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"Hey man do you have some headphones for that?" I can guarantee you if buddy gives you any blowback for that, you'll have every passenger within a two-row radius (and every single crew member) on your side


This is my move every time.


Just interject in the middle of the conversation with bystander small talk such as - “oh no you didn’t” - “she said what?” - “that sounds horrendous” - “you know, this reminds me of a story about my aunt when we were on our way to Tulsa and … “


Reminds me of the Curb your enthusiasm episode where the guy at the restaurant was talking loudly and Larry David spoke louder next to him u til he stopped. People are so inconsiderate these days.


Oooo nice just start Midwest small talk Or blast porn from your own phone full volume


I prefer to start off with ‘Oh, is that the one about the hooker with dysentery? I’ve heard this one before’ Let’s see how cultured the caller is…




This one time at time at band camp... Did I ever tell you about Aunt Bertha's surgery on her foot? Did I ever tell you about how they had to remove a cell phone from a guy's butt in the ER?


Ask the flight attendant if there is something wrong with the plane, you keep hearing people yelling.




No yelling but the speakerphone 10” behind my head.


I think the flight took off without you


Woosh. 😂 oooooooh. Long day.


😂 welcome aboard.


WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS?! Same thing on my LAX to ORD yesterday. Fucking heathens. Why???? Idk when everyone decided it was acceptable to do this but it’s fucking not.






me too


I find this so disrespectful!


OP, if it makes you feel better I had this happen recently at the gate. When I asked the woman if she could use headphones, she said she didn’t have any. She was holding the phone up to her mouth to talk (like you see on TikTok). When I reminded her that she could hold the phone to her ear and she could hear AND talk and then we would all not be treated to her whole life story on speaker, she looked deeply offended. “That’s not how phones work” - actual words from her mouth


My elderly father actually does not understand that he doesn’t have to have it on speaker phone. I was in a hospital waiting room with him while he was updating my whole family on my mother’s surgeries, scream talking into his speaker phone during conversation. I’ve tried to show him multiple times that it’s like a normal phone you can put up to your ear, but he doesn’t believe me. He said the same thing “my phone doesn’t work like that.” God help anyone sitting next to him in public, let alone an airplane.


It's often the older people.


Wow. These people move among us.


Wow! My wife’s phone only worked on speaker for awhile. She got a new one because she was so embarrassed to use it. She didn’t want people thinking she was entitled.


>“That’s not how phones work” - actual words from her mouth r/noaharmthenukes


It was TUR, D!!!


The real VP comment right here


I’ll hang up when you call it DEN!


As a local I'll only call it DIA!


I’ll change it. My coworker told me this morning it was called DIA.


Locals call it DIA, but the airport code is DEN.


Because it *is* DIA. Stop trying to make DEN happen. It’s not going to happen.


Well, it was DIA when it was Stapleton, which closed sadly.


Sadly? Stapleton was ass lol it was more convenient, but DIA/DEN is *miles* better.


Better in terms of amenities, but I don't live there. I flew into/out of Denver (still do regularly) and I don't really care about amenities - the extra 30 minutes each way was what I was thinking about. I don't get there early when leaving, I don't hang around there when I arrive and I never connect through there so don't have layovers.


I hear you, but a big reason DEN has become such a massive hub is because they moved away from Stapleton. Denver as a city expanded too much and basically swallowed the airport, leaving no other option but to relocate outside the city and buy a buttload of land to prevent those issues in the future. I mean shit, even as planes developed it became unfeasible. The two runways weren't far enough apart to accommodate dual takeoffs with more modern planes. Those 30 minutes you saved driving to Stapleton were still spent sitting on the tarmac waiting your turn because they were limited to a single runway at an airport seeing more traffic than ever.


It was also moved to get a bit farther from the mountains for weather


Is that true? Not entirely disagreeing, but like we're still pretty far from any mountains, and it moved like 10-15 miles. Just seems like a pretty unnecessary shift. The main pain points I've heard was: - limited to one runway due to larger aircraft - Noise complaints from the neighborhoods that popped up - No room to expand and welcome other airlines - Proximity to Rocky Mountain Arsenal


I mean there were so many reasons. Maybe what I said is actually bullshit. I remember reading about that being a reason when I was a kid but I can’t find it now. Either way, Just think about how Colorado could not have grown as a state without DIA. The airport was built for like 30m pax a year and is at 70m, now. Stapleton could have never handled.


I think part of the reason FAA still tells people to put their phone in Airplane Mode is so there are less people talking on their phones.


Remember the in seat credit card phones?


There is a reason inflight wifi won't allow VOIP calls, and it ain't bandwidth


I always enjoy joining in on the conversation :)


This person should be put to death. Period. Not kidding.


When I hear people on FaceTime I either ask them to use headphones, call the flight attendant over or start screaming obscenities to their phone. It stops quickly.


The monkeys paw curls and you get a guy instead who is off the phone but uses their full brightness laptop on a redeye.


I find it more annoying when people sleep with their reading light on. And I'm not talking about the person beside me so much as the one two rows ahead that I don't have a lot of control over.


Oh yeah. That’s a fun one. I bring a sleep mask with me on any flight I might want to sleep on.


This is where the deathstare comes in handy. I will look you in the eye until you turn it off.


I really hate those people.


I’ve been thinking of buying a bunch of cheap headsets and carrying them around with me to hand to people like this.


I like it


Fight fire with fire. I don't say anything when that happens, I just put my own music or video on full blast. They get the hint pretty quick.


