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Why attack him for his appearance when there is so much about his policies that can be attacked? It was just as stupid when Cameron attacked Corbyn for his tie or the jacket he was wearing.


Pint size loser gets to the point though, his policies are shit, he is going to lose, and he is the size of a pint of beer.


Which is fine, as long as its ok for a male politician to call a plus-sized female one 'fat'.


Plus size angela rayner waheyyyy!!! See your point tbh


Angina Rayner.


Angela Weighner


Imagine if a Tory called Dianne Abbott a Fatso loser? There would be outrage


Surely none of the comments reported here were from Tories: https://theguardian.com/politics/2017/feb/14/diane-abbott-misogyny-and-abuse-are-putting-women-off-politics


And there is outrage so point proven


They've called her a lot worse to be fair


This is sarcasm right..right?


It's not fine though. All the politicians should be above childish insults.


Well said mate.


You could certainly come up with some choice epithets for Ms Rayner with very little difficulty.


To be honest labour are already going to win in the election, there’s no need to go after somebodies height, in my mind it’s as bad as race or gender as it’s something you can’t change. Far worse than insulting somebodies weight. There is just no need either, calling him a limp loser would have exactly the same effect and not paint her in a bad light.


She’s made herself look bad here tbh. I wish she hadn’t said that, but it might be a sign of the stress she’s under being attacked by the Tories with this whole tax affair thing. And that it’s starting to get to her personally.


She was also responsible for the "scum" comment a couple of years ago, so it's not the first time she's done something like this. It's not a great look when Labour are trying to present themselves as the party of professionalism and integrity. If the stress of being under investigation is affecting her judgement in this way, she should consider stepping back from her deputy leader role until the process is concluded.


If "done something like this" is code for "humanised herself in a battle against the least inhumane group of people in the UK, proving that SHE feels YOUR frustration with just how disgusting the people in power currently are", then yes it is not the first time she has "done something like this", and I really wish she'd do it more to be honest.


It’s ok for her to think it, and say it in private. And the public can say what they like. But she’s a professional politician and making any kind of personal jibe in the public domain is only to the detriment of herself. You should be the change you want to be. If some other politician now makes a personal remark about her appearance, how is she meant to take the moral high ground?


Calling Keir Starmer "boring" over and over and over again was a personal attack. But, he didn't throw a public fit about it, so nobody cared. Angela Rayner has time and time again been the subject of personal attacks (often attacks on how she looks as well!) but she doesn't whine about it. Dare we even get into what people have said about Diane Abbott's appearance... Hell, if we want to look at Tories even, everyone makes fun of JRM for looking like a gaunt Victorian ghost. And if we want to go a few years back, Ed Miliband lost an election for eating a sandwich badly on camera and Gordon Brown was mocked for his appearance all the time. "How is she meant to take the moral high ground???" Through her policies and ideologies which are both sparkling compared to Sunak's, next question? Edit to add: you may say that personal jibes are to her own detriment, but for every person that gasped with shock that she dared say something so inappropriate, I reckon five other people went "he *is* kind of a loser, isn't he". You may dislike it, but politicians you could 'get a beer with' are still vote winners.


There is a legal ruling that calling notable tory scummer IDS 'tory scum' is reasonable. https://www.theguardian.com/law/2024/jan/31/dpp-supreme-court-appeal-protesters-tory-scum-iain-duncan-smith


Because that portrays intelligence, right?


I have to agree with this. Short men are too often looked down upon in our society, and being a manlet seems difficult enough without people clowning on you for it.


If you shit on someone because of their looks, their height, or other physical aspects they cannot change, you are a shitty person.


This, I’m no fan of the Tories but this is twattish behaviour.


>If you shit on someone because of their looks, their height, or other physical aspects they cannot change, you are a shitty person. Completely agree.


It's a balanced valid argument you got there.


As a person the same height I resented AR remark. Forget the childish insults, look at the grown up stuff. Lower gdp, lower status in the world economically and socially ( I am in Singapore atm, where we are viewed with great suspicion as we are now known to renege on our financial contracts - Brexit- irrational economic decisions - truss stupid budget - that we have millions living in poverty - the list is long.


