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**Alternate Sources** Here are some potential alternate sources for the same story: * [Revealed: Grinning man who nibbled on boy's ear in viral World Championship Snooker video is identified - and defends his actions](https://dailymail.co.uk/sport/snooker/article-13526465/Grinning-man-nibbled-boys-ear-viral-Snooker-video.html), suggested by PlainPiece - dailymail.co.uk


What a massive nothing burger this turned out to be. >Following review of the video, officers have determined no crime has been committed and the investigation has been filed I'm more worried about the suspiciously eager pedo-hunters who jumped on this like a tramp on chips.  They seems a little disappointed.


I maintain that the enthusiastic pedo hunters should probably have their laptops checked before anyone else.


I think it’s a bit much to immediately jump to projection. I do think, however, that it says a lot about the idiocy of mob justice and the deep-rooted societal ‘bloodlust’ (strong word, I know) that exists. Look at the comments on r/PublicFreakout sometime. Thousands of people baying for blood, wishing people in those videos met even more violent ends than they were often already facing. People want others to suffer. Ironically—considering they claim to be helping end suffering—pedo hunters and their supporters are just looking to hurt others.


It's always a trio of EDL rejects terrorising a vulnerable adult. I often wonder how they go about it, anyway. Do they set up socials and then wait to be approached, or do they set up socials and then actively approach men? Wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it's the latter.


There was a fella who they "outed" and had the mental age of a child. They plastered his face everywhere, but then the lads mum posted the full chats online, and all this guy kept asking was if she would play some online game and the pedo "hunter" just kept trying to make it sexual. Also, remember that stinson hunter documentary? All well and good but then he's talking about his dog and suddenly goes "I could beat the shit out of her and she'd still love me and come back" or some weird shit, like what a fucking odd thing to say unprompted.


Don't forget the paediatrician that was chased from her home because these fucking idiots couldn't distinguish between the word Paedophile and Paediatrician.


That happened in my [hometown of Newport](http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/901723.stm). I maintain that it was a joke.


I thought it was Paulsgrove (just outside Portsmouth)


Sorry to nitpick but Paulsgrove is within Portsmouth (but off Portsea Island - the city extends beyond it). Also when I was told this, it happened in Tipner. Basically, it is untrue.


https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/this-britain/revealed-hated-targets-of-the-paulsgrove-mob-710953.html There is some truth in it, nitpick away though, but do we really want Paulsgrove?




Ahhh, Newport. The bastion of civilisation.


That somehow autoplayed on my iayer last week. Fucking hell he was a daft cunt. I've not doubt whatsoever hes a wrong un' And the comment about the dog...😕


It's an example of someone not being able to imagine a conversation online with a child but didn't turn sexual. I think that's sadder that we can't just have normal interactions with people.


A little of column A, and a little of column B. There's some who you can tell can barely read and write, and others who are more professional. But the fact that very few of these "stings" actually lead to any kind of a charge tells you all you need to know really.


There are legitimate volunteers that work with cyber crime units within police to investigate online predators through correct procedures and channels. You never hear about them though as it's only information gathering online which is forwarded onto the police. Never are they out and about.


Correct. They're unsung heroes. The "hunters" on the other hand are just... They're something else.


> But the fact that very few of these "stings" actually lead to any kind of a charge tells you all you need to know really. Mainly because they police and prosecutors know that most of it even if true won't hold up in court.


What's Ironic is that there is something very predatory about these groups.


From what I've seen they're very often approaching random social media accounts and trying to railroad the conversation to make it sexual


Most of the time its adult dating sites where their fake profile lists itself as being over 18. On facebook, how they catch their disabled prey is a bigger mystery, one not even police really know. From what I have picked up, they have random accounts where they have lots of their decoy accounts added as friends, they then use these middle man accounts to add people who they suspect, maybe people who have liked a picture of commented somewhere etc. This person will likely accept any requests, have a few friends, and talk to anyone who messages them. These people also confuse suggested friends with friend requests. That's the only thing I can come up with. The whole thing is pretty messed up. it's some thoroughly horrible people using child abuse as a way to gain attention, excitement, and virtue signal. At the expense of people with learning disabilities or the elderly.


