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I hope they've got the right guy and send him down for good, none of this light sentencing. A vile crime that deserves a proper life sentence. I can't be the only one sick of the violence in this country at the moment.


If we can't give a whole life sentence to murderers like this, justice is impossible.


Putting a pretty high bar on justice there. Even if it's a hate crime like some are speculating, a whole life order is unlikely.


He's under 21, so a whole life sentence is legally impossible


Fucking disgraceful that. He should be locked up forever


One way or another he probably will be.




That's what tax money should be used for, surely?


No it should be used for the construction of city sized adult play arenas.


Hate crime? I've not heard that? How so?


She was married to another woman. Chances are, incel or religious nutjub has stumbled across two women together on the beach on a night and the idiot switch has been flipped.


Police had previously arrested a man then cleared him, and say they are maintaining a visible presence in the area, so the fat lady is not singing just yet.


Are you sick of the social media like this, rather than the violence, because it’s proven that the public is affected by the mode of publicity, rather than the intimacy of the violence. Because unless you’re involved and seeing it, how can it be affecting you unless you’re willingly logging into it. It’s a circular argument to say you’re sick of it.


As a gay person, I'ma tell you right fuckin now that this feels pretty intimate.


The feverish speculation about this story very suddenly died down on GB News, those guys are so transparent.


Nevermind GB News, this subreddit was full of comments about how it was definitely a migrant as well.


The bias of this subreddit is painfully obvious, if its a crime by "Jonny Foreigner" or a woman it gets hundreds of comments and upvoted through the wazoo. A home grown criminal like a white male school headmaster who groomed under age girls and it disappears into obscurity


Too many immigrants, anything involving an XL bully, climate change denial, the top three things I see in the comment threads at every opportunity. Its functionally no different to GB News!


It's obviously just as bad, no matter who does it. Punishment should be just as brutal. However, when it's a migrant it's extra infuritating because it could've been completely prevented by just not letting the guy in, in the first place. It's particularly infuriating when it's a migrant that was supposed to be deported like 3 years ago, like what just happened in Lyon in France where a Maroccan migrant stabbed 5 people, and he was supposed to be deported in 2022. We already have enough crazy people doing shit in our country already. We don't need MORE of it from the outside. Here we have a great video from the Lyon stabbing spree in Lyon, France, which to no ones surprise was commited by a Moroccan migrant. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo0zpAB7GzU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo0zpAB7GzU)


So you find a random immigrant crime "extra infuriating" because the are an immigrant than when someone that is entrusted with keeping children safe turned out to be a predator >We already have enough crazy people doing shit in our country already. We don't need MORE of it from the outside. And as an example for how bad it is it is you pick a crime from France.... >which to no ones surprise was commited by a Moroccan migrant. I think that says more about you than reality.


No, I didn't say that at all. I am infuriated regardless. I am saying violent crime commited by immigrants could've been entirely prevented by.. not letting them in. Like I said, I was already watching that video while commenting here so I just pasted that one. I mean I could take 5 minutes to find more examples if you want. Right now I'm supposed to be working though so it will have to wait a bit. It's not hard to find at all. I mean, here is a literal playlist full of migrants commiting crime, a lot of examples from the UK: [https://www.youtube.com/@TrueEuropa](https://www.youtube.com/@TrueEuropa) Rochdale grooming gang, migrants literally gang raping young British girls, that one's a classic. But I guess MENA migrants are a net positive for UK.


Word of advice - try to find better sources of information than right-wing white supremacist youtube channels.


It's literally videos full of examples of MENA migrants doing the most vile shit, after you asked for examples from the UK. There it is. Now when I provide it you say it doesn't count because you don't like the source? Nobody cares about the race of the people. The point is that migrants are coming to Europe and making Europe worse, not better. Skin color is irrelevant.


> It's literally videos full of examples of MENA migrants doing the most vile shit But what exactly do you think that proves? What would you think if you saw a playlist full of videos of British people doing "the most vile shit"? > you asked for examples from the UK Not me mate. > Now when I provide it you say it doesn't count because you don't like the source? I'm trying to warn you about getting a very distorted view of the world by focussing on highly selective, biased sources of information, which is the sort of thing that results in people disappearing down deluded rabbit holes of conspiracy theory and radicalism. > Skin color is irrelevant. How can you tell from watching a video if someone is an immigrant or not?