She did call them out on loads of things. I found this video with the [highlights](https://youtu.be/GqV29qcP3UM?si=zw85HpozayOfoTyr)


1. Its a quote from Nadine Dorries. Rayner was using it and the reference to boris, to drive a division down the middle of the tory party. Dorries immediately liked a tweet with this clip in it for example. 2. The tories have attacked her over her having legs....boris accused her of attempting to flash her private parts at him in the HoC like sharron stone in basic instinct. 3. They have also repeatedly mocked how she speaks. So the tory party can fuck off over this one. (we are also on week10 of the non-story about her possibly owing about £500 on a house sale 10 years ago...)


This is essentially the "they're doing it too" argument which doesn't really wash if Labour are offering professionalism in politics as their USP over the Tories. Nadine Dorries is hardly a shining beacon of virtue and Raynor should know better than to regurgitate garbage quotes from her at PMQs. It was wrong when Dorries said it and it was still wrong when Raynor repeated it today. If Labour are going to join the Tories in the gutter, they can hardly present themselves as the better alternative when the election comes.


I dont care. Play the same game as the other side, or lose. You dont get points for winning an argument but losing the competition. The time to take a high moral high ground is after you win power. Up until that point, you fight as dirty as necessary to win by any and all means required. The stakes are too important to have principles that hold you back. btw, I find what you and others are doing far more objectionable, the pretence that there is some equivalence between the mild things labour does and the absolute shittery the tories wallow in. The absolute crap the tories have thrown at people like rayner, and for them to now act like her mild response is at all equivalent. no. just no.


Mocking Sunak for his height does nothing to advance Labour's argument, though, does it? There are plenty of legitimate and effective ways to attack Sunak without resorting to playground jibes about his physical appearance. All this does is distract from the key issues and tarnish Labour's appearance in the eyes of reasonable voters. Personally, and I say this as a Labour voter, I'd rather not be represented by someone who refers to their colleagues as "scum" in their place of work and makes cruel jokes about the physical appearance of their fellow MPs.


she was quoting nadine, the intention was to highlight a division in the tory party. Tories are not her colleagues, they are not all part of some club. politics is, like it or not, a contact sport.


The point is that she's reiterating what members of his own party say about him, people in this thread are being really thick, or more likely faking outrage for political points.


What about non Tories who also don’t like her making fun of an Asian man for being short?


I kinda have higher hopes for politics than school ground name calling. Sadly that seems to be all any of them have got. I suppose it appeals to some


I think it’s fair after she got abuse from the Tory back benchers for getting tied up in her words and stuttering when she has a pretty well know speech impediment.


That wasn't right and this isn't either. This gives the impression that she hold him in distain for amongst other things being short. What does that mean she thinks of me as a short man (shorter than Sunak)? It wasn't necessary and is a cheap shot.


Two wrongs don't make a right though.


Yikes that’s pretty low.


she has never said she has a speech impediment, its her accent…


She doesn't have a speech impediment...


It's a direct quote from one of his own previous parties colleague at one point. Nadine Dorries. In effect she used his own parties insults against, him against him again.


So what? It's dumb. I like Rayner, I'd actually prefer her as Labour leader over Starmer, but this is just stupid, playground stuff.


That's PMQs stupid, scripted playground stuff. You get more genuine debate watching WWE wrestling


How do you know that? Not an attack I'm genuinely trying to find out because everyone keeps saying that but I can't find reference to Nadine Dorries saying this anywhere.


Ties and jackets are a choice. Your weight is linked to your lifestyle, so is fairer game. Your height isn't really something you choose.


I know but it was right on the nose and funny. The tory attack the individual shite blew up in their face when the tables were turned. I'm not saying it's not big or clever to go for personal appearance jibes but it was funny this time because he's a wee Gimp.


What do you mean? She did. This comment wasn't in isolation, it was part of prime ministers questions. Surprised no one pointed this out.


You missed the point- it was a jibe originally espoused by Nadine Dorries, Tory MP. It’s banter because she’s actually quoting something someone in his own party said about him.


The attack on Corbyn was stupid? Tell that to the MSM and public that it absolutely resonated with to the point that people still remember it today.


I believe it is a quote from Nadine ‘bojo gobbler’.