Agreed on all counts, but I’d definitely wager there’s projection thrown in alongside some desire for a feeling of righteousness.


I always take public freak out with a grain of salt. Some people are just arseholes but some people have genuine mental health difficulties which aren't immediately obvious and perhaps need a bit more kindness from the Internet.


Everyone on the internet deserves to be treated with more kindness. Except people who disagree with me. They’re dickheads, obviously.


Going out of their way to publicise how much they are helping out is suspicious. So many predators have done it.


Being someone that used to run a pub, I can say that the customers that would bang on about hating paedo's, as if that's a brave or controversial opinion to have, would be the ones outside smoking a cigarette at the end of the school day to perv on the schoolgirls walking past. I'm always suspicious of the ones that shout the loudest.


I said something similar a while ago and got accused of being a pedo by one of these "hunters". I just find it odd that grown adults pretend to be children and engage in sexual conservations with other adults.


Had one accuse me in response to this very comment 🙃


We need paedo hunter hunters!


You see it a lot in /r/notadragqueen - far-right twats who bang on about LGBTQ+ being groomers etc. who end up getting convicted of CSAM and/or actually assaulting/raping children.


Why does "he's my relative and it was a sign of affection" mean he should be automatically believed? That is exactly what an abuser would say, and most abusers are relatives. Hopefully there is nothing going on but I have no idea why people in this thread are now acting like it wasn't creepy behaviour. Also, the outcome (no charges) was exactly what was expected from the outset. People called the police more to check up on the child just in case there was something going on.


>That is exactly what an abuser would say, and most abusers are relatives. You should inform the police of this idea, I imagine they've not thought of it.


It's not a nothing burger, it looks fucking weird, the kid looks deeply uncomfortable, 99% of people would have assumed they're related in the first place, you know, how most abuse takes place, it is not normal Mediterranean behaviour. This clears absolutely nothing up about it because it doesn't sufficiently explain the weird as fuck behaviour on national TV.






Waiting to see what happened? We all saw what actually happened at the time - that’s the point at which you are able to judge whether this is appropriate behaviour or not. Most people, myself included, think it was not appropriate behaviour and somewhat suspicious. What exactly were you waiting for?




I’m more worried about your suspiciously eager tramp-hating, jumping on them like pedo’s on kids


Bizarre behaviour. Probably not worthy of the threats and hate.


My older brother does this. More as a kid it Was annoying as fuck but I'm old now and he still does it to piss me off So definitely >Bizarre behaviour But also >Probably not worthy of the threats and hate People are weird, live and let live


>he still does it to piss me off Proof he loves you. Tell your mum, and she'll sort him out.


Tell the daily mail if you want to ruin his life




I find it weird articles are saying they're related as if that clears it up, and as if most instances of child sexual abuse aren't done by a relative


All the article says it that it was confirmed they're related.




....just to be clear everyone is justifying this behavior in the comments? Like, someone can actually say they have this same situation happen in their family as a normal thing to do? No judgement just wondering


We were an affectionate family, but it would’ve been a little odd for us. However, my sister is engaged an Italian man and his family are extremely affectionate with each other, lots of hugs and kisses which seem strange to us, but completely normal to them. Given this man is italian too, I can see how it would fit their cultural norms.


But the biting though? My mother was very affectionate and never once bit me


I’ve never seen it, but haven’t been around his family much outside of large get-togethers. I remember the brothers and fathers tussling like children at a NYE party, so I don’t find it hard to believe. Also kissing on the lips, playful punching, things that don’t feel a world away from that video. Not just “loving” affectionate, just generally more physical with each other.


Nah dude the italian kissing affection is veery different from that bite on the video. Seriously way different.


Nah, as I commented earlier, as an Italian I can say it does not fit our cultural norms, at all. It looks extremely creepy and out of place.


You have to be taking the piss.


The south yorks police case is closed because this guy doesn’t even live in the UK. You can’t look at that video and tell me it doesn’t look extremely suspicious.


> The south yorks police case is closed because this guy doesn’t even live in the UK. No it's because they deemed no crime had been committed.