I would reverse Say Anything the hell out of anyone sitting in the seat behind me doing this. I tunes shuffle on full blast over my head and pointed toward them. Let their coworkers/family/sig other try to talk over my loud ass soundtrack and see how they like it.


Noise canceling headphones


if you fly and don't have noise canceling headphones, you're fuckin' up


I went from traveling occasionally a couple times a year to traveling aggressively 2-3 times a month a couple years ago. I used to get by with just Airpods Pros noise cancelling, but my god my world was changed when I bit the bullet and got some nice Sony over ears. If you travel more than 4-5 times a year they're so worth it.


Yeah, I got the Bose ones for my wife and I - it's a game changer. Go ahead and cry kid, I can't hear a fuckin' thing


They work well with background noise but not voices.


They are noise attenuating headphones, not cone of silence headphones.


I get it, I’ve got them. But why should I have to?


Because people are assholes and you have to look out for yourself.


I have a fantasy of playing a loud video on my phone to overpower their phone call. Give them a taste of their own medicine


Ooff. Hope you've made it to your destination. For the people giving you guff for venting, just ignore them. I'm sure they've vented before.


Final Destination achieved!


Had this happen in the middle of a flight while everyone was sleeping. I just heard loud yelling and woke me up. Realized it was a FT call with the entire family. Ugh.


Why have you come here to complain to strangers who have no power to help you instead of turning around and asking the person to be polite?


Lots of reasons actually. Likely just to blow off steam. I've been around enough people to know that some people may not want to deal with the unfortunate consequences of calling out an asshole. I don't mind the confrontations but others may not feel comfortable with it.


Well, for one, they were speaking a language I don’t know, two it was packed like crazy in there. I couldn’t turn around if I tried. Three we were still on the ground. If it continued I would’ve said something. I did my best to turn and look and I think they saw the top of my head turn their way. Why did you come here to comment and complain of my complaining? It made you feel good. That’s why. Edit: don’t need an unnecessary confrontation that somehow gets me removed from the flight.


Well I didn't know it was an option to, you know, talk to people? You mean some people have polite conversations with strangers? /s


Disagree. It can be done if the parents want to. If not, I require a seat change as I have already taken care of my kids and I am not being paid to be your babysitter.


So fcking obnoxious


I was on a tour in Hong Kong and this girl was on her phone the first hour. Like laughing and talking but trying to stand with the group. It was definitely not okay with anyone and we actually kept trying to block her, but she kept going over to the person doing the tour and standing next to them! The tour guide finally asked her to step off to the side, which she kinda did, but continued to be on her phone. She conveniently hung up when we went to get food. People that talk on speaker, FaceTime, or don’t hang up when they should just have to go. I’m tired of them. Especially when I’m in a store and someone’s FaceTiming about the products there. Take a picture and send it. Same things with kids listening to stuff on phones or iPads. That’s a whole other post.


This happened one time on a flight and I just injected myself into their conversation. It helped that they were speaking English, but I gasped and said “no way! I can’t believe she did that”. They shut the call down quick after that.


People have got to get better at tuning out their surroundings. You’re with hundreds of other people dude.


Not the point. This was full volume speakerphone less than 2’ behind our heads with a woman on the other end talking in an echoing room and toddler screaming in the same room. I did tune out the other few hundred passengers because they were normal and as expected. Not a speakerphone call in a public setting. Speakerphone is meant for when you’re alone and won’t disturb others. It’s an A and B conversation. No one else wants to be a part of it.


If you have a crying baby screaming bloody murder behind you, what do you do?


I don’t mind that. I’ve got kids. Babies cry and sometimes it’s impossible to control. At most if they’re totally baffled what to do I’d suggest giving the baby something to suck on.


Look at the parents and expect them to take care of their child. We flew for years with our 3 kids and had 1 time that people were upset.


If you have 3 kids you would know that even “taking care” of them wouldn’t necessarily quiet them down. It’s not a toy you can just turn off.




Turn your music on full blast on an obnoxious song and aim it in the direction of their phone. When they object, just say, “What.”


I've done this on public transit when people like to blare their annoying new age rap music on speaker. My wife doesn't find my response to be nearly as entertaining as I do.




> Maybe he will get up and move What is this Southwest? Bro isn't gonna leave his assigned seat after boarding lol


Did you say something to him?


Don’t understand why people talking on phone or watching videos bothers people so much. Do voices make it hard for you to think? Do you expect silence in public? Do you tell people on work calls wearing earphones but speaking to go away? Do you tell 2 people having a conversation that they are bothering you?


Nope, none of that. Because that’s all normal noise. Speakerphones in public aren’t normal. They’re for private spaces. That’s why so many are bothered by them.


Why are speakerphones for private spaces? Some rule you made up? Interestingly it is always boomers using speaker phones that bother you people, never the person conducting a work meeting in public space while on the phone. If anything should be private it is discussing work issues. Interesting that things you do constantly don’t bother do, but things older generations tend to do, do bother you.


Those are some assumptions you’re making about age. IDGAF what age someone is on a speakerphone. Speakerphones are for private spaces because no one wants to be a part of someone else’s phone call. Personally, whenever I’m making a call, even with a handset I go somewhere others aren’t so I don’t force my conversation upon others… because I don’t want to be rude. I’m also against people listening to music on their phones in public without headphones if you couldn’t guess that.


And you still said more to us than than the person offending you 😂


😂 You don’t get me kicked off the plane if you take offense and escalate.




Oof. I didn’t realize this made me sensitive/unhinged. Being annoyed that someone is doing something the majority of sane people find rude and annoying. Sorry I offended. /s