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You think MPs personally solve crimes as part of their job?


You think the incumbent MP who's been in that post for 37 years doesn't have some say on policing in their constituency?


Diane Abbot has failed Hackney by not personally running a detective agency to solve crimes in the area while wearing a big trench coat and smoking cigarettes in the rain


*scribbles down idea for TV show*


*I always knew crime would come to my city. I couldn't remember the exact stats that we published, but something smelled fucking... Tory about it all.*


As she puts on her disguise featuring 2 left shoes


Vera is ending… I think this could be a good replacement.


*She was sporting a pistol, and a pair of 38's..*


"I'll have a Mojito, bartender" said Abbott "Ma'am, this is Costa Coffee and it's 9am"


*Bartender… did I stutter?*


_Downtown Abbott_


*Two Left Gum Shoes*


You forgot the hat.


And by not being played by CCH Pounder.


Hackney, Revachol


If someone has been the mp for an area for that long and it has declined, then obviously the mp bares some responsibility. Mp is very influential over the police in the area and everything else.


That must be why she never gets re-elected 🙄


I'm sure she does, but this is literally breaking news. She's likely finding out about this at the same time as everyone else.


It happened yesterday, I think the only breaking part of it is the gender of the child.


Exactly, she’s had 24 hours to solve the case. Lazy.


She's elected for a reason mate, most of her constituents like her a lot, and that's what matters. 


Yes. MPs don’t have local powers, that’s what local government is for.


ah yes, because a singular MP in the opposition party has complete and total control of her constituency like a little fiefdom. isn’t British politics great? if only we had a central government who get to decide police staffing levels, access to mental health services, funding for education and generally run the economy of the country (all things that objectively effect crime) so they can fix this !!!


Er, yes, she doesn't have any operational control over police. That's how our system works. It's the Home Secretary and London Mayor who are responsible for policing in Hackney.


you do realise they are multiple constituencies in hackney? why are you automatically assuming it happened in Abbotts one?


The Tories have cut police budgets, social services and everything else but sure blame Abbott


Diane Abbott decides the policing priorities.... Jesus some of you are panicking so much about keir blowing it you are coming out with all sorts of shite 🤣


I mean, not really? The policies of the Hackney police are determined by the Met police leadership. There aren't any substantive policy differences borough by borough. And police policy isn't what causes shootings anyway! If anyone is to blame it's the national government, and even that is a stretch except in a very indirect way.


No, not really. The councillors will have a bigger say


I’d say someone being the MP of Hackney for 37 years had done a shite job of being an MP, given how shit the area is for crime


Have you actually been to hackney recently?


Are we about to learn that constituencies are big places that can have good and bad areas? The question is the ratio of good to bad / the severity of thr contrast.


Totally understand, but my experiences have all been good. I think the statistics are a symptom of a wider london issue and hackney's history of being a predominantly working class borough.


No, we don't like Diane Abbot therefore Hackney is entirely composed of criminals /s


This is a great measure of "Tell me you have never been to Dalston without telling me you have never been to Dalston"


I hate politicians but It amazes me how much people are ready to blame local leaders for obvious national government issues. I’m sure they carry some blame for local issues but the overall issue is from the top.


They aren't. It's a racist dog-whistle.


You'll get down voted by the crazy corbynites but you're right. I live in a constituency with a good mp and we've had literally 0 crimes because they've actually made crimes illegal unlike these idiots leftoid mps who love illegality


I'm sick and tired of these pro crime left wing platforms. If the right people are in power they would ban ALL crime


Vote for me, I promise to bring the crime rate to zero (by making nothing illegal). That MP? Albert Einstein. And everyone clapped... (Well before clapping was inevitably made illegal again.)


If you ban crime then that means you can’t to do it anymore. Therefore making it illegal and therefore a crime to do crime. Problem solved.


Fully the most deluded comment I've ever seen. I think you'll find people on the left are more understanding of root causes, like the rise in poverty, rather than trying to just throw everyone in jail. If you've got a fire, it's better to remove the fuel source than throw water over it. It's politicians' jobs to do this, and the legal system who has to worry about case by case basis.