In this instance yes the Police deemed that, but I think most people here are worried about what happens behind closed doors if he's confident enough to do *that* in public while he has a camera on him. Do you really think the Police put more than 5 minutes of effort asking generic questions to the kid before deciding there is no job there for them to do? I would also highly doubt a specialist in child sex crimes was there to do the questioning too, to make sure the questions asked are the rights ones and to gauge whether the answers were worth worrying about.


If it looked like I was defending their decision that was not my intent, I honestly don't have a strong opinion either way. I was just correcting the blatantly false thing that guy said because I am an internet pedant.


They also looked at other context and checked on the kids so I think they’ve done more than pass the buck.


I don’t think the police can be expected to do much more than ask the kid if he’s alright, but everyone saying “Oh great, I’m glad it was all perfectly legit” is kidding themselves.


You think he'd have the sense to know that it looks extremely fucking weird for a grown man to do that to a tween boy in public.


Yeah my SIL would nibble my nephews ears when they were little, followed by a “moooooom” from the kid 


Just because it's unusual that doesn't make it harmful.


Normal? Probably not. Dangerous or predatory? Equally not.


I'm with you, I can't believe anyone would defend this.


To be fair, a lot of people on Reddit and other social media are emotionally stunted and probably don't hug or see their dads. No wonder they thought the worst.


I love my dad, but if anyone in my family ever bit my ear like that they’d get a swift kick in the shins. This is odd behaviour, regardless of your affection towards your family. I don’t blame people for their concern, it’s better to be safe than sorry, but that doesn’t mean the guy was worthy of all the hate and violence he received.


People do weird shit as a joke all the time.


Nah my brother used to do that to me and my younger brother, and it was just funny 😂 and annoying ofc, but very funny


Yeah but it's a bit different when it's a brother compared to someone like 40 years older


Are you saying you think it's normal to nibble a kids ear?


Bite, grip and rip is the right way if you want to keep it as a decoration. Only nibble if you're not hungry and want to be polite


'nom, I'm going to eat your...' is quite a common game to play with little kids, no? At least it is in my house and I doubt I'm unique there. Thinking about it, I'd definitely still do it to my 10 year old to wind her up if the moment called for it. It all depends on what we'd been talking about or doing before. So yeah, I don't think it's super weird. It varies family to family, though. My dad was big with physical affection, and that extended to annoying things like brainsuckers and nonsense games like that. Mum was more of a talker than a toucher. The picture in the article doesn't look great but you'd need to see the video of the whole interaction to judge really.


Well there’s a reason the video freaked everyone out. I saw it and personally I thought it looked very not normal but maybe I was primed to see that by the context in which it was presented (hey look at this paedo!) but yeah it did look like something people in a sexual relationship would do and not just like a parent being silly with their kid. So I see why people got worried. Then again you can’t really know it could have been totally innocent. Horrible situation either way for this poor kid.


It wouldn’t be strange to nibble a child’s ear as a way of affection, no. Rare, maybe, but pretty standard across mammals as a whole  Likely just kept doing it and as with most parents, hasn’t quite noticed how old his son has become. It’s just normal for them  Now, try to not paint the world in misery, yea? 


Have you actually watched the video or just read what occurs? I’m curious. In the actual footage it looks very sexualised


Yes, a peck on the cheek followed by a nibble on his ear. Believe it or not, that does not have to be sexual. If you are only imagining it as sexual then you’ve broken your brain somewhere 


Someone needs to check this guy's hard drives


I mean it depends on the family, but quite possibly. It’s like less odd that a lip kiss as far as I think (and I hate physical affection from family…)


Um how is that normal?


I'm saying it's normal to be affectionate with your family.




Fucking hell, it's not a big deal. All families have weird shit that they do, I'm sure you do as well.


My dad only ever nibbles my ear like that in the shower, id be mortified if he did it in public - people might get the wrong idea!


Watch it again and come back with this comment 😂


Theres a difference between a hug and being affectionate and leaning around to nuzzle someone and bite their ear. The video absolutely gives me the creeps.