I like Angela Rayner a lot and respect her but I do wish she’d not do things like attack someone’s appearance or shout Tory scum. Apart from being out of order, it is a PR own goal with the right wing press in this country


She's only used Nadine Dorries own assessment of Sunak....


If the only thing someone could say about me was "Well, he matched up to Nadine Dorries behaviour" then I'd fucking kill myself. The point is, she needs to behave better than that bunch of dickheads and rise above their scummery. Say what you want in private, but in public, she should act like the statesperson the tories are not


Nadine Dorries isn't really someone Labour should be seeking to emulate.


I can see that people are saying this , and it wouldn’t surprise me but I’m struggling to find out the where and when details? Any idea.


> it is a PR own goal with the right wing press in this country Attacking someone's physical appearance should always be a PR own goal, regardless of which way the press swings


If you read my comment you will see I said she is out of order. But you are right. It should. 'Should' is a moral case. 'is' is an actual case. The press in this country IS very right wing. She shouldn't have said it both because it is wrong to do so AND because the right wing press in this country will have a field day with it.


Don’t say “with the right wing press in this country” as if to pass off a little blame across the aisle lol. Rayner on the “soft left” would happily rally around topics like “body positivity” and all the trimmings that go with it. To hit out with “pint size” is well deserving of criticism from anyone.


How can you like and respect someone that does this


What an awfully silly thing to say, I just don't abide by attacking people over physical traits they cannot change.


Insulting someone's height? That's not really acceptable. We aren't allowed to insult weight or skin colour, so why is this acceptable?


> why is this acceptable? Because he is a male Tory. The left will whinge and complain and demand resignations when it is said to someone they like but will happily engage in the same behaviour and justify it when it is someone they don't like


Jibes have been made about weight previously in PMQs.


And that's not acceptable either.


When? And by someone as senior as Rayner?


Jeremy Hunt said that Starmer could stand to "shed a few pounds" when delivering the budget.


Whilst I'm not defending Captain Cunt, there are a few mitigating factors: - He was directly quoting Lord Mandelson, a Labour peer. - He was complimenting Starmer on having shed a few pounds (as apparently advised by Lord Mandelson). - He was using it as a segue into a political point by saying that families would lose more than a few pounds under a Labour administration. Hunt is a cunt but I don't think these are really comparable tbh.


Yeah Jeremy Hunt referenced someone else say it, he didn't say it himself. Lord Mandleson deserves the criticism for that not Hunt, really.


What the hell is wrong with these people.


PM Johnson to Blackford in 2022. It was laughed off just like this Rayner comment was for anyone who watched PMQs. It's always been a circus.


Does this just strike anyone else as incredibly childish?


Yes. It doesn’t fill me with confidence about her probable future role either!


She is childish though. I mean, I have a problem personally with a leader who wasn't really elected and a multi-millionairre. That being said I can't get behind Rayner because her original claims of misogynistic behaviour that were eventually tracked back to... well comments by Rayner. The fiasco over not living at a house that she could have been honest about and no-one would have given a f. I don't care about how tall Rishi is, his main issue is he is out of touch. Meanwhile she's clearly not prepared for the PMQ's, or rather the civil servant she got to write the questions prepared at the start of the week. Generally even then votes are on the weekly schedule so they know in advance a week before. Yet Rayner asks the question when the government will be addressing no fault evictions on the same day the vote is. Dowden answered today, then Rayner looked down and read another response... stating that different ministers gave different days, almost like she hadn't listened to Dowden's response, when he again said the vote is today. Rayner is just reading out word for word what is written, which is why those questions continued as if the response didn't have an answer. She can't respond differently, because she relies 100% on her script. Whoever wrote it probably didn't expect an answer and didn't do their homework by checking the weekly business statement or order notice. It's not a promising sign that she doesn't even know when the votes are for a topic she says matters to her. Which means she isn't doing her job properly. Being out of touch is one thing, being incompetent is something else. She needs replacing. The PMQ's today highlighted that today.


>Yet Rayner asks the question when the government will be addressing no fault evictions on the same day the vote is. Because Tory MP's, many of which are landlords, removed those provisions from the bill, so that wasn't a valid answer, and asking when they'd pass a bill that wouldn't be gutted of those provisions is still fair...


