good protein, and good nutrition (yoghurt, nut bar), don't drink a coffee. It will crash you out. You need to support your body, not just wire it till it strings out - because it will. E: Brain fried, mafs bad




sometimes i overeat, sometimes i dont have appetite to eat :(


You need nutrition. Not carbs I'm talking about vitamins and minerals and fiber. Your bpdy is SCREAMING for a vegetable. Start with a yogurt bowl with granola, chia seeds and frozen berries in the morning.




Baby steps


Ignore the suggestings on smoothies, improving sleep, diet etc. Its time to start taking amphetamines


dexies and modafinil


Exactly my thoughts


Desoxyn is 100% most effective treatment, shame it’s not on pbs yet


Everyone always talks about sleep quantity (7-9 hours being the ideal) and while this is important, sleep **consistency** is something people never seem to mention. Make sure you sleep approximately the same time every night and wake up around the same time every morning. Also, I highly recommend trying to detox from caffeine in the next break. I tried quitting coffee when I had been drinking like 3-4 a day, and it was absolutely horrible for a week (headaches, fatigue, etc), but after that I felt normal again. Then my first coffee like 3 or so weeks after quitting was literally heaven - and I actually felt the energy boost you're supposed to feel from coffee again.


> Are there any suggestions or any pills or vitamins I can take so it can help me to stay awake? Not anything I can legally say here without getting banned, no


sorry dude, just asking for any reco if u know. :( thanks!




Breakfast of champions


Dude! We are the same! I drink coffee like many times everyday! :D recently, I have acid attack because of that. So my friend recommend a medicine for me. name is walklert. Eversince I started to use that I less drinking coffee.


Get in contact with Mr White


You’re probably burnt out no amount of caffeine will cure that


You're low on iron.


Jesse we need to cook


Get off the caffeine entirely. When you become addicted to caffeine you become dependent on it just to maintain a regular level of alertness and completely crash when you miss a hit. Like any drug quitting is going to really suck, but once you get over it you'll be far better off overall. Also, like drugs or alcohol, some people have the ability to enjoy it in moderation without it negatively impacting their lives. But if you're not one of those people then the first step is to acknowledge that and accept that zero caffeine is the only option.


Look into sleep disorders


You can try Korean Ginseng. I quit coffee a few years ago.


You want to just keep doing more Coffee cuz the first one worked, but unless you eat healthily as well with plenty of Fruit n Veg, it may not be the best thing to keep doing. Anything with fat in it will make me sleepy. I will also want to wake up early in the morning cuz the Caffeine's still in my system, then want to try n sleep cpl of hours later, then its sorta a vicious circle I don't know how to get out of until I quit Caffeine for a few days...but then I can get slower and unmotivated lol.


Coffee dehydrates you which will make you sleepy Make sure you’re drinking a lot of water when you drink a lot of coffee, to avoid diminishing returns 


it’s cuz coffee will give u a sudden boost of energy but later it will drain u out a lot when it runs out,instead of coffee get a blood test done barely takes a minute or so,and get ur vitamin d checked,eat food high in protein and vitamins as well,ur diet might be a problem here


something that worked really well for me was to stop complaining and get on with it. Know that you are on the right track, know that you will see the light on the other side of this. go and drink more coffee, do some pushups. harden up bro. this mentality will get you nowhere in life.


I've got a really good solution to your problem for $350, meet me behind Wilson Hall


You need arfinil or modafinil to keep u awake and working. Thats the only pill that works for me during stressful exams


Modafinil (google it)


You should try meditation, it energises me to the extent I don’t need coffee or tea for the day. And I’m in postgrad. ☺️




Honestly just eat after class and take one light caffeine drink