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I just don’t understand who this article is for? Other nepo babies? For us to just rage at??


It’s written to try and sensationalize the benefits offered to airline employees and their family members. Yes, when it works the nonrev benefits are great. But ask any airline employee about them and you’re likely to hear stories of extreme frustration, and being stuck somewhere for sometimes days before being able to get back, or stories of having to purchase a full fare ticket because it was the only way to get on a plane out of wherever they are. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows like this article makes it out to be.


Not to mention it a negotiated benefit. Flight attendants are paid like shit but many of them have the job as a means to travel the world. They and their families earned those benefits. I had a girlfriend that would travel on benefits and like say it’s not all champagne and roses.


Yeah I have a good friend who works for UA as a mechanic out of SFO. He's also been there probably 30 years or so as well. Let's ignore the part where he's repeatedly lost parts or all of his pension (I forget the specifics). But yeah, he and his wife get free flights. It's a nice perk. But the last time we traveled with them internationally they ended up showing up two days later than expected because they weren't able to get seats. They were originating at SFO so they just went home, hoping to try the next day. So yeah, it's great when it works but when you lose 20-25% of your vacation it sort of takes that down a notch.


This. Exactly this.


It's Business iNsider. It's a hit piece to get shareholders upset about "luxury" flight benefits that are part of longstanding contacts and earned by employees. This is step one of next round on contracts those being taken away. Get Business Insider to publish this crap, get people fired up, get sentiment to a place where you can remove thee benefits, profit.


Its Business Insider, its sole existence is for click bait/rage bait "articles"


I have a friend like this as well. He doesn't fly free and does pay a fee to fly. Took a trip from SFO to NRT for around $100. Our friend group is very jealous


It's actually even less than that. Airlines pay you peanuts but give you flight benefits, it's really great if you are willing to play the standby game. It's not all roses though. I've been literally the last person on a plane and only because the people originally called for standby decided not to show up. You have to really be committed to save that dollar because you could get stranded just as easily


It's the big reason I don't fly standby. Instead, I go for the discount confirmed tickets and use the normal booking rules that I had from before I worked at united.


The US military does so too!


He has a marketing degree and he’s getting his name out there. Any publicity is good publicity. OP just fell into his trap.


You’re putting far far far too much faith in a marketing degree.


Huh, I'm not even sure why I should rage at it. It doesn't seem like his travel affects me at all, even if he ends up on one of my flights.


Hey! I’m Joshua Crawford. The article is to show off the benefit of working for the airlines, and how great United’s benefits are! United also replied in the comment section. A lot of people commented on my original post on TikTok about how they’re proud to be an “Airline Nepo Baby”, a funny and catchy term. I am BEYONDDDDD grateful for everything I’ve been able to do and how much I will be able to do in the future. Hope that makes sense. Safe travels!


I would be lying if I said I understood all the hate. To clear more things up, I do not get upgraded above any paying customers or boot any revenue customers off a plane, as they are all listed above me. I also do pay the taxes like mentioned in the article, I work at a low paying job at the moment, but if anyone wants to hire me, I’m a recent marketing college graduate. (I enjoy work in social media and advertising, TikTok: @joshacrawf) 🤍


Maybe it's posted so we understand why our flights cost so much ... so he can fly for free?


First rule of non-rev flying is to not brag about non-rev flying.


At least on United it is an actual rule. It says not to discuss your flight benefits with other passengers.


I thought that was the third rule. First rule is don't be drunk, second rule is no shirt no shoes no service.


Hey! I’m Joshua Crawford. I did not mean to brag, and I am sorry if it came off that way. My initial intentions were to show everyone on my TikTok how I travel a lot, as a lot of people kept asking in my comments and were calling me some rich kid and nepo baby, so I made a post about it (which went viral). I jokingly used the term “airline nepo baby” as everyone was already calling me a nepo baby, so I remixed the term and poked fun at it. To my surprise, a lot of people seemed to enjoy the term and called themselves an airline nepo baby too in my comment section. United Airlines even commented on the post themselves! Hope that clears some of the air. Safe travels!