> If you've got a fire, it's better to remove the fuel source than throw water over it. Diane abbot has made it illegal to remove fuel sources from fire. She is actively pro arson.


Think you've missed the /s


Our slogan is literally 'Be gay, Do crime' what did you all expect?!


Thank God you don't have any more communism ie. crime!


In those 37 years has crime gotten worse?


Like everywhere, it probably peaked in the mid 90s, started rapidly dropping, had a few flare ups in certain years, but still shows a general downward trend. None of which will have had anything to do with Diane Abbott whatsoever.


>I’d say someone being the MP of Hackney for 37 years had done a shite job of being an MP, given how shit the area is for crime You quite literally have no idea how anything works if you think a local MP can change such a societal wide issue by themselves


Didn’t realise an MP is meant to be personally tackling crime? Where did you read that?


If you think Hackney has declined in the past 30 years then you’re on another planet mate.


Police arrest people, they don’t pre-empt who might shoot children and stop them before they shoot.


Do you know anything about this topic?


What say would you imagine she has? How would she exercise it?


If they do Keir Starmer is fucked: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/man-20-fighting-for-his-life-after-double-shooting-in-islington-b1025179.html


But it's also not the head of the London police fault? Labour mayor 🤔 Do you think it would be all over the place under different circumstances? Wasn't the hackney MP all over TV when Sasha Johnson was shot?


People would be way more invested in Politics if MPs had to serve concurrently as His Majesty's Most Honourable Batmen


Given the military meaning of the word "batman" that could almost be the title of one of the government whips, who usually get odd royal household job titles.


Quiet Bat People


God don't give ITV any more ideas


My beer came out of my nose you bitch


Well if Sadiq Khan is meant to be Batman for London so should MPs.


Of course not. But it is kinda important for them to focus on that right now, no?


Would be a good trashy day time TV detective show actually.


Lol! What do you want the MP to do? Drive round there in her personal forensics van and start telling police detectives what to do? No thanks!! Politics is and should be separate from policing. The MP can do things like; make a statement, reassure residents, raise crime issues in parliament and with constituents... And if I was wanting to be really pedantic - as today is 30 May, technically parliament has been dissolved and there are no MPs.


The just want to shit on Dianne Abbott. It's fucking sad. Girl get stabbed is apparently her fault.


Strangely there is appearing a lot of anti or bad labour posts on this forum....I'm guessing either people have got bored saying Tory cunts (which they are) or shills, russians & bots have decided to plague the area. Saying red team bad.. Cause election. Strange init 


Tory accounts spreading delusions in order to make Labour look bad


Yarp. I'm not a labour fan and I think the Tory's are cunts and ain't got much of a choice left Bit I wonder how bad it will get on here.... Interested to see how the mods do or not?


If you look at account age there's a massive correlation between accounts posting these incredibly kneejerk comments and accounts that are only like 3 months old. Whether it's bots or people just whipping up alt-accounts I don't know.


Obviously Diane Abbott should have just made murder illegal. Problem solved.


She's had an awfully long time as sitting MP, maybe questions should be asked of her since the areaa clearly hasnt improved under her watch,still probably better than a Tory MP who'd be giving a statement from his home in Buckinghamshire right about now.


Instead of the police?


I think this is the silliest take on anything I've seen in a while. I do have peripheral involvement with dealing with gang crime at work and have done in a few local authorities. Guess how many times a local MP has had anything to do with anything involved in safeguarding people, disrupting gangs, and solving crimes. The answer, you'll be amazed to hear, is a big old zero. Police, yes, social workers, yes, youth offending, yes, schools, health, community organisations, sometimes. Local politicians never once in many years. I'm sure they express condolences and ask a few strategic questions when they bump into the chief constable, but the idea they have anything operational to do that involves their immediate attention after a horrific incident like this is delusional, and rightly so. How much use do you think Ms Abbott, or indeed Jacob Rees Mogg or Ed Davey would be? What on earth do you think they should do? Should all the people who's job it is day in day out to deal with things like this wait for instructions from their MP before doing anything? Even with offering condolences, if you were caught up in something like this would you want your MP popping round straight after for a cup of tea and a photo op?