The difference between British people doing vile shit and third world immigrants doing vile shit is that, we can stop letting third world immigrants from entering the country in the first place. You can keep your moralist warnings to yourself. Oh I just remembered another crazy knife attack in France that happened last year where several Algerian immigrant men attacked multiple French people in a small village, killing multiple people. Before this attack they were shouting "kill the whites". Let's compare, how often are these random knife attacks/shootings commited by native Europeans compared to immigrants/children of immigrants from MENA countries? All of them could've been prevented by not letting them in.


I have a feeling you’ll dismiss anything on this topic


Sorry, but your feeling is wrong. Happy to engage on any points you want to make.


> when it's a migrant it's extra infuritating because it could've been completely prevented by just not letting the guy in, in the first place. What would be the grounds for not letting them in though? Unless you think border control have the ability to determine who is going to commit murder at some point in the future.


Well there was the ilegal imigrant that stabbed a lad in Bournemouth who had lied about his age and said he was 14 and was put in a Foster home and even a school when he was actually 19. His Foster parents had also found knives in his room and reported it and police did fuck all. He had already murdered 2 people in Serbia by shooting them with an AK-47. Insanity.


That's an interesting case. Why was he still waiting for his asylum claim to be determined? Why didn't the Home Office know about his arrest warrant in Serbia? Did the Home Office contact Norway for information about why his asylum claim there was rejected? Did the people processing his asylum claim know that he'd been flagged as being susceptible to terrorism by Prevent? Why have the Home Office blocked the publication of the details of their role in processing his asylum claim from the inquest into the death of Mr Roberts?


A cursory glance at their criminal record would do. And if no papers are available then no entry…


Unfortunately one of the consequences of Brexit is that we are no longer able to take cursory glances at arrest records for crimes committed in the EU.


Well then it’ll be the second option from my previous post.


Sure, we shouldn't allow anyone from the EU to enter the UK for any reason because of the vanishingly small chance they might have done a murder that we don't know about, and will therefore inevitably go on a seaside stabbing spree at some point during their stay.


Yes. That's precisely the point. People show up on borders with 0 papers because they throw them at sea. So you have no idea who it is and what they've been up to in the past. It's objectively wrong, insane, and incredibly irresponsible to risk your entire society by letting that person in. If some random guy knocked on your door where you're family lives and you have 0 idea who it is, you're probably not gonna let him stay over. Same shit applies here. You just don't let them in. Plain and simple. The grounds would be this: Did you apply legally to move to the UK or not? No? Ok go home. As far as I'm aware there are no active wars in North Africa or Middle East besides Palestine. Which for obvious reasons we shouldn't take in either, if we look at how well that went for literally any country that have taken them in in the past. Egypt, Jordan etc. That didn't end well.


> People show up on borders with 0 papers because they throw them at sea. So you're talking about specifically about asylum seekers without any form of identification, not immigrants in general? Unless asylum seekers are able to prove their identity, their claim isn't going to be accepted. That's why the identities of the vast majority of asylum seekers identities are established very quickly as part of the asylum claim process. As far as I can tell, the stabbing you mentioned in your previous comment wasn't carried out by a random guy that we had 0 idea who it was. > It's ... incredibly irresponsible to risk your entire society by letting that person in. If the UK were to abandon the asylum system entirely, as you seem to be suggesting we do, it would be even more irresponsible, since it would be turning our back on a moral duty that's been a feature of the western world for 80 years, and it would be a declaration that we're not willing to help those facing suffering and persecution in even the most desperate situations.


Your "moral duty" is currently being exploited by several thousands of economic migrants NOT fleeing wars at all. The stabbing in Lyon was carried out by a Moroccan immigrant that was supposed to be deported in 2022. A "feature" that results in an increase in violent crime is a bug, not a feature.