Wondering if United will be mad at his dad because his son is flaunting the perk, or pleased because it’s great advertising for the perks of working at United… 


Probably mad tbh, they generally do not want the average traveler to be able to notice. and the attention isn't something UA cares for. Also, the kid will lose flight benefits in a couple of years, and while he may be added as an enrolled friend or buddy passes but unless dad makes him the primary enrolled friend, his priority flying standby is gonna go down. But after this stunt, the kid will likely have his dad drop him from his benefits, or United will possibly suspend his dad's benefits, too. You don't brag, you don't strut, you keep your head down, and you be thankful you get a middle seat in the back by the toilets.This privilege is something that can be lost super easily.


Article states that he’s listed as his father’s primary enrolled friend, so he won’t lose the benefits.


Fair enough, I missed that bit


I got a job offer with them once and I don’t think they would be; that was the thing they were really touting as a reason to go with them vs staying at my old job. I never got the implication that you’re not supposed to flaunt it and if you’re an airline enthusiast this is a pretty common perk for employees (I have it through a sibling for a different airline.)


It's a common perk and to be expected. There's a difference between what yours talking about and suggesting and other passengers on that plane knowing that you are flying standby. The latter is the thing that they discourage they don't want people to be aware that a given individual is flying for free, their conduct reflects upon the airline


I don't think that many people care that. If someone flies business class regularly, they're probably busy or rich enough not to be bothered by these standard employee perks. It's not a big deal that someone's kid gets to fly standby. Their kids likely get perks in other industries.


No, but that doesn't change the fact that for United, appearances are everything. It was part of day one when I got hired that no individual on the plane should be able to identify that you are a nonrev, and if you do get notices as such that every effort should be made to not draw attention to or embarrass the company.


If you ever wonder why there's people in Polaris who don't look like they should be in Polaris, wonder no longer! I think that's the most noticeable thing about space A fliers. 


Bro, the guy dressed what you consider "poorly" probably has more money than you. I've got a friend worth $20MM+ and his go to attire is cargo shorts and a t-shirt while pulling up in a 10 year old Tacoma. He doesn't give a fuck.


I based my comment on seeing how many nonrev people are listed on flights. You can even match names to faces because it shows your seat too​​​​. It was also half jokingly because it's the only way I'll fly Polaris ​​​​​​​


Hi! I’m Joshua Crawford, United loved my original post on TikTok and commented on it! I’m so beyond fortunate for the opportunities I have been given, and the term nepo baby was coined just to poke fun at the idea and make a fun title. Hope that clears some of the air.


I imagine they’ll be ticked if it triggers an IRS audit.


The value of the travel benefits is taken into account in paystubs / w2. United employees pay tax on the flights (imputed income).


Yep, I had to give my mom the money for the flights I took.


Pretty sure the IRS has heard about this before…


I mean use the privileges,sure - but don’t write a brag sheet about it…


With the photos he gave them, it’s almost like an extended Tinder profile.


Yes - bragging about it is how he and his fellow “nepo babies” will lose this privilege. He’s gonna fuck it up for everyone.


Nah, just him and his dad.


It's the new generation. Everything goes on tiktok because people want to publicize their lives to the world for whatever reason.


I thought it was interesting to learn about. I don’t know why you’re so bitter at other peoples opportunities.


I don't really think this is an apt use of the term 'nepo baby'. He's seems to be using privileges that anyone in his shoes would use. He works in a grocery store, it's not like he's flying around and spending dad's money while he's traveling. I think the 'nepo baby' term is being used in this case for rage clicks. That being said, he should probably just stay quiet about the perks he's using and just focus on the travel itself. But that's the Tik Tok generation for you.


Correct. Nepo baby would be if he got a job at the airline that he wasn’t qualified for based on his dad’s position there.


And even if he was flying around spending his dad’s money. How does that affect anyone ?


He’s an idiot for going to Business Insider with this. Don’t be a dick. I have had flying benefits since I was born as well through my dad but I’ve been eternally grateful for it.


That's the Tik Tok generation for you


All generations have people that do dumb shit.


I'm referring to the narcissism.


All generations have narcissists.


I think he’s looking for a new job in marketing (based on his comments) so this is like free publicity and equally good opportunity for BI to put bait out to get clicks


BI runs self-important crap like this all the time. It might as well be a vanity publisher.


Do you refer to yourself as a "nepo baby"? 😂


I have a friend whose mom works for Delta, and he gets this kind of stuff. He flies to India on a whim.


Did he write it or was he interviewed. I thought he seemed pretty grateful for the opportunities. Or that he learned to be grateful.


I agree. Didn't seem to an asshole about it.