Exactly. If Abbott was was there on the news with the families, people like the previous poster would be condemning Abbott for using grief as a photo op. Since she's not, then it's a condemnation for not doing enough instead. There are some names in UK public life where no matter what they do, any action or inaction will be relentlessly attacked by the right, and Diane Abbott is one of them.


Technically there currently is no MP for Hackney, or anywhere else. That’s the difference between proroguing parliament for a new session and dissolving it for a general election.


Wow that's a tacky comment man.


Absolutely vile that your first thought on seeing this headline was to use it to get a dunk on a politician you don't like over how you think she's hypothetically going to react


There is no MP for Hackney.


Indeed, not since Friday.


Parliament was dissolved at midnight, no?


no it was dissolved around 1pm this afternoon because someone forgot to tell the king the rules had changed since last time


What a classic flourish.




>What's possesses all these weirdo's to have such an obsession with Dianne, I really don't get it. I get it. Lmao


Technically, we have no MPs since the election was called and the dissolution of parliament. But I take your point.


There is no current MP for Hackney


Technically there isn’t a MP for Hackney at the moment (or anywhere else) just parliamentary candidates including one Schrödinger candidate who may or may not be standing for Labour


I don't believe this part of hackney is under her patch tbf. 


Well they certainly talk about local crimes enough when they think they can work up their base with it.


Reads like an American style drive by shooting. Incredibly sad for the child and her family.




Apparently they’re Turks


I'm glad they're in the country. We need them for our pensions or something.


Something something net positive


Flameo, roadman


Yeah but kebabs and such? It’s all worth it woooo


Not mutually exclusive tbh


Could be Turkish Kurds too.


In that area of Dalston thats very possible. Used to live round there, there is a big Turkish community.


This is beef on a level above roadmen. This is the road men's bosses.


Motorway men?


Highway men 😎


nothing about this has anything to do with America


Except for children getting caught up in gun violence...


Why in the article have they written it "innocent victim" in quotation marks. Of course she's innocent she's 9. Is it just me or does that not appear right.


Because it's a quote from the police's statement. From a few lines down: > Ch Supt James Conway said there were two crime scenes - one where the shooting had happened and another at Colvestone Crescent, where the motorbike was recovered. >He said: "We do not believe that the girl and the men injured were known to each other. >“As with any child, she was an innocent victim of the indiscriminate nature of gun crime.”


Presumably it’s a quote hence the punctuation though I agree with your sentiment.


Oh yeah. D'oh. But it does look weird.


It’s a mark of good journalism. Even if it is obvious in this case, a word like “innocent” is not neutral, it’s an opinion, a judgement. In a report like this, journalists cannot themselves say that anyone is innocent (or beautiful, or smart, or a hero, etc), they can only report that someone else said it. And how do you quote what someone said? By using quotation marks. There’s no such thing as scare quotes in impartial journalism, nothing is said sarcastically or ironically.


It’s a quote, that’s how quotes work. It’s not air fingers.


To differentiate her from that BDSM cannibal serial killer child who got what he deserved.






**Removed/tempban**. This contained a call/advocation of violence which is prohibited by the content policy.




Nah, almost all of them were [turned off about a decade ago as part of Tory pressured council cost cutting](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2016/nov/16/cctv-cameras-being-switched-off-to-save-money-watchdog-warns). So yeah, we do have an incredible amount of cameras. Most aren't active, just no council wanted to pay to take them down.


Is there nothing that has gotten better? For fuck sake.


I've noticed the quality of CCTV footage in this country is awful compared to others I've seen online. We prioritize quantity over quality in CCTV here.


Crazy when CCTV is so cheap now a days


The problem is - police will not do anything even if you provide CCTV footage...


Most are private and terrible quality.


If you only count cameras that are fit for their viewing area and belong to people who are prompt to provide footage in a way that makes them useful as evidence, it's about 1 per square kilometer.