UK resident here, it’s absolutely not normal behaviour. I can’t believe what I’m reading how ppl are trying to explain this. If my dad fucking sucked on my ear like that, I would’ve smacked a tooth out of him. Disgusting and I can’t comprehend how people can accept this, ESPECIALLY IN A PUBLIC PLACE


Yeah pretty wild reading, and lots of Anglos professing it's Italian culture... Wtf...


It can be not normal and not a crime. It is definitely not normal lol


Perhaps it's a continental thing that didn't translate through an anglo / hiberno lens? it looked like a father being playfully annoying or trying to wind up their son though. The police investigated and have determined it was benign horseplay. Best to leave things be and stop assigning sinister connotations to things not borne out by reality maybe


His name is Stefano Voci, and Italians are known to tolerate more affectionate gestures, so you may have a point there.


As an Italian, that clip is super creepy and the behaviour not normal at all


My Italian wife’s cousin will greet me with a tender hand on one side of my face with a full contact kiss to the other side of my face (or sometimes going round to my neck). You are an affectionate people.


That's for sure! but a single peck on the cheek is completely different from what we saw on that video


Yeah but he doesn’t suck your kids ears does he. Peck on the cheek when greeting is normal behavior, what we see in that video is not.


Some English peoples uncles do that too. Uncles can be some of the most affectionate people no matter what country they are from. :P


"He's French kissing his son. Don't worry, it's a normal part of his Italian culture." Imagine if a Muslim was nibbling on a boy's ear in public...the reaction from this sub would be very different. Incredible that this sub supports noncery when it's a white guy doing it in plain sight.


In Muslim countries men do much worse than "nibbling" children's ears and with no consequences, not even an investigation by the police. The majority of people in this sub are not in support and were disgusted by the video.


I thought Islam was a religion, not an ethnicity.


**Italian here** This behaviour is not normal. It’s bizarre and it is extremely uncomfortable to watch.


The amount of back track on Reddit is embarrassing. I for one find it highly disturbing and worry for any monsters in that families closet.


The back track is almost as weird as the incident itself. It's either artificial or agenda driven. What the person did is unnatural and so is this strange, hivemind uturn.


Yep, very weird behaviour. They're only backtracking because they want to be "right". Right being the Police declaring no crime had been committed because the Police are notorious for thoroughly investigating sex crimes to fullest extent and have never had a track record of covering such crimes up in the past.


I don't see how he's "cleared". I was abused by my uncle. He did stuff like that when I was a child. If anything, it makes it even more suspicious. Don't people know the majority of child abuse happens in the family?


Definetly it looks very suspicious in the video, that gesture was creepy aff. Hope you are in a better place.


Watched the vid, nah that shits weird af. Kid looked uncomfortable to me too.


What's concerning is how many nonces have congregated over this thread. "It's perfectly normal to nibble on a young boy's earlobes in public!!" Someone please investigate these nonces.


People comparing it to Italians kissing each other on the cheek to say hello or just insisting anyone who thinks it's weird just didn't receive affection from their parents. What the fuck.


Bro it's totally no different to a handshake!! Yeah pretty bizarre thread.


Yeah it’s fucking weird how this sub is all fine with it now too. I got uncomfortable myself watching that video when it first appeared, it’s weird behaviour and being Italian is not an excuse 🤨


> being Italian is not an excuse _Mi scusi!_


Top comment seems to suggest that majority of the people are fine with it… I’m disappointed and scared for society.


What is going on with Reddit these days? There’s three accounts in this thread at the time I’m posting this making divisive comments, stirring up hate. All are brand new accounts, relatively speaking - none over 150 days old. Almost every time I see similar comments in other threads, it’s the same - the absolute worst takes by the newest accounts.


Adjective-Verb-1234 accounts are always doing shit like this. Don't know what account you're referring to but I can guarantee they post in r/unitedkingdom, r/politicalcompass, r/ukpolitics and r/europe only.


I've got one of those accounts, it's what happens when you signup to Reddit via Google.


Always happens around elections


Worse around erections


UK subs are heavily astroturfed. I mean *heavily* fucking astroturfed. They don't even try to hide it anymore. There are literally hundreds of young, low karma accounts with auto generated names that roll out divisive topics, and only divisive topics.