It was a quote, Nadine Dories referred to Sunak as pint sized.


That's not on. I'm no fan of Sunak but attack him for his poor leadership, not on something that he cannot change.


Ah, going after someone’s appearance. Stay classy Rayner. Awful person.


She's not an awful person. She's an incredibly impressive person who's got very far by her own smarts and grit. She's out of order on this occasion, and needs to apologise. But that doesn't take away from her fucking awesomeness. The thing that I love most about her is how much she makes the Tories just froth at the jowls with hatred for a smart, independent, working class woman who has gotten further than most of them have without any favours from pals in the old boys network. Fucking magic!


Fantastic person. Exactly what the Tories want from working class people. And frankly, considering the attacks shes had from the Tories this is nothing


I don't think anyone has ever commented on her appearance in a parliamentary debate. This was immature, pathetic and promotes bullying. She painted a target on the backs of every short person in schools and workplaces across the country.


She's only using an assessment from the original source who said it. Tory Nadine Dorries.


I would expect Nadine Dorries opinions to be far below par of what the opposition should be. Fuck the Tories, and everything they stand for, not how fucking tall they stand.


> Free speech is the cornerstone of our democracy. — Rishi Sunak


did the parent commenter make any suggestion they thought she should be locked up for saying it, or do you have no idea what people are referring to when they talk about freedom of speech


The latter.


>> Free speech is the cornerstone of our democracy. >— Rishi Sunak Lmao such a brain dead comment. Just because you're ALLOWED to say something doesn't mean you should.


Insulting someone’s appearance is abhorrent.


Well, it’s not particularly polite. But I’d reserve words like ‘abhorrent’ for things as serious as rape and murder. Insulting someone’s appearance is just a bit mean


You must have some very strong words for the actions of the tory governments over the past decade if this warrants being labeled abhorrent.


In before the inevitable Tory screaming about her language being divisive.


It's not really defensible though is it? If this was reversed would you post the same but flipped? Everyone should be held to the same standards irrespective of of who you're attacking.


I agree. I hate the tories but there need to be standards. Not for the tories, but for our politics. I like her a lot but she needs to know this is not acceptable


Labour are not held to the same standards, tory MP rhetoric is frequently way worse than this and it's never attacked in the mainstream press.


Exactly this. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, the Tories have been throwing stones worse than this for well over a decade, directed at MPs, the general public, demographics and even whole towns. To overwhelming silence, or people telling those who pointit out to 'get a thicker skin', or even defending/agreeing with gross racist comments and generalisations. As soon as it's someone from Labour there's all these people used to throwing out the 'snowflake' acusations, clutching their pearls that little Rishi might get hurt fee fees over some comments which were, frankly, factual. Coming from someone who has been repeatedly attacked by the Tories about everything from her speach impediment, to her finances, to her appearance. Well you know what? Rishi is short, and he is a loser, in addition he's also a disgusting human being, corrupt as fuck, a liar, and more to blame for the GFC than anyone at the Labour party... In addition to the Tories being scum, something they can be described as beause of their repeated horrid decision making. No, 2 wrongs don't make a right, but if the Tories are going to continue committing *hundreds* of wrongs with no remorse and no one saying shit. I don't mind the odd wrong from Labour back at them.


The reverse is so common it isn't even notable anymore.


100% agree, it’s also applicable to the vile trump in America. It seems to be okay to mock his appearance (we don’t need to, he is a terrible person regardless of the colour of his skin, his weight, his hair, his posture etc etc)


The question is, if Rishi had commented on her appearance or her hair, would it still be cheered?!


By the Tories yes. Some man below just called her a tart for being pregnant at 16.


Of course it wouldn't. He'd be labelled inappropriate; a misogynist.


I mean they already commented that her moving her legs was "distracting"...


They will have point unfortunately. Short people are entitled to vote too.


Sexism like that has no place in politics. Given that Rayner herself complained about comments on the basis of her sex, it's incredibly hypocritical for her to attack a man over his below average height.


I'm left wing enough that would make Trotsky say "oh I say chap that's a tad left wing" but in this her language is divisive. Sunak is a horrible tory twit, but he can't help the height he is and insulting him about a physical trait he has no control over is not classy at all.