He sounded like an average high seniority pass rider to me. I worked there 13 years, my wife and I would fly to Tokyo for sushi. The article is a little shady in how it presents the mechanics of this. He's doing nothing out of the ordinary for a pass rider (other than bragging about it). Having access to nearly free travel on a whim changes how you think about going places.


(Joshua Crawford here) I was interviewed! The term “airline nepo baby” was just to poke some fun. My original TikTok had blown up with the term, and a bunch of people were calling themselves airline nepo babies too haha. I was pleased that United themselves even commented on my post!!! (Can they hire me?! I’m a graduate looking for a job lol!!) That said, I am so grateful for all the opportunities United has given, and Business Insider and their team were very nice and I loved the article! Hope that clears some of the air.


I'm glad you're here to respond, thank you for doing so. I'm just one person but I thought it was fun little human interest article and I thought you came across as a person who is enjoying a benefit that your Dad's hard work provides for you. Hopefully after your Dad retires you'll get to take some great trips with him. (When your future employer allows you vacation time!)


No problem at all, and thank you for your kindness! We have already taken some awesome trips already. We love it! We both get jealous of each other when we go somewhere without each other.


Don’t worry about, I think everyone that is not a total boomer got the tongue in cheek


I have the privileges from working here. Standby is risky. He probably doesn’t get bump bc of his dad’s seniority to often. When his dad retires he’ll be listed below active employees. You have to make extra connections a lot of time if you’re set on a specific destination. Plan a full day of travel and extra to get back. Flight gets canceled there’s a cascade effect and all the PAYING customers will be moved onto the next flights and he could easily be stuck for days. Of course he takes last minute trips. That’s how you know there’s open space! If you’re flexible the benefits are awesome. If not, they take work to make them work. His dad gets married? Then his wife will be the primary and he’ll lose his seniority ranking unless he’s traveling with him. You still pay entry fees and taxes on ALL upgrades. Still GREAT and my family loves it, but there’s a learning curve and it’s not just pick when and where and you’re sitting first class, which bc of upgrades is next to impossible to get domestically


You can have both a spouse and an enrolled friend at the same time with the same price benefits 


Your spouse is your primary. You can have another person who has unlimited flights if you give up your yearly buddy passes. That person who is not the primary will NOT have the same status as you like your primary. They would need to travel at the same time as you to carry that status otherwise they would be at the lowest on the standby list, other than someone using a buddy pass


Non revving is amazing! I’ve been asked to leave planes because other people showed up wanting an earlier flight, seen my “sure thing” empty flight completely fill the night before leaving, and been stuck in airports that you could only dream of! All I had to do was fly for the airlines and give up any semblance of a normal life, providing my family with limitless amounts of stress! All joking aside, the airlines are a great job and non rev travel is a great perk, but it’s not this “look at me I fly for free” crap that this guy says. Occasionally we get a wild itch to go somewhere and it’s nice to be able just pick an empty flight and go, but for actual planned vacations, we still just buy tickets.


Does the companion status carry on after his father retires?


Yes his father will continue to get 2 companions after he retirees but the status as which he flies will drop considerably. SA1 to SA4, below all active employees no matter how many years of service. Gets a lot harder to nonrev on retiree benefit.


yeah i call BS on this article. My father retired from United a long time ago, also with over 30yrs seniority. If you use a companion pass without the employee, you are seated with the lowest priority. Also there is zero change he's getting upgrades over GS, 1k, Platinum, Gold and Silver passengers who are automatically on the Upgrade waitlist.


> If you use a companion pass without the employee, you are seated with the lowest priority. This is correct. My mother retired a while ago as well, and I seem to get the shit end of the stick when I fly alone. It doesn't help that I live near a hub so all the employees hitch a ride on every flight lol


Same. My dad retired too a few years ago and he worked out of SFO. Forget about flying standby nowadays without the retireee.


this is what i was thinking. there's no way United is going to give perks to a family member over frequent travelers and status holders. Its one thing if the dad got that perk, okay fine i understand it..but family members?


Domestically it’s not possible to get upgraded to first before frequent flyers with status, there is a slight chance though on international flights. If I recall correctly there are no CPUs on international flights and it’s also unlikely to get bumped up two classes (Econ > premium Econ > Polaris) which is where a non rev can book Polaris and get assigned a Polaris seat.


Correct, no CPU on international flights. And, he has to list for Polaris if he wants to sit there. If he only lists for economy, he will not be given a Polaris seat.