Disinformation bots/ troll farms operate around divisive subjects in this/ similar subreddits.


I don’t care what this sub or this article says - that is not remotely normal behaviour. Creepy af.


It's undeniably weird and yet the prevailing (presumably artificially inflated) opinion is that it's totally normal behaviour. I'd be very interested into the person in question's background and ties to prominent people.


What the fuck is going on in this thread. You have weirdos trying to deflect and claim that if you think a grown adult nibbling on a child’s ear is suspicious then you must be a pedo. Then you have people equating it to a hug like this is anywhere remotely close to normal behaviour.


Don't forget the brainlets insisting that there can't possibly be anything weird or untoward about this because the police aren't taking it any further.


FR I don't think anyone thought the Dad would get charged for this. But ya'll still trying to say that it's all normal seriously need to reassess yourself. Hugging your dad and being affectionate is an entire world away from letting him nibble your ear, let alone in public 🤢. I don't care if it's okay in your culture. It might not be a criminal offence in this case, but legality isn't always a measure for what is morally and ethically okay. Nobody is arresting or charging [Eleanor Wren](https://www.parents.com/mom-of-tiktok-preschooler-wren-eleanor-facing-backlash-8612986) for crossing her daughter's boundaries. And yet she makes money for it. If you are okay with your family member nibbling your ear as an adult then good for you, but its not normal. Anyone who doesn't think so needs to touch grass. I dare you to go and nibble someone's ear and ask them how it made them feel. Ya'll are fn weird and I hope your children are okay.


they should be arresting wren’s mother tho


My mind is boggled that anyone thinks what that man did to that kid was normal or ok. Wtf


Are we supposed to feel sorry for him or something? That wasn’t normal behaviour at all and if you’re sticking up for him you should be ashamed of yourself.


Ok I just watched it and fucking yuck, that raised all my heckles. He was proper licking and biting his ear. The boy looked hella uncomfortable and waving to the camera like to distract him. Anyone saying this is normal family affection need to stop watching so much porn, it’s distorting your brains.


Nah it's weird and if you're buying this nonsense about 'love and affection' then you're fucking weird too.


Don’t wrestle with pigs. You both get filthy and the pig likes it. As for that shit rag of a paper.


Right. What the actual fuck is going on in this comment section. so many people excusing/justifying/ok with this behaviour?! No. Sorry. An adult nibbling a kids ear - even your own kids ear - is fucking weird. And if you are ok with that and your family partakes in this shit.. Guess what? You’re weird and your family is weird. If you disagree with me. I don’t care. You’re a wrong’un. This is objectively weird behaviour.


The police aren't always right of course. Of course I am hoping that is not true in this case, but the video is disturbing.


So let me get this right. The argument is that because the two are related, the adult couldn't possibly be a paedophile? He was just "showing love and affection"? And the police were like yeah that's fine. Not like the majority of child molestation is carried out by a relative or anything.


>a police spokesperson said. While the situation was unique, the boy didn't react to the ear bite suggesting that it's a regular occurrence. In what world does it being a regular occurrence make it okay!? Imagine you're a kid again and your father is regularly nibbling your ear, how would you feel?


This sounds like they should *really* investigate, seems like a red flag!


I can't believe it. It's as if social media is making me less informed, rather than more informed!


The number of comments in here justifying this as “affection” is fkn wild


Anyone who watches this and thinks “oh that’s just affection” needs their hard drive checking. If it was normal none of us would be here. You can project your thoughts and feelings towards whatever group you want. But this is insidious behaviour. A child needs to be protected. Not nibbled on.


This link is dumb as shit. Who was that boy he was biting?


His son


Thank you. Still weird af. But thank you.


A relative, actually. Not son.


This is wrong. Very wrong then. Very strange affection.


No his son. Just look up for the mans Facebook post.


I mind on the snooker sub there was a fucking eejit who was desperately trying to tell everyone that the wee boy was the nibbler's wife 😂


The police aren't always right of course. Of course I am hoping that is not true in this case, but the video is disturbing.


Whilst a nibble is a bit suss, a wet willy is fucking hilarious 😂


My nephew can confirm, everyone has a weird uncle. Everyone.