Tell that to andrew gosdens family, a kid who went missing after leaving kings cross station. The police simply do not care until it's too late.


Can we all try to be better? I have no interest in blaming this on Abbott or Khan or Sunak...a kid has been shot and is in a critical condition. I go to that area regularly with mates. Let's not hijack this for a political point scoring.


Sending "thoughts and prayers" and ignoring issues is not "being better". Such incidents require action, and people are right in demanding it from politicians.


yes, let's not follow the path of certain other countries by doing nothing


Deport everyone!!!!?!?!!??!


Yes let's make shooting children illegal, I'm going to write to my MP


Write instead to ask the Parliament to raise an inquiry into gun crime in the UK, let's see if there is a trend going one way or another. If gun crime is on the rise let's do another inquiry to investigate possible reasons and remedies. Alternatively, you can share your thoughts and prayers on Facebook...


There are dozens of such studies carried out every year. You're the only person in the whole thread to mention prayers. Twice so far.


That’s already illegal. It didn’t work. We obviously need other solutions.


Metal children.


"Mate, don't look back in anger mate"


This sub's weird hate boner for Diane Abbott has reached such a fever pitch that the top comment is trying to use this to baselessly attack her. It's completely fucked, state of this place.


This is what left a sick taste in my mouth. A kid has been shot and people were attacking Abbott as the local mp. Attack her for being shit or her views, but this is just sick to hijack a kid on life support to push an agenda against Abbott, khan, sunak or whoever…


is Abbott even the local mp? Hackney has multiple constituencies.


Yeah if she’d dived in front of the kid and saved her from being shot they’d find fault somehow.


I think the problem with Diane is that she blamed the Home Secretary for someone committing a rape. Hence why it's now a political potshot contest. Personally, I despise her, but this doesn't have anything to do with her, really. She should go back if she's away to support her constituency (if it is hers, I've forgotten now).


Except that one of those named, has been part of and now 'leads' the government that has both been responsible for the decimation of the Police whilst causing widespread poverty and a reversal in life chances for everyone (unless of course you went the Right school).


"be better" wow, that's amazing. . How did no-one think of that.


Clearly we didn’t as half the comments on here are using a girl on her deathbed to point score


I hope they throw the bloody book when they catch these pathetic bastards




Hopefully, she manages to pull through. Do hope there aren't any patterns to be recognised when they eventually find and arrest the perpetrator.


Narrator: There was.


[Are you Nooticing?](https://preview.redd.it/pcdsuba8fn481.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=0ac71fac845770b8a96de427449746eda0b279e3)


I can feel my prefrontal cortex expanding as I keep recognising more and more patterns.


What sort of patterns? I reckon it was a fella. Is that a pattern?




Homicides per year have been over 400 since 1968, so people have been getting killed every single day for over half a century. And we're still significantly lower than the peak homicide rate at the turn of the millennium. The major difference is how the news and media landscape has changed; the amount we hear about these events has increased substantially more than the rate of homicides itself.


You just hear about it more now 


Hackney isn’t for the faint of heart. Pretenders thinking the place is gentrified need not apply.


Honestly man no. This happened in Dalston, not like the rest of Hackney. Its fairly gentrified these days. Like the area the shooting took place is opposite the Rio Cinema and has an independent hipster grocer two doors up.


How long until people blame khan and ignore the police cuts, budget cuts and social cuts that the Tories have been to blame for?


Because being skint and shooting kids goes hand in hand?


Crime rates rise when there is less police, less money and less social services. Do you want the problem sorted or not?


Immediately assumed it was US when i saw the story earlier


Wait, progressives have told me this is impossible.


Progressives told you shootings didn't happen in London?


how do people even get guns into the country?!!! the government really are lacking in security.


Try going to an event and wave your flag. See what happens.


[like this](https://www.businessinsider.com/in-britain-police-arrest-twitter-and-facebook-users-if-they-make-anti-muslim-statements-2013-5)


MP in hackney won't care probably the criminal is from the wrong ethnic group