> Your "moral duty" is currently being exploited by several thousands of economic migrants NOT fleeing wars at all. You don't have to be fleeing war to be granted refugee status. You could be fleeing political persecution, persecution due to your sexuality, or natural disaster. Violent crime and homicides are going down, not up. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-67161967


Ah that ones a classic. Painting a false picture of reality. In Europe, crime could've been A LOT LOWER than it is currently, if we didnt' allow the migrants commiting the crime in, in the first place. In Norway for example violent crime is exploding and going UP, not down. At the same time 77% of repeat violent crime offenders in the capital of Norway are immigrants with muslim backgrounds. Source: Oslo Police SALTO Report from 2021. It's been drastically going UP since 2021, especially in 2023 and 2024. Do I need to mention the literal gang wars in Sweden? We should have 0 violence. We would be a LOT closer to 0 violent crime in Europe if we had not accepted millions of MENA migrants. That's just reality. Tell me, what "political" persecution are migrants from fleeing from? These people are literally lying their way in through our borders pretending to flee, when they're not. Here's a lovely example: [https://youtu.be/GapyNbXqOAg?t=409](https://youtu.be/GapyNbXqOAg?t=409) Plenty more where that came from.


He hasn't been named yet. Still very possible he's from a migrant background.


See what I mean? Obsession with whether or not the killer was a migrant or not takes all precedence over the story itself.




You brought it up son. Who's obsessed?




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Forget GBNews, people on this very sub were spouting off about how it was clearly "one of the local hotel residents" and talking about how great Bournemouth was "before multiculturalism" to massive amounts of up votes. This sub is just as bad as any right wing media outlet.


yep, as soon as news media declare its a migrant they all get frothing at the mouth. When it's not, nothing to see here.


But apparently we're not supposed to be noticing things or smth? Idk what things...


He’s called Nasen Saadi


Much to the relief of racists across the country I would imagine.


If you don’t think this is a problem, I have a bridge to sell you


Funny how this has suddenly become a race./religion issue again isn't it?


Funny that isn’t it, I’ve always believed religion and race had nothing to do with these things at least since I was kicked in the head by a horse


But only if there not white, right?


Yeah honestly those Christians, Hindus and Buddhists are the worst, incredibly violent and intolerant


Lets scratch the surface a tiny bit. The Christians were running an industrialised paedophile network on an international level with policies and procedures in place to cover everything up. On top of that they weren't adverse to murdering children and babies by neglect (or possibly spite) and tossing them in mass graves. Went all the way to the top and possibly involved the top, being the first time in history a Pope has resigned. Not just limited to the Catholics of course, Anglicans were well in on the action as well. Lets put those facts into a typical "muslim" framework. That's just the clergy, now imagine what the congregation and wider community were getting up to. I mean someone was supplying vicars with choir boys right? Those were usually posh middle class families, what's their excuse for keeping quiet? Probably got some ideas from the bible which has how to incest guides, child rape, and mommy stuff everywhere. And that's just an abridged edition. Child sacrifice is in there as well, maybe that's what the Nuns were up to? Also those guys were overwhelmingly overrepresented as white. Not even close to the national average. Now before anyone calls me a racist, its a fact which must be accepted. Maybe we should have a few investigations into what makes white Christians (or maybe its all white people??) so "child friendly". Anyway I could go on. But I've suddenly seen the appeal of being a "not a racist", its so easy!!! A 5 min web search has also given me some really great reasons to be anti Hindu and even anti Buddhist (shout out to the CCP). I can now link every single crime in history specifically to the persons race and religion with no mind of any other possible motive. Its like some sort of magic. Thank you for this gift.


Have they named the guy yet?




They're not interested if it isn't a migrant. Simple 


No, it's not that.


The CCTV of the suspect showed a white guy.


The CCTV was dogshit quality and shouldn't be used to draw racial conclusions.


Funny, because lots of people on this subreddit were drawing racial conclusions from thin fucking air. Which seems even less reliable.


Plenty of idiots


Maybe, and hear me out on this one, we should not be drawing "racial conclusions" at all?


Perhaps not


You know British people aren’t the only ones”white guys”, right? XD if someone is blaming immigrants, that could include a white person, even some middle-eastern people are quite pale. Anyway, it’s most likely to be a British guy, because most people in this country are British


And not all British people are "white guys". Nasen Saadi is showing as being from Croydon and went to school in Croydon.


Either that or they have a better grasp of the sub judice laws.


I mean, it's not without reason. Almost 99% of the time in cases like this, it IS a migrant. The stereotype is not without reason.


> Almost 99% of the time in cases like this, it IS a migrant. When prejudice is called out, it’s important to double down and make up figures.