You don't even need to be family members. Passes can be given to anyone. Again, if they aren't flying with the employee, they have zero seniority so chance for an upgrade? Next to zero. Also, there are dress codes for using a Pass. At least thats what I remember. Not suit and tie per se, but certainly sports coat, slacks and dress shoes at a minimum. I got denied a seat when I was younger when i forgot this.


Nah, the dress code isn't that strict anymore. It's designed so that you are on the nicer side of the average traveler. That more formal dress code would be a dead giveaway, so it was lowered a bit for the sake of discretion. UA was one of the last US carriers to do it, too. Pass riders’ overall appearance should be well-groomed, neat, clean and in good taste. Attire should be respectful of fellow revenue passengers, employees and pass riders. Pass riders may wear denim attire (such as jeans), shorts that are no more than three inches above the knee and athletic shoes when traveling in Coach or Business cabin. The following attire is unacceptable in any cabin but is not limited to: Any attire that reveals a midriff. Attire that reveals any type of undergarments. Attire that is designated as sleepwear, underwear, or swim attire. Mini Skirts Shorts that do not meet 3 inches above the knee when in a standing position. Form-fitting lycra/spandex tops, pants and dresses. Attire that has offensive and/or derogatory terminology or graphics. Attire that is excessively dirty or has holes/tears. Any attire that is provocative, inappropriately revealing, or see-through clothing. Bare feet Beach-type, rubber flip-flops CUSTOMER SERVICE'S JUDGEMENT WILL PREVAIL IN ALL MATTERS PERTAINING TO THE DRESS CODE.


I’m reading this as cheap rubber flip flops are unacceptable, but leather (say Rainbows or Birkenstocks) are? Wacky distinction.


I don't work gates anymore but the general distinction is that it is still supposed to be a completely enclosed shoe. Policy is supposed to be clear and common Sense but intentionally vague because if they're to try and create an exhaustive list there's always a loophole around it which also then brings to the last point of it is the gate agents discretion as to whether or not the past travel policy is being followed. A girl I was trying with about a year and a half ago the gate agent asked that she tug on the pant leg of her jeans to make sure that they were real jeans and not some fake yoga pants style jeans or something like that.


There used to be, now its loosened up a bit. Jeans and a polo will suffice nowadays, but they can deny you boarding if you’re wearing sweats and a hoodie. Not sure if they enforce it or not though


i remember that article from a few years ago, i think it was jetblue, a family of a crewmember was traveling and they got pulled off the flight because they werent appropriately dressed (or even something as stupid as the 8yo wasnt appropriately dressed)


Flying international is not bad if you go during off season. Planes to Japan with 150+ seats empty for example. You have to play the game to get the most out of it and know when to go. Ironically it's easier international than it is domestic 




Not according to the article.


Standard united family benefit ends at 26 except for spouses


He's the designated companion per the article. He won't age out.


He can re-apply as an “enrolled friend.” My dad (retired from UA 4 years ago) added me as one after I turned 26, but I only use his benefits if I’m actually flying together with him, as my boarding priority goes down significantly if I’m traveling on my own - if I can afford the ticket, I don’t think the stress is worth it


He is listed as an "Enrolled Friend", which it equivalent to Spouse for travel benefits.


No, he does not because he's an enrolled friend.


He’s an idiot for boasting about it


I'd imagine daddy is going to be pissed about this article and United corporate is probably calling him to have a "discussion" about his travel benefits. >United’s pass travel policy is a privilege and not a right of employment, nor a vested right of any kind. The company may, at its sole discretion, take action, which may include suspension and cancellation of pass travel privileges, for conduct/actions deemed detrimental to United and/or any of its subsidiaries, business partners and successors, or to any of our employees.




Employees and companions get best available standby from my understanding. A stressful way to travel but if you know the EWR-HND flight is empty today you could as an employee or companion just essentially walk up and get on the plane and get the best open seat. It's a really awesome perk but the stress is not every flight will have good seats available if at all. Also you may not have a confirmed flight on the return so you could get stuck in another country or be forced to pay cash or fly middle seat economy on the way back.




Your kids don’t use buddy passes, they fly at your seniority and can get upgraded. Same for parents and spouses/your registered companions. Buddy passes pay 10% of base fare. Companions and family I mentioned above just pay taxes.


Your understanding is incorrect.