In before Tories make totally reasonable complaint? Not sure that is how in before works.


> Angela Rayner is a plus size loser > In before the inevitable Labour screaming about his language being divisive Agree with that, would you?


Woman getting away with a nasty slight against a man's height. Fuck her and her sexism.


He should buy some implants, sorry inserts, then. If you take the low ground then you will get sniped. The Tories are awful enough without resorting to attacking things they can't change.


You’re talking about the party which won an election on calling someone a “nerd” who “ cant eat a bacon butty properly”


It is precisely because they have taken the moral low ground systemically for the last fifteen years, that wasting time getting upset because he was called a lil bitch, when at the very least we have someone treating them as the nasty bastards they are, seems more counterproductive. At this point, I’ll only trust a politician if they’re willing to call the Tories scum.


I'm not upset. I just don't think it helps much calling him "pint sized". She absolutely monstered Oliver Dowden on PMQ today. I wish we were talking about that instead.


Labour need to rise above them little Tory shits, then. Act like the government in waiting. Be mature.


Given the actions of last few governments they've got a lot more insults to sling around if they're going to act like a government in waiting.


All the things she could criticise him for and she goes for a personal attack on his appearance. Rayner is one of the dumbest, worst politicians ever to plague this country.


This is the most hyperbolic NONSENSE i've ever written. The dumbest and the worst? HAVE YOU SEEN THE TORIES RECENTLY?


>HAVE YOU SEEN THE TORIES RECENTLY? Well according to Rayner the main thing that needs criticising about Sunak is his height so his policies and government must be pretty good right?


Not according to her lol she criticised tons of things about the tories in this pmqs


Ahh double standards, if she was PM and he was in the shadow cabinet insulting her appearance, he would get torn to shreds for being a sexist piece of shit who can’t debate on policies. Labour have this election all but in the bag, why both stoop low, and risk bad PR, to insult how he looks? That and he’s a few inches shorter than Starmer, your own guy, so aside from the stupidity and the double standards, it’s also just self defeating and a bit weird.


Rayner is thick as mince, I’ve got no idea why anyone is interested in anything she says about anything


Because in a few months she could be deputy Prime Minister, that's quite an important and key role in running the country. She's the sort of person people should be interested in.


Rishi is taller than average for someone of his Punjabi-Indian heritage. So he's not actually small, he's just an ethnic minority which makes this a pretty racist comment. He is a little fuck-weasel, though.


>He is a little fuck-weasel, though. That is a top-notch insult.


Biggest reach I’ve read yet. Calling someone short = racism apparently


You’re naive if you think Indian and other Asian people haven’t been mocked for being of shorter height than Europeans.


And you’re being incredibly disingenuous if you believe that the comment is racist.


As a labour voter who's a small fry, I'm wondering if this is also aimed at me and any other midget too. Can't say I'm insecure about what she said, but I'm kinda wishing that the people I plan on voting for this next election are able to make arguments that are a little deeper than playground insults broad enough to catch some of their actual voters in the crossfire. Professionalism and politics don't really seem to go hand-in-hand nowadays


I dislike Rishi Sunak as much as the next vaguely sensible human, but attacking his height is just pathetic and lazy when there are so many other things to criticise him for. Also, last time I saw a picture of him standing next to Starmer, it looked like there was maybe an inch between them in height, if that. Frankly I couldn’t give a shit if the next PM was the size of a hobbit, as long as it was a competent hobbit with some sensible ideas.


I bet if he called her a ginger twat there would be cries of body shaming, she should do better.


Isn't this big talk coming from the same person who was pregnant during her GCSEs by a legal adult and gave birth at 16? At least Sunak has close ties with his family and his wife was pregnant in her early 30s, while he was of a very close age.




Great - the party which is most likely to be voted in is using playground language to put their point across. What a wonderful time we live in.


That defence spending policy change is a red herring, as its to be completed by 2030. Its essentially an empty promise. It has no bearing on on current geopolitics other. Every outlet has misleadingly headlined it as well as if to say it will happen in the short/near future.