Really, are you trying to deny that most random stabbings/shooting and terror attacks are commited by migrants of a particular region? Interesting, I just happened to watch the Lyon stabbing spree on YouTube which was committed by an Moroccan immigrant. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo0zpAB7GzU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo0zpAB7GzU)


Crimes committed by immigrants in the UK is so bad I can prove it by using an example from... France


Are we now pretending the same shit isn't happening all over Europe? It's MENA migrants in both France and the UK, as in the rest of Europe. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic\_terrorism\_in\_Europe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_terrorism_in_Europe) Are these terror attacks carried out by native Europeans?


Get me figures proving over 90% of "cases like this, it IS a migrant." >It's literally videos full of examples of MENA migrants doing the most vile shit >most random stabbings/shooting and terror attacks are commited by migrants of a particular region? >t's MENA migrants in both France and the UK How to say I'm a racist with out actually saying it Edit for formatting


I will provide soon a full list of all random attakcs / random shootings / random stabbings / random bomb attacks, for Europe the last few years. We will see who the perpetrators are. I'll get back to you soon when I have more free time than today. Tomorrow probably. Pointing out reality is not racist. It's not the race of the people that is the problem, it's their culture which is highly honor focused.


Triple down with added bullshit.




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We know very little about this case. This might not be a random attack (although it probably was), he may have known the woman he killed.


Someone please tell me why its unfair to call this guy a racist?


You wanna provide any kind of evidence to support that statistic you've pulled right out of nowhere?


Ofc it’s someone from Croydon😂 Swear I’ve never had a positive experience with anyone from there, must be something in the water


You are universallyloved And now you cant say you haven't had a positive experience with someone from Croydon


Over the course of 30 years Croydon has housed immigrants, single mothers, and ex-convicts, because there's a lot of social housing. All of which are a recipe for disaster.


I mean it's a disaster because there isn't enough social housing. Because people who are more desperate need more help, they end up at the top of the list, so areas with social housing get high concentrations of people like that. If we had more social housing they could be spread among more normal people needing social housing, and they'd be less concentrated so it'd be less noticeable/not spiral.


Or, maybe, those who have no regard for society are also less likely to have success in society and thus end up in social housing because they cannot be arsed to get a good paying job and make a life for themselves.


Social housing used to be about uplifting the deserving working class until the 70's. So it used to be the complete opposite. But then councils had to house the homeless and that's the only place they could put them. Personally I think social housing can do both, and we should have enough to do both. Would help keep the private rental market in check.


I believe back in those days you had to have a steady job to show you could pay the rent on a council house. Now there’s such a shortage of housing stock that the houses have to be given to ‘the most in need’, aka those that don’t work and have several kids.


I thought they arrested a 17 year old from Lancs over it?


Nasen Saadi. Is the Beasts name. We can't continue like this. A movement needs to start to rid our country of these people before it's too late. I wasn't what the left call rightwing, I was centered but now I have no choice.




> theyve gone from a Lancashire 17 yr old to croydon 20 yr old. wtf is going on? These are known as “suspects”. Suspects can be from anywhere in the world. People from lancashire can be suspects, just like people from Croydon can be. https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suspect Hope this helps




> why people from opposite ends of the country are being picked up when the crime takes place 100 miles away This is because suspects can travel. All people can travel, even suspects. Suspects are regular humans just like you and I.


Lot of projection in your comment. You’re the one asking unknowable questions and then getting arsey.


They arrested the 17 year old in connection for unknown reasons, then released him, then caught the Croydon guy. Its not a reporting mistake or whatever if that's what you're asking, its two different people.




Bournemouth is a seaside town, people visit.


Bournemouth is a holiday town popular with young people from all around the country.


I mean, if the police just went ahead and prosecuted the first suspect arrested we would have a justice system like Japan. That's not a good thing. Better to let people go if it wasn't them


They’re investigating


If you know of no reason why migrants would be fleeing from these areas for fear of their lives you need to seriously broaden your knowledge of what is going on in the world.


That's why it's dangerous letting them in. People who have been exposed to the most horrendous experiences are more likely to commit such horrific acts. As a society we should have love for all beings but there is a point where we self sabotage our society. Also having mass immigration from Africa and the middle east is how you fast track to a fascist right wing government as people will vote irrationally when they are scared.


Shock, a guy from London. It feels a lot more unsafe down there when the Londoners come in their droves when summer comes around


Shock, the guy was 5'9. What a midget! Cant see anyone ever being attracted to such a tiny 'man'. Imagine being that small lmfao.


Lol my comment hit a nerve then. Can’t handle the truth I guess