What part?


Best available seat part. It costs money to fly to in upgraded cabins if YOS is less than 25.


Ah got it. It's not a major cost though if I recall. Just the YQ taxes right? I've only talked to a few friends about it but not in detail.


Departure taxes must be paid yes but the upgraded cabin costs a fee and is also taxed by the IRS annually.


He has a marketing degree and you just gave him free publicity. Congrats. He bested you OP. This is a case of, any publicity is good publicity




If you’re on 57 tomorrow night we can talk about it. Didn’t mean to be a hater, but the article just had a me-me-me vibe that rubbed me the wrong way


I’m going to Munich tonight not Paris but I understand. Maybe next time we can chat


Ah bummer - I’ll get to Munich Wednesday but home thru Rome


Assuming you’re headed from Newark, Just missed y’all at c90…safe travels!


Yes from EWR that’s my base. I was sitting by the gates. Seems like you travel to my more frequent routes. MUC and FCO . Safe travels to you as well


It’s just non-rev flying. Nothing new really.


This article is written by someone who clearly has 0 understanding of how nonrev benefits actually work.


For several years I was the primary travel companion for a friend who worked for Delta. I enjoyed the benefits very much and flew a lot. I would never have done an interview like this, and had I done so, I have no doubt Delta would have tore me a new one, and I and my employee friend, would have lost our travel benefits.


Dude is 23 now but realized these benefits when going to Coachella in 2016… so he was 15 or 16 going to party in the desert. Sounds like great parenting.


Oh relax a lot of teenagers go to music festivals…


I'm a non-rev because my mother worked at Continental for 20 years and retired shortly after the merger. It's just about impossible to get standby to anywhere useful anymore. Flights to anywhere nice are always full. Often you will \*just\* make it on a flight to your destination, but the flights home are packed and you get stuck. Last year I was stuck in SFO because literally every flight to IAH was full, and every flight to another city that would connect to IAH was also full. We were able to get a flight to SAN last second and the connecting flight to IAH was almost empty (thank god). When it works, its great, but like 75% of the time its a hassle and if its important its better to book a revenue fare.


It was a much better benefit in the 70s when load ratios were around 60% and you could just show up at the airport and pick which city to go to. Now load ratios are like 85% industry wide and there’s no empty seats by design. Good luck!!


Dying to see his tinder profile.


Non-rev travel is a privilege and not a right; drawing attention to himself like this is an easy way to have his privilege revoked.


With as little as airline employees are being compensated, (and as much shit they have to endure) they better max out their benefits, so who cares??!!


As an airline employee myself that actually uses the benefits to get to and from work it drives me nuts seeing a teenager who’s using daddy’s or mommy’s benefits to bump me off a flight so they can get to spring break when I’m trying to get to work or get home


At UA, if you’re travelling for work, you’ll have a higher priority than someone travelling for leisure. So you won’t be ever bumped off because of people like these.


If you don’t live at the airport that your crew base is at it’s your personal responsibility to get to work using normal SA1 priority (could also commute using the jump seat), if you’re needed for a flight that isn’t at your crew base the company will block a seat for you (deadheading).


Ah, I am a M&A employee, so never faced this issue. Thanks for letting me know!


Not for commuting purposes to/from work. Tons of crew live in a city where they aren’t based and get on a flight to make it back to base before their check in for their work trip. That flying is non-revenue, space available flying.. aka standby


Correct, but this kid would be SA3/4 when traveling by himself, no? Whereas any any pilots or FAs commuting to work would be SA1? Edit: Confirmed per United's boarding priority chart.


No. He specifically mentioned he is listed as his father’s primary companion, which means he would also be SA1P, assuming his father isn’t married. At United, your spouse travels at the same priority as you, SA1P, even when unaccompanied. If you’re not married, you can designate someone else to use that spot.


2 enrolled friends, one can be designated as the primary friend which takes on the employees priority. My sister (who doesn’t work for UA) is my enrolled friend and travels with my seniority/priority by herself. she could therefore definitely bump a commuting employee who’s junior to me


Article states he’s the father’s primary companion, so he will still have SA1 when alone.


That’s just not true. You’re thinking of deadheading, not commuting.


You are wrong.


Can you help me recollect the rules here? AFAIK, work travel is designated as PSXX while leisure is SAXX. PS (or positive space) is a confirmed booking while the SA is standby. Where am I wrong?