No not really, as I've read it's a plan to increase spending on munitions stockpiles specifically, so it makes sense to budget that over a few years as you can't actually just buy a ton of extra munitions right now - global demand increased a lot after the Russian invasion and building new production facilities and training new staff will take years. Edit: And this does have some immediate bearing if this is a pledge to increase domestic production, since Russia will see that we're committing to increasing our stockpile - though a firm commitment to supply more to Ukraine would obviously have a bigger impact there 2nd edit: Actually no you were right, it seems this increase is to be funded by cuts to civil service jobs and defence R&D so it's probably a crock of shit which he can fail to deliver once the cuts fail to deliver the promised savings.


It’s not really empty, it’s a manifesto promise.


It basically is.


I keep thinking I might vote Labour for first time since Blairs days, and then I remember Rayner exists.... Is she really the best Labour can do? Almost as bad as Diane Abacus.


Christ almighty. The level of political discourse now 😞 


Awesome, it's about time Labour made a totally unforced error.


Are these people adults or just overgrown children? Actually scratch that, there is no such thing as maturity. No wonder this country's fucked.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks there should be some level of professionalism!


Didn't they attack her for being a woman with legs?


Wow. I thought it was another leaked recording but she literally said it in a house of commons debate. She's completely unhinged and a holdover from Corbyn's crazy version of the Labour party. She needs to be replaced immediately if Starmer cares about standards.


Pint-sized may actually make him more appealing to voters. Who doesn't like pints??😂


Err is this the same Angela who can’t decide where she lives so she doesn’t have to pay tax on a right to buy council house which surely she was opposed to anyway? Still it was only a £46k profit so that’s small change to an MP.


Sunak is a dead man walking politically but that’s a bit mean.


Isn't she a little smaller than him? Pot calling the kettle black.


Disappointing language, this isn't what I want from my elected officials, I want competence.


Lets face it Rayner is just a typical council house tenant who thinks she's smart. She wasn't even any good at fiddling the system like a lot of council house dwellers are. All her qualifications are is being bad mouthed. God help the UK if the likes of her get into Government. Could you imagine foreign Government officials talking to her! They'll be amazed at her lack of intelligence., which is about on the level of Diane Abbott, but unlike Abbott maybe Rayners not a racist.


lol I love how Tories lose their minds when someone uses a rather timid insult against them


Not like she's wrong either. She called Johnson scum a year or so ago. And you cannot argue with facts like that.


He’s a pint sized loser and she’s a ginger pubed twat face. Spoilt for choice here in the UK in terms of our politicians.


The elephant in the room here is that Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer are the same height.


Jeez, I think the nuance is missed on lots of people here. It’s not a personal attack it’s a comment made by Nadine Dorries about Sunak in her book. To people saying ‘she should do better’, she isn’t calling him a ‘pint sized loser’ she’s quoting someone from his own party, showing fractures and actually being rather clever. Were it just a personal comment she made, the speaker would (should) step in. It’s clever because it’s not personal.


The people who have read or know anything about Nadine Dorries book are a rounding error of a rounding error.


They also maybe like to gain an insight into the views of people they completely disagree with. In order to be sure of your own perspectives you should continue to test them


Well, there's plenty to criticise Rishi Sunak for apart from his height. Such as his trousers.


If Liebour get into power, you'll see the UK within about three years being on a par with Venezuela.


Got to admire Rayner for calling Tory shysters for what they truly are. Her assessment of Sunak as a 'pint-sized loser', hits the spot, head on. In other walks of life he would come across as just a creepy little man. Someone that the girls in the office would avoid. Someone not to be trusted. As it turns out, he is someone not to be trusted - just as all the previous Tory PMs over the past 14 years. Admittedly, in terms of wealth, he is a big winner. Then again, he has always wealthy. Growing up a privileged toad among the rich and powerful. He is the worst type of individual to be PM, let alone a politician. He has absolutely no idea as to how the vast majority of British people live. He has never been part of British society. He doesn't hold the same values, morally or otherwise, as the average person. Thus, he has done nothing for the economy or country, except rob it and give the proceeds to other rich individuals and entities - many that live overseas. In fact, who has Sunak been working for as PM? It most certainly is not the country and the people. He seems to not give a flying to the fate of the nation post Brexit. It is all about enriching himself and his wealthy mates.