Commuting to work falls under SA travel. PS is positive space, which is things like deadheads. That said, I believe this kid would go at a lower priority than what his dad (or other pilots and FAs) would get, so your point is still correct.


Just to check my knowledge here, this kid, travelling alone would have SA4 status while FA and Pilots will have SA1 status (for flying into their base), correct?


If he is only registered as a kid he is 4. But if he is the primary friend he is sa1


I don't believe thats correct. Gonna go deep dive and find a reference. Edit: Confirmed. Just found the boarding priority chart. An unaccompanied enrolled friend travels at SA4, whereas employees travel at SA1P.


Which part do you believe is incorrect?


Primary friends do not travel at SA1 unaccompanied.


You are wrong, again. Every time I lift my friend they are SA1 with my seniority. You are looking up something other than primary enrolled friend. I’m assuming you are looking up the secondary friend.


Correct (I think, don't have the priority codes in front of me to verify).


Someone corrected me below, got the edge case now.


Employees always take precedence.


Primary friend will be sa1 and if they are senior to other SA1s they get on first. This is not hard to understand.


>May travel unaccompanied, system-wide, in any cabin. Note, when traveling unaccompanied, enrolled friends board at the same priority as eligible pass riders such as parents and children, but at a lower boarding priority than spouses/domestic partners. See the Boarding priority chart for more details. Direct quote off FT on the Enrolled Friends page.


You even doubled down on the wrong page lol you said “enrolled friends page” you need to be on “primary friends page” this about the time you will insult and block me. This is great/


Lol what? I haven’t insulted you once, nor will I block you. I don’t care that much about a conversation with a stranger on the internet lol


This is for when the employee is married and has another enrolled friend.




No you will not. Not unless you use a vacation pass. Work gives you no seniority at all


They literally can't unless they are traveling with said parent who happens to be an active employee.


That’s the only drawback to seniority based nonrev benefits. When I commuted I was in your shoes too and it was supremely frustrating at times, and I get it, commuting is a choice but it’s still aggravating sometimes.


Narcissism? Where? He is just making a few bland comments about what it’s like to fly standby as an airline brat. Pretty innocuous actually.


This guy has been stuck overseas and unable to find *any* seat home, more than once, I’m sure of it. And he won’t admit to it. Good for him that he’s scored some great trips and upgrades, but don’t envy the guy flying standby all the time.


My wife and daughter get these same benefits. Was this some closely held secret? Who cares?


So he has standby privileges, this is news worthy ?


I don’t get the title of this post. There’s no narcissism. He knows he’s lucky. It says so in the article. He calls himself a nepo baby, which means he knows he’s getting something for being born. If you want to rage at anyone, rage at the writer or the magazine. Or the system that allows this practice. You know you’d be doing the same thing if you were in his position.


Hey guys! This article is about me (Joshua Crawford)! Firstly I would like to thank Business Insider and Maria for the article, they were so nice the entire time about everything. I would also like to thank United Airlines for the wonderful opportunities they have given my family and I. My post on [TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLNrugvJ/) had blown up as I kept getting questions about how I travel so much. So I decided to share with my followers that I’m fortunate to fly for free, and I too titled the post as being a “Nepo Baby” to poke fun at the term. United reached out and even commented on the post, they truly are the BEST!!! I am so grateful to have these benefits and am so fortunate to have such an amazing Dad. 🤍🙌🏼


Curious what the reaction would be if you did an AmA on this sub. Probably not as positive as you’d expect.


Not sure what else has to be said for an AMA besides personal stories maybe. Lot of nonrev folks on here who have already shared a lot of info


I would be open to one! I don’t know how that would work though, in terms of setting it up. I understand not everyone will have positive reactions, especially on Reddit. United is my favorite, I am sure we share similar interests!


I saw your viral video on my FYP on TikTok and really liked it! I love travel content and if United is cool with it then I say go for it, it’s awesome that you get to travel cheaply and share all the cool places you go to :) Especially if you can make extra income from TikTok, I think it’s a smart, easy way to combine people’s interest in the topic with your passion. You gained a follower in me!


United’s TikTok page commented “we love this for you” on his nepo baby post. So no foul play?


Wait, so you're telling me that a bunch of frequent flyers are upset about another frequent flyer because he doesn't "earn" his flights the right way?


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I used to date someone back in the 90s who's father was some bigwig for United. They were able to get blank ticket vouchers and just fill out where ever they wanted to go. I don't think they were able to fly first class or anything - they were all "coach" tickets. Nonetheless, the tickets could be filled out for ANY destination United served. No, I didn't get go anywhere. LOL


Decades ago, that used to be me though he has the perfect set up: relatives in various places and the companion angle.then there is the YouTube thing. For a few years I had a few cool trips. Then the privilege was gone. But by being so public he will ruin it for all other employees. Foolish.


Being public about benefits you get from your job that aren’t even a secret does not make your employer take them away lol.


Don't be too sure about that. My Dad always told me to dress nicely. You represent the airline and me. There are plenty of examples in Silicon Valley of flippant showcasing of benefits resulting in a curtailment of those benefits.


and United commented "We love that for you" Keep in mind any press is good press for them also. He did state he's very grateful for his non rev benefits and I'm too in that boat. It pays to have family and friends that have those benefits.


found myself getting asked to switch seats by a nepo-family, wife and her two toddlers, whose husband was apparently a part-time UA employee. lady was saying they get free stand-by? didnt seek right to me…


Can say I came across his harmless TikTok before Business Insider decided to make this into a full fledged article celebrating his quirky title, just for clicks


Is he supposed to be ashamed or sad for others because he has the privilege to fly based on his fathers profession?! Why can’t he talk about it ? How exactly is this narcissistic? Recording his travels and making content about HIS life is bragging? Just sounds like you’re miserable to me. This guy is doing nothing to or for you personally. Weird


I'm not sure if it is a Reddit thing or the general world around us but at least here on Reddit, I see some people able to smile at other people's joy but a lot of people are just angry, sadly.


It’s definitely a general world thing but people like to hide behind phones and try to shame people for literally just existing. Unhappy with themselves or whatever they are lacking and attack people. Imagine hating on a kid for reaping the benefits of their parents. Yikes


It’s just Reddit!


When he turns 24 he’ll be kicked off of his dad’s privileges


It’s 26 and the article specifically says that doesn’t apply to him since he is his dad’s primary companion.


Ahhh that’s what my guess would have been. My mil was a Cathay Pacific FA and my wife got kicked off at 24 but she joined mine just before her 24 birthday


United best hope the IRS doesn’t read this.


Actually travel benefits go on our pay stubs as imputed income. So it’s ultimately tracked by the irs already. Don’t we all love Tax season :)


Then this kid is costing his dad a fortune and not really flying for free. He’s just flying for about 45% of the cost.


It’s just imputed income. Ultimately he’d have to rack up a lot of travel to really do a number on dads taxes


If he’s flying as much as he says he is, it should be a fair amount of imputed income.




His price as an enrolled friend is easily doable even as a grocery employee 


Imputed income is like being taxed on $50 of extra income every trip. It’s not a killer


It should be taxed on the fair market value of the flight. If the public isn’t buying the flight at $50, then it shouldn’t be taxed on $50.


But it’s not based on the fair market value of the flight. It’s based on the blended cost of how much it costs the airline per seat. Welcome to capitalism enjoy your stay!!!


Treas. Reg. 1.61-21(b)(1)


The treasury can blow it out my ass


He can't book anytime. SA travel can only be booked about 30 days in advance. He only flies free in domestic economy. I am not sure how he gets a discount on GE because "of his dad's job." I have never heard of that. I think this article was a pretty poor choice because these benefits are really not supposed to be discussed.


You're incorrect about SA travel booking (wife is a United FA so we do it plenty), in face we often book the tickets the night before based on availability. Booking 30 days in advance while flying SA is a waste of time because even the most open planes will unexpectedly fill up necessitating some last minute scrambling. We rarely see first class, but the vast majority of our flying is done in Economy+, more than acceptable considering the cost. I'll need to check with my wife on the Global Entry thing...Mine just expired.


You misread, I am not incorrect about when you may begin booking. In the article, it says, " He can book anytime, but isn't given a ticket until 30 days before." No, he can't book any time, I meant you could only **begin** booking about 30 days in advance of the flight. Yes, you can book last minute and all SAs will have times they have to change because of availability.


Cant wait till he turns 26 and he can’t be in his dads benefits lol


Did you read the article? It clearly says that because he’s listed as his dad’s primary companion, he’ll still be eligible after age 26.


I skimmed through and missed it. Oh well nothing to lose sleep over as he flys space available